Maya Tutorial - Rocket Launch Smoke Simulation

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hey your money from television TV and in this tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to create a rocket-launching animation with some smoke in Maya 2018 so let's get started alright so here we are in Maya I'm using Maya 2018 and this is the animation that we're going to be creating so I'm gonna stop this and I'm gonna go to file new scene and we don't want to save that so I've got my little rocket ship as an obj file that I will be uploading and you can find a link down in the description if you want to use it or you can use your own rocket so I'm gonna go to file and then I'm gonna go to import I'm gonna find my obj file import that and cool we've got our rocket in our scene so first of all I'm gonna set up the animation so I'm going to go to the animation tab and I'm going to select the rocket and basically we just want to animate the translation in Y so make sure you on your first frame right click on translation set a key so you're setting a keyframe and they don't want to set my frame range to only around 50 like that so you're just sitting at here at the bottom and then I'm gonna go to frame 50 and I'm simply gonna move the rocket just drag it up and then I'm gonna write the control sled again set a key so we've got a keyframe on frame 50 as well and now if we play this back you'll see we've got that animation okay next I want to create a flow as well so under poly modeling I'm gonna select a box or a cube and we're gonna scale it up by pressing R on the keyboard and I'm just dragging it out like so and also this way and then I'm just gonna move it down so W movie dancer it's kind of below the grid something like that okay next we want to set up our smoke simulation so go to the effects tab and then under fluids we're gonna click on 3d container that's going to create your 3d container for the smoke and let's hide the floor so I'm going to select the floor and then on the keyboard press H for height and then that's gonna hide the floor and you're gonna see it's gonna create an emitter as well this little dotty and the center of this container and we don't want to use that we're gonna create our own emitter so just to leave that okay next we want to create our emitter so under poly modeling I'm gonna click a simple sphere like that and then I'm gonna scale it down and this is gonna be our smoky emitter and if i zoom in you want to make sure this is small enough so it can actually fit into this rocket all right like that okay and you can scale it up so like be like so right so that's gonna be our emitter and for now I'm gonna move it out so we can see it it's gonna place it to the right there alright thanks we want to set up some parameters for our smoke 3d container so I'm going to select the container and then under the fluid shape one panel I'm gonna go to Auto resize okay expand that and then just click Auto resize and that'll basically just resize this box according to the amount of smoke that the emitter is releasing as you can see there we have a smaller box and it's not doing anything because we don't really have any metal yet so I'm gonna stop that and then with this 3d container selected I'm gonna shift-click on the sphere and we're gonna go to fluids and I'm gonna go to add edit contents and then emit from object and this will basically tell our simulation to use this sphere as our emitter so now if we play this back you will see that our sphere is actually emitting some smoke so I'm gonna stop that and I'm gonna select my fluid container once more and there's some other things that we need to change you so I'm going to scroll up to container properties and I'm going to increase the base resolution to around 50 or so that's just gonna give us a higher resolution smoke simulation alright to propel this back you'll see that the smoke is looking a little bit better and next you want to select your emitter so under your sphere if you expand it in the outliner you'll see fluid in metal one and it's some stuff that I want to change here so under basic emitter attributes currently the emitter type asset is surface this means that the smoke will be emitted from the surface of this object and we want to set that to Omni and that's just gonna create a bit more smoke for you so if we play this back you'll see that the smoke is a little bit more dense as just looking a bit better and I'm gonna stop that go back and then there's a couple of more things that we want to change here and then also under basic emitter at you can see the right percentage is set to 100 I'm gonna increase that to 500 let's play back and see and that'll basically just create more smoke for your simulation that's looking good we can even increase this to maybe 1000 see how that looks okay playback you can see that's nice and dense and next we want to go to our emission speed attributes you can expand that and I'm gonna set this to replace and this is where we're gonna tell the smoke to actually force downwards okay so I'm gonna set my directional speed to 1 and that's just the speed of the the smoke basically and then you cut your direction XY and Z and we want to tell the smoke to shoot downwards so that's gonna be negative Y so I'm just gonna set this to minus 10 and let's have a look see what happens yeah that's leaking all right you can see it's forcing downwards and obviously we have gravity as well so the smoke is gonna rise and for this tutorial I'm gonna disable gravity I'm gonna set it to zero so I'm gonna go back to my fluid one the container and then we're gonna go to dynamics simulation just expand that and you can currently and you can see the gravity say to 9.8 I'm going to set that to zero so we don't have any gravity and it's played back so you can see the smoke is now being forced downwards and that's working right I'm gonna stop that go back to the first frame and then we want to change some of the properties of our smokes are still under the fluid one container we're gonna go to contents details just expand that and then you'll see density velocity turbulence temperature all of these things and it expand density let's see if there's anything here that we can change buoyancy you can increase that and I'm not going to go through the meaning of all these parameters I've got a different tutorial on creating smoke simulations but we can just change some of these things to just make it look more realistic so let's increase the noise as well and let's go to velocity let's see if there's anything here we can add some swirls just gonna add a bit of swirl a bit of noise turbulence we can add a bit of turbulence or strength frequency speed just maybe added a little bit of those things let's play that back okay you can see this but open noise a bit of turbulence in a smoke now okay now we can minimize the contents details and I'm gonna go to textures just click those three boxes it's gonna make it look better and then to lighting as well I'm gonna enable self shadow alright next I want to go back to the emitter so under your sphere one just click on the fluid emitter and let's just go through some of these settings here I think this one more thing that I wanted to change yes under fluid attributes you'll see there's a density voxels per second and currently this is set to one and I'm gonna increase this to ten and that's also just the density of your smoke so we want it nice and dense then as you can see that's looking much better so let's stop that go back to the first frame and now we want to attach our sphere to our rocket so I'm gonna select the sphere just move it up into place some way like that okay and then with our sphere selectivity and the outliner I'm basically gonna drag it and put it underneath our rocket so now I've got your rocket that's a parent then you put sphere and then underneath this way you've got your emitter so now if we zoom out here and I play back you'll see that the smoke is actually following our rocket okay next we want to set up some collisions so I'm gonna unhide my floor so with the floor selector just press H on the keyboard and let's maybe just rename this P cube to floor okay got that and then I'm gonna select my fluid container box and I'm going to select the rocket ship so I'm gonna hold and shift-click on the rocket and then you're gonna click on fluency at the top and then make collide and that will basically allow the smoke to collide with a rocket and we're gonna do the same on the floor so I'm gonna select my container and also the floor go to fluids and then click on make collide alright let's play that back all right as you can see it's not looking too bad you can obviously go through your smoke simulation settings and just play with the parameters and you can obviously add some external forces as well to make it more interesting but yeah this is just the basics to get you started and that's how easy it is to set up a rocket-launching animation with some smoke in Maya 2018 hope you guys enjoyed this one clicking that thumbs up if you did and also remember to click on subscribe button if you want to be notified of new tutorials I upload new motion graphics and visual effects tutorials on a weekly basis so yeah clicking the subscribe button and you'll be notified thanks for watching see you guys next time just bye
Channel: TunnelvizionTV
Views: 65,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, tutorial, fluid, simulation, smoke, rocket, launch, maya smoke, maya fluid, maya smoke tutorial, maya fluid tutorial, dynamic simulation, dynamic, maya smoke simulation, maya fluid simulation, maya rocket launch, animation, maya animation, maya animation tutorial, maya rocket smoke, rocket smoke, rocket launch smoke, maya 2018, dynamic simulation tutorial, maya dynamic simulation, fluid sim, tunnelviziontv, visual effects, vfx
Id: e8JbSX_DDio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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