May 7, 2024 Tornado Chase | Indiana and Western Ohio

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today's Tuesday May 7th we're looking at potential tornadoes in Indiana and Ohio today uh I think I can make it to Indiana in time to see tornadoes in Indiana uh you'll see a map here on the screen over here uh showing you where I'm thinking about chasing at the moment earlier today I was thinking a little further south maybe like Newcastle Indiana perhaps even in uh somewhere like pcka Sydney Ohio somewhere in that region uh but now I I want enough time to get in position also have enough time to continue to chase the storm once it gets dark so I'm thinking if I can make it to Muny or uh Portland or one of those other cities by around 7:00 that gives me about an hour until the storms hit that area and then another 45 minutes or so until sunset uh and that should be good but uh at this point it's very messy setup as you can see here storms all over the place this is at 700 p.m. expected radar these storms here could be interesting here Ohio but they're all expected to dissipate out what's more interesting is these storms now whether they become line or cluster supercells or actual supercells is uh what's going to matter and we're what I'm thinking now is chasing this particular cell here which will generally be moving this direction across Indiana so if I position myself here that'll put me on the southern side of the storm where I want to be all right we're currently uh in Springfield it's sunny as you can tell by the light shining on my face which is good news I'm not going to shut that off um meso scale discussion issued about 40 minutes ago it's currently 513 um it it says there's going to be a watch incoming they issued a watch in Northwestern Ohio which is great uh and again there's one for our entire west side in Indiana but not quite to the Ohio Indiana border um so here shortly we should get one for southwestern and Western Ohio again right now I'm just north of I70 um and we'll see exactly how things are going to go here uh soon so uh going to take a look at the HR kind of reassess and decide whether or not we want to head towards Indiana or head towards Southern Ohio all right major supercell entering Indianapolis right now that should be the most long track supercell according to the HR uh which means we're just going to follow 70 continuing to Indiana we're going to go a little past Richmond one because we can and uh two because Richmond has a major road shut down a major North South Road that's shut down at the moment uh which makes chasing in that vicinity very dangerous so what we're going to do uh is head past Richmond a little further into Indiana and that should put us in a good position to see this supercell or reposition north or south to see a different super cell we're out here near Lynn Indiana uh between Lynn and I think Winchester or something like that uh you know you can tell where we're at based off these big windmills here they're all over the place uh hopefully none of those come flying at us here uh shortly there's currently like several supercells that we're watching one of them the main one that we're watching is directly west of us a little to the north and I'm expecting that goes directly towards Winchester the second one's way further to our North uh and that's a little less ideal um in terms of you know if we get to see anything because we could get pinned by this storm that we're chasing to the South uh again approaching this from the South heading up to the north probably wouldn't be the safest idea that sells currently tornado worn to the north though uh we'll see what we can get here towards the South let's take a look at the sky now as you can see here we do have some clouds uh clearly shooting up uh and behind those even we can see some humous Cloud we also have some relatively low clouds located uh over here in the surrounding areas which is good news going to take a look at some soundings some uh stuff from the Storm Prediction Center and some models uh but at this point it's basically looking at radar and making our best guess all right we're headed uh just staying on this little dinky Road here towards uh just north of Mok if that's how you pronounce it Indiana that should get us closer to the cell it looks like our cell the Anderson Indiana cell uh is going to go Tor adic here uh which is great so let's see what happens now in modok we can kind of start to see the base of the clouds if you look again near the windmill um you can kind of start to see the base of the clouds again it's still a while away we'll kind of see what we're working with uh here shortly so um I don't know I don't love it but nothing's torn adic at the moment within the whole state of Indiana or Ohio for that matter um so we'll sit here wait reassess but basically all our eggs are in this one cells basket so we'll see what happens no warning yet likely tornado on the ground just west of M we're just east of Muny we're now going to head towards Muny as close as we can to the South Side hopefully get an eye on this thing uh again from my perspective it looks like we have a tornado on the ground at least radar indicated tornado I expect a tornado warning here any minute here we are now with eyes on the Storm I mean we might be getting something here come on Focus we might be getting something here uh towards the base there's multiple Chasers near the cell right now no severe thunderstorm warning but it could be going uh whether or not it will is Up For Debate it could be on the ground right now for all we know uh but I'm not thinking so at the moment uh we're going to try to get a little closer uh and kind of go from there all right uh so we just came to a full and complete stop here I think it's the one off to the right is is where we're looking at um that that kind of more lowered area of the cell um again we're still a good ways out not super far away maybe 11 or so miles away and I think we just crossed in we did just cross into the same county that mun's in um again if it continues on its direction we should be end up being I don't know maybe 5 mil South so we might try to head a little bit further north uh and a little bit further west here with time um again it's starting to get back and forth you know sometimes we get these breaks like we have right now and other times we uh you know have too many trees in the viewing area which makes it difficult to tell what's exactly going on we certainly do have lowering occurring now between those two that left and right side down in the center um and even now now looking off to the left side that left side is becoming more concentrated it seems like and we have more wedge kind of yeah definitely a a lowering or something like that um still shocked that there is no tornado warning on the system given the velocity signatures um and I mean maybe a little less so now on regular radar so um yeah we're just going to continue on here and uh head up to the north on this next County Road here hopefully uh it's not a gravel road but if it is it kind of is what it is we need to get a little further north uh cuz even again if this cell continues on its trajectory uh best case scenario where we're still 5 miles away from the center of the storm pretty certain we have a funnel at the bottom of the the walk Cloud at the moment of course you can't see it because of all these trees here but between one of the glimpses I saw a a lowering a bow like lowering at the bottom of the the flat wall cloud which is again the part that's already somewhat lowered it's even lowered further than that so um hopefully we can get a glimpse here here in a moment all right uh we are now getting we're within 5 miles of the storm this Road's empty here maybe we'll turn no no it's bad okay we're going to just continue to our open field that I have set on the GPS they're certainly lowering there may or may not be funnel action I I still can't really tell I haven't had a long enough break uh for me to safely take a glance there um we're now behind cars little Chaser convergence here start pointing it if you can up towards uh that region you know all that lowering there from the base of the cloud there's definitely something going on here we we got a lot going on here at the moment uh within these clouds now whether or not we have a lowering a funnel whether or not we have rotation going to take me a second to see if that's the case or not I think I think you're right I think you're right right here right there may be beginnings of a funnel um whether or not it is I don't know you get the GoPro up on the car have that continuously recording bring you guys back all right as we can see here we have a long line of all this lowering scut and whatnot if there's something it's probably somewhere in here um and so we're kind of just continuing to watch the cloud bases here see if we can get anything lowering or not it's looking questionable on radar still uh we're definitely at closer range here there's also High precipitation in here so if there's a tornado back in there we definitely cannot see it uh interesting here the swings are swinging themselves here uh due to the wind and the GoPro is going to go flying away there um but that's okay we'll just set it back up here and uh it's probably going to blow off again but that's okay um that's oh it's not anything until it starts kicking up a breis so um yeah we'll just stay here here for a second see if we get anything going all right so uh as we can see here we do have a very high precipitation this is same cell now uh in Parker City that's the next County over from Selma we're off of some US Highway or something like that uh just pulled into a little thing here we're going to see we're going to stay on it stay on this High precipitation uh stay on the south side of it uh where I would imagine the tornado would develop if something happens if not uh we'll see the warning if it goes High precipitation that way uh and we'll continue to monitor it uh and go look for debris I guess maybe if there's something like that so uh see you guys soon all right so we got a little lowering we can definitely see the rain but we can also see through the rain and so with that we know that there is no tornado on the ground at the moment at least anything that we can see there's definitely a lot of lowering going on uh and as I'm kind of looking at the winds here and stuff blowing across there is inflow occurring too um which is good if we want a tornado to form um whether or not does I don't know so again we were kind of behind it to the South now we're kind of coming up to the South and we could have a lowering right now not sure if you guys can see it um but there could be a lowering kind of more inside of that core uh what's also interesting is here looking ahead we do have those low Levering clouds rocketing up to the north meanwhile this storm's heading uh to the East and we have some CLE clearing going on uh which is really extremely favorable for torna conditions so um I don't know just continuing to keep an eye on it all right as we look at the base of the cloud here uh we're really starting to see things maybe shaped together I mean it doesn't really look anything too much crazier than what did earlier again we have these clouds rocketing to the north along with all this debris now really moving quickly this direction meanwhile the storm's coming from uh about perpendicular to that so again where the tornado is I don't know but I can't see it and there's definitely it's not worn or anything like that but we definitely have multiple directions of wind converging here at this point uh so we're going to get back on it see what we can see we got a little Rainbow action going on here uh with a little lightning we're going to uh end up cutting through the cell just to our South um and then attempt to one way or another and now you can hardly even see the rainbow but attempting one way or another to maybe see something there's an observed tornado just to the west of Dayton go ahead uh there's an observed tornado just to the west of Dayton 2.7 turn left which we probably won't be able to see but the SEL South bu does not have a warning yet but it's looking really more mature so uh we're going to effectively core punch the thing uh hopefully we can get ahead of it or behind it one of the two and then get a look into the core uh after that but at this point I mean it's anything should just be Heavy Rain that's all no hail no wind or maybe a little wind maybe a little tiny hail the tornadoes probably if if there is one which at this point I think there might be between like kind of those two big windmills right there and heavily rain wrapped but if we can get around it to the other side then we might be able to see it I kind of want to I give maybe 50/50 chance we see something right so as we can see here there's certainly lowering uh in in several different spots there's a lot of low clouds here we're on the due uh du West basically side of the storm um so the storm's due to our East uh in terms of where the center of rotation is so now we should be clear for from precipitation for quite some time uh we're going to keep going south for another couple miles and then head West uh and we should be able to outrun it in the sense that we'll probably be going 60 or something that the tornado I think or cell is moving around 40 or 50 um which means over time we should be able to overtake it and get a glimpse again from that Southeast side of the cell uh into the tornado uh in the meantime we're going to have a view out of at least one of the windows in the car of uh this cell here so we'll keep an eye on it bring you guys in if we see anything we're uh currently in Palestine where we got people outside you know really love to see it um you know the tornado sirens went off like what's that noise why is this this noise going off uh it's CU there's a tornado warning just to our North we actually aren't in the Box here uh in Palestine but uh and also knowing oh knowing Western Ohio it's probably pronounced like palistine because you know we have rousi and uh what other towns do we have here in this portion of the state I don't know but we have all the uh uh verses instead of Versa um all these things exist here uh in the great state of Ohio which we're back in now um we're continuing the monitor it's not looking as aggressive on the velocity but it's certainly increasing in strength in terms of reflectivity we only about 20 minutes left of sunlight uh which probably means the sunlight's going to win we got a little bit of Mattis coming on here uh up in the clouds but uh that's kind of all we have at the moment uh it's good to know though the small towns like that have their tornado sirens so and they're using them so that's a win-win um probably about it for the night unless we get surprised we got some awesome lightning action here uh up at the next stop sign turn left thank you for that we got some awesome lightning action which I guess we're going to head into here also low fuel which is always uh fun and exciting especially in the middle of nowhere Ohio um the velocities are looking crazy the the reflectivity on this thing is unimpressive as all get out uh but the velocities are turn left onto us36 E Yeah so uh we'll see kind of what what goes on here um as we uh and negotiate this situation um yeah at least there's cool lightning back out for something 15 minutes left uh Sunset till sunset or so maybe a little less since we're a little further west than any a little little F farther east than Indiana now um this guy's going to have his Heyday here so to do that use the right lane to keep right toward Greenville and AR those are some solid strikes too they aren't like spidering and coming out they're just straight bolts um which is kind of cool um yeah so we're going to just keep an eye on things here so over here we have completely green Skies the lightning the core of the storm and then more like pink skies and that's kind of what we got here at sunset uh here you know still a few minutes maybe until sunset um but yeah again we aren't really chasing we're keeping our eyes peeled uh but at this point we're really headed back uh to our location get gas and all that fun stuff get dinner uh man like that but I I can't get over the green just directly uh to to the side of that lightning it's really insane uh and I really wonder if I go back here and watch the frame by frame if that lightning illuminates anything within that core of the storm um you know any lowering any you know maybe even a little tornado action for all I know um yeah but we'll see what happens here uh we'll be in Troy here at about 20 M 25 minutes or so and we'll stop there kind of do our last recap I guess if you will again what's crazy is the green the core and then the clearing in front of us uh absolutely wild I think yeah it doesn't really look like it's Illuminating anything in in the core that I can see but again what do I know I don't have an agree you know they uh have issues a subsequent uh tornado warning on this cell uh until 9:15 p.m. uh again radar indicated with that so we'll see what happens this previously had a reported rotating wall cloud and not too long ago we had a reported damage um with with the storm as well so a little bit of everything going on with this except for the real deal uh I mean we could see the real deal again a lot of that's going to come can I see anything in the footage uh after the fact and here this stop sign I'm going to take the camera for a second uh and point out where I think there could be something here we also have a little lowering uh over here so could be something here a little lowering over here but the main core is kind of over there so uh we'll proceed to Troy here at this point uh you know run the gas tank all the way down to empty in order get there um but you know it is what it is again the really eerie color uh of the sky kind of you know give it a little oom into uh what we have going on let's yeah there's definitely a lowering there so that that first area I pointed out uh not too long ago not not the one kind of off to the side but the one near the core is lowering um it's probably rotating too but it's not it's not quite close to the ground yet if that makes sense um but that's where the tornado would be if there is one uh and could occur really at any moment here um but again darkness is not in our favor at the moment we can that the back side of the high precipitation is where there would be a likely tornado at that kind of where all that cloudiness lowess kind of terminates and it starts to get that lighter orange color again is where I think a potential tornado would be located um and it certainly looks lower certainly looks a little more dense in that region we about 10 miles turn left onto west mark thank you Siri uh we have distinct lowering of the cloud base kind of over that bush area at the moment I mean it's trees but it looks kind of like a bush uh just over that area distinct lowering of the bulll there may actually be a tornado on the ground at the moment I can't tell completely but we do again it's kind of hard to tell at night and being this far away from the storm but but we may have something going on holy smokes in that region um if the lightning doesn't blind me again if the lightning doesn't blind the camera maybe we can see something in post uh but man I I don't know if I get a little break here I might try to come to stop here and uh film on my phone which tends to have a bit better idea of what's going on uh than even my eyes sometimes at night the phone can do better than my eyes um and so we're going to go ahead and do that here um yeah and see what we can get got it here's what we can kind of see at the moment again if there's something it's kind of in that darkened area um I don't think there's anything but there might be and again we'll see uh what we can see later earlier today one of my possible chasing targets was pck Ohio uh and they're currently about to get slammed by the tornado uh so that's always fun and exciting oh wait I should have said yes I am a Kroger plus member I'm not but I know a number that helps me out stay tuned going yep all right ladies and gentlemen we uh finally made it to Columbus and as we did Sean and I got a little alert on our phone we're like you know the Amber Alert typ deio you know I thought I was done with the storms for today turns out we're not tornado warning now in effect for Columbus uh for probably the next 30 minutes or so 25 now at this point um this could get exciting we're in the warning box now on 270 heading towards hilard and then over uh to our final wrestling Place hopefully not for real uh at at in Worthington um and so we're going to continue to monitor this I think we'll make it to shelter in time uh if not we might get it a 0 m uh at night with a tornado uh which would be less than ideal especially in a city like this uh but yeah things are picking up what it do now as we approach deblin here it's that's probably about the point uh where where the storm would uh be a tornado at is right here so it's probably due west of our location that happens here with 8 miles until safety um again ver storms or were between the storm and the seminer which is overall good news here we are in our designated storm shelter which has Windows all over the place very safe um tornado head for us if there is one is we're now on the back side of the uh tornado likely tornado now located near 270 and uh 71 which is actually not that far from here um but it's moving that way headed towards uh Westerville just south of Westerville just north of New Albany head that area and location uh I'm going to park my car in a more proper parking space and uh that's all for tonight
Channel: Chris Dixon
Views: 9
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Id: dJZQKOniOtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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