Matty Cranmer Compares The SPEED Differences Between A BMX Freestyle Bike And A Race Bike

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so for today's video we're going  to answer the big question what   makes a BMX race bike a race bike and  what makes a freestyle bike a regular   freestyle bike why can't you mix the  two up why can't you bring this one   to the skate park we actually have the  reason why right here we'll show you and then why can't you bring this thing to a BMX  track I mean you can it's gonna roll around it   but it's definitely not going to be as fast  as this one or at least that's what they say   today we're gonna find out right now Maddie is  going to be testing these things so why don't   you tell us what's on your mind you came up with  this idea this is something that you wanted to   do so well someone actually commented this on  the last race clip we did and they were like   it would just be cool to see them back to back and  see how much faster the race bike is because this   race bike is honestly a rocket ship and compared  to this thing this thing feels like a dang slug   um and it's supposed to be like that this thing  could take also way more abuse compared to this   bike as we saw in that clip just a couple seconds  ago so yeah it would just be cool to compare them   and I'm gonna clip in on both of these bikes goes  fast I can around the BMX track and we're gonna   try and figure out why one bike is faster than the  other is it just the weight is it the geometry is   not even just why how much faster much faster yeah  because yeah of course you can ride any bike on a   BMX track it's it's an open BMX track go have fun  and go ride whatever bike you have but there is   things that you can have that are gonna make you  faster and if that's something you're actually   interested in then I would totally recommend  getting a race bike if you're really into the   sport but if you like riding skate parks then I  would totally recommend sticking with a freestyle   bike at the skateboard absolutely so if you just  look at these two bikes they look pretty similar   they both have 20 inch wheels they both both have  similar Heights of seats right maybe a little bit   higher handlebars not that far off but there's  going to be key details that make this bike a   better race bike or the reason why the racers  ride this bike so if you look at just the brakes   itself like Maddie has a disc brake on this one  on the BMX freestyle bike he's got a back brake   and he's also got a front brake also on this  bike he's got clip pedals all right not only   the clubhouse but he also has like 175 crank arms  um Maddie's bike over there has 165 crank arms he   has this awesome Hub that has really really really  good engagement on this one over here it's a free   coaster that has a little bit of slack in it just  a tiny bit but it's still slack this bike is a lot   lighter than that one as well we're talking about  carbon fiber force compared to a full chromoly   bike pretty much uh the gearing itself Maddie's  got a 28 9 on there on this bike he's got a 44   16. so which bike you're gonna be riding first I  think freestyle bike with the flat pedals smart   game plan right there all right so let's go on up  there uh good news is we got the gate for today   Mario's helping us out so let's do this let's do  it so if you guys remember from our video last   time Mario is here he's gonna help us with the  gate today we're gonna make this really official   which gate do you take It's gotta be the  same one every time I'd say five five no   it's kind of in the middle I hate being you  don't like being next to the pump freaks   me out with the six okay six is just like a  mental thing it freaks me out fine go ahead oh I hate getting out of the gate  with this gear ratio do you really   that's the hardest part okay I gotta wind  up my free coaster properly this is gonna   be fun I'm excited to see the results on  this one all right let's do it here we go run outside router is ready watch the gate okay he's looking pretty slow  on that bike I ain't gonna lie oh now he's got some speed he's looking  pretty fast actually I take it back   wow look at him go oh I heard a  big case in that straight away coming down to the line and that is  going to be time Maddie crossed the   line with a time of 31.63 so how did  first lap go I felt surprisingly fast   yeah the first straightaway you know it  definitely took a little bit to get going   and I'm going to credit that to the gearing  and also the short cranks and the fact that   you're not clipped in because once you explain to  everybody what clip Studio the idea is clip pedals   is that when you're not clipped in you're only  getting downward pressure so your back looks   kind of a lazy like Clips you're clipped in  both feet so you're not only getting downward   pressure with your front foot but you're getting  pulling pressure with your back foot so you're   basically getting like double the pedal Strokes  every one revolution so it definitely makes you   faster so but out of a gate it's like oh it's a  game changer night and day you can like I don't   there's people that can compare but you basically  can't compare in a gate so we didn't get the time   yet I'm gonna be doing an editing what do you  think your time is around that thing because   remember your pump race was 39 seconds okay so  just think about that where do you think you're at   I like 32 seconds 32 you think I don't really know  Thirty shoes that sounds good the bike just like   it's a good guess I know okay well either way  why don't you go get the other bike man we're   going to figure out exactly what the speed is on  the race bike right now and we get to do it off   the gate as soon as we take a one hour break yeah  okay come on he's back on the Mongoose title team   pro right now but how are you feeling well that  first one took a lot he didn't really that bike   movement took a lot that bike um just thinking  about it I never felt it on this while I've been   here it had a very like leading feeling like the  bike was really hard to maneuver like it would   it would like pull itself through the turn I felt  like do you think it's because the Steep front end   it could be I could be because like a BMX race is  more mellow meaning that it's more or like that a   BMX freestyle is steeper so that could be it man  that could make a lot of sense just felt like very   the bike wanted to pull its own path I couldn't  get it to like go any lower on a turn I couldn't   get to get interesting could it be just wider  tires that's good information resistance like   a lot of things like that that's good  information right there but um that was   like just the one thing I felt immediately  once going around the turn I'm like oh God   just trying to fight it this thing now I'm like  nervous because this is gonna be like it's gonna   tweak like it's gonna feel crazy okay so just  trying to tame it Kate's coming up let's do it all right here we go router is ready across the gate oh he is flying on this  one that's a big difference man if he has a nice smooth  run through here he's going   to be gaining some time easily on the other bike see if we can finish strong and that is time wow  he crossed the line with a 30 second time of 29.78   so so different is it really  so different comparing the two   uh comparing two this front end wants to  stay down that front end won't come up   um this short back end definitely short backhand  that's the frame in general yeah okay 21-2-5   top tube length compared 20.7 um this puts  you over the front end a lot I assume is uh   lower front end yeah of course because that one  felt like and I bet you it's a higher bottom   bracket too and a higher bottom bracket meaning  that the cranks the whole setup is higher off   the ground so that means Maddie will be more in  like a Tron position and then he is yeah it was   like this like a wind block and this definitely  puts you into a more over the front and it feels   like bottom brackets higher or something okay so  even standing on the gate the biggest question is   what do you think your time  was on that one it's got to be   30 seconds you think you're you think you're at  30. I think like 30 point something okay cool I   don't really know but in comparison two seconds  two seconds is a big difference man hey like just   shy two seconds two seconds is a big difference I  feel like I got the first 30 second run I finally   got through the first turn just like each turn  way quicker yeah I think the time is definitely   going to be picked up on the first right away yeah  definitely just coming out of the gate is a second   and we could even do the math we can figure that  out we could do those side to side right now and   we can show you exactly how much time it took  to go from the gate drop to the first turn yeah   the first straightaway runs from both  bikes the freestyle on the left and   the race on the right you can clearly see  when the race bike touches the first turn   it already has a clear Advantage compared to  the freestyle bike yeah next we need to do   um clip pedals on the BMX you're gonna do that  to figure out because that's one of the biggest   that is one of the biggest changes I think I  think so too is that you're uh like your Gates is   unbelievable on that one exactly compared to that  it's totally different so I think if we put clip   pedals on the BMX bike I think that is the most  head-to-head comparison that you will need fair   enough dude yeah so I'm gonna go swap these real  quick I'll be up another one hour and I'll be back   ladies and gentlemen we got a Bonus right here  we got will the thrill in that loser Brandon here   I feel like a chubby munchkin a chubby munchkin  yeah have you guys uh been on racetracks before we've legally been to like what  zero yeah no we've been to the   Punta Gorda track okay well watch Mario do  it right now we're giving a good example what a gate start right there I just  want you guys to get ready because   there's gonna be a head-to-head challenge  right now it's going to be will to Thrill   first Brandon yeah it's gonna be epic  there's no way around it get your first   lap uh and then we're gonna set you  guys up with GoPros it's gonna be fun   all right so the boys got their first lap  and it was messy I didn't film it because   it's figured to be a surprise Maddie just got onto  his BMX bike with the clips we're gonna see how   fast he can get around this thing uh how fast  do you guys think you went around it slow like   if you had to figure out time wise from start to  finish what do you guys think you did in the first   10 seconds what do you think a year in seconds I  did 46 uh nine five yeah and I didn't pedal much   so like 40. maybe a little less yeah 40. I think  it makes sense 41. well I'm gonna put the times in   there when you guys race and we're gonna find out  and see exactly how fast you guys got a Moment of   Truth man we're gonna scare you actually it's  it yeah a short back and clipped in yeah tons   of fun keep the front wheel down yeah I'm not  manually I'm just yeah I think smart move man   very smart move I'm not playing games okay well  Gates ready for you Matt come on ahead all right ready yeah he's going I don't know if it's gonna  be that much faster than the other one we will see he's looking really comfortable though it's no  surprise I mean he spends enough time on that bike did he just case him right the final straight can he keep it smooth   time Manny crossed the line with a time of 30.75 I  felt bad that felt like trying to move a tank like   I felt like I was playing  kickball with a bowling ball oh but this just feels like like a weighted vest  it's like it's like you're clipped in like you're   putting NOS but you're driving a Prius hey I  take offense to that still so I said it what do   you think your time is after that one that's  a big number right here that had to be like   34. you think so so you think you lost time  yeah 32. you think you were slow I really   think that was slower than my that's really  interesting and that just comes down to just   getting it right like of course and confidence  too right everything but this is what I'm really   curious to see what your first two straightaways  are the difference between being clipped in and   not clipped in on this bike so yeah we're gonna  put that in there so everybody can see it right   now so here's both the runs that Madden did on  the freestyle bike with the flats on the left   and the clips on the right and there is no denying  that properly using clipless pedals is definitely   faster than flats and it will definitely help  you get the whole shot what's your final thoughts   right now my race bike is a Ferrari my BMX bike  is like a F-150 yeah F-150 it'll take the abuse   but at the end of the day you're still going up  against a Ferrari you know right you can't put   you can't put slicks on and think that's going to  perform like your Ferrari well we're gonna find   out if the times are on point with your assumption  right yeah it's a no-brainer I got it okay so now   we're gonna be moving on this video for the last  section the head-to-head will the thrill versus   Brandon let's get this going guys so the boys are  on the gate right now for the very first time just   trying to learn how to balance this is one of my  biggest goals is to be able to do this but that's   the risk right there falling over and so something  I'm going to be working towards I'm going to be   working on flat ground trying to keep my balance  but these guys are gonna do their first geek start   real quick and then we're going to do our official  race we don't want to send them straight into it get back up router is ready like it was like time that they're both like  hey just blow apart one second before the gay   job sure they both fall over put their foot  down that's great let's go look up at the   light and lost all my balances it's officially  a very even race that was ridiculous looking   here we go the race is officially going down sideline Maddie is right behind them with the  camera we're gonna see how this one plays out   can they both survive that is the question  where is Maddie going to pass both of them   without even peddling looking pretty good going  into the second turn wow that's a lot of speed   oh Brandon's getting loose Will's trying to get  to the inside but he needs to oh well Will's   almost off track like that can he finish strong  who is gonna bring this one home right now it   looks like Brandon is going to get his first win  ever on a BMX track that was cool will search rate   was rough dude I thought he was just taking a  shortcut more like a shortcut he's going right   to the left straight away her dad even touching  it man Titanic what do you have to say after that   I'm an f-1502 okay I'm like a clapped out  Honda Civic hey but they're fast for a second congrats on Surviving what's this one pump  only oh yeah that would be pretty funny so   no pedaling guys killing me absolutely nothing  you cannot pedal so you look at the gate drop   and you just use your knees you get pedal you  get disqualified but it's just all pumping   man so this could really come through for the  F-150 right now no Honda civic's got like VTEC   or something the final race the pump race right  now let's see if they learned anything on here they both survived wow Will's got a good  pump right now oh hey be careful Matt warn   them back hard Brandon pump yeah idiots  that takes everybody out doing that swerve   stop wiggling pump down there you go let's try and  squat into landing there you go Maddie is giving   them advice while going around it ready all right  now drops will is a really good bumper though man   when he doesn't have to Pedal he's doing great  looks after that baby got a little loose on there   Brandon just went way too high on that  one oh but he's bringing speed pop pop and will takes a win on this one so it  looks like you both have your strong   points on the track when it comes to pedaling  Brandon's all right pumping Will's the man right there so that's going to be it for this  video I hope you all enjoyed it so once again I   just want to remind you what Mario told us in the  last video hey there guys I'm Mario Lopez I'm a   professional BMX racer I was also the accounting  employee here at Wheels getting BMX park we do a   lot of events here County wise and also USA  BMX events as well too so how long have you   been Racing for so I've been starting here since I  was six years old I'm 26 now I'll be 26 in June so   20 years 20 years yeah and then around six years  professionally wow traveling all over the world so   that's a lot of knowledge right there yeah it is  it is it really is man are you one now I wouldn't   know I definitely I respect seeing people that  have been in the sport you know equally as long   as I have but what's so cool about what Mario does  is he actually does lessons here for so why don't   you explain that because it's not like a racer kid  has to have all his gear and show up here that's   correct you can get pretty easy for it exactly so  we do so we're counting part we do counting events   uh we do summer camp we do lessons clinics every  Tuesday night and this Clinic is more accessible   for every kid that wants to come out here if  they don't have a BMX bike we provide them a   BMX bike an actual racing bike and we also got  my helmet too so all they got to bring is a long   sleeve shirt long pants which is I don't know  it doesn't cost them anything exactly it can   get anything how can they sign up for this like  what can they do for sure so you can check us out   on Facebook at Wheels BMX park or you can just  go to college County Park and you'll find our   park there uh we do have a flyer we post that  fly every time you guys follow my Facebook or   follow that Facebook page uh Wheels BMX park uh  you have to see all the information of our county   park that's always open if you guys can see it  tell us yeah three o'clock in the afternoon and   the Park's open yeah it's seriously awesome  this place is so cool and take advantage of   this it's an awesome opportunity for you so thank  you so much yeah man I hope you could get into it   because we fell in love with a young age and  look at us now still going exactly thank you   so you all can get involved in riding this  track if you're in the south Florida area take   advantage of it it's an awesome opportunity  to get in BMX that's how I started that's   how Maddie started and that's how so many BMX  riders around the world today and also if you   want to go to a track that's local towards you  go to and you can figure out which   track is near your house so that's it for this  one we'll see you all in the next video peace
Channel: Scotty Cranmer
Views: 390,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmx, bikes, bicycles, tricks, fun, friends, awesome, amazing, epic, viral, BMX BIKE, BMX RACE, COMPARISON, matty cranmer, Scotty Cranmer
Id: WppI50QQ-nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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