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- Very nice. - Wow. - Do I even need to hit? - I don't think you do. - Come on, that's just an absolute bummer. - That was unbelievable. - Wait a minute, I haven't just drove you up here. (upbeat music) (hitting golf ball) Welcome to the show again. Great to see you. - Yeah, you too. It's been been a year since last time we saw you. Last time we saw you on the Tee and we talked about your golf swing. You've had a great year which we will get into and talk about that. This year we wanna do something a bit different. We wanna sort of have a little match, have a bit of fun with it, but also get to know you as a person and also how you play this part four here, if that's okay. - Absolutely. I'd love to. - Perfect okay. So Piers, - Yeah so basically we've got 450 I think it is off the back here. We've got 367 to the water left. We've got 330 to the bunker on the right. - How far is it over the water? No I'm just kidding. (laughing) - It's about a 14 karat. It would be no problem for you. So I mean, what are you going through? What are you thinking on this whole setup? What you're gonna do? - So I mean, with this whole in particular, it looks pretty narrow at the start. You have trees on both sides. It doesn't look like the widest hole ever, but if you kinda just like take a second to like look at all your boundaries, go left and right to the tee box, you can definitely see that you have much more room than it looks like right off the tee. So that's the first thing I look at. I'm trying to get comfortable. The first thing I do on when I step up on a tee is like, I wanna feel comfortable. No matter what club I take, no matter what line I decided to take, no matter what shot I'm trying to hit, I wanna make sure to like be a hundred percent committed and feel comfortable with that. So that's the first thing, I'm looking just to see where if I'm going to miss it, where's my miss. And then from that point, like you said it's 367 to the water, I can't get there. So that's not a problem at all. And then that bunker is - 330, 330. - 330 to get to? - Yeah. - So I mean, that's gonna be a good poke too. I mean, I might get it there but, if I hit at 330 and it happens to trickle on the bunker, I probably only got, I have one 120 in. So I'll deal with it if it happens to find it. But yeah from there, I mean this hole looks like it's gonna curve a little right. And so I'm probably just gonna pick out those two little Palm trees just left to the water. - Yeah. - And I mean try to start something off that. - The wind's a little off the left as well so I really don't have to get it working too much. Just got to start it there and let it drift a little right. - Perfect. And that flag it's kinda middle left but yeah, like you described it perfectly right. - Just watch out for that bunker on the right Matt. That's all we're saying. So we're gonna do a scramble, which means this the only chance we've got to even compete with Matt but we're gonna have a bit of fun with it as well. - Sweet. All right. That was actually a great point that you said though about the flag because I mean, I can't see it from here and usually we have like a pin sheet and stuff but that's another really important thing is 'cause some of these holes when you get out here on tour and even in amateur golf and wherever you're playing, it's important because there might be slopes on the greens or there might be like overhanging limbs or stuff, or just even angles that if you have a right pin, you're probably gonna wanna be more on the left side of the fairway. And that's getting pretty precise but I mean, that's definitely something that we look at because when we play practice rounds, we take in all the information of what do we have up there by the green? Is it really hard to get to if you're on the right side of the fairway compared to the left side of the fairway? And so looking at the pin, it kinda gives you even more of a understanding of like where your miss might be. - Okay. - So we put the pin on the left because that bunker on the right now (laughing) - We put it in our favor. Come on that's what we've done with it. - Yeah exactly. - But it's a great points. 'Cause I think most people don't think about playing it backwards so yeah. I think it's a great point. - No doubt. - Okay. - That's fire it away then yeah? - Sweet. - Yup. - All right. So yeah, just kinda at the bunker, wind a little off the left, or not the bunker at the trees and just kinda let it drift so. I'm gonna see if this one finds the fairway. (hitting golf ball) - And it does. I think we're in trouble Piers. - Scramble between the three of us is it? - I think we're in trouble. That's a beautiful start on there. - Scramble between the three of us. we've changed the rules. - It just peeled straight off that like you said. - Yeah. - You happy with that one? You gotta be happy with that one. - Yeah. I'm very happy with that one. - You can have a Mulligan if you like and just play that one again. - I'll pass. - You'll pass on that. - Just out eight o'clock in the morning. 121 club speed, just a little tickle down there on 307 carry. - That was my warm-up one wasn't it? - Oh yeah might've been one of yours from earlier. (Matthew laughs) Okay. - I'm just gonna just - Well Andys' actually been injured. - Well I put some footprints for you just stand there. - That's how much he's using the ground. Come on, look at that. - Right in he's force plates. - Yeah so Andy's gonna be tickling these a little bit. 'Cause he just coming off the back of a wrist injury. - That's all right. - So he's only gonna be 20 past you. (hitting golf ball) - Very nice. - Do I even need to hit? - I don't think you do. - Come on that's just an absolute bummer. - That was unbelievable. - Okay, that was really good. - Maybe I shouldn't have talked about my shot so much. - Yeah. Seriously. - You just gave him a lesson. - I just gave him the perfect - Actually the wrist feels so good there was a bit of speed in that one. - Yeah, yeah, that's good. It didn't hurt. So I'm getting there. - Wrist feels good? - Yeah it feels good, yeah. - Awesome. Nice. Yeah, that was really solid. - I'm just happy that we got one on the fairway. That's all. - I feel so much happier about it. A happy Gilmore or something like that. - Now you can just unleash this one Piers. - Unleash it yeah. - You can give it a rip. (hitting golf ball) You did us well. - Oh, very nice. - Cuts a little bit. - Yeah I saw it bounce. - It's okay, it's good. - It kicked a hair right. I might catch fairway but - I think it was as good. All right. Let's get on then shall we? - Awesome. Perfect. - For you, I suppose, I mean, we forget how, I mean you're 21 years old, still 21 yeah? - Yeah, yeah. - You've been around for a couple of years now and we forget how young you are, but you're competing in these majors. Do you feel that still for you there's a little bit of time to go, "Right, this is where I need to be. I'm solidifying myself on the tour" for that belief and confidence to actually get it done. - 100% and think that's another thing that sometimes I get a little hard on myself and that's a great point like you said right there, it's like, I'm only 21. And I'm not saying that I can't get it done because I'm 21, but I'm saying that I have so much time to learn and to like make sure my game is where it needs to be for the future. And because I've solidified my position out on the PGA tour and I'm gonna be in all these majors, WGCs and all these bigger tournaments, I think for me the most important thing that I could do right now is just learn, take in like the experiences, the pressure, the emotions, even the relaxation. You go to these events and the US open, I feel like getting prepared is just as important as relaxing and keeping your mind and body fresh. - Yeah. - And so for me I'm gonna be out here for many more years and you see all these guys that are winning majors they're 26, 28 30. I mean Dustin's 33 or 34, maybe even older. - 35 I think yeah. - So I know I have plenty of time to get where I need to be. Right now I'm just trying to learn and soak in as much information as I can. - Yeah. Well it's great to watch. I mean, you like to say you got to take the positives to finish second in the US open at the age of 21. I mean I'm sure you were a little bit disappointed not to get it done but when you reflect on that it's like, - Yeah. - Amazing is in the potential for what's gonna happen in the future. - Absolutely. - Wait a minute, I haven't just drove you up here. - You actually have. I landed about two feet in front of where my ball is, but yeah. - Yeah mine landed about a hundred johns back there I think. - That's all right. I actually had a feeling because I hit mine and it looked a little spinny, and when you hit yours it came off hot and low. Yeah. And I was like, "Ooh, that might run." - We've been fitting these properly over the last three weeks. (laughing) - Right let's get some - We need a little yardage on this one. Care to go with us anyway? If you stay with us Matt then we'll - Yeah. I'll stay here. - Right. Well we've 147 then Piers the yeah? - Yup. - Okay, 147. It's a bit down breeze, isn't it? - It is. - Yeah, maybe. It always goes a bit further out here than it does in England. - So that's what it was. You just must've caught a gust off the tee right? - Beware of the injured golfer they always say that down there. - Yeah they do. - 147, I think I'm gonna go easy. I'm just gonna ease on this still because of my wrist. - Yeah. - That's good. - Okay. Uphill into green, chip with no green to work with. Lovely. - Put some good thoughts in his head before he hits it right? - On no you can carry on. He's gonna get it right at the foot of the flag. (hitting golf ball) Wow. - Oh, no scramble. - I just thought I'd get it under the breeze. (laughing) Under the breeze. So we just take it in turns. Piers hits a good one, I hit good one. - There you go. Still think it's the right number Andy? - It's definitely the right number. It's only an easy one. I'm on the green. I might be close to there. - Might have gone through. (thwacking sound) Oh now it's gonna go. - Go. - I'm in the same bunker. - Go, go, go. - Oh God I got over. - Barely. - Look at that. - Good shot - We're on the green. - Look at that. Now you got to birdie putts right? - There we go. - All right. - 147. - Yeah probably, yeah. - I think I have a laser in here. - Okay. - Yeah probably a good idea. - 152. So you guys tried to trick me. All right. 152. You want me to talk through the shot? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Perfect. - Okay, so 152, obviously it's a little downwind. You said it's five off the left, pretty far in the back so. Probably my 152 numbers is gonna move to 48 50, somewhere in that range. So in order to hit that 50 shot, let's go I mean, it's probably five yards downwind. And then, because you don't wanna go along I probably play at seven or eight. So I'm looking at like a one, like low 140 shot, like 140 145 shot. And I think that should be able to pitch and at least somewhat get back there without the fear of going long. - 20 foot shots' fine isn't it? - Exactly. Yeah. I mean, obviously this is the 18th hole and you need a birdie you're gonna go right at it. But in a situation like this, you kinda just always want to air on that short side because for me I'd way rather have 18 birdie putts than, from 15 feet then. - Yeah, absolutely. - Five or six and have to get it up and down a bunch so. - Makes total sense. - Yeah, so all right. - You need to make birdie on this one 'cause we're gonna roll one of those in so. - That is true. - That's all I'm gonna say. - Yeah, that is true. So, all right. Well now I'm gonna probably start it just left of to the bunker, maybe left edge of that front right bunker and then just kinda draw it in there. So yeah, like a 145 shot. - Pitching much? - Yup. So I'm gonna have to take some off of it but I think that gap will come up a little short. (thwacking sound) Oh. - Didn't get the turn back. - Yeah. I just left it out there. - There's a bounce. - No, that's okay. - Yeah. - Pretty high I think. - Its a good number, yeah. - Was the right number. I just left it out there a little bit. Maybe got a little scared of going long left but all good. - Hey, what's your advice to a junior golfer trying to make it on the PGA tour? This is from Tyboon golf? - I'd say the number one The best advice that I can give junior golfers is probably just be honest with yourself. Because I feel like there's a lot of junior golfers that go out there and they're known for hitting it really good but all they work on is their ball striking. And they don't work on wedges, they don't work on chipping, I mean, they work on putting a little bit, but for them working on putting is putting putting tutor down and putting on it for five minutes. And then they're like, "Oh, I worked on my putting." So I think just being honest with yourself, knowing that like you actually have to put in work in order to get better and recognizing your weaknesses. Like don't just shy away from them, like work on them because it might not happen at first, but you will get better if you practice them. - Okay. Good, good advice. - Sounds good. - Okay. One more question. What's your favorite course on the PGA tour? - I haven't even played all of them yet really. I've been out here for two years now and I haven't even gotten to see all of them. I'd say a favorite course is one that we go back to every year. My favorite course is probably, I'd probably say TPC river Highlands. - Okay. - For the travelers championship. Even though I actually I MDF the first year I played there and I missed the cut this last year, I just I love that place. I think it's just such a good test to golf and there's so much to the holes and you could tear it apart or it's so easy to shoot over par. And I think that ability to really have to like have every part of your game to win there is pretty special. - Perfect. Some great questions there from the remote community. - I liked the questions, yeah. - Right, where's the, all right, here we go. Is that mine? Where was that? - In the bunker. - In the bunker. - A little bit of dirt on it. - Hey you stuffed into that one. - Yeah thanks. - And I stuffed it to the back right one. - There you go. - That's what I was going at. So obviously my distance was good but. - There you go man. - Oh thank you. - So just talk us through this putt if you can and just sort of see how you see it. Read it, that'd be good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. So first thing before anything, I'll probably just take a look behind it just to get an overall visual of it. It's kinda harder to tell up and down, like undulations from behind, but I'll kinda just, I'll take a really quick look and I'll be like, "All right, I'm thinking of playing it." I'm more of like a linear guy. So like for me, like obviously I see this pat going left, so I'd probably, this is all from behind it. I probably wouldn't walk up here, but I'd be like, I probably wanna play something about here, and then from back there it looks a little downhill but then a little back up the Hill. My cap that I probably wanna hit a straight putt two is about here. So that's the first thing I'll do I just take a look behind it. I'll be like this is where I probably I'm gonna place a cap if like just from the first look. But then after that I do the triangle. And the triangle is like three points. So I'll go there. And then obviously the green slopes that way. So I'll come over here, and then this is a better, this is for speed really. So obviously from here, I can see that it's much more downhill than it looks. So like from there, I thought it was kinda little downhill and then once you got in the middle of the putt then it started going back up. Whereas in reality, I think it honestly is downhill until two thirds of the putt is downhill. So that's one thing that I'll do for speed. And then I'll come back there, go behind see if there's any break that I haven't seen or didn't look at or more kind of closer to the hole. Back there it's easier to see the break at the start of the putt back there it's easier to see the break kinda at the end of the putt. So I'll do that. And then once all that information is obtained and processed, I'll come over here, I'll say, yeah, I want my ball two feet by the hole just to get it there. And then it's going a little left and pretty much after that, I just make sure it's lined up correctly. Looks pretty good to me. And then from there, just go through my routine. I usually come back here, take a deep breath, three practice strokes, right beside the ball. And then I hit it. - That's a good roll. Looks a good roll - So obviously my speed was off. - It's a great putt. - Thank you. - Well we're quite generous so we'll give you that one. - Perfect. Thank you. - It was very nice. - Yeah. When I'm in Cabo with George, I'll have to putt all those out. You guys want it out or leave it in? - Yeah leave it in. - Leave it in, its good. - All right, have a look at that Andy, see what you think you've got. - It's not doing a lot, Piers. - I think is pretty straight. - Yup. - I think you're gonna be far away. Pretty straight on that one. - Give it some of these, give it some old. - Pulled it, pulled it, pulled it. - Okay. See if I can make up for that last shot that I just hit. - So is it now your turn? - It is my turn. - Tag team has began. - I've hit it Soft - Go, go, go. - I've hit it soft. - It's all right, these are the first putts that we've hit today. - First putts of the day. - Yeah. - No yours was a good one, yours was a good one. - That I was awesome. I think he's great just understanding a little bit about how you get around Some really good insights there. Anyone watching this should definitely be taking some of that information on board. And yup, thanks so much. 2021, hope it's a great year for you. And hopefully we're playing with some crowds as well. - Yeah. - Absolutely. - Let's keep in touch and don't forget you got to play well so these videos do well for us. (laughing) - No pressure, right? - No pressure. - Cheers man. - Thank you. Appreciate it. - Have a good season. - Thanks. - Before we go to the next video, how would you like to knock five shots off your round? We created a free video series that's gonna help you do just that. - So click right here to access for free. So loads of golfers have benefited from this, so make sure you're one of those. Click that link and we'll see you there.
Channel: Meandmygolf
Views: 91,331
Rating: 4.9733472 out of 5
Keywords: ME AND MY GOLF, MEANDMYGOLF, MATTHEW WOLFF, MATTHEW WOLFF VS MEANDMYGOLF, MATTHEW WOLFF VS ME AND MY GOLF, MATTHEW WOLFF GOLF SWING, MATTHEW WOLFF UNIQUE GOLF SWING, MATTHEW WOLFF GOLF, Golf swing, Golf lesson, Golf tips, how to, lag, putting, chipping, pitching, bunker, short game, wedges, Driving distance, Funny golf, power, Tiger woods, back swing, golf clubs, over the top, Taylormade, hips, Junior Golf, Driver, irons, wegdes, swing plane, Masters, Power, Hips, backswing, downswing, impact
Id: pR7J8FksvYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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