Matthew (Session 11) Chapters 16-17

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well we're in session 11 of the gospel of matthew and we're going to explore chapter 16 and 17 uh this evening and again by just a way of perspective the gospels are designed each with a specific goal and every element in the design here's just a list a few of them support the particular theme that's being emphasized by that particular writer matthew is presenting jesus as the messiah the mashiach nageed his genealogy what he says the first miracle the ending events and so forth all support has presentation of the lion of the tribe of judah in contrast to the the different perspectives of the other three gospel writers and we started of course with the genealogy of christ the birth of christ the baptist of christ the temptation of christ and the manifesto of the christ in the several mount in the first seven chapters in the second session we calmed a storm demoniac call of matthew 12 sent out and it climaxed in chapter 12 which closed the major half of the book of matthew it's the end of the primary section which presents the kingdom to israel and the rejection of christ did not begin at the cross it began in chapter 12 when the leadership ascribed his deeds to satan and he from that point on jesus will shift gears here you'll see a whole different tone style forthcoming he'll speak only to the public in parables and that led us to chapter 13 the seven kingdom parables each of which is familiar to us and many of them being rather surprising when you view them as a jewish rabbi teaching his jewish disciples they take a very different complexion than is commonly taught by many but then we talked about the herod's and we'll go through all that again except to summarize the key ones herod the great of course was the one that slew the children in bethlehem herod antipas was his son and he was he's the one that had john the baptist killed and performed jesus was silent later on in in the events his son is herod agrippa he's the one that slew james in 62 id and he's the one imprisoned peter he was the grandson of herod the great and his son is the great-grandson of herod the great and he's the one before whom paul was tried in the book of acts so these are four not to be confused with many others that will also show up in history and in josephus and the rest but these are the four that that we have primary to do herod the great herod antipas herod agrippa and hero griffith ii are the four that we will generally be touching face with okay matthew 16 verse one the pharisees also with the sadducees came now by the way right there is a surprise the pharisees and sadducees didn't agree on anything the pharisees were the conservatives they were the legalists they were the ones that took things very very seriously the sadducees were the liberals of the day the modernists they did not believe in the resurrection they didn't believe in angels all that sort of thing and the way you can remember which is which just remember that's why they were sad you see okay it's interesting that there were pharisees that came to faith in jesus christ you can't find in my opinion i don't think you can find any sadducees that came to faith that are at least that are recorded in the bible the pharisees also the sadducees came so see what what is you got two people that normally don't get along what's uniting them a common enemy a common enemy they came and tempting desired him that he would show them a sign from heaven man he's feeding thousands on breadcrumbs and they want to see a sign but all right he answered and said to them when it is evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red and in the morning it will be foul weather today before the sky is red and low ring oh you hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky but you cannot discern the signs of the times jesus is quoting to them an old proverb all of us have heard it red sky in the morning sailor take warning red sky at night sailors delight and it's interesting that in the northern hemisphere that's a reasonable form that's a summary of cyclonic behavior in any case um they understand that he says you guys you hypocrites you can discern the face of the sky but you cannot discern the signs of the times it's interesting that jesus expects us and them to know the times they're living in when we get to luke 19 we discover that jesus held them accountable to know the prophecy of gabriel that he gave to daniel at the exact day that jesus was going to ride that donkey and present himself as a king and because they didn't recognize that day that's why jerusalem fell in 70 a.d and that's not an opinion that's what jesus said declared in luke 19 verse 44 and so on okay moving on a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign there shall no sign be given unto it but the sign of the prophet jonas and he left them and departed what was the sign of the prophet jonah remember that in chapter 12 three days and three nights in the belly of the earth so they're not going to get any sign until the resurrection and he left them and departed and when his disciples came to the other side they had forgotten to take bread and she said to them take heed and beware of the leaven of the pharisees and are the sadducees they talk about bread and jesus talk about something a little different he's using that as an idiom they reasoned among themselves saying it's because we have taken no bread they think he's upset because they haven't brought bread which when jesus perceived he said to them oh he of little faith why reason he among yourselves because you have brought no bread do you not yet understand neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand or the many baskets he took up neither the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many baskets he took up and i was even if it's bread you're worried about why you're worried you follow me you're with him he had nothing to worry about of course that wasn't the point anyway but first of all what are they worried about how is that you do not understand that i spake it not to you concerning bread that you should beware of the leaven of the pharisees and of the sadducees then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread but of the doctrine of the pharisees and the sadducees one of the things you want to be sensitive to it's sometimes called the principle of expositional constancy and what that means is this is a fancy way of saying that idioms tend to be used by the holy spirit throughout the entire bible consistently and the leaven in the old testament passover and so forth speaks of sin why because it corrupts by puffing up the root of sin is pride ultimately satan's pride and but 11 even in the new testament is used consistently the same way 11 of the pharisees the eleven of the sadducees it's taught my doctrines talking about beliefs it's talking about error error that you know compounds upon itself okay when jesus came into the coast of caesarea philippi caesarea the capital of the roman empire is on the coast just a little bit north of where tel aviv is today caesarea philippi was a place built by herod philip and named caesarea to honor the romans but it's way up north in the north uh tip so on the north west excuse me northeast tip of the country pretty much up near a place called dan and so forth when you speak of uh often the united states speak of from maine to california well in israel speak of dan de bersheva as embracing the northern almost the northernmost southernmost parts of the country and idiomatically and when jesus came into the coasts of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of man am and they said some say that thou art john the baptist some elias and some and others jeremiah or one of the prophets he said to them but whom say ye that i am and simon peter answered and said thou art the christ the son of the living god this is probably simon peter's finest hour more often not he's got his foot in his mouth more often than not he speaks when he should be listening okay and that's why so many of us smile but sort of identify with peter because that's us you know putting our foot in it every chance we get but this is one of those cases probably the principal case where he shines because this is his time jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon bar jonah bar being son son of jonah simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed unto thee but my father which is in heaven and i say i also say unto thee thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it boy there's a lot here we spent a lot of time on this one in terms of all its implications first of all peter's insight did come from the holy spirit obviously and here jesus indulges in a pun because petra is the word for rock peter and petra he's playing he's playing uh on uh on the words there and uh the petrus is actually a part of a rock that's shown out of a rock or stone and uh the uh the the petr the petros is the petra is the part is the rock from which the stone was cut so there's petros the part that's out petra what that which it came out of and there's a pun here between peter the stone and petra the rock and uh now who is the rock now you if you want to you want to maybe jot some verses down here first corinthians 3 11 ephesians 2 12 first corinthians 10 4 first first corinthians 10 4 the rock that followed him in the wilderness was christ these are elements that identify jesus christ is the rock or the stone now the reason i emphasize this in first peter two peter himself will identify what christ meant here in his second chapter of his of his first epistle and uh so the reason this requires a little emphasis is because there are some that feel that what he's saying he's going to build his church on peter not that's not what it says and of course the catholics make a big thing of this and that's why the catholics try to make peter their first pope that's contrivance of the catholic church i'm not going to comment further on that except it won't bear up in history there's also a belief by most scholars that there's a gesture missing here what jesus is doing is gesturing to himself upon this rock he's the rock clearly in the word of god all through the verse i gave you first corinthians 3 11 ephesians 2 20. first corinthians 10 4 and 1st peter 2 verses 4 through 7 will all uh consistently point out when it speaks of the rock it's speaking of none other than jesus christ he's the rock but the other thing i want to notice here what you notice here there's a key phrase i will build my church the disciples aren't building the church christ is building this church i will build my church that is yet future that won't start until acts chapter 2. i will build my church whose church my church that's in contrast to some of the churches of the in in that are detailed elsewhere and notice the gates of hell shall not prevail against it who's doing the attacking here the gates of hell shall not prevail against it what's attacking what is hell attacking the church or is the church attacking the gates of hell the church is doing the attacking the gates of hell will not prevail they're going to yield interesting isn't it and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever shalt thou loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven and then he charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was jesus the christ by the way many people think in verse 19 that those those keys were something unique given to peter catholics like to emphasize that no because in chapter 18 you're going to discover those keys are given to all the disciples you have those keys too if you use them properly and they should tell no man that he was a christ why why keep it a secret because his time had not yet come several times the enthusiasm of the crowd will try to take him as king and he slips away says my hour and well not yet it has not yet come john 6 and elsewhere then one day he arranges it we call it the triumphal entry because he you'll notice as we get cl later later in the book of matthew he will control all the timing they were not planning to take him on passover they didn't want to do it on a feast day why did they because jesus made them do it he let the cat out of the bag that night watch out well i'll do this too quickly he announced that he's going to be betrayed if you're going to do it he had a fisher cut bait every detail you'll discover jesus is quarterbacking the whole thing we'll look at that when we get there but at this point he doesn't want he doesn't want premature awareness of it and from that time forth began jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go into jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and see priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day one little verse boy does that summarize a lot what's interesting you can find all of these things in the old testament daniel chapter 9 predicts that he is going to be killed executed isaiah 53 describes the conditions under which he's to be executed psalm 22 sounds as if it's quoted the dictation taken as he hung on the cross that's all in the old testament here from this time on jesus is beginning to show his disciples try to get across to them how he must go into jerusalem indeed they're going to try and talk him out of it some will and suffer many things of the elders and chief reasons scribes no surprise and be killed you can't you don't mean that yeah and be raised again the third day you know it's interesting they didn't remember this later it's after it happens they remember then that he said all these things earlier they just didn't get it they must have thought he may be speaking metaphorically or something and peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from the lord this shall not be unto thee but he turned and said unto peter get thee behind me satan thou art an offense unto me for thou savorist not the things that be of god but those that are men strong language you know it's interesting peter has just had a few verses ago his finest hour we need to learn that lesson when things are going well is when we are in jeopardy spiritually i'll be in the conference i'll be surrounded by people who really mean well boy that was great chuck oh this that they they're trying to make increa and i thank them for their encouragement obviously i don't want to you know misunderstand what they're trying to do but that's my dangerous moment if i start taking myself seriously that's when i'm in jeopardy and that's why i have surrounded myself with some really strong people that travel with me that keep me humble that remind me watch it because the crowd is dangerous they mean well dee chuck we really enjoyed the message yeah that's great no there's no harm in that and yet i've got to be careful because it's when we're at the peak when we're at the top that we're vulnerable to spiritual attack satan hits us when we're down and he's hits us when we're uh the two vulnerable spots is when you're really down and also when you're really top you've just won the lottery or whatever you know dangerous time dangerous time it's interesting too that we're going to discover later that peter fails in a strongest suit you know everybody has strengths and weaknesses but our failures are usually in our long suit not our weak suit peter's strength is what bold peter you know may not thought very deeply but boy he's out there right draws a sword in gethsemane and so on he was the one that denied christ under oath three times something that for the rest of eternity he'll grieve over forgiven reinstated still peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from the lord this shall not be under this if he's telling god what the program is he obviously doesn't mean it that way but that's what he's doing and jesus turned geth behind me satan oh boy thou art an offense unto me for thou savers not the things of god but those of men see he's the reason islam is so popular to people because it allows them to be in the flesh islam appeals to the masculine hunter instinct the the the whole it's a warrior code for conquest it's it that's the flesh thou savers not the things that be of god but those of men saying here then said jesus unto his disciples if any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it for what is man profited if he will gain the whole world and lose his own soul and what shall a man give in exchange for his soul why not give that which you cannot keep for that which you cannot lose that's the flip side of the pascal's wager right for the son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels and then he shall reward every man according to his works verily i say unto you there be some standing here which shall not taste of death until they see the son of man coming in his kingdom and because that closes chapter 16 many people say wow what does that mean does that mean the world is going to end before these guys die no no it's just the introduction to the next chapter this is just an introduction to chapter 17. let's take a look at chapter 17. and after six days jesus taketh peter james and john his brother and bring them up into a high mountain apart peter james and john these three guys are the inner circle they're the three guys that were allowed to go into jairus daughter for a raising these are the three guys that are going to experience this event here in chapter 17. these are the three guys that are inside at gethsemane they're all there but there's an inner circle that peter james and john they're the the inner group and so they're up on a high mountain and uh tradition says it's tabor but but uh probably not because it was inhabited at this time most scholars suspect that it probably is mount hermon which is the highest mountain in israel but uh that's speculation up to into a high mountain apart and he was transfigured before them what do you mean by that well it goes on to explain his face did shine as the sun and his rainment was white as the light and behold there appeared unto him moses and elijah talking with him that's kind of wild how'd they know how did matthew know it was moses and elijah must have had name tags huh then answered peter and said unto jesus lord it's good for us to be here if thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles one for thee and one for moses one for elijah for this reason by the way some scholars suspect this might have been a time about the time of the feast of tabernacles where they always made boots you know that's just just an instinct and while he had spake behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and behold a voice out of the cloud which said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased hear ye him when did that happen last time when was the last time that happened prior to this the baptism exactly same thing there and actually obviously that's what we have here and it says it's almost as if it's instructions to peter not to confuse yes you've got moses elijah but there's one here that's very distinctively different why moses and elijah people speculate well these two men characterized two different things the law and the prophets for one thing the law came by moses and the prophet elijah was a uniquely empowered prophet other prophets were powerful in their writings but elijah called down fire from heaven elijah shut the rain for three and a half years and that particular event is mentioned twice in the new testament once by jesus christ himself in luke 4 and once by the lord's brother james in his epistle of james chapter 5. i think it's kind of interesting because they when they mention that they're telling you something you won't find in the old testament in the old testament you know it mentions how that well the rain the drought was stopped by elijah what it doesn't tell you is that he had made it stop reigning in other words it celebrates in the old testament you get in there he he stopped you know he stopped the drought and he called it three but uh he he was the one that had shut it off for three and a half years and how do we know that because both jesus and the brother james mentioned that in the news it's one of those things in the new testament you won't find in the old testament it's one book it's all tied together but anyway okay i got some blank stares that make that clear that confusion elijah in the old testament stopped the rain for three and a half years then he called the rain down he stopped he'd stop the drought the fact that he stopped the droughts recorded there which but you don't pick up until you get the new testament both the lord jesus christ and james mentioned it was elijah that started the drought called it for god's purposes you follow me it's significant it's astonishingly significant that it's for three and a half years that makes no sense as far as old testament's concerned it will blow you away when you see where it fits into the new testament another distinction between these two guys moses died moses we typify the dead in christ that are saved elijah did not die he was translated so he can cantify those that were in at the throne without having tasted death the raptures they were translated without death that's one that's a suggestion possibility let's move on in matthew 17 6 and when the disciples heard it they fell on their face and were so afraid jesus came and touched them and said arise be not afraid and when they had lifted up their eyes they saw no man save jesus only and as they came down from the mountain jesus charged them saying tell the vision to no man until the son of man be risen again from the dead here he tells him he's going to rise from the dead don't tell anybody until i rise from the dead oh okay okay yeah did you rest in the dead yeah i mean it started when you get to the crucifixion time you tell they're confused they they did not have an expectation the only people that expected him to be resurrected with the girls they went there they were they were not you know they they they got it in fact amen yeah okay i thought you got an amen from someone of him verse 10 and his disciples asked him saying why then say the scribes that elias must first come jesus answered and sent to them elias truly shall first come and restore all things but i say unto you that elias has come already and they knew him not but have done unto him whatsoever they listed likewise shall also the son of man suffer of them and then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of john the baptist what he's saying is that john the baptist came in the spirit the power of elijah and if they would have received it would have been a different ballgame but they didn't so it doesn't count in effect he's reasoning from he's a lot reasoning from a contrary to presumption one of the questions that might be suggested is the future kingdom in view here all the elements of the future kingdom are here in matthew 17. we have jesus in his glory not in his humiliation moses in his glory also read it in shiny he represents the redeemed through death in matthew 13 and in luke 9. elijah is there in glory as he represents those that enter the kingdom through the translation of the rapture you've got both in view in a sense if that's the case who is peter james and john they're present with jesus too right they are the israel or the remnant in the flesh the twelve apostles will rule over the twelve tribes after came down from the mountain the multitude of the foot of the mountain might be those who were brought into the kingdom after it established as is described as described in isaiah chapter 11. these are just suggestions you can see fashion as you will this should though echo something we want to take a look at because i think what we've seen here in matthew 17 is a staff meeting because peter in his letters makes reference to this event on the mountain and he hints that they were discussing the second coming of christ well if that's the case let's take a look at the second we know that these two guys apparently have a major play in the in the in revelation chapter 11. the first couple of verses of that chapter the temple's measured the outer court is given to the gentiles for 42 months that's interesting three and a half years by the way two witnesses show up the two witnesses there they're empowered for 1260 days how long is that three and a half years that three and a half years that seven the seventh week of daniel and two halves of three and half years each is the most documented period of time in the old testament and in the new testament both three and a half years half a half of a split the middle of seven years three and a half years 42 months 1260 days again and again and again all through both the old testament and new let's move on in revelation 11 3 god says i will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days clothed in sackcloth two witnesses in fact by the way it's the two witnesses of mine is what it actually says it's an emphatic construction of the greek these are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the god of the earth there's an echo from zechariah zerubbabel and joshua who reestablished israel in zechariah 4 by the continuous filling of the holy spirit in zechariah 4. if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devour their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed boy i'd love to see them preach these have power to shut heaven that it rained not until in the days of their prophecy whoops wait a minute what is the days of the prophecy three and a half years they have the power to shut heaven for three and a half years who had the power to do that in the old testament elijah exactly and they'll have power of waters to turn them into blood who did that in the old testament moses and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will again moses right okay so we have they're calling down with fire in verse five they can shut the heaven and not reign not that's see the first two are with well we'll bottle out for you three people were expected in john 1 the messiah elijah and moses remember we looked at that when we're dealing with that messiah was pred the messiah was predicted at the in uh malachi 3. elijah closes the old testament in malachi the last verses of malachi in the old testament speaks of elijah coming back first and then we've got moses in deuteronomy 18 predicted john the baptist said i'm not any one of those three he so declared in john 1 and matthew 11 and 17. and by the way he did not turn the hearts of the children as malachi predicted or usher in the great and dreadful day that matthew that predicted so john the baptist in spirit came in he came in this spirit of elijah but it wasn't elijah because what elijah was accomplished he was didn't accomplish there were two ministries in the bible that were unfinished moses was unfinished and he didn't get a chance to finish elijah same thing you can look those up and i suspect matthew 17 is a staff meeting and they discussed there things having to do with the second coming and uh first peter chapter 1 verses 10 through 12 highlights that ii peter second letter chapter 1 verses 6 through 18. both of these make reference to the event that they witnessed on the mount call them what we call the mount of transfiguration there were unique powers elijah took down fire from heaven and first kings 18 and second kings one and shut heaven three and a half years um we find that underscored in luke 4 and james 5. moses turned water into blood in exodus 7 all kinds of plagues from exodus 8 through 12 holy 10 of them there are alternatives some people say well i don't think that's most elijah i think one of them's in enoch and they say that because of hebrews 9 27 it's pointed one for amanda wants to but wants to die and the two people that didn't die was enoch and elijah well that's a general rule there are some exceptions of people that didn't that died more than once a lazarus did jairus daughter names and so forth that hebrews 9 27 is a refutation of reincarnation and so for what it's worth uh the other thing i don't think enoch wanted witness because the witnesses are jewish enoch wasn't jewish is he a model of the rapture i think so born and translated on the feast of chavoit apparently john the apostle there are some people that think that the one of the witnesses might be john the apostle the writer of the of the of the book of revelation i don't happen to think so but i share that with you so if you run you won't be surprised others think it might be john the baptist i don't but that's views that float around okay two witnesses were in power 12 16 they called down from heaven they shut heaven no rain they turned water into blood they smite earthly these are the four the first two are unique to elijah the last two unique to moses that's why i'm among those that believe they literally are elijah and moses or certainly they're conspicuous delegates and so we have two witnesses always present at every major thing there are two witnesses at the transfiguration obviously there were two witnesses at the resurrection there are men there might have been moses elijah we don't know they're not identified they're not angels they're men i saw two men standing they might have been angels but they're not they're not the scripture doesn't say man angel says men at the ascension acts one there are two men standing there why do you gaze up in heaven this same jesus will come and like manner and so forth essentially always two witnesses i don't know that there's always moses and elijah it wouldn't surprise me anyway and when they shall have finished their testimony the beast that sent us out of the bombs pitch shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them these two witnesses are going to get killed and their dead bodies shall lie on the street of this great city which is spiritually called sodom and egypt where also our lord was crucified their dead bodies shall lie on the street of the great city which spiritually is called sodom and egypt and that's idiomatic so that you don't misunderstand he adds where also our lord was crucified what city was that jerusalem okay so there these bodies gonna lie there for in the in the street and jerusalem is identified as sodom and idiomatically in a number of places and it also is egypt interesting enough but it's used spiritually in spiritual conditioning and they have the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put into graves can you imagine and they that dwell upon the earth the revelation has two kinds of people those that are saved those are the earth dwellers we're not earth dwellers we're just passing through they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them and make merry and send gifts to one another because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth the only celebration you see on the planet earth in the book of revelation is here where they celebrate the death of these two witnesses but are they in for a surprise okay beast abuser kills them the earth dwellers celebrate the rest okay and after three days and a half the spirit of life from from god entered into them and they stood up on their feet and a great fear fell upon them which saw them i can imagine how they watching this on cnn it's a big deal can you picture that school that's going to be a scoop huh and they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them can you imagine that broadcast but continuing back in matthew 17 and when they were come to the multitude there came to him a certain man kneeling down to him and saying lord have mercy on my son for he's a lunatic and sorbexed for off times he falls into a fire and off into the water and i brought him to thy disciples and they could not cure him oh boy jesus answered and said oh faithless and perverse generation how long shall i be with you how long shall i suffer you bring him a hither to me and jesus rebuked the devil or demon and he departed out of him and the child was cured from that very hour strange episode the disciples couldn't handle it jesus did of course then came the disciples to jesus apart and said why could we not cast him out do you send them because of your unbelief for verily i say unto you if you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed you shall stand to this mountain and remove hence the honor place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting yes a call to faith indeed that's pretty straightforward pretty obvious but also another underscore here part of this kind of result comes by serious preparation one thing most of us think of fasting is something from the old testament no here's an example where we're instructed to if you're going to be in a serious ministry you need to pray and fast that's what he's saying i'll be at this kind of go without not go with not out but by prayer and fasting it's a call for you're going to get are you going to really be serious while the abode in galilee jesus said unto them the son of man shall be betrayed into the hands of men and they shall kill him and the third day he shall be raised again and they were exceeding sorry they didn't understand it we learned later and yet they didn't like what they heard they didn't understand when they come to capernaum they that received tribute money taxes came to peter and said doth not your master pay tribute peter said yes and when he's come into the house jesus prevented him saying what things thou simon of whom do the kings of the earth take customer tribute of their own children or of strangers peter said on the name of strangers in other words the tax is collected of sojourners in the area and not the native residents okay okay are the strangers or chil children peter said i am of strangers jesus saith unto him then are the children free what he's saying is they don't have to pay the tax because they're natives peter misspoke okay notwithstanding lest we should offend them go thou to the sea and cast a hook and take up the fish that cometh up first and when thou hast open his mouth thou shall find a piece of money that take and give unto them for me and me and that's the way it ends now when you're there on the sea of galilee when you visit israel one of the things you'll do is go out on the sea for a bible study whatever but then you'll end up going to one of these places there's several of them and have what they call saint peter's fifth it's a tilapia of some kind it's actually quite good incidentally but and apparently there are those that say that they do occasionally pick up bright things off the bottom but i wouldn't make a big case of that this is obviously the lord doing his thing here um there are those modernists preachers that say what this really means that he just told uh you know peter to go fish and sell the fish to pay the taxes that's really what it means you know i don't you know that may sound harmless that's not what it says i believe what it says and that's in this case it's probably a trivial difference other places it's a not so trivial difference and i think there's some consistency called for i take the word of god seriously god takes himself seriously i think he says what he means and means what he says and so uh that's that's that's that's just my view for what it's worth but i thought it'd be uh just a good thing before we finish here just as it's a short lesson so let's just stop and do a chronology uh we're going to take a chronology uh of the gospels different scholars have slightly different views but we we know that tiberius was appointed in 14 a.d augustus died on august 19th of 14 a.d and that's when he took over we know that luke starts within the within the 15th year of tiberius well within the 15th years is 14 and some months in other words right and so for 14 plus 14 is 28 so we this is year 28 by our reckoning okay so thus the ministry began in the fall of 28 a.d if we understand luke correctly right you're with it with us okay the fourth passover is was on april 6 of 3280 and this can con consists with the sir robert anderson's dating that we're going to lean on when we get to the final week other chronologies that you'll run into among other things try to justify a friday crucifixion and so they that's why they try to force it to a 30 a.d or some other year thing this this this is a this is a set of chronology that's at least consistent with what we with the hard points that we do know and let's assume then it starts in autumn of 28 a.d begins at nazareth and then he goes down to the baptism at bethebara and uh as recorded as we saw in matthew 3 and elsewhere and then he went to the mountain temptation it recorded in matthew 4 9 luke 4. heads up to salim and then to kana which was nathaniel's hometown that's where his first disciples are called uh john andrew peter philip and nathanael that occurs mostly in john chapter one and then we have the first miracle in uh it was the wedding at kana in john two he moved to capernaum to set up his major operations there really in effect he goes down to jerusalem for purifying the temple nicodemus's visit recorded in john 3. he tarries and get baptized john the baptist's last testimony was in john is uh again in john 3. we're now the winner of 29 a.d he's a seeker the woman of the well heads up back up to kana where he heals the son of the royal official back down jerusalem healing with the pool of bethesda at john 5. we're now in 38 spring of 8 30 a.d in jerusalem john the baptist is imprisoned at this point he begins his public ministry in galilee and this is this is where obviously matthew's emphatic on it he has the mandate that declares the mandate from isaiah at the at the synagogue in nazareth he's driven out as you may recall we talked about in luke 4 and matthew 4. then at capernaum he calls for disciples peter's draft of fish healing of peter's mother-in-law the leper and all of that and at capernaum we find the healing of the paralytic and this isn't in luke a lot of these things are in luke and not matthew but matthew's call is recorded there of course in luke in luke 5 but also we record it in in matthew 9. the years of corn on the sabbath man with the withered hand his fame spreads the sermon on the mount which brings us to matthew 5 the centurion's servant is healed then we go around nain where the widows of nain's son is raised john's query from prison what's going on that we'll get that we've got that in matthew 11 you may recall he dines at simon's house returns home okay then we get to 30 a.d at capernaum the blind and dumb man are healed this is where he's it's accused that this is all as it bails about that's a major turning point matthew 12. so that's when he launches the seven kingdom parables in matthew 13. we look more closely there's a storm in route to gadara the demoniac is healed at capernaum jairus's daughter is raised the one with the issue of blood the two blind men men dumb and possessed talk all that was in matthew 9 you may recall that nazareth the people take offense apostles are sent out in pairs and here's we have the execution of john the baptist which is recorded in mark 6. return back to capernaum at capernaum there's a return of the 12 he retires to betheada then again he he goes uh he he feeds the 5000 returns to capernaum he walks on water the bread of the science the sermon on the bread of life occurs in the john accounts eating unwashed hands and all that business then capernaum he goes up to sidon he took a summer cottage and tire i never knew that and it's in mark 7. help the canaanite woman then he gets to the region of the decapolis there was the deaf and dumb man the feeding of the four thousand which we read in in matthew 15. and uh magdalena the pharisees demand a sign and betheta the leaven of the pharisees herod and so forth and uh we're getting into autumn 3180 now and journey northwards towards caesarea philippi and that's where we just had whom at caesarea philippi whom the same men do men say that i am then we get up to the transfiguration which i suspect is in fact on mount hermon which is right up there and uh we have the possessed boy and at capernaum we have the tribute money question that comes up and that that's where we are so far we're gonna we're gonna be heading down we're we're at autumn 31 a.d and by the spring of 32 a.d he'll be crucified so we're down in the last six months of the ministry if this reckoning is correct now different scholars have slightly different way of trying to reconcile the different gospels because indeed it turns out that not all the gospels necessarily put them all in chronological order and each gospel are put in slightly different order making slightly different emphatic points and obviously each one of them selecting but a small sample of what happened so that's what we're facing but in any case for the next session i encourage you to read matthew 18. let's stand for a closing word of prayer
Channel: Bible Study
Views: 659
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Id: hgy10kWH08s
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Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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