Maya 2023 is here! New Tools, Features, Tips & Tricks, and more!

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hey guys it's monica at academic phoenix plus and welcome to a very special episode because i get to introduce you to autodesk maya 2023 that is correct i get the pleasure of actually playing around with maya 2023 before it gets released so i get to show you all the cool new features that are happening in this updated software if you are new to this channel i post 3d tutorials on a weekly basis software includes maya zbrush a substance painter and so much more so if that is your sort of thing please consider subscribing so bring out your creativity open up your software and let's go ahead and get started with creating cool things in maya 2023 just a quick note that this episode is sponsored by autodesk because they are awesome so thank you autodesk for sponsoring this episode and thank you for giving me the opportunity to play with maya 2023 all right let's get started well first of all this is the introduction page to maya 2023 it's up to you if you want to keep this or not i usually just go into go to maya right here nothing's really changed in the ui which is great so here we are one of some of the features that i'm going to be talking about include 3d modeling uh how fast maya 2023 is some of the lighting and shading capacities and a couple of tips and tricks so that being said let's get started with playing around with maya 2023 so one of the new things that they have is the display of the wireframe one of the cool things that they have is the ability to take a really high poly object such as this one and actually show off the wireframe in a really nice fashion so for example if i go over here and click on wireframe on shaded you know it's pretty dense and very very hard to see so they actually give us the capacity of changing the wireframe so that we can see it a little bit better now if you want to know how dense this is let's go to display heads-up display polycount and you can see that it's about 2 million tries which isn't that bad but but notice how smooth it is the fact that actually it moves around really fast it's wonderful all right the second thing we can do is actually go to the shape node of this object and open up object display and we're going to go to the drawing overrides and we're going to enable the overrides and instead of using index we're going to use rgb which gives us the capacity of using opacity so now when i let go you can see that my wireframe is now black outline so let's go ahead and grab a color that we want to see it in and there you go so that gives us the control of how much of the wire frame frame we get to see and therefore we get to have the low poly and the high poly without the huge distraction of a really dense wire frame so it's up to you how dense you want it to be but again that's really helpful if you're trying to see multiple things at once and yeah it's great that's a small thing but it's still really cool another thing that has been improved is manipulating very high dense objects in maya so for example if i grab this and go to vertices and grab it i can if you're an old timer like me when it comes to maya you already are like don't move it because that's going to slow down your computer like crazy and it will still be a little slow but the reaction time is going to be a lot faster so i'm going to go ahead and grab it and move it and you can see that it only took like a second or two to move that piece of geometry so this is a really nice improvement for maya 2023 the response time is a lot faster all right i've read my armor undo my favorite tool all right i'm going to duplicate this piece of armor control d increase my poly count here the other thing i want to show you guys is the ability to reduce the mesh there is a new tool under mesh called retopologize and you can go to the options and i'm going to a thousand polygons is kind of small so let me go ahead and crank this up to because i'm going from two million to a thousand that doesn't really make much sense so let me go ahead and just go to ten thousand um i don't need to keep the original because i already made a duplicate of it and everything else looks good so let's go ahead and apply now this feels like a long time but actually it's a very efficient i mean it's taking over two million tries and trying and trying to reach apologize and also try to keep the shape of it so it's actually very efficient and it's a really neat tool because one of the biggest issues that we have in 3d is trying to reduce topology very quickly so this tool is going to be very helpful in your pipeline and there you have it [Music] go ahead and assign a lambert so i can see what it looks like and there you are i'm gonna change this to like low poly or something like that and you can always go back in here and change you can and turn off enable override so it goes back to the default but there you go significantly less than what we have and it only has about uh let's see 10 000 tries or faces so that's awesome and you can see that my original model needs to be a little bit needs to be worked on a little bit more but it really significantly reduces the topology which is great and of course i can keep going and going until i'm happy with it or i can manually start removing faces but it's done some pretty intricate shapes here that's pretty cool all right so that's the new topology option make sure you check it out because it is cool makes it fast and now i can start baking so that's great all right next i wanted to show you some other cool tools well one of the most exciting updates in maya 2023 is a bullying options you'll notice up here at the top we actually have new bullying controls so usually we would go to mesh booleans and you see that it's highlighted we usually have union and then intersection and difference but now we actually get a variety of things and i can't wait to show you because this is one of the coolest updates and i believe a game changer in 3d modeling so let's start off with a cube and i'm going to bevel ctrl b i'm going to increase my segments here and reduce my fraction just a little bit so it doesn't look so let's go to four and i am going to turn on symmetry i'm going to insert a couple of edges let's double click here and choose multi-edge loop let's increase our segments to four i'm going to double click my edges here and just kind of scoot them to the left there we are and then i'm gonna grab some faces and just lightly extrude this is going to just get me started on my crate i'm going to build a sci-fi crate using this new tool so let's delete the history feature transformations all the jazz and i'm going to call this my sci-fi it's going to say one all right so very quickly i can actually get this to look like a stiffer crate so let's go ahead and start off with a cube and usually what we do is well i'm going to just kind of shape it here and place it in here [Music] and let me go ahead and increase my subdivisions just a little bit [Music] like that so what we can do is select the object then select the mesh and then we can go to booleans and usually what we can choose is um let's say difference a to b so you can see that because i chose a to b it actually crops the the whole crate disappears versus here but the reality is is i want the other way around so usually what you have to do is go to undo and then you know try again but we now have this new fancy tab called as you can see over here to the right we have pulley boolean one we have our cube oops and then we have our sci-fi cream now you'll also notice that we have our sci-fi crate our poly or our cube but we also have a new surface this new surface is what's left behind so we want to go to the tab called pulley boolean and here we can actually say well you'll see that you have the cube here then we have that so we can kind of flip them and you'll notice that right away it actually made this one the dominant one and this is the one that actually gets cut another way you could do and it actually does a pretty good job with the cut which i love uh another cool thing about this feature is that if you click here you can actually still decide if you change your mind you can actually change it so for example you're like oh i actually wanted union so now they are united so you can see now that they're actually you know one um you can also change it so let's say you wanted to go back to that or you can say intersection so that's another piece there and we have slice and a bunch of other things which i'm going to show you guys later but let's go ahead and choose difference now what's really fantastic about this is this is actually interactive so that means that i can actually make this smaller and larger and actually move it around further in or further out and it's interactive so it's really valuable because i get to just kind of work on the fly where before if i made a mistake i have to undo and then fix it and then do and so on so forth other options that we have here is that if you don't want the cube to disappear you can choose shaded you can also choose bounding box or you can use x-ray and then finally you can choose hidden so you don't have to see it pretty neat pretty amazing like i said game changer not only that but wait there's more another thing we can do is actually start adding even more pieces to it so let's say for example i wanted to add little holes here so i'm going to grab a cylinder and let's say i want to just kind of put little holes here and i do want to keep my polygon relatively low so let me just go in and change this to maybe a 10. it doesn't have to be this big either i think it doesn't really matter um let me go ahead and duplicate this and duplicate this as well and flip it to the other side all right now you what you can do is just select one by one and start doing booleans however maya 23 makes this way easier i can do is actually pin it which you can see over here to the right so even if i click on something else it does the boolean tab keeps it there if you want to let go you just deselect the pin and then you grab the shape nodes so once again i can grab my new geometry go to poly boolean pin it and then what i can do is actually grab my cylinders and middle mouse and drag it and just like that they are now in the boolean list just like that and there's more you can select these guys and change them right right away so you can change them to difference i can change this to wireframe and immediately i have little holes so very fast very efficient and again these are still live so i can change them as i wish now i don't know if you realize how helpful this is i can actually make a variety of different types of of sci-fi crates using booleans so i'll demonstrate in a second one last thing i wanted to do is that i can create like a little gear for example let me unpin this and go to my polysphere and redo reduce this i'm going to create like a it's going to look like a bolt yep there it is i'm going to place it in here you can press the number three if you want to see it the smooth version but let's go ahead and duplicate this ctrl d and i'm going to place it over here so what's neat about this is that i can actually parent this piece of geometry this is going to be my boat and i can parent it to the cylinder so if i go ahead and grab this and middle mouse and drag it to the cylinder wherever i drag the cylinder the bolt will go with it now it does slow things down so just keep that in mind but it's actually very efficient because now what i can do is let me see which is this one i can grab my crate i can grab my bolts it's going to be my bolt too i guess sorry i need to label things and i can go ahead and duplicate it ctrl d oop here's one version let me just go ahead and delete the history freezer transformation and then let me say that i want to change things around and i feel like this needs to be maybe more like 90 degrees and i'm gonna just plunge it in here maybe i'm gonna grab these these don't have bolts but again this is more like an example um i'm gonna just make these come closer i can go ahead and use the boolean and so i can turn off the cylinder i can hide the bolt and i can take this one as well which is number three and i can go in and turn that one off and obviously i would have a bolt here but very quickly very quickly i can go ahead and grab this new surface duplicate that one and move it aside and let's say i want more changes so let me go back to i mean you can just hopefully you guys can see the benefit of this um let me just grab this and maybe just rotate it 90 degrees [Music] and maybe i'll just put it in here bring it out a little bit and i probably should have done the same for this one but that's okay i'll just go ahead and do the same [Music] and what's great about this is that this is actually live so that means that i can actually manipulate these objects on the fly and it will read it so it's it's extremely powerful i just i'm just in love with this so let's duplicate that one and now i have a whole set of different looking objects now let's see if you want to smooth this one right so if you smooth it it will actually pick that smooth up so you're not limited with the polygon that you're using you can actually go ahead and smooth it and it will actually pick it up not only that you can pick this up select this no longer a cube but you can right click on it and say use smooth mesh output and then it will even be smoother still so pretty sweet it's amazing let me go ahead and grab all of this duplicate it again ctrl d and now i have a bunch of crates very fast with the original so that is the power of booleans especially with this new list here pretty amazing i want to make this a little bit more complex so let me delete the history freeze of transformations all that jazz and i can continue working on this so let me create another cylinder all right so in this portion of the tutorial i'm going to go ahead and just fast forward and just explain what i'm doing so very similar to the previous steps i'm just creating cylinders and then i'm going to place them and also lower the topology so it's not that high then after that i'm going to be duplicating the bolts and making sure that they are placed in the correct space but first let's go ahead and create another cube to kind of give me a i'm going to cut the corner of that sci-fi crate click on the boolean difference and there you go just like magic i can live feed it move it around make my alterations and then of course i'm going to be going to the boolean tab and adding the pieces and making sure that they are wireframe that they are also different and you can see that now i have very quickly again uh space for the bolts now i'm adding a little bit more details by creating another cube i'm going to be duplicating those cubes and i just want a little bit of detail at the front of my sci-fi crate just to kind of enhance the design i'm going to make a very simple design of this object but again very quickly i can take those cubes add it into the list and now i have a sci-fi crate i can go further into the details but i'm going to go ahead and move on but hopefully you can see how powerful this is i can create a variety of sci-fi crates very quickly with booleans now i decided to hide the other crates that i made because i'm going to be focusing on this particular crate and here i am just making sure that every single one of those nooks has a a little bolt in it so that i can start shading it which is going to be the next part of this video tutorial is to use the new updated shaders in maya okay so this is our sci-fi crate and we can now start shading it so it turns out that usually what i do is right click and assign a new material and what i usually do is go to arnold and grab the ai standard surface shader however maya now has a standard surface shader as well and it's connected to maya not to the arnold shader so it's right here it's called standard surface and if i click here just like in regular arnold if there's no light nothing happens however the difference is that if i go to maya software and render it's gonna show up and the reason why this is great is because it doesn't matter what render engine i'm using such as v-ray or redshift or whatever the this this particular shader works for maya alone not just the arnold shader so let me demonstrate to you what i mean by that if i'm going to duplicate this move this aside and assign a new material and use the arnold ai standard surface and then render with maya software you're going to see that my the arnold ai standard surface doesn't render but it's regular standard surface does now if you compare the two materials so you can see here and i'm just going to pull this off so if you take a look at this one this is the standard surface that i just created and this is the ai center surface the attributes are all the same so you can see that they have a base they have a weight they have a color they have everything is basically the same the major difference now is that you can actually use this regular standard surface make it look like an arnold shader and it works on any any type of render engine which is amazing i just created a dome and which you guys can create an arnold lights physical sky and basically on the left we have our standard surface and then we also have the arnold ai standard surface there is a little bit of difference when it comes to the highlight but in general the colors and everything are just about the same now what's really great about this new standard surface is that in the past it didn't have these presets but now it does so now i can go to presets and i can choose a variety of things such as chrome and i'm going to do the same thing for this ai standard surface which is chrome as well and let's see what happens so this is what's amazing about this new shader is that this new standard shader is that it does have the same presets as the arnold but the difference is that this will render in other engines now i don't have another engine here with me and my software cannot do reflections but it's still pretty pretty sweet so let's try something a little simpler like plastic here we go plastic and i'll do the same thing for this one and you can see that very quickly i can get very similar results using maya standard versus the arnold ai standard surface so it's pretty neat all right so that being said let me go ahead and just kind of mess around with this shading really fast just using the standard shader so let's go ahead and have a little fun with this let me assign in a new material i'm going to choose the maya standard surface shader make sure you don't get confused with the surface shader this is just a standard surface and let's go ahead and give it some chrome and i'm going to rough it up a little bit let's grab some faces here and let me see if i can get symmetry to work yay awesome assign a new material my uh standard surface let's go back to plastic but this time i'm going to change it to more of a white and i might just hide this one for now all right let me start labeling things so this is blue plastic i think this is the white plastic and i think it's too rough so let me make it shinier and i'm going to call this my chrome i want it to be a little shinier all right it's looking pretty good let's move on all right in this part of the tutorial i'm also going to just fast forward through it and just explain the process so in this case i'm going to be grabbing some edges of a circle and just extruding so that i can get some depth and the purpose for that is because i am going to be selecting those outer faces and assigning a already existing material which is going to be the plastic then i'm going to shift select the whole object so that i can inverse the selection and then assign a new shader which is going to be the emissive map so the emissive shader basically makes it look like it's glowing and it just makes it look more sci-fi after that i'm creating a very simple cylinder and also assigning another material to it which is going to be another preset which is rubber so assign existing material grab the surface shader presets rubber simple fast and awesome might as well grab some other faces and assign the emissive material which by the way you should label everything because if you don't you have too many materials and it gets very confusing so i'm going to go ahead and label and then i can quickly assign my emissive material and there we go everybody very quickly you can texture a sci-fi crate not only that don't forget that we have a bunch of other sci-fi crates here as well so let me go ahead and bring this in and i'm not gonna take the time to shade and even though it would take actually would be relatively fast but um let me just go ahead and place them in the environment so imagine if you were trying to create you know just like a regular like a scene or something and you needed to diversify your environments very quickly well using these these tools you can very quickly create a bunch of different types and make it look different unique and cool fast it would take a while for me to model something like this let's turn on the resolution kit here all right let's see what that looks like and there we go very quickly we can create a bunch of different types of sci-fi crates just using the boolean function really neat all right let me show you some other cool stuff so we talked about the different types of booleans under mesh boolean we have all of these but we really haven't talked about slice whole and these other ones which i actually want to display um i did not model this i found this in turbosquid so if you guys are interested i'll just leave a link below so that you guys can download this object but what i'm going to do is really quickly just i'm going to break this up a little bit so let's say that you need to blow up a you know like a door so let's say i want to blow this door up and i'm just going to make these wide enough so that it actually goes through the door and you know some of them are going to be big pieces some of them are going to be smaller pieces i'm not going to spend too much time on this particular one but i just wanted to kind of demonstrate to you guys what it's going to look like so we have just kind of like different types of pieces i think this one is too high so i'm going to choose 12 and i'm just gonna duplicate it make it smaller and just like before we're gonna do is select one select the other and then we can go ahead and choose a boolean function right so this one is right now under difference and uh wireframe so i can select these other ones let me go to boolean pin it grab the other ones in middle mouse and drag them into here then select these and also change these to difference and to wireframe oh it doesn't like this one all right let me see if i can create another piece make sure it goes through it so another way you can do this is you can copy the tab drag it over here and then middle mouse and drag it here and again i can make a difference and then i can do wire shaded there we go so i'm going to grab this one duplicate it and just move it aside so this is going to be my um the one that's busted the other thing i can do is start flipping these so i can turn some of them off so for example i just want to just grab that piece so what i can do is grab the sphere and then choose the other method intersection and then i can grab this one duplicate it and flip it to the other side so i can quickly make some changes here so i can do the same thing for this one change this back to difference then i can go in and make this an intersection i can grab that one duplicate it bring it over here and do the same thing to the other piece so that's intersection the other options that we have include slice so let me change this back to here and let's grab the sphere so if we want we can actually choose slice and what it will do it actually will change the geometry and add a slice to it so if you need to you can actually grab this and you know do whatever you need to do with it it also has hole so we'll actually instead of creating if you look at here you'll notice that it actually adds geometry in here to try to make sure that there is no hole well in this case it does have a hole so if you have let's say a vase and you wanna make sure there's you know it's empty on the inside you can use um hole cut out it's the same thing it's basically the cut out of it and it has a hole in the inside so it's basically empty so instead of being a solid piece like this wall it's going to be empty all right so why am i showing this why is this important well this is really a great way to create a destructible wall or anything that you want to destruct so sometimes when you're working in the industry they're going to specifically ask you to shadow something so you have one piece here and then you have a bunch of pieces shattered and some companies are specific about how they want their objects to shatter so with that you have very quickly you can create your pieces and make make it destructible so what does that mean well let me show you all right so here's my destructible gate under effects you guys can use something called bullet and this is going to be my active rigid body so all of these pieces will become active and you also have here a solver which you can't see but that's going to be part that's where your gravity and stuff like that is and i'm going to turn on the ground plane so when you rewind and play these things will actually just kind of shatter so how it works is that you can tell it to start a little bit later so let's say the start time will be about 10 frames so then i can press and then it will shatter so if you're clever enough you can go in and play with the visibility so right now my visibility should be on until frame 10 so i'm going to key select it here actually key selected a 9 and then in 10 turn it off [Music] so i have a whole one and then the shatter would happen and then these guys would be the opposite they would be on at 10 so key selected and then off at nine key selected so let me do that for all of them so let me see if i can do them all i want so it will be 10 they're on visibility right click he selected and then off [Music] key selected so the way it works is that you see a full gate here and then when it's it's gonna look like it's shattered now i'm not gonna go into the bullet physics and things like that because that's a whole separate tutorial but just to show you guys that you can quickly create destructibles using booleans really fast really cool so boom pretty neat so if i select my this one the original gate you'll notice that it disappears pink and gets replaced by the broken one all right so that's an example of more brilliant again this is very powerful i am actually really impressed whoopsie uh with the bullions [Music] over here there you go to my shattered pieces and you can see how powerful it is you can create some really great stuff with this and you can create sci-fi crates you can create just about anything diversify it and really really fast you can also see that we have a fantastic the standard shader now has all the presets as in the arnold ai standard surface shader so that means that you can get all the great shading information from arnold and bring it into any render engine which is awesome maya 2023 is also really fast it can handle a lot more geometry and you can also control the way your model appears with the wireframe shaded so again this is a really impressive update on maya 2023 i hope you guys enjoyed this video tutorial and i hope you guys check out maya 2023 when it comes out i think it's gonna be a game changer so thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it thank you again autodesk for sponsoring this video can't wait to see what else you guys are gonna come up with if you found this video helpful and you learned a thing or two which by the way you might have learned at thingo too since this is brand new for maya 2023 uh please like and subscribe and that would be amazing that is your message to me letting me know that you like these type of videos and that you want to see more also take a look at where you can download free models free trainings and so much more so take a look at and since you're there take a look at my e-courses i provide some in-depth modeling texture and uv mapping e-courses which you can actually purchase at that is another way you can support me that would be fantastic uh please tag me in your social media once you download maya 2023 i would love to see the stuff that you produce with booleans and all the cool new techniques that uh maya provides for us so please tag me i'm in twitter instagram tech talk facebook i would love to see your work again thank you so much for watching and spending the time with me keep creating and i will see you next time
Channel: Academic Phoenix Plus
Views: 24,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, cg, tutorial, how to, videos, new, released, sneak peak, maya 2023, autodesk maya, new tools, features, tips, tricks, new features, animation, modeling, texturing, physics, dynamics, boolean, surface shader, wireframe, sponsor
Id: s-DUvhtGEm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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