Maya Rigging for Beginners - SET DRIVEN KEY

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Hey hello guys welcome back to my channel and it's been really a while since I've actually shared a video on treating Ricky with you guys maybe I think this is the first time I'm actually doing a tutorial on 3d wreaking anyway so here we are so I'm not gonna be as much time so let's try to buy it go on to the topic which are actually going to see today for example as you can able to see in my scene it's a very basic scene and I'm going to use a very popular and very important tool in Maya when it comes to rigging and animation it's called the set driven key okay well actually the name itself it says driven key since the menu set in Maya it says set then driven key people call it a driven key sometimes people refer to it as SDK okay not software development kit the animators when they say they actually mean settlement key SDK okay so here we are so in this scene what I'm actually trying to do is my motto is when I actually rotate this lever okay for example hang on a second what happened okay just one second okay when I actually going to rotate this guy in this way okay I need these two doors to open at the same time for example this is a handle and these two doors are automatically opening when I actually overtake this okay so I'm gonna just get you through step by step how to do it first of all before we start this exercise there are some prerequisites that you guys need to know about this is not a beginner level this is an intermediate lesson in 3d Maya for example I'm not going talk about grouping so I believe the people who are actually looking at this tutorial know about how to group objects in Maya for example this guy right here these are these are individual objects right but actually even I press the up arrow button you can see here it says lock l1 which is a group okay if we go to outliner I have four groups group 1 2 3 4 ok so control G is the shortcut key in order to create a group in Maya so please refer to some other references so that you can able to know about how to group objects ok it's not inside the scope of this tutorial so I'm I'm actually going to skip how to group right so in this scene I have one individual object that actually has a name reveal and I have three different frames which is dummy objects yep as you can see I did not even name them properly because I don't care what they are just for their looking purposes and I have 4 groups I showed you as as you can as you can see in here an outliner lock l1 l2 r1 r2 r1 stands for right one right to left one left to four groups ok that's it so as I said before we are actually going to rotate this in this way when it completes 360 degree which is one full rotation mathematically so these doors should open ok let's address the first let me just throw this out let's actually see what's the problem now when this door opens based upon the scene actually the door rotates by its center which is wrong the people who actually know the pivot point in Maya might have figured out the problem already it's very very simple meaning the center point of this object is actually at the center for this purpose we have to actually move the center point in Maya we call it pivot point to its sides for example a door opens this way for example the door has its attachment somewhere here in the hinge ok we call it door hinge so if we're gonna actually move it if you press W as you can see it's right at the center so other job is to move this center point to somewhere here so that the door opens in the way that it usually opens ok so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna press insert key in your keyboard insert when you actually insert you can see the pivot point actually is changes I mean the gizmo changes now you're allowed to move the center point okay so try to be as precise as possible but there is no need for you for this particular exercise to be hundred percent precise just keep it may be ok this way helps you ok just not too far not too long just right there alright once you are done once you're happy with the position make sure that you come out of the P word editing mode which is insert again ok so now you go back and see the door opened this way ok this is what exactly we want for this particular exercise so the thing is I'm gonna quickly do the same thing to this guy cut this here insert button moot is all the way to the side okay insert again come back here and check whether it works properly yes of course it works ok now before you start anything make sure everything is in 0 as you can see translate ye rotate everything is in Xero to avoid and you know the problems that you might rise for example calculation will not be a problem from zero it's easy to calculate as you can see - 57 I can clearly see just imagine if this object is already in - 12 so from - blow when I move it it adds a decline from that value so gonna be really really tough to calculate what's the initial point is so it's always better to ensure that all the objects that you have selected in the same or zeroed out so that you don't have to have a calculation issue right and one more thing for this particular exercise in order for you to easily understand I'm gonna switch off the grid so that will just give you a clearer view okay so now let's get straight to the point this guy okay there are two things insert ribbon key by the way let me show you quickly how to reach set driven key option in Maya this is Maya 2016 by the way make sure that your guys are in animation mode when you are an animation you can able to see different menu sets here go to key set driven key is set okay set once you said this is the main video that you usually get okay there are two aspects in set driven key one is driver other one is driven okay consider a car if you are driving a car you actually drive the car which means you become the driver right and when you turn the steering of the car you are tires the front tires of the car turns which means you control the tires so tires are driven by you are in other words the whole car is driven by you so which is there are two aspects one is a driver other one is a driven so driver is a who's actually going to act first for example a car cannot turn itself first you have to react you have to turn the car in turn the car will turn you know what I mean right so the thing is in our scene our motto is to turn this guy so this turning effect eventually will affect these doors to open correct like Tom Rader movie whatever okay so now we have to decide which one is tribal as I said consider the whole situation as a car this is a driver so I'm gonna say load driver so the wheel is going to be the one which is going to control the doors simple okay so now the door this door okay I have already named it properly make sure that you guys name the models so that you will not have a problem and now I have named it door right so when I actually load driven there this window actually represents when the wheel does something whatever it does according to it the door will perform something this is what we have actually set it up now so now we have to decide what happens to this should affect this in which way for example zero it down right so now this guy just rotate this when I rotate this just take a look at here take a look at here can you see which one is the only option which is effecting now is rotate in easy axis which is a z axis so meaning I am actually going to work this out in z axis so the human we actually mathematically know 360 degree is one food rotation for any object so what I'm gonna do now is when the rotate Z right I have to select a rotate Z because that the only access which is going to rotate when this rotate in his axis what will this happen so this will open just watch here please so that will open up in rotate Y so I need to select rotate Y so we have already selected the whole thing when the wheel rotate in z axis the door will do something in rotation of y axis simple ok now let's put up the value first of all make sure it's in rotate Z which is selected here which is 0 here this is a driven object rotate Y make sure the rotate Y is 0 this is the starting position so I'm gonna say key this is the first key ok now let me rotate this to the end position which is 3 360 so I'm gonna type 360 ok and this I'm gonna go to too much okay maybe minus one one five okay this is enough I'm gonna just select key so what happens now is as you can see oh sorry it should be in the same angle okay as you can able to see when I actually rotate is Z right when I rotate this this happens so when I actually zero it down full close when I actually make it - 360 full open okay we successfully animated one automatic door according to the movement of this so doing the other one is as easy as one two three just follow the same things load driver select this guy load driven okay it's gonna be the same thing wheel rotate is there right framework so just check it out yesterday but it is that so this guy may be the axis will different for example yes instead of Y - it actually works in positive direction because this door was working in - this is in positive for obvious reasons okay I cannot explain from preliminary level hope you guys understand why it is so now so what I'm gonna do now is when this guy is zero in this guy is rotate which direction is it I'm sorry why okay so rotate Y initial position key when when this guy goes to minus 360 oops okay when this guy needs to go to one one five I have given - 115 for the other door I'm just giving the positive value for this door and I'm gonna set key so when you actually go back to this as you can able to see this is what happens simple is that okay when this guy is in zero okay the both the doors are closed watch here when I move this when I actually rotate this when it reaches minus 360 the doors both of the doors opens completely okay all right so - to 360 all right so click here middle click you know tribes and drop drag so that you can able to animate this all right we've actually done this now quickly now you got the idea right you can apply this driver and the driven concept in impossibly many ways for example this guy over here for a fancy item I have actually achieved my goal but in here in order to make it more dramatic I have one two three four items for example okay lock one log - all right so now when I actually rotate this into 360 I need this guy to move down a bit for example let me just let me just show you quickly okay so just zero it up okay so I'm gonna put this as a driver because this is going to control this okay instead of selecting here in the scene go ahead and select the group load driven okay lock l1 that's the name of the group so what I'm gonna do is same thing this is going to rotate in easy okay and this guy just check what did happen just check we go chill oops when I move down watch here they move down it actually moves in okay minus four minus 4.2 okay minus 4.2 all right 4.2 is what I need so when it is in zero and this is translate why right translate why yes I'm gonna be translate why okay so now key that's the first question the next one is when it actually goes to [Music] rotate is that minus 360 this guy going to move to minus 4.2 key again now if you go back you can test ooh that door hinge also knows if it adds more dramatic feeling you know what I mean so the thing is that so same thing rinse and repeat okay now this time is going to be okay for example this is moving in the same direction right so this has to move in the same direction minus y so I'm gonna select this as a driver and I'm gonna select this should be yes lock are one load ribbon okay so when I actually first of all is 0 this is 0 rotate Z this is translate y correct key now this guy minus 360 and right one need to move - for pine - yep key again so here we are e when you wrote read it ooh those teeth two things works together okey doke now we have got these two guys together now you don't have to do it individually because for example left to and right to is going to move in the same direction which is going to be plus y if I'm not wrong okay so what are you can able to do is you can load this guy as driver unload lock to and right - I mean left one and right one as driven can you see here both of it but make no mistake guys the thing is just check as you can see this value here past the due direction let's let's do one thing let's find out what's the maximum level these guys are coming up for example this is the maximum limit in - 360 and how much the guy should reach to reach here is 3.9 yes 3.9 okay find that value for Z okay so I'm gonna just do this 0 of 3 point 9 just remind that three point nine when the wheel moves in - is head as usual okay these two guys select both of them click and drag select both of them or select this and shift select another one make sure both of them are selected very very important okay both of them are selected when the move when the wheel moves in overtake is head lock left - and right - should move in transit with y okay key this is number one position right then this hits my poop's and make no mistake guys one axis - 360 these two guys okay lock - right - okay W move here I just made a little mistake here but it's fine okay key all right so if you actually go back II when you actually rotate this guy several things happens at the same time first of all two doors open and there are it looks like more robotic and mechanical door because these hinges okay actually work together with the door so it looks more natural and dramatic okay one mistake actually made in this tutorial was as you can able to see that supposition difference this guy and this guy okay as you can see here it actually touches and here there's a gap okay well the thing is concept reminds the same okay maybe the translation are I did not zero it out this particular group okay that might be the error happened but you know the idea I'm pretty much here okay so this is how it actually works dies so zero wait set driven key so here it is alright we can able to just to do this for our many many other occasions for example one particular I'll give you another idea when this guy is here for example this is driver and these two doors are driven when this guy comes towards the door these two doors needs to open you know what piece of cake you can able to do it for example this is translate just look at here translate X so in this example if this is translate X and when it reaches translate x value nearly for these two doors need to rotate in for example yes Y axis that's it okay so this is going to be the driver and these two guys to be the driven okay so it's up to your imagination you can able to do magic with set driven key and this concept is used widely when it comes to animation and rigging okay so hope you hope this tutorial helps you to understand the basic concept behind the set driven key and Maya so in the future I will try my level best to bring you guys more clear examples if I have the time okay so meanwhile if you have any doubts please just share it with me in the comment section and the please visit my channel well I know I'm a newbie I don't have much things in my channel but I'm trying to explain as simple as possible to the learners of Maya and other 3d applications anyway thanks for your listening and have a nice day guys and all the very best with your animation and drinking and take care of yourself alright bye now bye bye
Channel: Suren Sniper
Views: 3,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, rigging, animation, set, key, rigger, suren, tutorial, automation, 3d, autodesk, door, rig, set driven key, driver, driven, surendheran, 2d, 2017, maya beginners, SDK
Id: wu1T0enIm2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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