Matthew Perry Will Leave You SPEECHLESS | One of the Most Eye Opening Interviews Ever

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every day when you're waking up when you're working out or if you just need a mental boost download mindset to start your day [Music] right somebody comes up to me and says I can't stop drinking can you help me I can say yes and follow up and do it that's the best thing and I've said this for a long time when I die I don't want friends to be the first thing that's mentioned I want that to be the first thing that's mentioned and I'm going to live the rest of my life proving that most people when they drink they feel a little kind of queasy and a little silly and then they stop but for me that's what happened want more and more and more and more you start partying with your friends but you notice that your friends stop and switch to coffee at 11:00 at night or maybe your friend goes no you know what I've had enough I'm going to have a glass of water but you you don't stop I was the last girl at the bar going come on let's have zambuka shots at this point I didn't know what an end was and end was me just going to bed and so that's not normal my relationship with alcohol was different from that of my peers because I would be the last person to leave I was immediately sneaking drinks I was the one who was throwing up and blacking out when everyone else knew what time it was to go home and it it it there was nothing really sexy or romantic or rock and roll about it it was just really kind of sad and pathetic to the point where at the end I was alone alienated from my friends my family didn't want anything to do with me until I sorted this out just a brief lesson in alcoholism for you guys that don't know and addiction of course um it it's a disease that's the first thing I didn't know in 1956 I think the American Medical Association said it was a disease and um it's a two-prong disease two things happen to me and 10 million other people in the United States if it's an obsession of your mind feel nothing feel nothing um except deep deep grief and the obsession to get more so I think that's the hardest part about the disease of addiction is this pull is the compulsion and the obsession for more yet knowing that more is the thing that is leading to depression The Rock Bottom the not wanting to be here anymore and then there's an allergy to your body which means once you've put in the Marini your body basically goes okay now give me everything you did last time and more there's two problems there's severe addiction and whatever comes with that the neurobiological consequences the and all the everything comes with addiction and then there's the trauma so you know you cannot still holding on to oh sure it's in their body it's it's embedded in them it's not doesn't it's fixed it's a fixed phenomenon once somebody's been traumatized and and but that trauma can't really be treated until the addiction is well in hand you can't start treating the trauma St off the top first why they can't access it and secondly it just fuels the addiction it has nothing to do with weakness it's a disease that we have and we don't know that we have it and if somebody says just stop you know you want to punch them in the face you know for so many of us I think that there is this notion of just stop why don't they just stop just stopping doesn't work there needs to be a support system there needs for for the attic we need 12 step meetings we need therapy we need you know to evaluate our mental health we need to work the steps we need a sponsor we need a community of people that share our very same struggle so we can see ourselves and experience the therapeutic value of one addict helping another that is our peace but until we get there just stopping is almost impossible he turned me around and said just remember it's not your fault and I went what he said it's not your fault and I went say that again it's not your fault and I said what do you mean it's not my fault I'm the one who's doing it what do you mean and he explained addiction and alcohol to me and he saved my life you have to eliminate that from your thought process because the people who've gone through addiction this is not a choice nobody is asked for this to happen this is not his fault so let's start there and start with love and support and say look I want to help you and what most people do is say why can't you just stop well ask somebody why can't you stop breathing when you have a compulsive disorder of the brain it's not logical why would I put a poison into my body that is ruining my life that's not logical so to tell me to stop is not doesn't make sense clearly there's something wrong with my brain I've learned this compulsive disorder I can't drink because if I drink I can't stop um so I've gone to AA for a long period of time and you know a lot of people have said to me if hard work and muscle it in would get you sober you would have been sober 20 years ago um because I tried and I tried and I tried and I tried um but it's ultimately some kind of spiritual connection that you you need to have some kind of faith in often times as a destructive pattern whether it was sex or with drugs or you know whatever um of trating in what I truly wanted what I truly believed to be the truth because my truth is that that I am the best version of myself when I am clear you know I choose to call it God but that God presence that being is is absolutely moving through through me I've never been able to feel that um without a spiritual practice music has always been a spiritual practice for me but I think that it's made me who I am I've made tons of mistakes and since I've been famous I made tons of mistakes that were that were you know influenced by the drugs that I was doing or you know the the positions that I got myself in but those also turned into learning moments they turned into maybe a song or maybe a conversation or maybe the thing that I needed to share about in a 12 step meeting that saved someone's life I don't know I don't know but I know that um I'm here I know that I'm here for a reason and it took over Decades of my life and I prayed you if you worri that you're having this problem or you know somebody that is raise your hand find somebody who's smarter than you about this and talk to them and be honest about it because the secrets are what kill us if you're struggling with some kind of addiction like I was it's not easy to say that but I wanted to change I just didn't know how then I had to find a way to fill myself up with other things that could replace the habits that I had and 24 hours turned into one day turn into 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days and soon enough soon enough I started building a new habit and a new lifestyle one person all it takes is one person to break the curse of any [Music] family [Music]
Channel: MotivationHub
Views: 45,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, eye opening speech, motivational speech, motivation, motivational, inspirational, eye opening interview, speechless, stop drinking alcohol, stop drinking motivation, ALCOHOL NEEDS TO BANNED, quit drinking alcohol, One of The Most Eye Opening Motivational Videos Ever, no more alcohol motivation, alcohol motivation, is alcohol bad, matthew perry, matthew perry alcohol, rip matthew perry, friends, matthew perry drugs, matthew perry stop drinking, eye opening
Id: 0NKw4027RXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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