MAY 2022 BULLET JOURNAL PLAN WITH ME | windows + feeling disconnected

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hello my loves welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another plan with me this year is going by so freaking fast i literally feel like i'm about to migrate into a new bullet journal here soon in a little bit it's a little scary but i will say that for may my may theme i did struggle a little bit to find a theme that i felt connected to it's not even so that like i wasn't able to like come up with any ideas or anything i had a lot of ideas that i knew i could draw out i just couldn't find myself being connected to any of them and normally that is how i figure out my bullet journal theme that i'm going to draw out for the next month it's definitely not a good feeling to not feel connected to my bullet journal i do talk a little bit more about it well actually a lot more about it in the video ahead so i'm not going to get into too much of it right now i don't want to take up too much more of the intro time so let's just get to it okay everyone let's get started on our may cover page we are starting with the header i am using sakura fineliners in sepia tone for all of the outlining the borders the monthly numerical calendars the headers everything i used the size zero five for the header and for everything else i am switching between a zero one the plastic nib the zero zero five and then the zero zero three i really like the zero zero five for the outlining of the doodles and then the zero zero three is actually really good for like these small details in shading or different types of pen strokes like cross hatching and stippling like i've definitely been very into exploring that a little bit more in my drawings so the 003 is perfect for that especially with doodles like mine which tend to be pretty much on the smaller side i think other people with larger you know doodles and drawings and their bullet journals they probably go for the thicker uh fineliner pens but for me these extremely thin ones work as you can see the theme that i chose for this month has to do with windows curtains bows definitely on the whimsical side you could even say uh i am doing a little bit of wall decor and also including animals and florals i'd also say it's kind of enchanted and dreamlike and delicate i think those are good words to describe like the aesthetics of this theme as you can see i went back to drawing my theme out rather than doing junk journaling and the biggest reason why was because i was tired of pulling out my junk journaling supplies every time i needed to create a new spread i don't really have like an efficient organization system for any of my ephemera or any of my other junk journaling things so it kind of makes it difficult because i forget where i put my frames or my stickers and so the whole process just gets a little messy and then i get frustrated and then wished i was just drawing my spreads out that way all i needed was a pencil an eraser and a pen or a fine liner and maybe even some markers and i can also bullet journal anywhere i can bullet journal on my bed or on my floor or downstairs i don't need to be at my desk don't get me wrong i love junk journaling and collaging and crafting and touching papers and seeing what other materials i can combine together and make like a beautiful spread with different textures and layers i think i would rather do it for its own sake though instead of combining it with my bullet journal or i would do it to you know send people supplies like a creating a flip folder something like that it's just sometimes when i'm like in a rush or i have a lot of things to do i have a very hectic and busy schedule i'd rather quickly make my bullet journal spread rather than pull out all these things in order just to get a spread there for me to plan for my week ahead but i do think there's a way to combine both uh so maybe like doing a little tiny mini collage in the corner or something like that i think that would work and i am not saying that i'm never going to junk journal in my bullet journal again i just remembered why i stopped doing it to begin with so i think you know last month i said i would make it maybe like a april like an april thing like every april i do a junk journaling thing so i think i'm gonna keep it like that and make it sort of like a tradition so as you can see i kind of skipped doing a quote page this month and instead i kind of mixed my monthly calendar with a few quotes here and there i even have a quote on my cover page one thing i do to find good quotes is go to pinterest and type in typewriter quotes usually those quotes aren't as cliche or cringey the other thing i like to do is write down quotes that i am that i found through like books that i'm reading at the current moment and then the last thing i do is look for poetry and whatever resonates with me or whatever i'm going through in that moment and i relate those are the quotes that i pick so the one on my cover page says i am mine before i am anyone else's and then there's two on my monthly calendar page one of them says oh my dear but a broken heart is yet another invitation that one is actually from the poet who is also non-binary transgender named alok vadmin everyone should go check them out right away they are so talented and they are just a beautiful human being that just i don't know the whole their words just make me feel seen and validated and i think i have never felt more less alone after reading their words i don't know i i learned so much about my life and my spirituality from reading their words so go check them out right away and the last one says the tragedy was loving you before i knew how to love myself i'm actually not sure who wrote the other two words i think it might have been anonymous on pinterest i should have been paying a little bit more attention to that if i find them then i will link it down below or if one of you know then you know go ahead and comment speaking of comments i just want to take the time to say that i appreciate every single one of you who comment down below on my videos i am not able to respond to everyone although i wish i could just know that i read all of them your beautiful words and you pouring yourself out to me and it makes me feel less alone like i am not the only one going through the things that you know i talk about so for that i'm grateful and you know thank you for allowing me to hold space for you just like how you hold space for me also i am so incredibly terribly sorry for the lighting changes i ended up filming on a day that was extremely overcast and as i've mentioned before when i film on the days that are overcast then for some reason the sun and the moon like to dance to a song called suavemente and everyone knows when you're dancing to the song called suavemente you can't help but shake your hips all around your partner so i appreciate your um understanding around the lighting adjustments ah this bothers me very much but i am terribly sorry we're just gonna have to deal with it alrighty let's move on to the may habit and mood tracker page uh i am doing the same layout i always do you are probably very tired of me saying that but hey i am not tired of this layout because it works for me i mean really it is so versatile literally i have room to doodle i have room to add a monthly numerical calendar i even have room to add in a quote and i have room to track all of my moods and my habits like i can even add more in here if i wanted i'm not even using a true a5 size journal i'm using a slightly smaller a5 size journal and it still works out like come on this has to be like the best layout ever okay now that i am done over justifying why i chose to use this layout let's move on to talking about the doodles here so i have on the cover page i did an arched doodle or a window and at this time i'm doing a more rectangular window the inspiration for these windows just came from photographs of windows off pinterest and the inspiration for all my curtains actually came from looking up lace curtains i am very infatuated with lace right now i want to put it on all of my doodles if you are a part of my patreon uh community then you would know that last month like literally i was drawing like lace bows and lace envelopes like lace and roses were just like my thing and they are continuing to be my thing because that is just what i am you know totally obsessed with right now i just wish that a softer off-white eggshell type of color existed in the water-based uh markers i cannot find one for the life of me the crayola multicultural pack just it does have the lighter neutral tones but they are more on the reddish undertone side like they're all called almond um but for some reason they have like pink undertones i am looking for more of like a yellowy gray greenish undertone and for some reason they just don't exist in water-based markers they exist in alcohol but i can't use alcohol-based markers in my bullet journal so um that is one thing that sucks i tend to want my spreads to be on the lighter side i don't like overly saturated colors other creators use the saturated and bright colors in their bullet journals and their artwork and it's absolutely beautiful there's literally nothing wrong with it it's just like not my style i definitely like the more muted tones and it's really just unfortunate when like you're trying to create a drawing or a piece of artwork that you are trying to express you know and create through your imagination but you simply cannot get it right and you can't replicate what is in your mind because you have a limited option of colors i was this close to taking out my gouache paint set for this bullet journal theme just so i can get accurate color representation but uh i just got lazy and i was like nah it's not worth it i'll just deal with the markers so i definitely went with a fewer shades of colors as possible i think when you add too many colors sometimes it can get a little hectic and busy i wanted it to be as cohesive as possible as you can see i did a little junk journaling collaging up there on the left top um corner there i definitely used up a lot of the white space in my bullet journal pages for the habit and mood tracker i didn't utilize the negative space as much i also brought back elements from some of my older bullet journal themes like the grid in the enclosed you know borders or the boxes and now let's move on to the weekly page so for those of you who are taking inspiration from this bullet journal theme or in fact just straight up replicating it and also love dutch doors then you are gonna be in for a treat because i actually made every single weekly for may so all four weeklies i made them all at once and they are in this video in the four years that i have been bullet journaling i think it's four it might be three but um it's one of those two i have never created all my entire bullet journal theme for the month like and all of the weeklies and everything in one sitting i've just never done that i have no idea why i think it's because like i was not really creating dutch doors um especially like in the beginning every single spread was on its own two page spread but lately i have just been feeling a little bit overwhelmed with creating bullet journal pages i don't know if i've just been creating them for so long now that i'm either out of ideas or i'm actually i don't know if it's that more than it is the fact that i am um putting uncalled for pressure on myself to make my spreads pretty or decorative i'm trying to constantly one up my theme from the previous month it really sucks because i've actually never really felt this kind of pressure when it comes to my bullet journaling like for the majority of my bullet journaling journey i've actually been pretty like you know hey i'm gonna make my bullet journal work for me instead of me working for it or even if i did start feeling this sort of pressure then i was pretty like self-aware about it but it was never like debilitatingly paralyzing like it has been for at least like the last three to four five maybe six months like honestly it's gotten so bad that i'm like dreading making my bullet journal pages like i just am avoiding it entirely and i'm just waiting for like me to be done with like setting everything up so that i can just like finally breathe and you know you'll see these videos on youtube that are like oh you're definitely going to quit bullet journaling or you probably will just don't do this like you know there's videos like that all over youtube and you know i've actually been thinking about them a lot and like i've even considered this idea of like not doing bullet journaling anymore because of like the anxiety that i feel every time i need to create a new theme or a new bullet journal spread but then i was like thinking about like actually quitting right and it's just like i cannot quit because the bullet journaling system is actually extremely incredibly helpful for me like it literally makes me feel more sane when i can write down a list of the things that i need to do because my head tends to be very loud i'm all over the place and if i can't get things down on paper i'm going to basically want to give up on life like that's just like how dramatic my head is and that's also something that you know people with mental illness like often struggle with so i can like easily say and make this statement that bullet journaling is actually contributing to my healthy lifestyle and also it's pretty much saving my life so i'm in a little bit of a dilemma right because like on one hand bojoing is kind of giving me the stress but on the other hand it's completely like impacting my life in like a positive way and you know a lot of you like have said that after finding my videos you found a new way to bullet journal that was a lot less stressful and you actually started enjoying it more and it's really funny because now it feels like i'm actually going in the opposite direction and so i am having to really look at that and why and what is contributing to me feeling this way i think having an audience uh definitely does not help sometimes like i feel like because now people are watching me i have to uh create certain types of spreads that you know like for approval and not just for my own personal self and bullet journaling has actually it's a very personal experience so when you start like hearing voices of other people it really starts to like block your creativity coming up with this may theme like i struggled for like four or five hours before like i committed to something and when i first started bullet journaling or for basically the majority of my bullet journaling journey journey it like i never really had that problem like i kind of came up with the theme looked internally and i was able to go with it and you know the pressure to make it perfect or one-up you know my last spread or anything like that like it really wasn't there i was creating for myself so i really think that you know i'm not sure if this is gonna happen next month but it will happen soon where i might not be making these bullet journal bullet journaling plan with me videos every single month like i might take a break for myself so that i can realign and reconnect with my bullet journal and feel like it's personally catering to myself rather than everyone else and like the community and that sucks you know because i knew this community grew from my bullet journal pages it just feels like it's a little counter productive and even almost like contradictory because bullet journaling as a system is actually supposed to be like a very personally designed system for you know yourself not for everyone around you and honestly because i was making everything for myself i think that is actually why my community even grew in the first place because you know you all are you know drawn to that that feeling where like you know there's not pressure to create for other people and i hope that you know maybe i helped you feel that way about your own bullet journals but now i think it's my turn to reconnect with myself so i know i took up like a lot of this video talking about that i just feel like it's something that i have been going through and struggling with so i really just wanted to share it with all of you maybe you all are also going through that or have gone through it i really just don't want to quit bullet journaling it's a big part of my life and so i just think sometimes it's important to take a breather take a step back reevaluate what things are working what things aren't working and it's scary to do that because you know it's going to require a change in your schedule and your routine and it's probably going to stop my growth in terms of like my social media but you know i have to have some level of faith that like the people who love my work and who love me they're gonna stay and wait and be patient and know that this is just part of like the human experience and we can't require perfection from creators i'm still gonna post my bullet journal photographs on patreon and instagram i just might take a break from youtube so now that i kind of got that out of the way and let you guys know where i am let's talk a little bit about my weeklies and then we can get through the flip through and then we can get to the outro and then this video will be done so i do feel like i kind of cheated a little bit by making this four page dutch door like it just feels like oh i'm not creating a brand new themed doodle for every page instead i just made one for all four weeklies but also it's like based on everything that i'm kind of going through i'm pretty proud and impressed with myself that i even made this many page spreads or managed to even finish this and right now i know we're in the flip through but i'm just gonna keep talking i'm actually like really happy that i'm not gonna have to like worry about making a bullet journal spread like for the rest of the month i have like an entire month to not think about bullet journaling and instead i really want to focus on creating like more stickers and products for my stationery shop i'm also making like a ton more videos on tiktok that kind of have to do with like the behind the scenes on how i create my products for my stationery shop but we're done with the flip through so let's talk a little bit more about this in the outro yeah so i kind of just feel like the direction that i want to spend my time and creating content around and like what i feel motivated by is just shifting a little bit it's hard because like i want to create content for you guys and i also want to maintain a level of consistency but i also feel like we are evolving creatures that feel inspired by something different every year every month even every day and i want to honor the consistency part of me but also the parts of me that's kind of like ever changing and i think right now i'm just struggling with this idea of like what is it exactly that i feel connected to and how can i reconnect with that kind of like figure out what my why is in all of this while i figure all that out meanwhile i just want to wish you all peace and love with your bullet journaling journeys so feel free to connect with me on instagram on patreon or tick tock if you have one i love hanging out with all of you and as always if no one told you they loved you today i love you so very much [Laughter] [Music] you can say bye everyone
Channel: leelajournals
Views: 6,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bullet journal, bujo ideas, bullet journal ideas, minimal bujo, minimal bullet journal, bujoplanwithme, planwithme bujo, bujo inspiration, bullet journal inspiration, bujo with me, bujowithme, ideas for bujo, ideas for bullet journal, bujo 2021, 2022 bullet journal, bujo 2022, vintage bujo, journaling, bujo weekly ideas, 2022 bujo themes, junk journaling, bujo collaging, may bujo plan with me, may bujo ideas, may bullet journal, may bujo theme, may 2022 bujo, bujo weekly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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