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number one do a lanai day trip number two do a luau number three whale watching four helicopter tour number five go off-roading six submarine seven ziplining eight learn to surf nine golfing ten parasailing there's so many things to do when you visit the island of maui so many paid activities and things that cost money to do so why should you trust me well it's because i've done every single one of the activities that there is to do here on the island of maui multiple times i mean just look at my older videos on this channel i hate to say it some activities here on maui here in hawaii and just across the world actually pay for reviews on their activity they pay to get google reviews tripadvisor views i've done some of those five star reviews and i just don't see it with some of the companies but lucky for you you're watching this video and i'm going to explain in detail why each one of these activities is the best and not only i'm going to tell you which activities to do and things to do here on maui i'm going to tell you which companies are the best as well so the number one thing there is to do when you visit the island of maui i'm just gonna give right up front my favorite thing to do especially if you want to go on a boat probably in my opinion the most underrated thing to do but also the best thing to do and that is to do a lanai day trip by far my favorite day trip is the one that they bring you to the harbor on lanai you get to hang out manele bay you can do the hike over to sweetheart rock which is really only a five to ten minute hike and there's even a little secret beach down there as well you can have a whole beach to yourself but just that minelli bay area is beautiful if you're even contemplating doing a boat trip this is the one to do be careful though there are many different companies that offer day trips to lanai some of them they don't even go to the harbor you don't have a chance to hike the sweetheart rock and do those things that you're seeing in the video right now the one that i have down in the description of this video is by far the best and if you want to say five percent use the code bkr2022 at checkout okay coming at number two which is probably not a surprise to all of you and that is going to be to go to a luau now there's so many different luaus when you visit the island of maui and i've been to every single one of the luaus there is to do i've tasted all the food seen all the shows i've done all that multiple times and by far my favorite two luaus is going to be the fisa layla and the old behind the luau now these luaus are very different from one another i'm gonna talk a little bit about each one right now so you can kind of decide which one you want to do so my favorite the one i always tell my family friends to do when they visit is the fisa layla luelle here's why the o lahainalua although it is known to be one of the best traditional hawaiian luaus in all of hawaii doesn't have fire dancing and for me i want to see a fire show if fire dancing isn't a make it or break it thing to you i highly recommend going to the o lahaina luau it's maui's most authentic hawaiian luau that there is so i say if one of these luaus is sold out and the other one is available you won't have a bad time at either i just say these two are the best that maui has to offer obama luau being the more where is more traditional more authentic coming in at number three is to go whale watching now you can only really do this from the months of november to may sometimes there's motivated whales earlier in the year than november it's it's rare sometimes we'll see them in october and past may but if you really really want to see whales and you know whale watching is really important to you i recommend coming between the months of now which is january through march that's when all the whales are really going off like right now yesterday i saw probably like 10 or 12 wells but and this is a big but when the whales are here it's the rainy season so if you're already coming during november through may you need to book a whale watch i don't see any reason not to build a whale watch unless you you know you get sea sick or something along those lines is 100 percent worth it my favorite company will be in the description of this video definitely go where watching coming at number four is to go on a helicopter tour now this one is very pricey and if you want to say five percent use the code bkr2022 and that goes a long way for this one but if you can afford it the helicopter tour is so worth it my favorite and i've been on the helicopters probably about 10 times now is the west maui and molokai experience so you get to fly to a whole different island over to the island of molokai which has what is known to be the biggest sea cliffs in the world you get to go over in these mountains behind me here which you can't see but it is the third wettest place on earth you get to go back there see the waterfalls back there these are places that you can't go by foot you get to experience maui molokai you get to see these beautiful places waterfalls dropping into the ocean i'll have a link to my favorite tours in the description of this video as well and save five percent by using the code bqr2022 at checkout coming in at number five and i literally just got done doing this one and that is to go on an atv or utv tour here in maui basically just go off-roading there are many different companies that do off-roading and just in my experience whether that be on horseback on a utv or atv it's a really cool way to experience maui for me and gabby we opted to do the side by side the utvs because if you're doing the atvs and you're doing a single passenger one it's harder to take photos do things along those lines but the utvs if you have a passenger with you you get to experience it together so if you want to get dirty and you want to see a waterfall from an atv utv horseback what have you if you want to see beautiful panoramic ocean views i highly recommend you doing the atv utv tour and if you don't want to do that go on the horseback riding as well links to all those in the description of this video and you can also save five percent by using the code bkr2022 okay this is a bonus one this isn't on the top 10 because i thought it might be a little weird to do that i highly recommend this is something my wife and i have been doing when we travel recently for us it's really cool and important to get to capture those moments capture that vacation that we go on so if you visit maui and you want to do that for you yourself your family and if you don't know i'm a professional photographer and videographer born and raised here and this is what i do full time so if you want to book a photo shoot or video shoot with me go down the description down below i'll have information on how you can do that you can either email me or you can visit my website fill out the contact form there okay number six and this is a big one especially if you're visiting during winter you're here during a time when it might be raining this is one of the few activities where weather doesn't really affect this activity too much and that is because it is going on a submarine and i've done the submarine so many times and every single time it's so cool because you never know what you're gonna see down there actually one of you guys one of my subscribers hired me to do photos and videos during his trip here to maui make a video for him eric if you're watching this that was super fun for me but anyway we went on the submarine and we saw like three or four sharks we saw a manta ray so when it's raining you know when you're on a boat and above water at least it kind of ruins the trip we're in a submarine you're underneath the ocean so none of that stuff up there matters especially if you don't scuba dive or you know don't do free diving you're gonna see some stuff that you won't see snorkeling and just the experience of being in a submarine that goes down is very cool so i highly recommend you booking a summering especially if there might be some rainy day in the forecast book and asap just book an asap you can also say five percent by you know using the code bkr2022 at checkout using the link down below okay i'm just gonna pause the video real quick because i have one request for you especially if you're liking the video so far i don't need you to like the video i don't need you to subscribe here just do this one favor for me and for all of hawaii and please only use reef safe sunscreen when you visit hawaii if you use any sunscreen that doesn't say reef safe or reef friendly on it it's illegal to use it's not welcomed here you'll get in big trouble if you use sunscreen that isn't reef safe because if it's not reef safe just one drop can kill so much reef and if you didn't know this the ocean the reef is responsible for i think like 70 or 80 of the world's oxygen and i don't know about you but i like to breathe so please do me that favor don't need to like the video don't need to subscribe don't do any of the stuff i don't care just use reach safe sunscreen thank you for doing that coming in at number seven and that is to go ziplining now if you're scared of heights don't go away just yet my wife gabby she's very scared of heights and actually we just went ziplining last week and there's two people on that tour that were also scared of heights but trust me it's not as bad as you might think it might be you feel very safe because these ziplines are checked all the time and here's why i love ziplining so much it's because on all these tours that you do every single one is very different but there's one activity where you and your entire family can go on and you guys can really connect and you know everyone gets a little bit of adrenaline whenever i go ziplining it's not just fun for me it's fun for the person with me the people in the group my favorite ones will be in the description down below okay coming at number eight now this is a big one and this is such a fun one because i can actually help you with this one as well if you want and that is to learn to surf maui is such a beautiful place to go surfing the water is warm the views are amazing and just seeing maui from the ocean is a whole different perspective there's so many beginner surfing waves to go on but i want to give you some tips and tricks and then just please take this to heart if you want to learn how to surf and you haven't surf before make sure you take a surf lesson you don't want to be that guy who just rents a boards like you know what today i'm gonna learn how to surf it is not an easy thing to do it is one of the hardest sports at least long term of learning how to do it that there is so if you want to stand up on a wave and you haven't surf or you haven't surf in a long time take a surf lesson because if you go out on the board you might be paddling to a place that might not be safe for you or you may not be welcome there and know the surfing etiquette if someone's already on the wave don't paddle on the way don't cut them off don't be a kook please do that for me if you're out in the ocean it's going to prevent a lot of troubles for you if you're surfing here on the island of maui i have my favorite service goals in the description of this video and you can also say five percent because surf lessons ain't cheap yo and that five percent goes a long way did you use the code bqr 2022 at checkout number nine and this is a big one because probably a lot of you already planning on doing this when you visit the island of maui and that is to go golfing now maui is home to some of the best golf courses in the entire world some of the most beautiful golf courses in the entire world you get to choose from 14 courses several of which are ranked at the near the top of the world's best list designed by noted course architects and golf and luminaries such as arnold palmer and ben crenshaw the pga tourist tournament of champions is held here each year so you may even see a pro in the clubhouse so my favorite golf course where the tournament of champions takes place every single year is going to be the plantation golf course in kapalua that golf course is so cool the view of molokai from up there the cliffs everything about it is really really cool also the couple of bay course and the ka on the poly golf course real quick if you don't know i have a brand new tesla model y performance that i rent out onturo here in maui and i want to offer all of you my subscribers a little discount a chance to drive one of these things when you visit maui so if you're interested in renting this you can head to the link down below you will see the rental on there but go ahead send me a message or email me your dates and i will work with you on the price to rent this vehicle even though you can't go off-roading with this car the roads here are so fun for they're nice and paved windy roads if you plan to go do the holyoke sunrise or sunset this is by far the best car to do so because you can chill in here while you wait for the sunrise it gets below zero up there sometimes so you can have the heat going you can watch a movie on the screen the kids can play video games on it so i just wanted to put it out there if you're looking to rent a car you can rent my brand new 2021 tesla model y performs which goes zero to 60 in 3.5 seconds it's pretty crazy okay final one coming at number 10 and that is to go parasailing now if you don't know what parasailing is you basically go in the back of a boat they strap you up with a parachute with you and a buddy or just you and yourself or i think you can go three people as well um me and my wife have done it i've done parasailing about five times now and it's just it's a great way to save maui from a higher perspective so you don't go on a helicopter you want a little bit of adrenaline you want to be parachute in the back of a boat it's really cool and it's not as scary as i think some people make it out to be it's really not that bad now i'm gonna have my favorite company to go with in the description of this video you can only do the parasailing here in west maui out of lahaina or kalanipali parasailing in my opinion is that you get a lot of the best things to do in one you get to go on a boat you get to get some adrenaline go up in a parachute you get to see the view and if you're interested like i said earlier in the video i'm a professional photographer and videographer and if you want any photos of you and your family just you and you you want a tour or whatever it is i'm at your service and hopefully i get to meet you so if you want to book a photo shoot with me video shoot my contact information will be in the description of this video and other than that you don't have to like the video you don't have to subscribe just use reef save sunscreen when you visit maui and i'll see you all in the next video i hope you enjoyed this one hopefully i'll save you some money remember you can use the code bkr2022 at checkout to save five percent on all these activities except for the golfing i don't think i get a discount golfing but yeah have a beautiful day have a great trip and aloha [Music] you
Channel: BKR
Views: 74,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GhvT0hoEs3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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