Mayor Granted Power To Ban Guns & Ammo

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hey everybody welcome back to guns gadgets your premier source for Second Amendment news the world the country especially is going crazy over this coronavirus thing everything around us has been cancelled or suspended or whatever so it's been a been a crazy day here with all the kids and stuff but something's going on and not just here but another part of the country that are very worthwhile of paying attention to and I want to thank the sponsor of the news again gun Pro deals check them out you can find them google them they are a vast super store of items that are interesting to us whether it's shooting hunting fishing or anything in between they have all kinds of tools that are useful to the trade check them out I think you're going to like their prices there as well and I want to thank them again for for helping the channel it means a lot so let's get into the news so I was literally downstairs earlier and I was thumbing through Instagram and you know getting ready for the President's speech on coronavirus and I saw a post by Tim over at military arms channel and it was forwarding from an announcement from the NRA ila about Champaign Illinois and how they were having an emergency a special meeting today to grant the mayor emergency powers due to the corona virus and if you've drilled down into it it's actually a pretty dangerous declaration now some similar declarations have been made during times of emergency declarations but some of the powers that are in these if you don't pay attention to them you really don't understand just how dangerous they can be and how powerful that mayor or the that's select board comes under this declaration so I'm gonna get into it I'll have the declaration posted down below if you really want to read it but I'm gonna read the most important part of it here and so this this meeting happened this morning it really was 9:30 this morning and their emergency meeting was to can consider council bill 2020 - 0 - - that's what I have linked down below and it they voted the mayor voted herself the power her name is Debra Frank Finan F I in EN and she signed an executive order that has yeah now what these declarations really are meant to do is that in times of emergency where decisions need to be made quick and often require changes to certain policies that are long-standing and you don't have the time for the for that bureaucracy to take place then when you give somebody emergency powers they can make those decisions and acts during that declaration period basically it acts as law and similar to what you saw in New Orleans after Katrina the illegal violation of people's rights when they went door to door seizing weapons it this hopefully this could be that bad but I don't I hope it won't be but I just wanted to bring it to everybody to make sure you were all in the know so if you live in or around Champaign you can get this information now these are some of the things that the mayor can order in the interest of public safety and welfare number one issue such other orders as are imminently necessary for the protection of life and property like I just told you number two order a general curfew applicable to such geographical areas of the city or of the city as a whole as the mayor deems advisable and applicable during such hours of the day or the night that the mayor deems necessary in the interest of public safety or welfare so she can declare a curfew and say hey 8 p.m. everybody's inside and that's bad because anybody who is outside the Gestapo can lock up for violating curfew that's yeah let's move on number three they can order the clothes or she can order the closing of all retail liquor stores including taverns and private clubs or portions thereof we're in the consumption of intoxicating liquor and beer is permitted so she can order the whole city to be dry she can order the discontinuance of the sale of alcoholic liquor by any wholesaler or retailer so she can take your bread and butter away from you just like that say you want a liquor store she can just shut you down because she could also order the discontinuance of selling distributing or giving away gasoline or other liquid flammable or combustible products in any container other than a gasoline tank properly affixed to a motor vehicle so she can stop you from from prepping by storing gasoline in case you happen to see a storm coming and you have a generator and those run on gasoline she can order that not to happen as far as getting the gasoline and to give it away for free you know she could stop you from helping your friends and your neighbors and your countrymen really that's something great six order the discontinuance of selling distributing dispensing or giving away of explosives or explosive agents to include firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever so she can order the sale or the distribution or dispensing of firearms she can order it away just like that she can make her city a gun-free zone good luck with that one if you are familiar with human nature and I am NOT a scholarly person however in the field that I work in I'm pretty damn good at when you start to see things unravel first you know fear starts to set in take this coronavirus fear starts to set in then confusion starts to set in and then people start to scramble okay then panic sets in then you get your your frantic buying and hoarding of everything which is where we are right now and then it starts to break down a rationing okay and that actually nowhere to lie there's a Walmart about a mile from here where my my son went to go help some people in the area to get some supplies for them and they were limiting everything to two things each - paper towel rolls - toilet paper rolls two gallons of water so there's your rationing there's your Bernie Sanders trial period and then what comes next when people can't get what they need anger starts to set in all right and then what happens after that people have to make a decision and that's when you know unfortunately crime can start to happen people can start to take things that they want if they see you as a weak target they can target you and try to take things from you which is why you need your second amendment tools to protect you yourselves your loved ones and those around you don't give up that opportunity it's your god-given right no matter who the mayor's think she is now I don't I'm not telling you the mayor's gonna do that but it is a possibility so please keep that in your frontal lobe she also could order the control restriction and regulation within the city by rationing issuing quotas fixing or freezing prices allocating the use sale or distribution of food fuel clothing or other commodities materials goods or services for the necessary necessities of life they can become a communist nation you know get you getting lying for your bread everybody gets this amount of fuel that's exactly what it could spiral down to shake it also orders city employees or agents on behalf of the city to take possession of any real or personal property from any person or to acquire full title or such lesser interest as may be necessary to deal with a disaster emergency and to take possession of in for a limited time occupy and use any real estate or to accomplish alleviation of the disaster or the effects thereof quartering she can take your car if she needs it your truck your high water vehicle if she finds out you have you prep then you have food they can come in and take it all right they can try but this is a direct dismantling of the Bill of Rights of the Declaration of Independence and just for the flu now if they damage your property they can be liable to the owner for the reasonable value of the use or compensation as the case may be so if they value your house if they destroy every reason and they value a tattoo grand that's what you get and there's a whole list of things here there's actually 28 there's 30 different things that she could do approve application for local state federal assistance which is stuff that they use this for anyway all kinds of thing declare insure enforce modify or terminate orders for quarantine isolation of people there's all kinds of stuff I'll have this link down below it's like if you can't read it start on page 11 it's called Exhibit A orders and regulations section 12 39 so there's a lot of power that the mayor of Champaign Illinois has just granted herself hopefully it doesn't get down to what it could possibly do but I just wanted to let everybody know what what is now going on there what could actually have so keep your heads on a swivel keep your ears open and keep yourselves ready at all times ladies and gentlemen I hope that you are well during this panic for the flu not downplaying it but I'm also not doing that panic thing all right ladies and gentlemen thank you for your time your support over the last 48 hours man has been it's just rocked my family to the core my kids are just stunned at how many people have reached out and my wife is in shock and awe trying to read and respond to some of the emails with me thank you all really means so much that we are a family that the secretary community is a family and there's nothing that that nothing anybody can do about that we're we're here for each other so also don't forget I'm sure you already know but will the daily shooter they deewana ties to him again for the third time in six months and my buddy Koda boy 32 he get demonetized too so if you watch those channels you know if you can't help him out if not check them out you know they are solid cats doing some solid stuff and I'm sure we're gonna when I could be the only three I'm sure you're gonna see others in the next couple days hopefully not but we press on so we see each other again thank you so much for your time can't do it without you be safe stay vigilant carry a weapon take care everybody
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Views: 572,779
Rating: 4.9143386 out of 5
Keywords: mayor granted power to ban guns and ammo, mayor granted power to ban guns, jyanis, guns and gadgets, guns & gadgets, gun control, 2nd amendment, 2nd amendment news, second amendment, 2a, 2a news, gun and gadgets, champlaign illinois, gun ban, state of emergency, gun stores, guns and ammo, gun sales, covid 19, Ammo shortage
Id: X_IxqGKuy1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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