May English Garden Tour

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well welcome back into the midn nor Garden we've had some real thunderstorms over the weekend here if you call uh late May bank holiday weekend weather but the garden's now getting bathed in some gorgeous evening sunshine and it's done the garden good to be honest we were ready for a bit of uh rain you can see we've had the uh hose pipe out earlier in the week just uh trying to give uh things a little bit of a drink they've been absolutely drenched now so it was a complete waste of time but it's looking very good this board it's really starting to fill in these verbas uh really growing nicely we've got some lovely upright Square stems and then these little pinky red flowers can I get a focus on that don't think it's going to but they're absolutely very striking in architectural it's important not to cut these back too early uh otherwise they do tend to get knocked back by the frost wait till you see some growth emerging from those Fox gloves in this border this time of year are really looking fantastic not a single one purposely so they've all come up as self-seeded plants and they're supporting this uh white block of Delphinium really well it's a really good combination planting that colors uh complement each other very nicely but also prevents us having to put too much in the way of supports for the uh delphiniums they are planted Incredibly Close with uh companion plant roses the fox gloves little bit of tanzi coming up the back and the whole combination is just supporting itself base of this little gravel walkway that separates the borders is this Catman six Hills giant rewards US every year with a mass of flowers between now and we will cut this back later once the first flush is over and it will give us a second flush late into autum that's an absolute winner for the bees who flocked to this throughout the summer months Irish bed just in front of the old uh pool house some of the later varieties just finishing now but the Siberian irises really at their Peak we've got quite a few different varieties planted around this Garden this is one of the ones we've propagated extensively one of the more common color combinations you get close up to these things so you really do appreciate the absolute beauty of these flowers held on mass if you can get a clump like this established they need divine ing every two or 3 years to keep them really growing well they tend to die out from the center of the clump if they become congested this lot's looking very happy and then under planting of chives and a bit of oxide just ceding in there cium just starting in this border now flowering thistle again magnet for the bees absolutely loving this plant and it'll flower well here probably right until the end of July before we cut it back down I'm starting to look at the panies which are coming out now which gotten this white one it's planted in here doing very well good size Crown plenty of buds coming up just look at that head again you do have to watch these not having to give it any support because it's so so compactly planted in between these cerium and a rose not sure what that one is but uh again the roses in this border just starting to flower looking very healthy more cat mins self seeded bronze fennel coming up there this is our favorite strand here the really dark red one again this seats really really well for us and we've spread it throughout these borders flowers beautifully at this time of year more oldfashioned Roses coming up and the Philadelphia that was moved two of them survived this one and the one in the uh matching back border here again flowering really beautifully at this time yeah sh knew the name of this little uh annual seed say it's annual I think it's a half hary really seeds all over the gravel in this area you can see the gravel ax is an absolute wonderful seed bed we've got masses of seedlings of geranium coming up all over there's a young example of the plant I've just shown you again plenty of these look at it just hundreds of little seedlings coming up through this gravel acts as a wonderful reservoir for young plants where we do have problems and want to replant it's been uh what have you got there been doing plant rescue uh mainly oxide daisy seedlings isn't it and a little bit of uh this thing I can't remember what it's called it's like a tanzi isn't it no it's not it's a what's that pink thing in the Border I can't remember it name it's kind of naturalizes itself over a lot of oxide Daisy a lot of oxide and some cisinks baby cisinks good stage to prick those out and get them established isn't it oh brilliant yes and otherwise they're just going to get raked out so yeah just rescuing them and these things are brilliant look I know I've just shown those little seedings and they're looking so wonderful around the uh they have that one pigeon trough bees love these things as well must be full of nectar really enjoying it let's go back to the borders have another look see what we've got coming up in here that's a nice uh bright SCE uh Daisy I think more delphiniums coming up quite low in the back of this border and the last of the giant aliums again just flowering fantastically behind that and as a walk around in this aspect got the seedar more to enjoy forming a full low hedge yeah he's making the most of little bit of evening sunshine absolutely drench poor little thing panies interplanted with these aliums will flower a little later than if they were in full sun they're on the western no Eastern aspect with the Hedge facing west behind them so they get sun most of the morning and through into the evening and this long arch of roses is again interplanted with a few Cletus just trickle flowering it'll be another couple of weeks before the main flowering season of these old Ramblers comes into it own and I found something interesting just around this corner great thing about Ramblers is they're so easy to propagate and we did just that by bringing one of these stems down into the soil last year let me see if I can find it again oh yeah here we go right so there's the stem that was brought down and it just now embedded into the Earth and what we've got coming up here are these two massive fresh growths there's the second from this I'm going to not move it now because it's got this Fox Glove right to the next to but we've got a a really healthy new growth of this rambling row ready to go into a new position it can't stay there obviously because it's just 6 in from the uh the edge of the lawn but the rose itself been growing here for probably 50 or 60 years and it's so easy just to get it to root by just digging a stem into the ground and there you are a new plant now one final thing we're going to show you because they're just at their very best is the Jack Lemon Iris border which was my project for to the end of last season to put this into a single varietal bed of viruses three rows planted quite late I didn't get around to it when I should have done but haven't they done well got this lovely planting only about 50% of them I estimate flowering this year so next year we've taken a bit of a battering from the rain as you can see we should have double this some volume of flower on the top and of course these ryom will then grow away over the next few years and give us an absolute enormous volume of plant material it's one of my favorite irises of all time absolute stunner and with the evening light just catching these blooms what a fantastic planting really proud of that it's done really well and surprise me by flowering so well this season oh we got a few things to show you that we haven't got around to in this Garden Tour got plenty coming on in the next couple of weeks but it's really coming to its fairy Peak at this time of year and all this rain although it can be problematic for the big flowered panies and the aliums and some of the big oldfashioned roses that we do love growing here generally this is ideal growing conditions so thanks for watching and do uh check back next week when we'll show you a peak of what's happening in this Garden in mid nor thanks for watching
Channel: Gardeners Cottage Blakeney
Views: 2,403
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Keywords: gardening, garden tour, garden video, garden tour video, country garden tour, cottage garden tour, cottage garden plants, garden ideas, gardens, garden inspiration, cottage garden, flower garden, growing hostas uk, garden planting ideas, garden tour uk, gardening uk, gardening ideas, english country garden, how to plant a garden, garden, english garden
Id: C8SgmIOya20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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