Mayor says sideshow crackdown to happen in the South Bay

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showing that you will not get away with it and you will be held accountable. It's illegal in San Jose to participate in a sideshow tonight. Mayor Matt Mahan making it clear illegal sideshows will not be tolerated in San Jose. If you come to San Jose to participate in a sideshow, you will go home in handcuffs or on the bus because we will arrest you. We will impound your vehicle and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. This week, San Jose Police arrested three people in connection to last Saturday's sideshow at Santana Row one that happened in the middle of the day when many people were out and about, and one that involved damage to a patrol car while an officer was inside. Sideshows have become all too common throughout the Bay Area, including in the South Bay. In April, there was a series of them in Mountain View, near Stanford and in Menlo Park, and in January this video shows a large group surrounding a car doing donuts near the sap center. Then, in October of last year, San Jose police responded to several while spectators set off illegal fireworks. Two cars crashed, but last weekend's video showing people stomping on a police car and breaking the windshield while an officer was inside put even more attention to the type of behavior that won't be tolerated. We've already made three arrests and we have many more to come, and it's expected to be a busy weekend in the South Bay. One of the Copa América soccer matches will be at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara Saturday afternoon, expected to bring thousands of fans. And tonight people were already out and about at shopping malls as we head into the weekend, Mayor Mehan says officers will be patrolling. Our officers will be out there. I mentioned we have our automatic license plate reader network that is up and running with now about 250 cameras. We have that air support unit and we did try to reach out to San Jose Police. They were not available for an interview tonight, but
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 7,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: San Jose, Bay Area news
Id: 43E_sHtnOO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 54sec (114 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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