Max Clark Talks MLB Draft, Vanderbilt Commitment, Training Routine, And Mindset

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[Music] foreign [Music] so I didn't make the team biggest stage we're down by one in the bottom of six it hangs a change up and you hit it 400 feet like yeah I'm gonna lose my mind like that was Unreal to me [Applause] this episode is sponsored by Jack's batting gloves but more on that later all right let's go into it let's do it all right Max Clark what's up dude what's going on guys you've probably been by far the most requested person like ever since day one of the podcast people have been like Max Lark but I wanted to make sure it was like right in the right setting and like you know you were down for me had like some time to actually do it so dude thank you for doing it yeah absolutely you know I'm glad to be here and like you said I mean this is definitely the right setting I mean it's Hometown Franklin Indiana I'm glad you guys made it out here I appreciate you guys making it out here I mean a lot of cool stuff out here so yeah I'm excited to be on I've never been to Franklin in Indiana I've actually never been to Indiana so it was cool we got to see his hometown earlier today it was really cool um and we're doing like a day in the life video you guys will see so but yeah man uh tell me about like your hometown and your upbringing and kind of like you know rural Indiana yeah absolutely I mean Franklin is it's a smaller town but it's it's been growing recently which is really really cool I mean like as a kid I mean it was it was a legit small town I mean we were never on one stop light town but we were right there but I mean now we're like upwards of 25 000 people so many small businesses I mean it's booming honestly it's like it's a little bit of a booming city which is really cool to see and then on top of that like the community is fantastic um even from like not just my perspective but they handle other athletes and other people doing great things in this community so well everyone's incredibly supportive no matter what you may do and no matter what you're pushing for they always want to see the best out of people and that's that's a it's something you don't always see in a small town so I enjoy it I love it here it's it's a really really good vibe like we talked about today so I can't I can't complain at all yeah dude I'm I love seeing someone from not New York or La who is making a name and like kind of bringing now people know you're wearing that Franklin Jersey and people see that on social media and they're like oh what's Franklin now you're kind of putting a place on the map which is kind of cool that it's like your hometown on the map what's it like and then tell me about this facility that we're at right now kind of is this in Franklin technically yeah so this is in Franklin I mean there's not too many facilities out there like this in the entire country so you know I'm blessed to have something like this but we got a 36 000 square foot facility behind me I mean 8 000 square foot weight room everything you can imagine from a tech standpoint which is unreal to be completely honest um and you know it started out as a 2200 square foot Warehouse with poles in the middle every five feet so we've come a long way and it's it's really really cool I mean a lot of credit to the owner Chad and um you know all those guys that I played with growing up when we first started it's it's really really special and this is like definitely a really really sentimental place to me that's awesome but then on top of that I mean you can't ask for anything better so it's a great place to work out at with the the competition is actually very very good I mean we've had multiple college guys come in and out probably upwards of 45 wow and then we also have multiple college softball commits that come in literally from out of state just to train with our trainers so um it's a special it's a special environment here dude so to Pivot a little bit I I've like I've seen her Instagram for a while I've seen your social media presence for a while but I don't I think last summer really started to like make it more mainstream in baseball like hey this is Max Clark people start knowing your story for you when did you start seeing like the social media clout kind of Rise a little bit exactly then I mean uh after my so my sophomore High School season I played really really well I ended up winning uh Gator play of the year as a sophomore and that kind of sparked a little bit because people started like hearing my name more often I was announced in like National articles things like that and that's when I also had hit like the number one player in the country across all the platforms so like the clicks were there on PBR profiles it lead me to a Twitter and Instagram things like that and then from there I mean I just kind of built it I love things like this I'm a huge networking freak like I love meeting with people talking people having people like you know just interview like stuff like this I love it um it's a big part of who I am I just like being transparent talking to other people about whatever it may be you know positive or negative so I've just slowly started beginning to build but it definitely started last summer post Jeep boy yeah sophomore year yeah dude something that Lee and I always talk about is how good you are at like using your platform and to grow even a bigger platform and then have positive impact like you obviously Inspire so many kids out there and it's important to have someone like you because like I think I was looking up one day just to see where you compare to like MLB players and dude you're like in the 90s in like the third percentile second percentile of like people in baseball following wise which is really crazy what's it like to kind of talk to these kids and see the like kids looking up to in your comments it's it's a very good feeling to be completely honest I mean I was a kid as a freshman where I had reach out to a couple people that had maybe a tenth of the following that I had and you know I never hear back and like that like it didn't really like hurt me or sit with me but it was just like you know I wish I could have talked to him about his process or whatever it may have been so I try and change that narrative and give back to every kid that you know has a question I mean my DMs are literally always open and I try and clear my requests and get them all done you know at least like once a night so um I think the biggest thing for me is just being transparent and being open to people being a resource being like a good person a friend to somebody and that's like my whole Instagram and Tick Tock and Twitter it's all centered around that I mean you have everything from my relationships to my friends family Sports outside Sports activity you got football in there too like there's so many different branches that kids can ask questions about that I literally take time out of my day every day just to answer so it's tough in baseball nowadays that people aren't building their brand like baseball is kind of stuck in the past a little bit where like people you know like don't bat flip stuff earlier the unwritten rules about baseball what like what do you think is the importance of a young up and coming athlete to like build their brand on social media I think the biggest thing is the main focus for me has always been you can't make everybody happy so do what makes you happy I mean honestly like you got to do whatever you do that makes puts you put smile on your face makes you go in day in and day out and want to play like that's the biggest thing about this game is you can't go and do it because you have to you got to want to do it the moment you start not wanting to play baseball is the moment everything falls apart you have to want it each and every day and um you know like I'm a very passionate and flarry guy and you know I get some hate for that I get some Kickback for that and that that is what it is but it's not going to change who I am as a person I have the following I have because of who I am and a lot of kids love that especially the new generation like sure you know probably wasn't the same in the 90s like yeah you probably get being in the head like okay cool but like I get that um but you still got to be able to trust yourself believe in yourself do whatever makes you happy because like I said you're not gonna make everybody when did you commit to Vanderbilt I forget what you saw November 23rd of my freshman season are you fresh so what you're 14 15. I would have been 14. 14. you should give me the veteran when you were 14 years old what was that decision like for you so for me when it all came down at the very end it was really easy um but recruiting for me started crazy early uh I got my first offer in seventh grade uh early seventh grade so um I got a couple in-state schools right off the bat and then eighth grade I went to the Bulls and started playing there and it picked up a little bit I was in the junior future games when they were still at Grand Park in Indiana um got a couple of like the smaller ACC schools that started talking to me I still didn't have any offers from them yet so by that time in eighth grade I was like you know what IU Feels Like Home to me you know like it literally is home to me it's 35 minutes my house so um I was pretty set and you know I have an incredible connection with the coach there I still do a family friend and his dad is like an all-time great at Franklin so that definitely Felt Like Home to me but then my freshman year I went down to Jupiter with uh Team Indiana which is a you know biggest wwba it's how they end off the entire summer circuit season so um went crazy there hit 375 with like two doubles like eight stolen bases and a couple walks had like a 500 OBP and then my entire life changed basically from there I jumped from like the 50th like a top 50 Prospect to top three in every platform number one on a few uh pretty much every school came rolling in um and then in November I got her I I started like thinking about some other schools besides IU and I still hadn't heard from Vanderbilt yet at this point and then I got a camping by like a legit like hey we want you to come here um and I was like you know what I want to do this I want to go down there I want to see what I'm made of you know at that point I still really wasn't sure if I was you know at that level went down to camp and went probably the best day of baseball I've had in my life I mean during BP I had Kumar rocker and Jack lighter staring at me and they were my coaches for the day a and there's a hotel in right field in Nashville and I hit a ball off that hotel at 14 years old and all I hear is coach Corbin in the background go that a boy sunshine and things like that like that instantly connected me to coach Corbin it instantly connected me to coach Baxter he was the one throwing BP he was staring at it things like that like he was giving instant feedback he was able to reach out give me things to work on ask about my family that was just an instant family bond there that felt like home then we start touring the facilities you start touring the campus it's also Nashville you can't go wrong with Nashville I'm a huge country music fan so all of that together made the final decision way easier than what it was before Vanderbilt hit me up so I mean Vanderbilt was always my my team growing up when I was like eight years old that was when I first started watching like college baseball and they were the first team I turned on because they were playing IU and like I literally was it's like it's literally the coolest thing ever to look back at it and be like oh wow you know one time I was like oh I want to go to IU and then next thing you know you're playing for the greatest college baseball program in history so it's a really cool feeling and I'm very happy and blessed where I am but it was definitely easier once they came around yeah is it kind of surreal for you to look back at like who you were like 12 13 years old thinking where you're at now it's it's actually unbelievable to be completely honest I mean when I was 13 I was like yeah I want to go play college baseball like every kid and you know we weren't really sure if it was a thing yet and then you know things start churning offers roll around teams start calling then the next thing you know you have agents and pro Scouts in your house every single week so that's so cool it's a complete turn of the page like it's it's unreal to be completely honest because when we were when I was in kindergarten there's a laminate piece of paper that I've had since I was literally five years old and it said what do you want to be when you're older and I wrote MLB baseball player which is hilarious because MLB baseball player but like every single time like a scout will come in and be like hey like have you always wanted to do this literally we just pull that piece of paper and I like it's been a dream of mine and now kind of looking back that you know we have a legitimate chance of completing that dream uh it's it's for real it's it's unreal dude it's so cool because now you're like the draft projections are coming out and it's in Seattle this year yeah so you probably like have that date marked on the calendar like ready for that big old axons on that date so we'll be there so we're gonna be excited for that dude so what's it like seeing like these draft boards come out and it has you one or two or three like in that elite elite category what's it like just to see your name up there so yeah so like going off of that I think it's it's really really cool and I'm blessed to be in that position what I've had to learn to tell myself is to not buy into it because the moment you get complacent in one of those things like oh I'm gonna be a top five pick the moment you get complace it it can derail you so fast um like in our household we don't even talk about the draft like literally no one here talks about it when there are pro guys here watching me work out we don't talk about it you know like we just try and act like I'm a normal high school kid I try and act like I'm a normal high school kid yeah sure there's a lot of cameras on me yeah sure I have a big following but you know each day each and every day high school like I go to public high school and they treat me like I'm a normal kid because that's all I want to be at this time you know things are getting serious time's taken away like you know it's seven months before the decision has to be made and I do not want to think about it until six months and 30 days type deal so um you know it's really cool I love looking at it it's really nice and I always kind of get a chip in my shoulder when somebody projects me like ninth or something you know like that uh you know so there's a little bit of fuel in there too but seeing that one two and three like I can't buy into that right now I should be if I'm two or three motivate you to get to one and if you're one how do you stay at one that's how I see it yeah dude what's your like training routine look like because obviously you're I feel like you if I was here I'd live here you should probably see yeah you would live here so so what's like your process going into a day like a lift or a throwing session what is your weekly routine look yeah and you know it's actually really easy because we were talking about it earlier joking about earlier so I get out of class at 11 every day because I'm ahead on credits so from there I get out of school at 11. come over here uh Coach Carter that you guys met earlier he'll feed me so I usually hit from about 12 to two um and then when I well I'm in class so I have my last period of the day is a weight room class so I got I got an hour lift before I come and hit um that first lift in the morning is way more low intensity it's a lot of triphasic work a lot of high purchase or uh excuse me um plyometric work gotcha so a lot of like you know weight balance uh weight Force things all this stuff moving things quickly at a high rate moving heavy things quickly how quickly can you move things it's a little lower intense but it's like it's the athletic training that you need to be a great athlete and then I'll come here and hit afterwards if I need to throw that day you know right now I'm just kind of getting the arm up to speed so a little lighter on the throwing for right now but we're working through the process of just getting it back to where it needs to be for the season so um if I need to toss it out that'll be after my hitting so after that 12-2 session I'll usually go home for about an hour grab something to eat grab a protein shake whatever it may be that day get some caffeine because at 3 15 I go back to the high school and that's my super high intent lift it's all hypertrophy I mean I'm talking four by four sets of squat and it's eight reps eight reps eight reps and then a Max set until you fail at 80 percent so I mean that's another like hour that's about an hour and a half because it's it's legit that's Olympic Training that is for muscle strength and muscle size like that is that's what I get after it um so it's really nice because I have that balance of like getting the body right in the morning getting the athletic movement that you need to be a great athlete to stay where I am at that five tool position having a little bit of break to go work on the swing hone things in and then that you really get after it from like three to five um and then I just come home get some study done and then just play rainbow for like four hours a night so rainbow yeah what's your best lift what's your favorite lift might be different honestly my favorite lift is probably clean and for a while that was my best lift the 335 clean yeah so that was that was my best for a while but now I think my most impressive is probably my front squat which I got up to 425. dude so wow that's right for one yeah that's really impressive uh or you could argue my reverse lunge I reverse lunge 375 for three damn on back or front back have you ever tried front they're okay I just feel like I get a little unbalanced yeah you know I just feel like safer to go with the back rack yeah what's your biggest advice to like a kid who's like 13 watching this who like wants to be stronger throw harder hit harder all that I think the biggest piece of advice I can give is find a process that works for you you know a lot of these kids will go into a day and be like you know what I'm just gonna go in there and hit a ball as hard as I can I'm gonna go in there and take 200 swings it's like no break it up find an attack play and find something that works for you you know I was once the kid when I was 13 14 15 all I wanted to do was take 100 swings lift heavy weight and have a lot of fun like yeah that's great but there's a time where you have to find a process that works for you there's a time where you have to find a certain trainer or a hitting coach who can hone things in that are Advanced that have been around the next level of the game and for me like I mean I have four separate trainers I have a like I have my own like I do my nutrition on my own because I'm very educated in that side I do a lot of my own weight plan on my own because I'm very educated in that side and then I have like like I said four trainers on the baseball side so I've been able to Market all those things put them all together and have this fantastic process that I go in each and every day so um for me my biggest piece of advice is just find a process and then cliche trust the process that was a great answer yeah a lot of people yeah I think a lot of kids I talk about this a lot but like they want just like the quick fix for five miles an hour on velocity but it's like very slow process I mean it took me a year and a half to get up to like what I am now I mean from my freshman year I was 135 pounds 140 pounds by the end of my sophomore year I was 185 and I mean it was a dramatic change but you have to look at that was a year and a half year and three-quarter time like you're not going to notice it day to day it's oh this week I felt a little bit stronger oh a month later that weight that I used to max out on I can now do for three reps something like that it's there's no quick fix to anything to be completely honest it's all going to take time you got to put in the effort you're going to get in which you put out so excuse me you're gonna get out with you yeah yeah yeah yeah what are your like biggest resources because you said you're like educated because you probably take a lot of time to research what's nutrition training and all that stuff what are your big do you listen to like podcasts so yeah so from a mental aside I'm huge on this so on a mental game side I mean I'm listening to the like millionaire wolf yeah everything on that side because it's not so much about the money side that they talk about for me it's about the psychological the mental health like all of these things are fantastic I mean Ed Millette is one of the greatest speakers I love listening to Ed I've actually had a conversation with Ed it's fantastic so that's really really cool uh read his book like it's great and then I read a memoir called shoe dog um really good they're really good I'm super interested in that stuff I'm a very intellectual human and my way is reading researching listening um I can do all those things you know an hour a night and you're gonna get so much smarter about your body about your head about your brain all these things like I mean I'm super obsessed with that stuff so like I'm a little I'm nerding out right now when you said True Dog yeah chills because I love that book so much so good I'm gonna reread it before we go to Oregon because I gotta get back exactly lock in because you're going to Orange yeah but um but yeah like that stuff for me is huge and then from like the weight side and the nutrition side I mean I've been around Olympic CrossFit everything I've been on all sides of an athletic trainer from like a division one standpoint um so first of all that's a resource that I can go to person to person and ask any question I want they got the answer but I also do a lot of my own reading I do a lot of my own researching I mean Google Scholar is actually really really good if you use the scholar yeah not just regular Google right so you can find so many articles about the body muscle anatomy so many things like that you watch like YouTubers so I I don't um I actually don't like pick one usually it's just like hey let me look this up let's see what they have to say about like a topic like you know Kinesiology I'll look up usually like something like Khan Academy yeah you have a really good lesson on physiology so like it's really really there's so many resources out there these days that if you don't want to pay for somebody or you don't need to just get on the internet and Trust find a trusted source that as a you know cscs something like that dude that's so funny that you say that Khan Academy actually has some really they got really good stuff and not just like from your normal K-12 standpoint like they have some good adulthood very Niche things yes exactly dude who are some of like the coolest people you said at my land like that's a really cool one who are some of the coolest people you've met uh through your like you know social media rise or just in general from baseball so I've had I've had conversations and I've been on Zoom calls with like the uh former CEO of um stockx so Josh Luber wow I had a really good call with him I want to say in September October so that was really really cool um I mean Sneakerhead me plus I mean the biggest of the Sneakerhead who literally created stockx so like that was super cool conversation I had conversations with the ex-ceo of um Nike so yeah so like Vijay I mean that was crazy like literally I just joined a random Zoom that my buddy had set up and we were just kind of going back and forth and it was just like oh my god do you have like a business entrepreneur have you thought about starting your own business or like there's there's things down the road that I definitely want to do it's just I kind of got to figure out how to do it um I mean the agent my agency will hook me up with a lot of things I mean like Jeff samardzija's LLC is fantastic I mean I'm with Sam so there's a lot of cool things that we can do and I mean he's done it with a lot of players and I've seen a lot of players who do like the mpos and llc's so definitely want to do something like that whether it's a foundation or whatever it may be I mean I'm definitely interested in that um and then like my brother and I if I actually never played baseball when I was younger we wanted to be since he's a lawyer we actually wanted to open our own LLC and run our own so and what would like what would you do or what would you no idea like we we literally had no idea so that we literally were just we were brainstorm about it literally just later today we were like we can do so many things because he's he has a different kind of mind than I do and he can do so many different things with his mind that I can do on the opposite side yeah and it's just like all of these things come together we can form something really special we just got to really play it out yeah Leo and I just made the LLC for enjoy the show yeah we have so many ideas we're like baseball's wide open for Content we gotta just like you know do all we have so many different ideas so right now that's why we're like we're okay with traveling and like sure it's gonna be a little bit of money but like this is very special and I think as a whole baseball needs something like this 100 very special for baseball in the same way that you're building your brand and like leaning into the fact that like like yeah like people look up to me and this is really cool and also you're mature and you have this like great head in your shoulders which I think a lot of kids look up to I've seen sometimes like dads in your comments who are like hey my son loves you could you like send a video and say yeah that's so like dads aren't really asking big Leaguers for that but they're asking you because kids relate more to an 18 year old than they do at 35. absolutely and I think that's what you just said like the biggest thing is I'm someone that a kid can relate to and it's really really like pleasing when they have someone that they can relate to because you have no idea what's going on in somebody's life yeah you don't have any clue so being able to have someone whether you know them or not but you can at least relate to what they're doing what they're going through what they may have gone through things like that it's really cool and it's helpful I mean I've been there so yeah what's been your like best moment in the last like few years going up and through summer ball or high school but what's been like your best baseball moment you think best baseball moment's 100 when I hit the go ahead home run against Canada um you know it was controversial because people hate backflips but like that is besides the point to me you like a lot of people don't understand what that what that was to me I mean 15 New Year I got cut 17-year I got covered couldn't go to trial so I didn't make the team 18 New Year finally made it you know biggest stage if we lose the candidate we're not playing for gold we're down by one in the bottom of sixth kid hangs a change up and you hit it 400 feet like yeah I'm gonna lose my mind like that was Unreal to me because it had personal connection as well as you're representing the name United States yeah exactly so like that was so more than just a home run for me that people don't really understand that yeah and I mean shout out Jeff Frye yeah is what it is man I mean people have their what like I kind of know what your take is on this but like what would you say you know the new age versus old age baseball where would you say you lie on that like I lie like a little bit ahead of like the new age like you know I love Flair I love passion I hate arrogance you know people think like I have a hint of arrogance and it's like yeah okay everybody does at some point but what I try and do is I play a game through passion and Flair which people don't like because they think it's arrogant it's not I'm playing because this game is a lot of fun I'm playing because I'm passionate about this game I'm playing because I hate to lose you know what I mean and people don't really understand that so I love competitors and competitors are not just gonna be there to be there they're not just gonna play with zero emotion they want to win so they're gonna do whatever it takes and when things are going well how can you handle yourself when things are going bad how can you handle yourself that's what a lot of people don't understand either is I'm just as empathetic and energetic that I am when I'm playing like crap when I am playing really well right so you know it's not like I'm riding the wave and it's like I'm only emotional or only you know backflip and excited whatever win uh you know something's going well somebody's like well he wouldn't be doing that if you know you'd be so mad if picture you did that after you shook out it's like no he struck me out and I sorted like you know what good pitch bro solve it all you want like I'll beat you next time yeah dude also one more thing before we take a break what you said earlier at breakfast you're like yeah I've been up to 99 and like you said it so casually like what when did your velocity because I'm from a pitching background when did your velocity on the mound like when did you notice you oh I throw pretty hard yeah so as a seventh what was what was 13 years 13 is that that sounds great so seventh grade I was 82-83 okay so I was I was always a really hard thrower and a lefty yeah I was always a really hard thrower um as a young kid I always had a really live arm my arm speed is ridiculous like I'm you know I'm not trying to be arrogate like I'm just I was blessed with really good arm speed so I always do hard um and then freshman year came around and I was like 87 89 91 94. and I stayed there and then sophomore year I like I touched a five oh no this is that was junior year sorry freshman year I was like 86 88 and then I hit a 90. sophomore year I was 1993 and then I hit the four and then last year junior year I was like I opened wrong Kali and it was a scrimmage no fans no internet at all I opened 95-97 what in like 33 degree weather for it was in like March 23rd bro that's upset and I mean I was 95 97 slider is like 85 yeah and then I'm trying to think of when I hit and then I went down to so we played a school called Bloomington North no oh uh Bedford North Lawrence b l so we played Bedford North Lawrence um and it was a one o'clock game and it was literally 32 degrees oh my God and I was warming up and I was long tossing I was like damn my arm feels really good because you know like you throw it and you don't feel anything yeah I just feel like Aaron's right today exactly you're like oh bodies in line and I went out there and I was 96 98 hit a nine and I mean I was just throwing fuzz balls dude 32 yeah it was like yeah I was like 32 35 degrees it was ridiculous I mean I was just throwing fuss and then um yeah and then I was that was it then what's your max pull down you said 100 103.8 that's crazy because I'm like I pride myself with Mobility so like I take time before every every before and after every lift to like do Mobility so I'm hyper mobile so I can get into like weird positions of my body yeah which just unlocks so much if you guys are looking for a high quality durable and dope pair of batting gloves for the city season that's coming up well look no further because Jack's batting gloves has got you for an extremely affordable price you can get Jax's latest and most high quality design yet the Jax model 1 batting glove they say it's where durability means performance not only is the glove made from 100 premium cabreta leather and handcrafted for superior quality but it also features an unbeatable grip and unique thumb protection feature to minimize the risk of thumb injuries from hard inside pitches and the best part is these gloves come at an affordable price point making them accessible to all players with Jax's latest offering they now cater to all players by providing both webbed and non-webbed gloves go check out their Instagram because they're doing a giveaway right now if you want some free gloves they're dropping their new model on February 1st so like two days after this video is being uploaded so go enter that giveaway but if you don't want to miss out and want to make sure you secure your size you can pre-order your pair on their website and use the code d-star for 10 off your order thanks again to Jax for sponsoring this episode they have some really cool products man they sent me them and I really like them they're very comfortable and obviously very affordable too so go check them out for the season and without further Ado let's get right back to the episode with Max all right so we're talking a little bit earlier about like your favorite books or your favorite resources to like go to for information but I gotta asked what are your top three books I'd have to go like shoe dog with phone I obviously like we talked about that yeah and then probably Dave Goggins part one can't hurt me yeah it's unreal like unreal um and then we'll go power One More by him like that one's just really good from like a like a mental strength standpoint that was really cool when did you first start getting into like reading in the mindset routine of like learning information and stuff so my freshman year I got introduced like a vision board okay and that kind of like sparked like the psychological side is that one like you have pictures on yes like pictures and like work like positive affirmations and like goals and all this stuff so I had I have all that stuff on like my mirror at home uh like literally in my bathroom so I have like a dry erase section like pictures of like you know Wards things like that like this is what I want right dream car dream lifestyle all this stuff it's super cool um but like that's vision boards usually like lead towards materialistic ideas and then you have like the positive affirmations like how do I get there how do I keep a strong mind in this things like that so it was really cool foreign obviously baseball is what people know you as they know use max Lark the baseball player but what are some of your other Hobbies outside of baseball honestly like to keep it really simple I just like trying to be a real high school kid I mean it's Franklin so like there's not a ton of stuff to do around here like you know the occasional trip like we have Topgolf up in Fishers and my buddies and I go probably more often than normal people go to Topgolf just because like the it's the one thing that's close to Indy like we can go up and do it a lot you know I love it um it's a blast for me um and they take care of us so it's a lot of fun up there but then like just like your normal high school activities I mean we go like me and my buddies leave the student section for basketball games like that's a blast we're pretty solid like it's really fun um and then like I like to fish too so that's like the one thing that like if I wasn't playing baseball in the summer I'd go and do and then on top of that real golf I mean me and my buddies play probably four times a week when I'm home for like a week long so I mean we play every single day through the week like both my friends live on a live on a club like so I can just go over since I live in the country and like they're nice courses and we're all actually pretty good so it's a lot of fun I thoroughly enjoy it earlier we were talking about how impressive your siblings are and how impressive your family is in general which obviously probably most people don't even know so tell me a bit about your family and how how you learn from them to be who you are today yeah I mean absolutely like I have a really really good support group because you know my parents are divorced but like everybody gets along I mean a lot some people don't really have two loving parents and I'm lucky enough to have four and they all get along so like it's really really special um the support group's crazy and then my brother my sister are first of all freaks of nature with their minds and they were also really good athletes so dad was a really really good football player mom was an IU cheerleader like she was a really good athlete too and then sister was an All-State tennis player brother was an All-State baseball football player so it's like the Athletics ran in the family none of them got the play the next level they all had the opportunities to my dad had the opportunity to play at the highest level but he actually broke his collarbon a senior year so back then like that was a deal deal breaker my parents are older so he was he was done sadly um but now like you know they do everything they can to support me no matter what it is I mean most of every single tournament in the last three years all sets of parents have been down there nice and like that's all across the country that's so much money so much time so much time away from other things yeah exactly everyone travels it's amazing like my sister even flies out because she lives in New York so she'll fly out all the time to get to any game she can my brother will fly down sometimes when he's not busy with work saying my sister like it's special man they're like I said they're freaks they're so intelligent sister went to Duke and Colombia um brother went to IU in Maurer and graduated a total of three years early with like a law degree so like they're they're just special man yeah so you have a pretty uh exciting next six months coming up what do you just like set goals like really strong objective goals like I want to hit 12 home runs or whatever or are you more just like day to day what can I do or mix them both a little bit of mix of it both I try not to set limitations on my season but I try and set like you know so if we get here this is really good so let's let's at least get here um so I kind of have like a minimum requirement sure um but the usually the minimum requirement would be like a state record like you know I mean I'm at the point where I'm trying to hit at least 600 this is it I'm trying to be on base at least 700 you know like whatever it may be so like I last year I broke the home run record in my high school I want to beat my own records what was it nine so yeah so I'm trying to hit double digit home runs I should have last year I hit six in the first 10 games and then I just got I didn't get in a slump because I finished hitting I went five I hit 577 with a 717 OBP last year but I like I couldn't get the ball out of the park I hit like 14 doubles or something like that I was like okay whatever but so I'm trying to get double digits this year I think that'd be really special be really cool I'm really close to the all-time race uh Soul base I'm really close to the all-time hits uh I think I already broke the all-time walks because I have more walks and hits yeah intentionally walked a lot I don't get intentionally walked but I'll get like yeah I'll get like four pitch walked um but like they're trying to throw strikes but they're they're like way too cute you know what I mean so uh yeah I have 77 walks and 71 hits in my career wow that's yeah so you're on base percentage it was crazy yeah it was like there was a point last year I was in like the 800s and it was just like this is ridiculous I mean not a good season last year so hopefully follow it up this year um but I'm excited um I'm just I'm still blown away that holiday like we don't play enough games to hit that get that many hits anyway but like I want to have a season like that yeah in my 20 games that I get to play because the weather Oklahoma yeah they put like 49 games or something like that it's like I'm this you you play 30 here if you win state right like it's nuts that's crazy what are some of your biggest like long-term goals like five ten years down the line you know like I feel like it's really hard to just be like hey I want to be an All-Star well okay yeah I'd like to be in the Hall of Fame too like sure you know what I mean so I feel like that's really hard to put a limit on I feel like again I you know I don't want to do that because I just feel like you limit your career like oh you're gonna be an All-Star why don't you want to be Hall of Fame we're like yeah of course I want to be a Hall of Famer you can say that but that's not a realistic goal and it's not like I try and make like smart goals if you know what that like cue is like SMA RT goals which is like reasonable time worthy like worth your time like all this stuff it's like an acronym yeah so like I try and make smart goals where you know I want to do something bigger for my community in the next five years I want to do something that makes people remember who I was in the next 10. how can I make this brand that I have for myself translate to a LLC an NPO that helps other kids around the world get to where I've been yeah things like that so I try and not set Sports based goals I try and set goals that I can use with playing well in my sport to get to the next level of the goals that I want to complete yeah I think that's that makes a ton of sense dude that's it's just kind of cool to see someone at your age like so we're talking about like Boston earlier you and Boston Flannery are very similar like mature minds but also like you're still kids and still want to have fun but also you see the bigger picture exactly when you separate yourself from places that you shouldn't be and you elevate to places that you have to be that's a great way to put it where did you kind of learn this mindset are your parents very like yeah I mean parents are really good I mean like they were all everybody in my family is intelligent plus they've been through the process like my brother was getting college offers my sister was getting looked at by colleges like they get it and they know what it takes and my brother especially like he he was a good enough athlete to play to do the same things I'm doing he was just challenged with height so it's like it was a struggle but he understands and kind of like he surveys me he does everything he makes sure I'm in check and that's the other thing is like I have people that will check me and tell me to quit being but who I should be you know I I have people around me that trust me enough and that I trust them enough to be like hey dude like relax or hey you need to step it up or you know get in the weight room or something whatever okay so yeah lock in yeah bring the boats yeah yeah yeah dude so I think that can wrap it up I definitely think we'll do a part two sometime absolutely yeah is there anything else you want to talk about or to the people watching me hey just like And subscribe [Music]
Channel: DSARM
Views: 244,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baseball, mlb, pitcher, baseball vlog, pitching, d1 baseball, mike trout, aaron judge, marcus stroman, game day, college baseball, day in the life of a college baseball player, day in the life of a high school baseball player, stephen knez, baseball stereotypes, baseball video, comedy baseball, baseball plays, dude perfect, hunter and kevahn, dsarm, dsarm vlog, dsarm baseball, baseball highlights, mlb highlights, 90 mph formula, road to 90 mph, road to 90, 90 mph fastball
Id: 0mJzCxwXxEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 32sec (2132 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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