May 12, 2024 GSCC Kids English

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[Music] hey everyone this week we're continuing our series by Design we've been learning all about the things that we were made for you've all probably been taught sharing is caring ever since you were little right but did you know that God teaches us that too Jesus does great things in our lives and he wants us to care about people around us when we care about others like our friends at school we share things with them so why wouldn't we want to share Jesus with them too when we share Jesus with others we are being disciples what does that mean a disciple is a follower a disciple is someone who follows something else in our Bible we read about Jesus and his disciples his disciples were his group of friends who followed him and learned from him so when we say we're being a disciple that means we're learning how we can be more like Jesus every day when we say we're making disciples that means we're sharing Jesus with others so they will become followers of Jesus too today we're learning I share Jesus because I care let's say that together I share Jesus because I care our Bible story this week shows us what it can look like for us to be disciples and share our faith with others to help make disciples when we share a lot of things with others like our snacks video games toys and the list goes on but the most important thing you can do for others is share Jesus with them when we make Jesus the leader of Our Lives Liv he doesn't want us to hide it he wants us to share that with everyone around us so that we can show others how Jesus has changed our hearts he wants us to share his love with others and help make more disciples or followers of Jesus we can read in our Bible about a man who was being a disciple and making disciples let's read it together we can find it in the New Testament in Acts 8 30-31 and 35-38 Philip ran over and heard the man reading from the prophet Isaiah Philip asked do you understand what you were reading the man replied how can I unless someone instructs me and he urged Philip to come up into the carriage and sit with him the man from Ethiopia was trying really hard to read about Jesus but he couldn't understand it he needed someone to help him we need people to guide us and help teach us about Jesus and how we can be more like him the man from Ethiopia wasn't afraid at all to ask philli for help and Philip was happy to teach him about God Philip was being a disciple and teaching others about God and Philip was helping the Ethiopian become a disciple I share Jesus because I care let's say that together ready I share Jesus because I care so beginning with the same scripture Philip told them the good news about Jesus as they rode along they came to some water and the Ethiopians said look there's some water why can't I be baptized he ordered the carriage to stop and they went down into the water and Philip baptized him the man from Ethiopia made Jesus the leader of his life and he wanted to be baptized philli really was being a disciple by sharing god with him and teaching him about God and the Ethiopian was becoming a disciple we should be like Phillip and The Man from Ethiopia we should always want to learn more about God but we should also want to teach others about God when we teach others about God we are being disciples Jesus wants us to share him with others he wants the whole world to know about him and it is our job as disciples to make sure that happens even if we just tell the people around us at school at home or on our sports team I share Jesus because I care let's say that together ready I share Jesus because I care we are being disciples when we share god with other people but how do we make disciples the more you talk to God and learn about him the easier it becomes to share him with others now when you're teaching others and you know God really well they'll probably learn a lot more so it's important to continue to grow in your friendship with God even as you teach others about God we never stop learning about God you are probably a follower of God because someone else taught you about him right maybe that's a parent a teacher a friend from school or a sibling now is your chance to help someone else just as they helped you let's practice our memory verse do to others as you would like them to do to you Luke 6:31 let's say it one more time do to others as you would like them to do to you Luke 6:31 let's pray dear God thank you that you keep teaching us and showing us how to be a disciple we ask that you would continue to help us grow and know you more please help us share you with others around us in Jesus name [Music] amen [Music]
Channel: GSCC NextGen
Views: 1,039
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Id: nXRBAkjPtfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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