May 2024 | budget with me $1,288 | cash stuffing | how to plan | #budgeting #budget #howtobudget

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hey everyone welcome or welcome back to my channel my name is Tamar also known as classy budgets right here on YouTube and today's video I am going to be budgeting my week three paycheck with you guys for the month of May so let's go ahead and jump into it I'm going to start with my calendar then jump over into my notebook all right this is week three so I got Peg today which is the 17th and I am going to go until the 23rd week three bills are highlighted in yellow and then of course the bills that are in blue I save um a little bit every week for so um my Kel has been paid my loan too has been paid um DTE has not been paid yet but I can do that today actually um after my weekly um check in um I also got my windshield fixed today I didn't get it fixed last Saturday because they actually called me um and said that it's ready so after I create this video I'm going to go get my car orientation rent great but the reason why my windshield got fixed today instead of last Saturday is because um an hour into the gentleman preparing to fix my windshield here at my home it started to sprinkle and rain and I don't have a car shed or anything like that so he had to stop and I just end up rescheduling um so finally third time to try so I am very happy and grateful that that is fixed I did not have my calendar with me so I feel terrible that I missed my niece's Prim send off um what else orientation as I studied before went great but it was only Tuesday and Wednesday I think that's why threw my Thursday off was that um they con combined orientation for Tuesday and Wednesday and then I just thought Thursday I just had a complete free day I also took that Thursday off of my first job as well so my mind ended up going blank for Thursday on Wednesday when he stated that my manager stated that we didn't have to come in for orientation on Thursday because we completed everything on Wednesday so that's that so let's go ahead and jump into the budget oh one more thing before I do that treasure has a field trip on the 3 so I need to start budgeting for that in my weekly budget so maybe I'll just write it right here field trip since this is in the next month but I just want to remind myself that it's a field trip on 63 and they are going to the farm or petting zoo I may say um so that's that for my calendar let's jump into my budget now so this is May 2024 week three and this is May 17th through May 23rd so I am going to start with my income which is from my job one my H savings account um I do have r over um and I'm also going to borrow $83 from my savings I'm going to put that back next week so Heth savings account I know for sure is $25 um my job one is $1,759 um I'm not sure about rollover yet I got to get my wallet for that and then my savings I'm going to do $83 now this is the last of my rollover money that I have so I'm just going to go ahead and count up and see how much money I have left for that before I grab my wallet let me just jot down expenses look at my calendar and write down my expenses so for my expenses I have rent my loan too I have my K notes DTE um mintmobile my insurance my loan one I also have annual now these two DTE and annual I actually stuff with cash in my savings binder my blue savings binder um what's next I have my long one long two okay and then next is the week three bills which is my PO Box my WiFi and also my [Music] firearm now the $83 that I am um going towards saving is going to be for my loan one so I'm going to put loan one right here as well so I don't forget that that extra $83 is coming out okay and then I'm also going to put my whole savings account here since this is an online transaction my expenses these are all online transactions and then lastly is my buffer now for my buffer so my health savings account is $25 as of right here and then for for my buffer I do want to add every week a minimum is $10 but this week I am going to add $50 so that needs to be adjusted in my sinking funds that I'm actually adding $50 towards my buffer because treasure my youngest daughter she broke my mom TV so I'm saving up my buffer money and a little extra into buffer to go towards purchasing my mom another TV and my goal is $260 I think currently I have 160 so I have my expenses set up let's find out how much I have left in rollover and then get these expenses jotted down to see how much I have left to go into my wallet and my savings and sinking funds all right let me grab my rollover which I hold in my personal I am also going to my boyfriend's house so I have to make a mental note of that and I have to pay for parking he did give me some extra money for parking so I need to make a mental note of that as well that I'm going to put towards some extra money towards my active love sinking fun and just take that with me for the weekend so I have 20 40 60 70 80 90 110 so I have 60 70 80 90 110 yes so I have $110 going towards rollover so let me set this to the side so one 10 let me grab my calculator okay so I have 170 59 plus 25 plus 110 plus 83 so that gives me a total [Music] of $1,288 59 for my income so my rent I am adding $0 because I have a rent savings I think it's standing at $ 5800 currently so I want to say at the end of May once I started receiving paychecks for my second job so I'll have two full-time incomes coming in I'm going to start contributing more money towards my rent um I only need to save up now for November and December so the rest of the month I have my um total for my rent um and my rent savings and that money was from my federal refund um income tax so I just end up saving that so it could go towards my rent for um the month of well for the year of 2024 next is my personal loan my loan to receive 66 um doll every week my kernot receives $161 every week DTE receives 10 mint mobile receives 19 my insurance receives $78 a week my loan one receives $83 every week annual receives $9 a week so as I sted before DTE and annual I will recast stuffing um my PO Box receives $14.99 my WiFi is $56.99 and then firearm is $9.95 a month so I'm going to go ahead and calculate and add up my expenses so I have 56 + 161 + 10 + 19 + 78 + 83 + 9 + 14 99 + 56 99 + 9 95 + 83 + 25 + 50 so my bills total total is $665 193 I probably should move I think I am I'm going to move DC in annual over to my savings and sying funds so I'm going to do that now because I cash Stu that money and I don't want it to get confused with my online transaction so let me do this remove that one that one so that was a total of 199 $19 for annual and 10 for [Music] DTE so let me update my total 665 minus 19 so that's actually a total of $646 193 that stays in my account so I'm going to subtract that from the 128859 so 128859 minus 64 6 93 okay so that gives me a remaining balance of 641 66 next I am going to write down my wallets which is my um variable expenses that I hold in in my wallet okay so for my variable expenses I have bless which is 10% of my income grocery eating out household going to just do home for household gas my personal spending money my money for my pret on nails and pedicures and then miscellaneous so bless receives 10% of my income which is $1,759 plus $25 that's $1,955 I'm just going to round it up to [Music] $110 so10 in grocery receives $75 eat out I'm going to do $25 home I'm going to do $25 gas um I'm going to do $100 for gas since I am driving back and forth to my second job now personal I'm going to do 15 Nails I'm going to do 30 and then miscellaneous gets his usual five so let me add this up so 10 10 + 75 + 25 + 25 + 100 + 15 + 30 + 5 that's $385 so I'm going to subtract $385 from the 64166 so 641 66 minus 385 that leaves me with $ 25666 so 25666 the extra 66 cents I'm going to put towards buffer but I'm going to just leave it there for now okay so let me get grab my sing funds binder so let me move this calculator move this over here like that so I already did buffer and my he savings account so active love I did put my um s funds categories in alphabetical order just easier when I take them out and put them back in to know which place it goes in so let me just put sinking funds okay Act of love I have Beauty back to school treasure has the um what do you call it treasure has her field trip coming up so I at least want to put 20 $20 towards back to school so I'm going to do $20 for back to school and it actually has zero so I need to update my trackers I gave treasure $5 for the book fair last week so I have to subtract the $5 from the tracker car is empty because I filled my tank with gas um next is College college currently has $45 it's going to receive five [Music] content currently has $20 I'm going to add five debt currently has $20 I'm going to add 10 I'm trying to add $10 every week towards debt towards the extra debt payment I'm working on my I think this is my last credit card my personal last credit card which is my business credit card classy budget fun has 0 so we'll see what I put in fun I don't know yet gift has 0 um I did spend this money on my mom for Mother's Day so gift now is going to get out at $10 for gift [Music] girls I did go clothes shopping for my girls so their envelope is empty I'm going to do their usual 20 next is my mom my mom receives her usual $75 and last is shoing and shoping currently has 10 so I'm going to do five hopefully I'm not over $256 yet I don't think I am but let's just see so $256 minus 20 - 5 - 5 - 10 - 10 - 20 - 75 - 5 okay I have $106 left so not too bad let me get my savings binder I do get a YouTube paycheck next month I'm so excited about that and thank you to you guys so we'll be able to add something to my YouTube saving sinking fund so my 52 weeks challenge I'm going to go on order so I'm going to add $16 here my weight loss challenge I'm going to add a dollar because I did lose I lost two lbs but I'm just going to put a dollar just to be safe yes um I am not consistent with this challenge for some reason but I still count my calories and things like that next is DTE it gets its usual $10 and lastly in this one is annual and annual is going to get as usual $9 so I took those two from over here and just swap them out and put it over here okay so I'm going to bring this one back but first before that I'm going to subtract the ones out of the blue binders so- 16 for my 52 weeks - one for weight loss - 10 for DTE and - 9 for annual so I have love beauty car and fun so let's see fun I'm going to add how much money does fun have Beauty only has two car has zero so let's do this because I still need to add a good amount towards love because if I'm going to my boyfriend's house then I'm going to have to pay for parking so beauty Beauty I'm going to do five um Act of love has 50 so minus five um car has zero so I'm going to start car at I think fun has zero also let me see de yep fun has zero I'm just going to give fun $5 for this week because I have a lot of money going elsewhere and then car and love so car can I update something somewhere gift so I'm going instead of doing 10 and gift I'm going to do five in gift five and do that extra five towards car and give love $60 um yep going to do it like that so this should a total $256 is 60 so let's see 60 + 5 + 20 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 20 + 75 + 5 + 16 + 1 + 10 + 9 so 250 6 is correct okay and that leaves me with $0 the 66 Cent as I stated before is going towards buffer I'm going to do buffer 66 cents that leaves me with 6.41 and that will [Music] remove this 66 cents here all right that's it I'm going to make sure I get my denominations for my wallet and my sinking funds which is $641 that I will be stuffing for week three okay I hope you guys have enjoyed this video as I have um I'm going to make sure I get my denominations for my week three cast stuffing um and I will see you guys in the next video love you guys bye [Music]
Channel: Classy Budgets
Views: 429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M1EU0_MCmvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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