Maya MASH combined with BIFROST tutorial 2018

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hello guys so yes it has been a long time since I've done any videos apologize for that I seem to say that in every single video that I've done for the past two years it just comes down to just being ridiculously busy but I found that I'm just kind of it because at the beginning the year now finished some projects and before the next one start a fan of it time so hopefully we can knock out a few videos and do some fun stuff so today's video I'm just gonna be playing around we're gonna use beer mash you can use a bit of Bifrost and yeah that's just just for my first video it's just have a bit of fun and just to do so a bit odd again not pushing my limits but just kind of thinking outside the box so yeah yeah that's just let's begin so I was gonna create a little cube here which is just gonna be the floor or base of our scene I'm just gonna scale it out like so it's gonna chop that down so it's just just below the main grid and then I think we should we do shall we do let's just get spear and well let's just animate that around a bit so I'm just gonna should be animating around should we put a curve on it it's a tricky one let's just create curve so just curve C VTOL CV curve and I'm just gonna make a whole crazy let's just hit return there check that up and I'm just gonna grab some points and believe I must have soft selection on substitution I don't mind you on but we could just change the radius to be honest and that might help us a little bit anyway there we go so let's just grab a few points that just start putting around if my mouse goes a bit funky sometimes it's just because I'm recording so what's been going on while you've been away I've got a new machine which is epic this nice new is Zed 840 I'm sitting with 24 core 48 Fred 128 gig of ram I've got that from his scope turn on and they're not sponsoring this or anything but amazing amazing place to get your equipment from if if you are looking for some very nice kit so I can IPR render really fast this only got a 10 ie GTX in it sorry 1080i tie but this is pretty nifty pretty nifty so let's just grab this this is looking a bit funky let's just smooth it out and it's going to go into modeling surfaces I'm going to hit smooth wherever days come on come on I'm sure you guys have seen it and I oven oh sorry curves smooth what I won't want it hang out curves smooth smooth aeration just one is gonna marry it's just animation path so back into animation menu and I'm gonna go remember where this is it's moving it's gonna be in constraints may be nominee effects menu animation menu strain motion path detached from motion path when she's gonna stick a value in here let's just say 150 hit apply close that let's just change my timeline to 150 and we just rewind the other thing I'm gonna do see why I'm here it's gonna go windows animation add a graphic and I'm just gonna get rid of the Bezier on this curve just select the curve and I'm just gonna hit linear up here so that is all done so now when I hit play we're just get a linear time all the way along that bad boy okay so not very exciting but let's just see if we can make it exciting Sheree so it's just remind and I've got the sphere and I'm just gonna go into the effects menu and I'm gonna say Bifrost fluids let's create an arrow liquid let's create liquid from that object so first thing that's going to happen is we're gonna get this bounding box around it that's what I want to do if we just get the airliner in here I want to grab this sphere because this sphere in the attributes creates an emitter props tab and we want to turn on continuous emission okay that way Bifrost is going to be continuously I mean so if I hit play now it's gonna go off and do this thing and start throwing juice everywhere we can kind of slow that down a little while and stop it going as far as that so the next thing I do I'm just coming to floor a Collider so we just selected the bounding box little floor I'm just gonna go Bifrost very Collider so that's not colliding now let's just let's see it go around curve a little bit and they should just start in the floor and through floor so yet bouncing off so now we're gonna go to the Bifrost material itself I'm gonna go into the container the liquid properties and I'm just going to miss around a few things in here so first of all I want a viscosity to be quite high so in turning the viscosity off we're gonna make this more less like a water liquid and more like a gooey substance so glue gel all that kind of thing so I'm just gonna stick in 20 here and we should just start seeing like a different looks straight away see it's a bit more gloopy but what I wanted to do is just to stop kind of if this was in particles we would ask it ask it nicely to follow this path nevertheless last word for it I can't me what it's called less something don't worry we'll find we'll get there in a minute our brains a mess so voxel size transpose depth adaptivity exercise grid direction so first of all get rid of gravity so don't really want to drop in entire pipe with distribution vorticity minimis max mistakes max transport steps transport time scow so I'm gonna lay this down to null point one and it should start behaving a bit better there we go so let's transport transport time steps and it's not flinging off all over the place because scout the time down on its dynamic attributes okay so it's kind of doing more wanted to do whatever what I might do now is with this selected I'm just going to go into by force fluids and I'm going to add a motion field and I'm going to just click on turbulence turn off Direction scour fix speed I'm going to turn that off and it's going to turn a magnitude up just to see if we can get a little bit of break up with in that Bifrost might take a little bit of while for it to kick in because of the transport step so it's just weighing that right there turbulence and noise turn the magnitude of turbulence up we might have gone way too far but we'll see a guy started to do some funky old stuff there but she's cool or not cool and I think Molly would be a little bit too much so just bring this down let's just bring this down and just see who's playing because we've got this motion field magnitude but we've also got a turbulence magnitude trying to kind of work out which is controlling this bad boy most of all I sort of write ish we've got like some kind of turbulence breakup going on here might wanna up my game a bit on that and I may want to introduce some noise we're nearly there I mean again for this video just showing you how to do a few different steps sort of stuff this well she playing with there we go again a bit break up there whatever okay so next step what are we doing this for and why we're doing it okay so obviously this is a liquid so if I just go and create I render a v-ray by the way so you can do what it's Arnold if that's what you use in I'm just gonna stick in some kind of rectangle light and I'm just gonna go sorry and spring over here and I'm also going to just go at my settings and just make sure I've got the race selected and I'm just gonna hit an IPR I'm just gonna drag that in and you see this black a chain really what we want it's not gonna help anyone is it so let's just go into the Bifrost container and we're looking for the Bifrost mission tab there and enable that now while I'm enabling that I'm also going to hide the actual Bifrost liquid so control H so it would just left with the mesh and if IPR that we shouldn't have a black let's just stop that in my not update area we've got a black black black scene so let's just go into the liquid again I'm gonna flip the normals on it my first liquid liquid shape by force machine flip facing the walls try that that's not what evil finally you know maybe it's a shade of pink so it might just have an Arnold shader attached to it so we're just quickly create a v-ray MTL yeah I'm just going to drag that away a minute just going to select my by force material and I'm just gonna sign the v-ray MTO to it and they'll just see if this starts playing ball yes don't play ball okay so at this moment it doesn't really matter what we do with the color this because we're gonna be playing around with it in a bit but I'm just going to add some refraction and reflection Fornells switched on and we're going to start to get like a glass like in Syria like we haven't got any house GRI lighting in there such year so it's just gonna be picking up some weird colors but anyway because I said it's not gonna be about as such right next let's move that away so next we're gonna go I'm gonna create cube and all be clear as to why we're creating this cubing this just some little thing I came up with the other day so I'll just watch share it really so we're gonna go to the mesh menu set which is up here on your tabs if it's not you can't find it up here just going to the animation set and you'll get your mash up here and you can just like tear it off if you want and just start and in a mesh stuff there but mine's where it's supposed to be so I'm gonna get the mash a tear up and with that keep select here I'm just gonna create a mesh network which is gonna jump up here and it's gonna create a distribution over me see if I'll just hit for all of our little cubes are sitting down here from the mash Network and they offset as they should be so we've got a distance here but it's not gonna matter what we do with this because we're gonna plug it in a mesh so we're gonna go window outliner and I'm just gonna look for my Bifrost mesh which is here so I'm going to change the the mesh distribution type to mesh and I'm gonna drag the Bifrost mesh into input mesh okay and what we'll start to see is am little squares it's gonna jump onto this mesh probably not so easy to see at the moment but if we turn it out you can see they're appearing best thing to do at this point now if you want to of course he's just going to face Center and then we're gonna hit flood so now we've completely covered that mesh in cubes okay now the next thing you want to do if you want to do it like this I mean we can just show that liquid mesh underneath if we won oh it's going to come down to your own personal style really but what I'm trying to do with all of this is create a mesh network which is connected to a Bifrost mesh because the nice thing about a is that if a Bifrost Bifrost mesh its liquid properties so moves in really kind of funky organic ways much like liquid as such but because it is a mesh in create a mesh weave mash be an amazing as it is you can connect a mash network to any kind of mesh and as such you can connect it to Bifrost and then you just get this really funky kind of look and you can just sort of take it from there really so if we rewind and play we'll see that our mesh a mash network is growing along every face because we've got flood mesh selected on the mash network and it grows with it which is really cool and because it's mash we can add other properties to it at the same time so let's just go into the mesh menu by clicking in the mash anytime we could add a signal node a random node warm our gonna add an offset nodes just go to a signal node just to see how things change and it's gonna like chill out a little bit because this bit wild we just do some start bumping around like doing something funky as we go so I'm just can rewind and play and you can see they're all jumping up and down to the beat of the mash for the noise signal type so yeah it's so cool we're doing things it's probably not gonna be the best way of seeing it like this in a moment because we've not played blasted it we've not cached the Bifrost or anything like that but with such a simple animation I wouldn't say do you need to cache this whole Bifrost think it's not like heavy or anything that's kind of beauty we haven't had to change the voxel size of the Bifrost simulation to make like a really den smash because we're kind of going off going on here really so just gonna lay it this little float around and do its thing for a bit but then we're gonna move on to like a second stage and what we're really trying to create is just some kind of complex funky thing that may be using motion graphics and just kind of show you the power of these two elements combined and how they can create something different and if you think about it this can still work with if you're pouring liquid into a glass you can use a mash Network over the top of that so you're just creating this kind of different funky look and it doesn't have to be cubes it could be any shape that you want to use a mold you know might with you two shapes or might with use of colors and styles so I think I'll stop it around here ish and let's just have a look on these bad boys looking in the IPR so here we go it's updating pretty darn quickly I'm just gonna go in and start looking around this monster and you know it's a funky look I'm loving it obviously we've got a shader that we can apply to the repro mesh obviously it's probably best just to apply it to the source cube which we should have named but we didn't and we know it's the source key because it's hidden and I'm just gonna create another v-ray MTO so we just click here I'm gonna click on the cube and with that empty or with that keep selecting that's gonna sign that and we've nto open and we can just obviously change the colors start to get some different looks just get the reflectivity up so we starts off pinging bring that glossiness down it's a slightly for a nail switched on so you're gonna get a kind of a real realistic type of way that light affects the material but sometimes it's gonna be a little bit more stylistic I like to turn it off and then just play around with it bring that down a bit whatever just changed color some kind of funky color and some miss guessing blues we got yes so now all of something was something looks kind of metallic and fun whatever fun or we could just have some kind of funky color really we can also add if we wanted to add a ramp to this to make even more colorful I don't know why I'm going about colorful things caliph or not but you know just in the name of fun let's just add in a ramp hello ramp there we go so we got ramp there's no real colors in that at the moment but we just had some just like a greenish ready something pink maybe was going to pink didn't actually select it done and in this one maybe will spike you some hardcore yellow and we can just kind of drag this in just to get some proper differentiation differentiation talked about good day me bring Nate a bit more so maybe I'll just bring this blue so obviously rampant you RAM and diagonal ramen whatever I'm your mom but yeah and it's kind of cool kind of different and then depending on your graphics card and whatnot you could play around with debt fulfilled so I'll just go into overrides camera standard override depth of field and will bring an aperture way down it's about here and then in the joy of arrays it you can just right click just go set focus point and click on an object and then you'll start to get these backgrounds objects out focus well we're gonna get our focus you can bring these into focus by clicking here obviously begun rendering off like this what we can but if the cameras moving this we're not gonna have what we want so we can't sort of click all around here when we're rendering so we just have to create a depth of field pass which is no problem at all that's kind of it really it was just gonna be a quick one I haven't done any cheat always for a while but as with much it or was it really just for I don't know hopefully just for making you think a bit and do things slightly different or whatever and I but oh yeah I seem to have textured the cube itself all I've done Ivan I could have applied that ramp to the actual repro mesh so let's do that instead there's just the repro mesh selected we'll just apply that ramp like so but because we've got the cube because we've got a cube textured then why should have done it no way around first place but whatever yeah so it's kind of it and we can if we want introduce back in the the Bifrost material but what I like to do and this can kind of slow things down a lot to do anyway is yeah hang on the assistant planner from it is to overcomplicate this somewhat more so we're gonna go ahead some mash mash mash mash up here and we're gonna add a trials node so I'll click on the trails and I'm just going to go join the dots let think about it for a second and I love doing things with trails I just it's just something about it I just I just love it I don't know why I think it's just because you get this kind of don't know it's just something really abstract about it that's all cuz they say we turn the count up just give us some more trials going on and we'll add like some kind of shader to this when it's finished doing its Fang so obviously when you create a trowels Noda mash it creates the trails mesh as well which is cool and you've got some kind of endless possibilities with that as well I'm actually just gonna stick on this glass empty over here not because I want to see his glass cuz I'm just gonna get rid of its glass properties so it's gonna bring a reflection right down the reflection off the Bifrost mesh as well it's just changed color badly so it's just go into another funky color I don't know this so we start again I'm going to lower this Vilonia saps it down to about 100 yeah that's good for me so now we're just going completely different-looking you can see we've got these trails going on we can just kind of move around and start creating a base for some kind of funky abstract art where I think the colors look fairly disgusting but it's just an idea folks that's all it is and you create some cool animations like this as well maybe you want to and I make your text on in this way or maybe some kind of a beastie monster type thing I don't know let's just stop this one increasing the amount of trails are going on cows cow cups up all those tronador just tend to count right up and yeah that's kind of it really I mean obviously we can play around with other shaders and I might just create do that because my personal favorite at the moment is mystery of subsurface so we'll just go in here we'll just create a v-ray fast SS s and we will whack that on the Bifrost mesh and double click that to get the outline open and because got some nice presets there I'm gonna go if like skimmed milk and see what occurs here and nothing scary in which is pretty shifty let's just get the face normals we need to live back because of the subsurface needs to work out skin direction on the model and all that kind of thing so flip the back end looking like a might've caused the crash which is gonna really piss me off but save few scenes folks save your scenes and there we go we've got some subsurface going on which I just love the look of it it's just obviously it shows you renders down and all that kind of thing the subsurface is the one so just for now I'm just gonna show off for a minute I'm gonna switch off the depth field and I'm gonna switch this off I'm just going to go into my render just gonna hit v-ray IPR and just gonna show you what full screen the array rendering was within Myer does I'm not drunk honestly I would've bought this morning yeah what's nice about this is you can have a look around almost in real time at your model depending on your machine so we just grab that light I kind of like to do dark things just grab the rectangle and that's gonna pull the intensity down and I'm gonna pull the size down as well because I think I want to start lighting like a small area let's just bring that light see I love things like this we just get like a harsh light in one area I'm just gonna be no line visible and it just kind of blends off into darkness I don't know why I like that so much what I do it's just a look I like I'm also gonna stick a shader on the floor quickly so I'm not happy with this grayness just just create the shade of first again just Graflex I'm getting a mess down here it's gonna select that right click forward of scientists elation just a bit yeah sweet yes that's cool I like it I don't know why but I like it so yeah I hope that helped I don't actually know why he'll with but just show you something different a different way of working and really it's just a another introduction back to me stay with me folks I want to grow this channel so you know like please like please subscribe and tell your mates if you think is any good then it's all good stuff like this it's always gonna be a bit different me I'm not gonna sit here and show you a model a hammer or car whatever it's just not my thing but we're always gonna do something a bit off the wall and dynamic sea-based mix with some of these awesome tools like mash and Bifrost I go around in Maya alright that is it for me I'm signing off but I enjoyed that and I hope you're not too jealous of my new machine because let's just look really I'm just seeing you looking at render and this in the pool anyway see you folks take care good bye
Channel: Maya Guy
Views: 23,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bifrost, autodesk maya, MASH, MAINFRAME, maya, maya tutorial, strangebox, mash and maya, maya dynamics, new maya tutorial, maya vfx, maya fx, effects, visual effects, film effects, 3d, 3d animation, 3d vfx, vfx, vray, chaos group, vray tutorial, maya vray, vray for maya, subsurface, abstract 3d
Id: eOXHEW64gIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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