Mavic Air and Monte Christo Ghost Town, and a mistake!

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[Music] it's really October and I'm up off of mountain loop highway headed up to go visit the the old mining town of Monte Cristo Washington and the days are getting shorter nights are getting longer and it's getting colder I'm up here at about 3,000 feet and temperatures just above freezing so it's a little chilly so I've got a pack full of gear and batteries so let's get out there and have some fun this is beautiful the sun's just peaked out over the mountain peaks there and the fog is starting to burn off it's starting to warm up a little bit I found this remains of what looks like an old bridge so I'm gonna check it out now I would imagine it's remnant from the old mining days well the trail started getting pretty rocky but uh map check shows that I'm headed down the right path looks like I still got about a mile or so more to go to the side of Montecristo and we'll keep on going down this road I'm getting kind of excited are you ok so here is a handmade information board by the Monte Cristo Preservation Association it's a nonprofit organization I believe that kind of preserves this historical situation here so here we are welcome to Monte Cristo sweet merciful crap I can imagine this was a beautiful beautiful town back in the days that the town of Monte Cristo was founded in 1883 between the South Fork of the Skykomish river and the Sauk River by 1889 211 active mines were pulling gold and silver out of the earth the town drew attention from JD rockefeller and the grandfather of Donald Trump Frederick Trump so powerhouse I'm guessing maybe steam powered generate electricity no that was the old railway turntable that's what that is I would turn the trains around on the track [Music] in the 1890s the town was booming an elaborate cable bucket aerial tramway was built over mystery Ridge and hauled more than 230 tons of ore every day out of the mountains down to the town site [Music] guessing somebody probably tore off the boards on that one I ain't going in there this was the site of the old lodge Monte Cristo Lodge was owned by Frederick Trump the grandfather of infamous Donald Trump their old cabin here due to the town's location nestled in Mountain Basin flooding here was a huge problem and very expensive and dangerous old cabins [Music] constant seasonal flooding kept damaging the nearby tunnels railway systems and of course flooding reminds the town experienced further problems the or started turning up heavily contaminated with lead and arsenic very expensive to remove some of the families I guess still own rights to these lands and maybe even if they're not used and in functioning they still own it and of course probably for safety reasons they want people to stay out psychos wants a beautiful house the riddle house built in 1919 and destroyed in 44 by a fire by 1907 the town was nearly in collapse the town managed to cling to life for several more decades however as a resort town the last business here this guide service closed out in 1983 at which time a nonprofit named Monte Cristo Preservation Association stepped in to take over preservations kinetic companies concentrate this five-level processing plant was the largest on-site processing plant in the Western Hemisphere and processed hundreds of tons of ore every single day [Music] multiple tiers hillside [Music] I or water pipe here's the remains of it's more cool stuff the tree of a building this was the processing plants main office the foreman on duty was in charge of using somewhat primitive instruments to determine the purity of the gold being processed unto plant just decided to head off on this trail to Glacier Basin it's two and a half miles I have a little time and I think I can make it up there but not belong the roadside here because you see that over there that looks pretty cool and I don't think this trail goes past it because I think it winds up there and goes up into that Basin up there which I believe is glacier base from which i think is where this is going okay I guess so it's wrong you can hike up the very top of that waterfall [Music] and there you go [Music] you maples colors good lord this is no more than a food trail and it's not very frequently traveling very kind of over growing this ridiculously steep trail was traveled daily by miners year-round carrying heavy equipment you know it's hard car when you need a rope well let's try it well this was less of a hike and just more of a scramble up this bloody mountains I tell you [Music] this is not really a trail little care was kept for the beauty of this area trees were clear-cut and these hillsides were pierced with hundreds of mines okay before I start complaining anymore [Music] not a sign of burning interesting I wonder if this was an old mine opening [Music] here has that - look about it doesn't it yeah definitely left over stuff from a mining operation so pretty sure that's once again lost the trail I think that's where I want to be I don't know where the hill a trail is I don't think I'm on it I may need to get off these slick rocks [Music] I think this is it I think this is place you're pacing and I did discover some people can't open right now down in there I don't want to disturb your camp and I just wanna get my win back put the drilling in the sky you know how it goes see a little cave I've been there too you know it's interesting I know there is a lot of mines over here this area was heavily mined I can't even imagine hunter something years ago climbing up here with heavy gear and drilling into these mountains
Channel: Infinite-T Digital
Views: 1,941
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: Mavic air, Mavic, mavic pro, mavic 2, mavic 2 pro, mavic zoom, drone, dji, Monte christo ghost town, monte christo wa, monte christo, ghost town washington, ghost town, Gothic basin drone, gothic basin, drone crash, Infinite-t Digital
Id: 6O3fWEbmQoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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