Maui to Molokai

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great view of Molokai this morning last night I moved the boat closer to shore and I tied it up on one of the temporary mooring balls see you today it's about ten feet underneath the water there's a lot less wind and a little less rocky to closer to shore here I didn't want to be here the whole time though because the charter boats come in and it gets kind of crowded up here so it's kind of nice to have a little privacy out there for the most part but they leave at night and they don't get in and talk about 8 o'clock but I'm gonna go ahead and get the boat ready and sail over to Molokai now it was kind of funny when I dove in to grab the the Maureen with the painter I didn't slow the boat down up and kept on sailing towards the rocks over there and the Rope wasn't quite long enough for the morning was so deep but luckily I was able to dive down and grab the morning get it threaded through but then it started to pull away from me and I was like hold on the boat with one hand in the morning with the other unfortunately the votes not very heavy and there wasn't any wind so they was like yank it back in and keep the boat I'm going in the rocks this is the anchor I'm using it was curious it's a 90 kilogram rocking a Vulcan it's about 20 pounds and and I've got like 30 feet it's just probably more than I need of a chain and then I think oh no maybe I have like 300 feet of I think it's closer to 200 feet of 3/8 inch nylon and then I also have some webbing that I usually when I tie it off it'll prevent it from chafing here or over here whatever it's anchor tied to then I did one of those Nancy braids actually I might not want to read we do that it's getting a little bit of chafe I guess on the coral and stuff but this thing is kind of a beast it's a little heavy but I've never really had it drag very much once I had out proper scope and I also tie a Fender to the bag Vanka rids it that way when I'm deploying the anchor for some reason I got it like a let it go I don't have to go dive down and sign the anchor I can just this is no flow hopefully kind of ran this showed up so I decided to get out of here before taking my drone footage off to Molokai already got a nice breeze going kind of going kind of wing on wing now I'm getting hold up should be in a couple hours sailing away from Maui now it was really windy outside the Anchorage I didn't realize how India was kinda took me by surprise I had the second reef in and we were like once we got outside of the harbor we just got like laid down on her side and we were doing like a knot so I'm third reef in but even that was kind of hard to get it in actually I think maybe wasn't supposed to back here so I'd only eight miles to Molokai we're doing five knots we should be there in no time so change of plans already I decided it'd be more fun to go to the wind direction so we can make it over to the north end of Molokai side we're going to beat up let's do a bowl so why not and be more exciting sailing there I've already got a couple of waves coming over the side and then if that doesn't work out we could it's easier sail downwind to the side really clear out the day you got to go to Maui lanai and Molokai haven't been able to see much of either of these two yeah figured I'd come down below just to uh to keep dry it's really not too uncomfortable like motion wise in these big ways that he slurred the book down enough with that deep third reef it's not too bad and I also I was done one second to make sure this hatch is really cinched down he said got my two to truckers hitches pulling that down even tighter a lot of water can get through there not sure if we're gonna make it around there I think we may have to do attack looks like we're gonna clear the island after all without tacking waves have gotten real choppy out here fruit allocate it's slowing us down wait a bit but it's not much further to go it's coming up on Hollywood Cape now attacking necessary it's like we're just gonna make it man this is a cool approach like at least two waterfalls up there look at that so cool the wind mm-hmm there's a chance it might be calm enough to set an anchor I'm not I'm not I'm not too optimistic though we're rolling pretty hard going in like a sandy bottom right here that it's actually like big rocky boulders I think I might go see if I can pull the anchor up and maybe investigate that off that we're way too close to this rocks oh thank god this is not this is no go over here as well as this too big well I just solved my dilemma where an anchor in this Bay I'm gonna anchor right here because I dropped the anchor and now it's stuck on the bottom so it looks like it could be a rocky a few hours or days and I think what I'll do is I'll dive down an entire trip line on the anchor and then I should be able to pull with that by might wait I'll get the little calmer yeah I'll trying to winch it up and it just like you can hear the fiber glass crunching is it like the swell half the motor wasn't powerful enough to like try to motor on the other side of the anchor so just to add more excitement you got some pretty rugged looking rocks just right off the bow if you looking at stupid for trying to anchor here so if it does fail we're going in the rocks but right now it's stuck on there pretty well at least it's not I mean it's a little bit rocky here at anchor but it's not too bad so the swells coming up getting pretty big breaking so I think it's probably better for me to do this sooner than later well gear it up I got a rope I'm gonna see if I can swim down without a tank and the tire trip line if not I'll grab let's give it a good try all right so I'll be able to dive down there but kick in my ear ears to equalize like it was like four feet away and I just could there's too painful that's why I try to equalize head down I can do it when I can stick my head up but yeah so I'm gonna use a scuba tank and give this a try now okay so I got a trip line on there I try to pull it in and no dice so my next plan is I'm going to take another piece of nylon I'm just gonna tie it on to one of these rocks these big boulders down here and anchor to that as long as that looks like it's holding I will go ahead and free the anchor and pull that up then I can just cut away the nylon anchor to the rock out as loose that same IQ anchor I think that'll be a good compromise success it's too much eating over there yeah they go around the back maybe definitely maybe I had chihuaha and this waterfall is incredible I think it's called up a little ooh Falls helicopter is fine in all day looking at it looks really cool I've never seen a waterfall that thing I think there's a bunch of other ones just all along the coast very rad makes me want to get my drone out I don't know think push it in this well we're gonna be making our way up in here all right let's see how protect you this is a little windy and wavy out here but according to the guidebook there might be a nice little spot just behind this rock here so magic this play this is magical amazing this is the most epic approach to an anchorage and ever seen we just look at it wow it's windy really a nice spot back there for me holy smokes I just pulled into this Anchorage it's going to set my anchor and this guy just starts screaming from shore runs out it jumps in his kayak paddles over and just yelling and screaming I'm out here and started cursing me out and threatened and beat me up if I didn't leave the first time I ran into like the racists I'm kind of thing out here today optimistic though I keep this spirits positive alternatively maybe looks like there's a spot in there or maybe a little further around here so I'm a little bit frustrated now there was a boat in that last Anchorage and it was a really tight spot at least where the cruising guide recommended anchoring I tried to sail over to the other side there was another promising spot but like I drove in and to check the bottom and it was all these all the big boulders again and I'm worried about getting my anchor stuck after that whole ordeal with the scuba tanks and it was it was pretty deep it was like 30 or 40 feet so I don't know it was gonna be a pain if I had to dive down there again and it was kind of rough it was like confused water like waves bouncing off the bay it wasn't bad as the place where I got my anchor stuck but we're not having a good spot to drop the anchor it wasn't ideal and then there was these really like gusty katabatic winds coming down so it also so that with the weird winds it took me like 30 minutes just to sail back out of the bay because I'm kind of right a battery on my motor from all this like going in and out so I've had like four different spots I've tried to anchor and now it's dark there's another spot which should've worked but it was just it's just so dark I think I'm just going to keep sailing overnight now and I might sail to Oahu and just cuz like that's how long I keep sailing now I should get the wahoo at morning to find some place to anchor over there hopefully this little frustrating and like I'm I jumped in like so many times I'm like got all wet and cold and then there was this all these squalls coming like one after another I mean I've got I've got like my foul weather gear on and stuff actually I was getting like kind of cold you know jumping in and also the rain and stuff both kind of mess - cuz like I had my anchor out at the motor out and like I had the autopilot on and then like I had to switch to the wind vane now because I want to say all overnight and I can't I'm just getting like really frustrated because I can't I have to take I have to pull the outboard out every time I want to switch to the wind vane and then vice versa when I want to switch better than motor I gotta fold up that the wind vane and it's just like just all these little like hacks and workarounds to make things work on this boat it's just it just gets a little bit overwhelming sometimes be windy we do it between 3 and 4 knots under bare poles take both the sails down to change the this cuz I haven't seen enough of Molokai yet anchors all set we've got about ten knots of wind coming off the shore so no big deal and this super super flat here no waves at all I set the anchor off the stern and about thirty five feet of water and let out a lot of rodeo yeah I'm anchoring off the stern again I'm hooked on that Stern Akari I'm telling you there's a spot in the morning you
Channel: Sam Holmes
Views: 66,772
Rating: 4.9115548 out of 5
Keywords: Cruising Hawaii, Sailing Molokai, Ranger 23, Anchoring, Molokai
Id: vUMmFuyCC3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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