Matthew 24:1-12: "The Tribulation 2"

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how're you guys good morning we are going through Matthew chapter 24 we're going to be in Revelation chapter 6 I want to read through that again but before we do I want to show you guys a video one of the things that is interesting about the the stuff that we're talking about is the fact that Jesus gave signs that we're going to take place before his second coming and those he has a list of them in Matthew chapter 24 it's more extensive in the book of Revelation and and you can obviously tie those chapter those two chapters in together and one of the videos I wanted to show you how has to do with some of that stuff so here we go it's got it [Music] [Music] [Music] credit cards you get in your house you can do you don't have to do tokens for buses and and all that kind of stuff and this is the only time in history where you could do that the reason I obviously showed you that is because the Bible talks about the fact that we are coming on a time period where there is going to be a cashless society nobody buys or sells without a mark in their right hand or in their forehead and so every year that we go on go on this stuff gets more and more intense there's another video you're not gonna be able to see today because I'm not gonna get that far but the same kind of thing and already it's things already happening in Seattle right now they got a grocery store in Seattle where you don't have to have you walk in you just go get your groceries you walk out and they take it out of your checking account you don't talk to anybody and it's just you know just amazing stuff and there are all things that the that the Bible talks about 2000 years ago and we're living in the only time that it has ever been even possible to do the things that the Bible speaks about so we're in Matthew chapter 24 but I want to read through Revelation chapter 6 by the way that's not the mark of the beast and so if you see me with one of those rings I'm still okay Revelation chapter 6 when the mark of the beast comes you guys everybody's going to know it the the Bible talks about the fact that you have to worship the Beast you have to worship the dragon that's Satan who gives power to the Beast and you have to have to take a number that is connected with his name and so not all this stuff is just precursors to those things it's not the real deal yet okay Revelation chapter 6 we're gonna read through here and we did this last week but I just want this fresh in your mind as we're going through Matthew 24 so that's why we're gonna read it so what y'all stand and I'll read it out loud you guys can follow along this is now I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder come and see and I looked and behold a white horse and he who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering into conquer when he opened the second seal I heard the second living creature saying come and see another horse fiery red went out and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth and that people should kill one another and there was given to him a great sword when he opened the third seal I heard the third living creature say come and see so I looked and behold a black horse and he who sat on and had a pair of scales in his hand and I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for a Denarius and three quarts of barley for a Denarius and do not harm the oil on the wine when he opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying come and see so I looked and behold a pale horse and the name of him who sat on it was death and Hades followed with him and the power and power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword with hunger with death and by the beasts of the earth when he opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held and they cried with a loud voice saying how long O Lord holy and true until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth then a white robe was given to each of them and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who would be killed as they were was completed I looked when he opened the sixth seal and behold there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became like blood and the stars of heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree drops its late figs when it's shaken by a mighty wind then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and island was moved out of its place and the kings of the earth the great men the rich men the commanders the mighty men every slave and every free man hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the great day of his wrath has come and who is able to stand let's pray I'm Jesus again we thank you for your word thank you Lord that we're dealing with a God who knows the end from the beginning Lord you you know everything in our future as if it's already past and that's why in the Bible you predict things with a hundred percent accuracy just such amazing accuracy Lord as we're going through this passage that deals with some of these things we just pray that you give us real insight then it come from your Holy Spirit and God that it would accomplish the purpose that you have for it father you said that we need to be people who are doing business until you come and Lord Jesus we know that you're coming coming up pretty quick Lord we pray that you'd help us to have an urgency and an excitement about these things and because of the times that we live in that we'd be looking up we love you lord thank you for your work pray that you bless it now in Jesus name Amen and Matthew 24 turn over there so last week we started Matthew 24 and this is one of those passages it's one of the coolest passages actually in the Bible I love this I love this passage because it has to do with end times events and just to give you a quick overview for those of you who weren't here last week basically what's what's taking place is Jesus has got gotten done doing a diatribe on the scribes and the Pharisees in Matthew 23 just goes goes through and rips into these guys because of their hypocrisy and the last point that he makes is that Israel has rejected him and so he's rejected Israel he turns around walks off as he's walking out and and this is this is kind of a disconnect with the disciples these guys are doofuses sometimes man I don't know I don't get these guys but this whole this whole radical thing has taken place Jesus has it just made this pronouncement they're walking out of the out of the temple complex and all of a sudden the guys are interested in architecture of all things well look at these stones you know and the reason is because Jerusalem was going to be judged and he said that there that the house the temple was going to be left to them desolate and that's why they start talking about stuff and Jesus lets him know that not one stone is gonna be left on another and thirty-eight years right around 38 years later literally that was fulfilled literally not one stone was left on another with the temple it's all it's all that Jesus was talking about in the passage but literally the city itself the Romans dismantled it they went around tot knocking down all the walls of all the palaces all the walls of all the houses and it was nothing but rubble by the time that they got done with a wall and three towers left standing so people could see how big the city was and we talked about that last week then these guys asked three questions and that's the next point when Jesus makes that statement it provokes questions from the disciples and there are three of them tell us verse 3 when will these things be and he's talking about the destruction of the temple and what will be the sign of your coming and at the end of the H so three questions and we went through and tore that apart last week the first question is not answered in Matthew 24 it's answered in Luke chapter 21 and Jesus is really specific about it he says that when you see armies surrounding the city of Jerusalem basically what he's telling them is guys next time you see armies around the city you need to get out of Dodge you need to get out of town because that's when destruction is happening to this city and that's exactly what happened the Roman armies surrounded him and the Christians all left all the people who believe that Jesus was Messiah these are Jewish believers all the people who believe that Jesus was Messiah got out of it got out of Jerusalem and it caused a major rift between Christians and Jews from that point on and and that was the cause the Jews considered the Christians to be traitors because they were doing what Jesus said you are never a traitor when you do what Jesus says no matter what people say about you in any case then the second two questions are answered in Matthew chapter 24 and this next question is what will be the sign of your coming and from verse 4 all the way down to verse 31 there is a straight narrative where Jesus goes through and gives a number of signs and that's what we're going to be talking about this morning he gives a number of signs that are going to take place before he comes back to the earth to set up his kingdom and he lets you know what those are and then he stops in verse 32 and starts talking about other stuff and you have the parable of the fig tree and you have the parable the illustration of the days of Noah or tour in the field one's taken one's left you have the illustration of two servants whose master comes back on them unexpectedly you have the parable of the ten virgins and Matthew two at the end of Matthew 24 and all of Matthew 25 is answering this the third question Jesus outlines it for us in this passage and so the third question is what's going to be the sign of the of the end of the age and most of you know where I'm going with that because when you look at that that passage in verse 36 through 44 that is the best description of the rapture I've ever seen in the Bible besides first Thessalonians chapter 4 and so actually it's probably probably better than 1st Thessalonians 4 it goes along with Luke chapter 17 for all you Bible scholars and that's in a different context altogether it's not the not the all of that discourse and so what we're in is the section of answers that Jesus gives to the second question what is the sign of your coming now when Jesus is talking about this period of time he calls it the tribulation period you can see that in verse 21 this is where we get the term Great Tribulation for then there will be Great Tribulation we got it straight out of the mouth of Jesus and that period of time is spoken about all over the Bible I could give you verse after verse after verse I could fill up pages for you out of the Old Testament and the New Testament that talk about that period of time and this is the nature of it first thing the most important thing about this period is that it's the time of Jacob's trouble the Bible teaches that this is a 7-year time period where God is finally and completely going to be dealing with the nation of Israel these are people who have turned away from him and they're not following Jesus as Messiah they've rejected him as Messiah as we have in Matthew or in Matthew 23 where Jesus laments over Jerusalem and it's continued that way for most of the Jewish people for a couple of thousand years you ask Jews why they don't Bowl you know if they believe that Jesus is Messiah and they'll come up with a couple of different reasons why they think he's not and they're all invalid and because of that the Bible talks about God judging these people this is something that God planned from the very GetGo hidden plan he didn't plan for them to reject him that was all on them but everything that took place with the people of Israel is listed in the Old Testament in the first five books and so in the book of Deuteronomy specifically God goes through and he gives them their history before it ever takes place and he says you are going to be cast out in the last days into all the nations and it's going to be from there that I call you back and one of the things that we see taking place in our lifetime is this return of the Jews to the nation of Israel it's a continuing process the population of Israel is growing larger and larger because people are coming out of all these nations the ultimate return is going to take place when Jesus comes back and he calls all the Jews out of all the nations and they're judged in the Land of Israel in any case one of the signs of the end times is that Israel exists and so that's where we'll get to that when we get to the parable of the fig tree in one of the things that you need to understand about this teaching of Jesus and this passage specifically is that there have been people all down through the ages who have taught that we are in the tribulation period and it started with in the first month and a half of the church at Thessalonica for example Paul went to a church went to a place called vessel Thessalonica stayed there for at least two weeks maybe up to up to three or four and taught them all this stuff about the last days he gets a letter from these guys saying hey are we in the tribulation are we in the day of the Lord and Paul has to write back to him and go no you're not and we talked about that last week so there have been people ever since that time who been saying that we're in the tribulation period and let me just say categorically to you right now you are not in the tribulation period because of the description that Jesus gave verse 21 he says for then there will be Great Tribulation such as has not been seen or it has not been since the beginning of the world until this time that's the time that Jesus is no nor ever shall be nothing worse before nothing worse after is what he's saying and unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved but for the elects sake those days will be shortened and the reason I'm emphasizing that again is because you have guys who talk about we've been in the tribulation period since the Muslims set up the Dome of the rock in the 600's or we've been in the tribulation period since 1914 or we've been you know they go on with these things and it has nothing to do with what the Bible actually says about this stuff you read what the Bible says about the tribulation period it's gnarly man it's crazy and even the some of the stuff that Jesus talks about here we're gonna go through and look at these things and these are precursors to the second coming but the stuff that I'm going to give you is precursors to the precursors the stuff I'm gonna give you doesn't even it's not even the stuff that the Bible is talking about here I'm just gonna let you know that we're getting closer and closer to these events and they they actually are going to take place exactly as the Bible says that they're going to take place so when I look at the tribulation period and we talked about this last week there are people who will tell you that this got fulfilled when Jerusalem was destroyed and I can tell you know we talked about this again last week that most people don't know anything about the destruction of Jerusalem until they become a Christian because nobody ever talks about it because it was a blip on the screen of history it wasn't anything huge there were all kinds of cities that were taken all down through the ages in fact the destruction of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple wasn't it's not the first time it happened it's the second time it happened and so the Babylonians did exactly the same thing that the Romans did so there's no difference between the Babel destruction of jerusalem in the roman destruction of jerusalem Romans might have knocked over a few more rocks they didn't leave as many walls up and that's all and it's a you know it's a it's still a desolation so this does not fulfill what Jesus says is going to be taking place in this passage talking about the destruction of Jerusalem we're talking about things that are cataclysmic we're talking about things that are world ranging the Bible literally talks about earthquakes that knock mountains down that's what we're talking about every disaster movie end of the end of the world movie that you ever saw does not compare with what the Bible says is coming and so interesting stuff we live in interesting times so the Bible talks about the tribulation is a time when the Jews get turned around and they finally recognize Jesus as Messiah it's called the day of the Lord it's a fearful time and in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 we went through and talked about what those passages had to say about the day of the Lord and so now we're gonna start going through Matthew 24 one of the things that you have with Matthew Matthew 24 and this is the reason I read revelation 6 to you is this is an overview and it corresponds to the seven seals in Revelation and so I've got it marked in my Bible we're actually the six seals in the book of Revelation I've got it marked in my Bible where every one of the six seals is found in Matthew 24 they totally correlate with each other that makes sense same author Jesus Jesus spoke all the the revelation stuff to John and Jesus is the one who's speaking here so first sign is a false messiah first sign is a false Christ and that's what he says in verse 4 says take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I'm the Christ and will deceive many look down in verse 23 then if anyone says to you look here is the Christ or there do not believe it for false Christ's and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect see I've told you beforehand therefore if they say to you look he's in the desert do not go out or look he's in the inner rooms do not believe it when we read the passage in Luke Jesus talked about this whole thing with false Christ and even talked about the rumors of war thing and he said you're gonna see an increasing amount of these things but the end is not yet and when you're talking about false Christ's or false messiah in this pass in this passage in greek it's pseudo it's pseudo of messiah pseudo pseudo Christo's is that what the word is in Greek and you know what pseudo means it means false but it also means it has the idea of a copy a copy of the Messiah and that's who the Antichrist is gonna be it's really interesting when you have the Antichrist list listed in the book of Revelation it talks about the fact that he's got his power that comes from the dragon and he's called the Beast the son of perdition and then he's got a sidekick who is called the false prophet who does the promo for the Antichrist he's the one who's going out and doing the videos so everybody will will follow this guy and there are three of them and one is the power behind the throne one is the guy who's out front and one that one is the guy who's promoting the guy who's out front do you realize that's what we have with the Trinity we have the father and then we have the son Jesus put his put out front Jesus always talks about the fact that the father is the one who gives him his power and then you have the Holy Spirit whose job it is to point to Christ it's a false Trinity Satan has always been a guy who you know it's he just copies God all the time on all kinds of levels and he can't come up with an original idea and that's what you have with Satan and so this guy is a false messiah he's somebody who's going to come along and he's going to pretend to be the Jewish Messiah specifically when when you go through the Bible we did this last week I'm not going to do it again but in second Thessalonians chapter 2 this guy long and he is able to do miracles and the Bible says that they're convincing miracles these are miracles that will turn people if they will against Jesus they will they will cause them to actually follow this guy and think think that he's the second coming of Christ or something and one of the things that that you have in the world today is in every major religion people are looking for the coming of the Messiah the Jews are I can tell you that the Jews are looking for the coming of the Messiah you know how they how they think they're going to be able to identify them he's gonna rebuild their temple you talked to an Orthodox Jew or even a reformed Jew and say how do you know who the Messiah is gonna be and all that comes up is the temple he'll rebuild our temple well you get you know who the who the next guy is who's gonna be involved with the rebuilding of the Jewish temple it's the Antichrist so so they're going to be totally fooled by this guy and so you have that there you have that with Islam you realize that the reason that the Iranians are so stinkin crazy is because they think that they have to bring in worldwide chaos before their Messiah will come they flat out make these statements there there was a speech that was done by the President of Iran in the UN where he told everybody on the planet what they were doing and why they were doing it he thinks he's bringing in the the Islamic Messiah and that's why he wants a warfare and when you when you look at the some of the Eastern religions they're looking for the next avatar when you look at people who are involved in the New Age these people think x-men are real you know the whole thing we're where you're going through the next step in human evolution and you got all these people who have marvelous powers and and and all that's at that's x-men and these people think that x-men are real and that there's people on the planet right now who are the next step in human evolution in fact one of the guys that has been called the the next Messiah as a guy named Lord Maitreya and this guy came out the year that I got married actually I think it was a year out no I was the year I got married here I got married which was a long time ago 1982 and when this guy came out a dude came out and his name is Benjamin creme and he put full-page ads in every major newspaper in every major city in the world saying that Lord Maitreya is now on the scene he supposedly came from Nepal and he had flown into London and he was keeping his location and his identity secret but he's the next avatar and when when I'm saying this stuff I'm not talking about like avatar the you know the the space movie what I'm talking about is when you're talking about Indian religions and specifically New Age religions they think that he's like a Moses and like a Jesus and like a Mohammed and you know and like a Krishna and and all of all that kind of thing they think that he's just the next guy and he's going to lead us into the next step in human evolution this has been going on since the sixties you guys when I was a little kid in the 60s they had this song called the Age of Aquarius some of you older people you know the Age of Aquarius you know they're talking about the moons alai are the moon lines and the stars align and all this stuff and it's gonna bring this in this age of Plenty and that kind of thing well it's all connected that's all these guys think that there's a next step in human evolution coming along can you imagine if I was sitting here and I've done this before so some of you guys know this but if I'm if I'm sitting here and I I just kind of do this with my hand and my Bible comes up and it just floats then I go look at this look what I can do X man right here you know that kind of thing it's gonna look like a miracle if I do this right now watch this is miraculous are you all impressed you would be radically impressed if I was invisible right and how about this I'm standing over here and I got an invisible pal and he's over here so I'm standing right there and my invisible pal is over here and he's picking it up and I'd do this well it has nothing to do with me my invisible Powell is picking my Bible up and that looks like a miracle that's why we don't follow miracles the Bible teaches that there are two entities that can perform a miracle one of them is God and one of them is the enemy Satan he can do it then and the only thing that he's Dylan like I said that looks miraculous if you can't see me and you know the fact that he could pick up a Bible and do stuff that would be pretty pretty you know that would freak me out and the reason that he can do that is because the guy's invisible and you know what Satan you know I don't know I think I think that on the one hand people attribute way too much to Satan and on the other hand I think that they think that he's a cartoon character or something and either one is where he wants your head to be either one he hasn't care which one and I think that way too many people attribute way too much to him but when this guy comes on the scene he's going to be able to do miracles that are astounding and stuff that will turn people's hearts away from the Lord and again we don't follow miracles we follow the message so miracles cool if God's doing it but the message is the way that you tell if God's doing it or not and so if I do a miracle where my Bible floats around and I say and so what that means is that you should worship and follow me because I'm the next step in human evolution and if you follow me you'll be able to do some of the things I'll be I can do I think I literally think that's what this guy's going to be doing you follow that you're a fool and the Bible's clear on that Deuteronomy chapter 18 Deuteronomy chapter 13 if you're a Bible scholar you can go through and look at it so are there false messiahs coming on the scene and so I just got this out of Wikipedia right this looked up Wikipedian with false messiah and this is this is the information that they gave Jewish Messiah claims there have been 15 total jews that have claimed to be messiahs and one was pre Christ and of the 15 there have been five since 1700 so five of them since 1700 Christian Messiah claims there are 34 total guys who claim to be the Messiah actually guys and women who claim to be the Messiah two of them were in the first and second century one was in the 12th century but from 1700 on there's been 31 three of them in the 1700s seven of them in the 1800s 21 of them in the 1900s okay see an increase sir okay Muslim Messiah claims you know that the I already mentioned that the Muslims have a Messiah - Muslim Messiah claims seven total one from the 15th century six since the mid 1800s and then you have that kind of combination Messiah claims these are again our guys who think that they're Jesus and Buddha and the Mahdi and the ruler of all religions and you've got nine total and they're all from the 20th century and that's not counting false prophets who are tied with cults Jesus not only said that there were gonna be false messiahs but he said that there were gonna be false prophets verse 24 false Christ's and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect and so when you're talking about false prophets you're talking about Islam you you realize that Islam is a replacement for Christianity and Judaism and what happened was Muhammad was hanging out in a cave and when he was in the cave and angel appeared to him and said that Christianity and Judaism don't know what they're talking about you are the new guy you are the new prophet God's gonna give all this releve revelation to you and you're going to bring in this new age and all this kind of stuff strokes his strokes his ego gives them a message and it really is interesting that the Bible says that even though an angel from heaven preach to you any other gospel than that which we have preached let him be accursed and that's exactly what happened with Mohammed supposedly an angel from heaven game gave him a new message and that's where you get Islam from and it's a cult guess what if it ain't broke don't fix it and so that was that was back in the 500 600 s I can't remember when Mohammed lived but by the 600's Islam was taking over and so let's see call 500 so 1300 years later there's this kid in New York and an angel appears to him and tells him that all the Christian religions and what he's talking about is denominations all of them are false and all of their teachers are corrupt and you're the new guy and God's going to bring all of the truth through you in fact the Bible's corrupt - and God's going to bring the true Word of God through you guess what that guy's name was Joseph Smith and so what happened to Mohammed is exactly the same thing that happened with Joseph Smith again an angel from heaven he said appeared to him and let him know that he's the guy and again false prophet and he comes along you have others that are involved without JW's they Charles taze Russell Joseph Rutherford Christian Science with Mary Baker Eddy Christian science is one of my favorite ones because it's so wigged out man you know it's it's like they don't believe in sin sin is just a state of your mind that kind of thing and Mary Baker Eddy has a whole book on all this stuff and it's just this conglomeration of of every religious item that she ever came across it's pretty wild stuff Christian Scientists are neither Christian nor Scientists something to keep in mind and then you have others like L&G white came up with a number of prophecies and that kind of thing all of these things were taking place in the 1800s and all the way up into the early 1900s and so the Bible talks about these false Christ's coming along and Jesus prophesized these false Christ's coming along and what we see as time goes on is an increase in these men and women who claim to be the coming of the Messiah and ruling it again it's it's really interesting the next thing that you see in this passage by the way let me let me just tell you this I think that Satan down through the ages has always had a guy out in the forefront that he could put up as the Antichrist the first guy that you see mentioned in the Bible that was a major rebel against God was a guy named Nimrod then another guy that you see is the king of tyre in the Book of Ezekiel or excuse me yeah it's in the Book of Ezekiel and then you see the king of Babylon specifically Nebuchadnezzar he's put forward as another guy who's anti God in fact you know remember that story where Shadrach Meshach and Abednego hid thrown in the fiery furnace and so I went to Sunday School you know you know what the reason for that was because Nebuchadnezzar had set up an image of himself that was an image of himself and demanded that everybody worship it you realize that correlates with what the Antichrist is gonna do he does the same stuff and so you go down through history and you've got Nero and you've got Diocletian and you've got a number of Roman emperors who were candidates for that stuff and in modern times you have you have Hitler I think Hitler you know my grandma said that you know she was a Christian I talked to her when she got older and she said that when Hitler came along people were convinced this is it because he was so weird he was so flipped out he was so anti God so you have had those things but the but he's finally going to be coming in fact I think he's waiting in the wings right now the next time sign that you see is warfare oh by the way over in Revelation chapter 6 you have the guy riding on that white horse and when he comes riding on the white horse he goes out conquering and to conquer and so if you're going out conquering in the conquer what are you doing you're in warfare you're fighting right and it says that he's given a crown and that crown is called a Victor's crown in Greek and he has a bow so he's got a bow in a Victor's crown and lots of people who mistake him for Jesus but when you see the second coming of Jesus it's listed in Revelation chapter 19 he doesn't come with a bow he doesn't have to have a weapon but what the Bible says is he's got a sword that come out of his mouth what it's teaching is that he's not hanging there with a sword out of his mouth it's teaching that he doesn't need a weapon all he's all he needs is his word and so if Jesus is standing here in front of you and he says you were you'd be gone he'd just be gone he doesn't need a he doesn't need a weapon and then the Bible says he has crowns a crown too but it's not just Crown it's crowns and there Diadema in greek and they're royal crowns and so the antichrist has a Victor's crown comes with conquering and the Jesus Christ has a royal crown because he's king of kings and Lord of lords and it's it's designed to let you know that when the Antichrist comes along he's going to be convincing he's going to be a convincing Messiah figure but he's a false Christ next time that you see is warfare and it says and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you're not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and so you hear Wars rumors of wars ends not yet don't worry about it nation will write a nation will rise against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and so usually warfare is tribal and but the point that Jesus is making is that it's not going to be be just tribal you're gonna literally have nation against nation and there's going to be an increase in warfare so I got some charts for you and this is the deadliness of wars that you find down through the ages and it's all the way from 1500 all the way up to until 2000 on the left-hand side you have the number of casualties and that's listed as battle deaths per nation per year and so ten thousand a hundred thousand 1 million is what you've got so back in the 1500s when you were having these battles they were some somewhere between about 3,000 to 5,000 and that's that that first hump right there then when you get to the 1600s this is when guns started becoming more practical and warfare and you're getting numbers in the tens of thousands and all the way up until the 1800s and then when you get to the 20th century you get this spike that goes up into the and hundreds of thousands of people who are dying in warfare and what that lets you know is as times gone gone on we've gotten more efficient in the way that we kill people okay then the next chart is the 100 worst wars in atrocity since 500 BC so this goes 500 BC to 2018 and again you see you see these spotty things where you have these are desperate people so it would be like 500 deaths per 100,000 people is that first dot over there and so you can see where that goes in the chart and when you get up to the 20th century see how much red we've got over there and again what you have is warfare and casualties on the increase as time goes on you'll hear about rumours wars and rumors of wars and nation will rise against nation the next chart is about 20th century genocides and so what you have is a list of names right here and some of these names get tossed around in colleges as good guys so that see that first guy up there that's mouse ate tongue and he was the ruler of China under communism he's the one who brought communism to China look at the number of people who died under this guy you're talking anywhere from 49 million to 78 million people and some of the estimates are up to a hundred million people died under him under communism and the Cultural Revolution that took place then you have the next guy under it is Joseph Stalin and he's the communist leader of Russia and that number up there 23 million is a lowball number it's probably more like 66 million people in his own country these are their own people that they killed so Stalin and Mao tse-tung's is thrown around as people that we we should style our government after ridiculous ridiculous when you look at what these guys did and then the guy that everybody always talks about is Hitler and he's only got 12 these other guys put him to shame as far as how many people you can kill off in your own country and then it goes down the and all these guys are from the 20th century when you look down at about the middle of their Pol Pot in Cambodia that was 75 to 79 that's right right after we left the the Southeast Asia that's out right after the United States left and you have the all these people killed there in Vietnam it was a million five hundred thousand people that were killed after we left under communism again and you can go down through the whole thing and North Korea kim ill sung he he was a father to the ruler of north korea right now a million six hundred thousand people died under his regime that's his own people and so again you have the you have this whole thing saddam hussein's down there at the bottom and so we're getting pretty good at killing people and that's exactly what Jesus said was going to be taking place we weren't going to get less violent over time and more civilized what was going to happen is we were going to become more animal-like in the in the Old Testament in the book of Daniel when it talks about the kingdoms that come on the earth I already talked about about that image that Nebuchadnezzar put up it started with a head of gold and shoulders of silver and then belly of bronze legs of iron and then feet of iron and clay mixed and what you're getting is lesser metals as you go down the statue go down the idol basically lesser metals what what the king of Babylon did was he said my kingdom is never going to end so he made it all gold and but the but the point that God's making in that passage is that the the kingdoms are not getting better they're getting baser and when you go later on in the Book of Daniel you start off with a lion in the same kingdoms you start off with a lion with wings and what you what you get is it goes from a lion to a bear to a leopard to a beast that just go out and well to a goat than to a beast that just stomps and breaks and tears things apart and it has iron teeth and those are the nations that God sees coming down the pike that are going to be dealing with the people of Israel and in both instances they're not getting better they're getting lesser and and so that again is something that you have taken place with this on the one when the book of Revelation talks about the warfare that's coming that the Antichrist rises through he rises out of warfare when he talks about though when they talk about the warfare that's coming the kind of warfare that we're talking about is the kind that kills 1/4 of the people on the planet and so in the book of Revelation it says at the at the get-go when this whole thing starts 1/4 of the people on the planet are killed the you are living in the only time that that can take place in all of history well not on in all of history if you go back to Adam and Eve you got four kids one of them gets killed that's a quarter of the Earth's population okay but after that point you know even with guns you guys even with guns there's no army on this planet that could have killed off a quarter of the population of the earth because you have to March you have to walk you have to you have to walk through the world and you could walk through the world shooting everybody that you get shooting everybody that you could see on sight and by the time you got back around the world the population would have increased you wouldn't have killed a quarter of the population that's why when you get commentaries from from you know old-time commentaries they get to that passage and they don't understand it and so they say it can't be a quarter of the Earth's population maybe it's a quarter of the Roman Empire maybe it's a quarter of the Antichrist Empire maybe it's you know they they they make provisos on those things because they could not imagine a time when a quarter of the earth could be destroyed in one war and you've been living in those times since 1945 it's something that we can absolutely do and we can do it three different ways nuclear or biological or chemical we don't have to be on site we don't have to be within sight we don't have to shoot anybody with a gun we can launch rockets and we can kill off whole populations of people and so a quarter of the earth being destroyed is no big deal for us it can happen and it could happen tomorrow it's one of those things that we're really worried about that's why North Korea and the Iranians having nuclear weapons when there's such crazy people is such a scary thing because there is tossing nuclear weapons and then there's the toss back and after you toss nuclear weapons after you kill these people there are even worse consequences that come that take place post nuclear weapon you know why wouldn't when you fire a nuclear weapon it's not the see getting blown up that's the big deal when you fire a nuclear weapon they they nuke Seattle we're you know we we haven't you know missed the gun or anything we're not we're not in a situation where oh oh they nuke Seattle were okay because there's wind blowing from Seattle and when a nuclear weapon is used these are these are thermonuclear weapons is what they're called they're hydrogen bombs when a hydrogen bomb goes off it's hotter than the Sun and so they take these things and say this is this is a flat place where the where the where a city is they take these things they don't blow them up on the ground they blow them up up here and the reason they do that is because it hits more people more buildings and so there's a shockwave there's a you know there's like a wind wave that comes out and you're too close to it you're just gonna get pulverized when when the heat blast comes at you you literally get atomized you are ionized basically you're nothing but atoms at the end of that whole thing and with the heat being hotter than the Sun heat rises and so it blows up blows all this stuff up and then the heat starts rising that's where you get the mushroom cloud it's because it's so hot it's sucked up dust from the from the ground and it radiates it that dust goes up into the upper atmosphere and then it follows the wind and when it comes down it lands as fallout more people will die from fallout than from the nuclear blast and so when you're when you're talking about the kinds of weapons that we have we're literally a quarter of the Earth's population can be destroyed they're pretty intense and again there are follow-up after-effects that's the third sign third seal is famine third sign in this passage is famine there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places and so this is what happens when Fallout takes place so say Seattle gets blown up and the wind blows it our way all this dust comes down it's it's radioactive and if you breathe it you die if you get it on you and it stays on you for any amount of time you die what you have to do is you have to get underground under at least 15 feet of Earth with at least a foot of concrete over the top of you I know this because I grew up in that age you have to have a filter that will weather that will keep that dust from getting inside and you have to stay there for at least two weeks at least two weeks after two weeks the fallout you know it dies off you know the the radiation isn't that radical and so you can come out two weeks later but the problem is you come out two weeks later and everything's you know everything's being irradiated and when that fallout hits the ground the radioactivity sterilizes the soil it kills there anything that's organic and so it sterilizes the soil you go out and try to plant crops on that they're not going to grow and so what you can do is you can go out with your bulldozer because you got your handy-dandy bulldozer along with your handy-dandy you know bomb shelter you go out with your handy dandy bulldozer you got to clean that puppy off or you're gonna die but you go out with your with your with your bulldozer and you take off anywhere from six inches to a foot of Earth and then you hope that there's some organics down in that because if there's not it's not gonna grow you know what when you look when you look at our property over here on this side right here there's this whole field and we planted grass on that across over in the in the area over here between the buildings in the courtyard that's all sod and so we laid that down that's like carpet green immediately we struggled with this whole area growing grass over here because what they did when they built this this building is they took a bunch of the dirt and they were doing parking lots and shaping things well they cut down better than a foot deep into the into the earth year there's no organics in that earth it was all at the top and so we had to put all kinds of fertilizers and that kind of stuff in it because nothing will grow on it and it's gonna be the same thing you get out of your little nuclear bomb shelter you go out to plant your crops and your crops won't grow unless you have the fertilizer that will help them to grow and what you get from that is radical famine radical famine there's ever a nuclear war it's gonna be a bad thing and if there's a nuclear war where a quarter of the earth gets killed you're gonna have enough nuclear bombs going off throwing dust in the atmosphere that it's literally gonna change the weather you're not gonna be worrying about global warming you're gonna be worrying about no summer there was there was a volcano that blew up in the late 1800s and one volcano put enough dust in the atmosphere that in Europe and the United States they had a year without a summer one volcano and so if you talk you're talking about enough nuclear weapons to do that you get what's called nuclear wet when tur that takes place and you're gonna have bad things happening with famine comes pestilence with famine comes pestilence when you're not eating your immune system is weakened and then diseases spring up that kind of thing happens and you don't have a water supply dysentery and all that kind of stuff he talks about earthquakes in this place put that chart up with the earthquakes these are the increase in earthquakes since the 70s and this is something I I do pretty much every year and you can these are earthquakes just from six 6.00 to 6.9 these are heavy earthquakes and you can see the increase that's taken place over time and this is off the USGS website and one of the things I've noticed about these guys though is it's harder to get these charts like about three years ago I could get them anytime I wanted to just go on the front page of the USGS website dink dink dink dink couple buttons and I can have my chart and now you got a dick I think that these guys have figured out that people are taking their charts and talking about this stuff and they don't want it they don't want it known for some reason I don't know maybe they don't want people freaked out in any case earthquakes are on the rise and actually in another passage it says that it's going to be like birth pains look at the chart that's how birth pains look they start off low not as intense and then as time goes on they get heavier and heavier can I get an amen from the ladies same kind of thing the fourth sign that you have in this passage is pestilence or plague and in the book of Revelation the fourth seal is death oh by the way in the book of Revelation the third seal was a guy riding on a black horse second seal was a guy riding on a red horse that's warfare third third seal was a guy riding on a black horse he has a pair of scales in his hands and in the passage it says a quart of wheat for a Denarius three quarts of barley for a Denarius don't harm the oil and the wine and what that's talking about his fam famine so when you're speaking about a Denarius a Denarius was a day's wage and so call a day's wage you know you know I don't know a 1250 an hour somewhere around there and so you get a hundred bucks for a day's wage for eight hours okay or if you're working at 10 bucks an hour ten ten hours hundred bucks just to make it easy so a hundred bucks for a day's wage that means a quart of wheat that's enough to make one loaf of bread so I asked first service what a loaf of bread was going for and I got anywhere from eight bucks to four bucks to one guy knew a place you could get it for one buck you need I know the guy you need to go talk to him Bobby you know so buck four and you know call it four bucks for a loaf of bread four bucks for a loaf of bread loaf of bread is not gonna cost four bucks it's gonna cost a hundred bucks and if you want to get a cheaper bread then you can get three and actually that's not even true it's not the loaf of bread for a hundred bucks it's a stuff to make a loaf of bread here's your here's your quart a wheat go make your loaf of bread give me a hundred bucks and that's the kind of famine that we're talking about where people will be starving to death because it would cost so much to eat in a situation like that so don't harm the oil on the line and as in any situation you have the haves and you have the have-nots and the have-nots are going to be eaten bread at a hundred bucks a loaf and the the haves are still going to have oil and wine they're still going to be partying and and that kind of thing in any case the forced sign is pestilence or plague and in that's in the book of Revelation where it talks about the sword and famine and death the after-effects of warfare and that a quarter of the earth is killed through that Time magazine may 15th 2017 just talking about pestilence cross China the virus Oh actually the title of this thing is the world's not ready for the next pandemic across China the virus that could spark the next pandemic is already circulating it's a bird flu called h7n9 and true to its name it mostly affects poultry lately however it started jumping from chickens to humans more readily that's bad news because the virus is a killer during a recent spike eighty eight percent of people infected got pneumonia three-quarters ended up in intensive care with severe respiratory problems and forty-one percent died that's a huge figure what h7n9 can't do yet is spread easily from person to person but experts know that that could change the longer the virus fence in humans the better the chance that it might mutate to become more contagious and once that happens it's only a matter of time before it hops a plane out of China and onto foreign soil where it could spread through the air like wildfire wildfire if you watch Planet of the Apes yeah that's how that happened from Ebola in West Africa to Zika in South America tumors in the Middle East dangerous outbreaks are on the rise around the world watch this statistics the number of new diseases per decade has increased nearly fourfold over the past 60 years that's 400 percent increase and since 1980 the number of outbreaks per year has more than tripled goes on to say some recent outbreaks registered in the US as no more than a blip on the net in the news while others like Ebola triggered an intense but temporary panic and while a mutant bug that moves from chickens in China to humans and cities around the world may seem like something out of a Hollywood script the danger of the world face from h7n9 and countless other pathogens with potential to cause enormous harm isn't science fiction rather it's the highly plausible nightmare scenario that should be keeping the president up at night in a memorial memorable 2015 TED talk Bill Gates told his audience that when I was a kid the disaster we worried about most was a nuclear war but today he said if anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war not missiles but microbes and then on top of that talking about these infections those are viruses but we have bacterial infections too and one of the problems that we have is antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria or on the rise so you know what an antibiotic is right kills off bacteria antibiotic resistance is not a new phenomenon nonetheless the frequencies of these antibiotic resistant events is increasing for example from nineteen eighty to eighty seven cases of penicillin resistant streptococcus pneumoniae the bacteria that causes pneumonia remained steady at about 5% of all strains by 1997 44% of strains were showing resistance before antibiotics death rates were much higher from common occurrences like skin infections pneumonia and childbirth five out of every 1000 women who had a baby died pneumonia killed 30 percent of its victims and one out of nine people who got a skin infection died even from something as simple as a scrape or an insect bite that's talking about before buying antibiotics you got a scrape on your skin you had to keep it clean if you didn't keep it clean there was a chance that you would die that's where your grandma's lived well some of you your great-grandma's but that's where your grandma's lived and then the antibiotics come along and what happens is when we pass out antibiotics for just about everything you have situations where the bacteria gets killed off but not all of them and the ones that are the strongest against the antibiotic go on and breed and you just made a super bacteria at that point and that keeps going on and you get an anti strains of bacteria it's like breeding dogs stronger dog stronger bug basically is what we have here and so you you have a situation where that's going on and so the Bible talks about pestilence being on the rise and that's exactly what we see going on around us and these are just the precursors you guys this isn't the real deal then the last sign that I want to talk about is the fifth one and that's persecution in Revelation that's the fifth seal where you see the martyrs under the altar and in verse eight it says all these are the beginning of Sorrows I'm talking about what he just talked about all of these are the beginning of Sorrows then they will deliver you up to tribulation and again that's where we get the term and kill you and you'll be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended will betray one another and will hate one another then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many and because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold but he endures to the end shall be saved and so what the Bible teaches is that persecution is going to be on the rise I have friends in Israel I have a friend in Israel that was a tour guide for a couple of our trips and he moved from France to Israel I'm back in the 2000s he moved from there because of anti-semitism he literally told me about situations where where he would get on to a an elevator and they have these things called yarmulkes the little hats that they put on the back of their head he he would literally get onto these elevators and he had to take his yarmulke off because if he didn't the people in the elevator we're gonna start saying things to him and doing things to him and doing things to his kids and doing things to his family that's in France that's back in the right around 2005 and it got so intense that he was like I'm gonna I'm gonna move to Israel you have a number of people who are moving out of Europe right now you guys who are Jewish and they're moving to other nations and many of them are moving down to Israel Israel Israel's Jewish population is increasing and it's from immigration people coming coming back to the nation their anti-semitism zhan the rise in e in France and in Germany and in Britain all the way through there same thing that you had before World War two is what's going on right now over in Europe and so really interesting stuff our Christians under more persecution are PR Christians getting more hassled can you say Joy Behar any of you guys watch the view yeah you're in sin I'm just joking that is messing with you you know there was a lady who came out of the White House and and she was you know apparently she was pretty messed up and she's been going around and doing the doing interviews with people and she started capping on vice president pence because he said because he's a Christian and he talks about his Christianity he talks about the fact that Jesus speaks to him and Joy Behar said well that's you know that's an indication that he's mentally ill mentally ill guess what Jesus speaks to me all the time you know it's called guilt conviction I'm always doing something stupid and Jesus is going not get off yeah God speaks to me all the time about stuff and apparently God doesn't speak to the joy behar I wouldn't speak to either hell he's messed up unit man in any case can you imagine her saying that about somebody who was a Buddhist can you imagine her saying of that about somebody that was a Sikh somebody that was a Hindu somebody who was from Islam who was a Muslim can you imagine her saying anything like that about someone like that I've seen her walk offstage I saw a situation where she walked offstage because somebody said that people from Islam killed people in 9/11 she got up and had a fit and walked offstage over it but she can accuse the vice president of being mentally ill because he's actually a Christian apparently I don't know that for sure or not but she can do that whole thing that's gonna be on the rise and it's and it has been on the rise since I've been a Christian and so you have a flat-out pursue of anybody who actually follows the Lord again in the book of Revelation and Jesus predicted that lawlessness in this passage this is a bunch of stats that I gave at the men's fake nights are you guys that I wanted to share it with the ladies too this has to do with fathers in a home so 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes it's five times the average 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes it's 32 times the average what that means is if you have a mom and a dad in the home you you have a you have a situation where they are five times less likely to commit suicide thirty-two times less likely to leave the home for some of you that's scary because your kids are in their 20s they need to run away eighty five percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes that's 20 times the average 80 percent of rapists come from fatherless homes 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes father factor in education children with fathers who are involved are forty percent less likely to repeat a grade they are 70 percent less likely to drop out of school those who have fathers in involved are more likely to get AIDS in school and they're more likely to enjoy school and engage in extracurricular activity 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes father factor in drug and alcohol abuse researchers at Columbia University found that children living in two-parent households with a poor relationship with their father are 68 percent more likely to smoke drink or use drugs compared to all teens in two-parent households teens and single mother households are at a 30 percent higher risk than those in two-parent households 70 percent of youths in state operated institutions come from fatherless homes 85% of all youths in prison come from father homes and that's 20 times the average you know what the problem is in our country yeah it's messed up homes fatherless homes so just every stat that you have there whether you're talking about suicide or whether you're talking about rape or whether you're talking about criminal behavior all of the stuff that you see there have to do with the destruction of the family and all we do is we reinforce that whole idea over and over and over again that you don't need to have a dad in the home there's a movie coming out called Mamma Mia and I'm not gonna see it because it's a chick flick but but it looks like the premise of it is a girl gets pregnant with a guy who she met on vacation and she's stuck with the baby and she's going to raise the baby just like her mama raised her and so one generation to the next of fatherless homes and what we're doing that is doing with that is putting it on the screen and we're touting it as normal and good normal and good you know we just had a thing happened in Florida where a kid walks in with an ar-15 and shoots up a school guess where he came from yeah father died about ten years ago and was about 10 years ago then you started getting calls from he calls through the Sheriff's Department when he's nine years old calling the cops on a nine-year-old and then it just goes on from there and you know you look at all of this stuff and the the things that are going on in our country and I don't like it when people get shot up I hate that I hate that kind of stuff but nobody goes after the issue you know there have been guns in in this country forever forever I just read a statistic or heard a statistic not too long ago that since 1968 specifically since 1968 there have been more people killed by guns in the United States than in all the wars in the United States combined you know the the statistic is true but here's the thing about that there including suicides you take suicides and it's nowhere near that number there including suicides and they're only going from 1968 on you know why they don't go earlier than that you know why they don't go from 1920 to 1950 because it wasn't happening from 1920 to 1950 there there's always people who are violent but nothing like what we've seen and what we're seeing is a situation where our our social structure is literally disintegrating and everybody's rejoicing in it in the sense that it's like oh this is a new family and this is the way that supposed no it's not this is not the way it's supposed to go and so I grew up and you know in the situation where my house was dysfunctional and every stat in there should be me who guys every one of them and the only thing that changed it was Jesus here's the other thing people who grow up in fatherless homes have a situation where they are usually growing up in private poverty and they're stuck in in places where they can't get ahead and you know what you can do in one generation is turn it all around if you got a guy who will stand up stay with his family do the things that God says that he's supposed to do whether he feels like it or not his kid is going to be going to be having a life that is absolutely different than what he had and that's what happened in my life and it's not a you know this is not rocket science man this is not rocket science the whole the whole country can be turned around in one generation but nobody wants to deal with it and so I'm not making excuses for Cruz you know when you when you look at that whole thing actually when you look at what goes on in the United States this is what's probably going to happen with the guy he's going to get prosecuted and he's probably going to get the death penalty that's what they have in Florida and you're gonna still be here in his name in 20 years because he's gonna be in jail for 20 years and then at some point they're going to finally get through the appeals process and they're gonna put into death that's nonsense that's complete nonsense and so what we have in our in our culture is a situation where when you're talking about disciplining your kids everybody in the culture does exactly what they please they don't care about what God has to say about it they do exactly what they please when it talks about taking care of your home people do whatever is right in their own eyes and so if I'm a dad and I don't feel like it anymore I don't have to because that's not what my life is supposed to be about and I've if I have to walk away from my wife and my kids tough cookies to them maybe I'll send them a check every once in a while maybe I won't I'm talking about my life and then you go you go down through and you look at education and you look at everything that's going on to the point where we get to punishment of criminals and everything that we do in our society is exactly what the Bible says not to do and then we wonder what's going on and so we start trying trying to look for things that are the problems and you know what when you when you look at Second Amendment rights that kind of stuff there is a guy named Adams Samuel Adams not the beer guy that said this about the Constitution he said our Constitution is made for a religious and moral people it's thoroughly inadequate for any other and the point that he was making is that if you're going to use the Constitution the people who use it need to be religious and they need to be moral because the Constitution is all about putting putting power into the hands of the people and if the people are not religious and moral you give them power what they are is a bunch of little tyrants and they go out go around doing tyrannical things but if they are self-discipline and they have any kind of morality you can give them as much freedom as you want and it's going to be a good thing but if you have a group of people who are people who are going to do whatever they want no matter what the what the standards are and gripe about the fact that there are standards and what you're gonna have is people who do whatever is right in their own eyes and what you're going to not have is a constitution it's going to go away because the because the Second Amendment doesn't work for anybody who's immoral and who doesn't believe in God it will not work for them and so it's going to go away and that's what that's what governments have always done when they have a mass of people who are out of control what the governments start doing is taking more and more control they take away more and more freedoms because people cannot control themselves and that's the problem it's the problem on every kind of level in our country and nobody wants to talk about it nobody wants to point to it they want to play these games with what are called straw man arguments and it's nothing but a bunch of nonsense and so what we're gonna have is gun control this is the way that gun control could should really go because the Bible said or actually Adam said that constitutions for a moral and religious people so I'll tell you what why don't we just give the guns to all the moral and religious people take them away from everybody else how would it go then and you know that's not what's gonna happen here's another thing and this this isn't in this passive well it kind of is with a whole lalas thing but another thing that you have in the Bible and I've been talking about this for the last couple of weeks is the Bible teaches that when the Antichrist comes along he's going to be an absolute dictator and the only way that absolute dictators get into power is if people give up their freedoms that's the only way that it happens and when you look at your culture all of you guys and some of you are younger some of you are older but when you look at your culture I've been watching this for four decades now when you look at your culture you watch where the culture goes as far as far as just getting off the wall and out to lunch and just messed up having all kinds of goofy ideas and just being ticked off when anybody tries to draw them back when you watch how that goes and you watch how freedom goes with it it's really interesting what we got is a bunch of people right now over half the population who are interested in giving up whatever freedoms they have as long as the government will take care of them and that's what the Antichrist needs that's what he needs that's where we're going that's where the world's going and you can watch it happened a day just pick up your newspapers we live in interesting times yeah and that cool yeah well we'll pick the actually I'm not going to be here next week you guys because I'm going to be at the marriage retreat and I have to hang out with a guy who's coming and so we'll have one of the other pastors here but I wanted to announce this after that I'm going to Israel and so the next time you see me I'll be teaching from Israel so we'll be at one of this one of the site it'll be up on the screen but it will be at one of those sites that kind of thing so let's all skin let's pray obviously we're getting close to the times that Jesus talked about and that means we need to be about the Lord's business we need to be telling people about Jesus we need to be getting our hearts straight with him doing that whole thing and so I'm gonna pray for you that you do exactly that lord I just pray for these people thank you Jesus for people who love you love your word thank you for the fact that when we pick up our Bible we're picking up a book that's just amazing you know some of the stuff that is prophesied in these passages it's just amazing that 2,000 years ago there's no way these guys could know what was what would be going on in the times that we live in especially when we're talking about the warfare and and the the whole ability just literally to wipe out all life on this planet and we have it in our hands right at this moment it's just amazing to look at what the Bible has to say about the things that have to do with our culture our society even even how we buy and sell things and it was all predicted thousands of years ago Lord we just pray that as we look around we we see the the days approaching Lord that we just be looking up you said that when you see these things begin to paths come to pass that we need to look up because our Redemption draws near we want to be watching for you Lord and we want to be dragging as many people with us as we can so god I just pray that you give us a renewed heart for our family and our friends and Lord that you help us to open our mouth and tell them about you bless these people go with them Lord we ask that you do this all in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities
Views: 5,312
Rating: 4.6210527 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel of Matthew, Gospel, The Bible, Jesus, God, Calvary Chapel, Steve Whinery
Id: XPc1KnWQBpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 43sec (4423 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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