Matthew 2 - The Magi and the Attempt on Jesus' Life by Herod

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we're continuing our study through the book  of Matthew we're on our third pass through   the entire Bible as we've just begun it and here  in the second chapter we deal with something that   might sound a little chronologically out of place  you might be thinking you know why are you doing a   Christmas passage here in the middle of January  by the way doesn't it seem like Christmas was   like six months ago isn't that weird how that  happens I mean it's just like I was remarking   to the kids as we were just driving around town  and I think I saw somebody that still out there   Christmas lights up and and I was thinking wow how  long are they gonna leave them up then I realize   there's only been like you know like three weeks  you know and weird just seems like a lot longer   since since that that was here Matthew chapter  2 it says after Jesus was born in Bethlehem in   Judea during the time of King Herod Magi from  the east came to Jerusalem and asked where is   the one who has been born the king of the Jews we  saw his star in the east and have come to worship   Him when King Herod heard this he was disturbed  and all Jerusalem with him and when he had called   together all the peoples chief priests and  teachers of the law he asked them where the   Christ was to be born in Bethlehem in Judea they  replied for this is what the prophet has written   but you Bethlehem in the land of Judah are by no  means least among the rulers of judah for out of   you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of  my people Israel and then Herod called the Magi   secretly and found out from them the exact time  the star had appeared he sent them to Bethlehem   and said go and make a careful search for the  child as soon as you find him report to me so   that I too may go and worship Him and after they  had heard the King they went on their way and   the star that they had seen in the East went  ahead of them until it stopped over the place   where the child was and when they saw the star  they were overjoyed on coming to the house they   saw the child with his mother Mary and they bowed  down and worshiped him and then they opened their   treasure and presented him with gifts of gold and  of incense and of myrrh and having been warned in   a dream not to go back to Harrod they returned to  their country by another route we're not told what   that country is when they had gone an angel of the  Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream get up he said   take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt  stay there until I tell you for Herod is going to   search for the child to kill him so he got up took  the child and his mother during the night and left   for Egypt that's immediate obedience during  the night where he stayed until the death of   Herod and so was fulfilled what the Lord had said  through the prophet out of Egypt I called my son   when Herod realized he'd been outwitted by the  Magi he was furious and gave orders to kill all   the boys in Bethlehem in its vicinity who were  two years old and under in accordance with the   time he had learned from the Magi then what was  said through the Prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled a   voice is heard in Ramah weeping and great mourning  Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be   comforted because they are no more after Herod  died an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to   Joseph in Egypt and said get up take the child  and his mother and go to the Land of Israel for   those who were trying to take the child's life are  dead so he got up took the child and his mother   and went to the Land of Israel but when he heard  that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of   his father Herod he was afraid to go there having  been warned in a dream he withdrew to the district   of Galilee and he went through and lived excuse  me he went and lived in a town called Nazareth so   was fulfilled what was said through the prophets  he will be called a Nazarene before we talk about   this a little bit can you keep your finger here  and then slip on over to Luke chapter 2 I want   to just kind of share a quick companion passage to  this at least companion from the perspective that   I want to bring out this morning Luke chapter 2  and this this of course goes along with that very   much that same period of time and if you'll skip  all the way down to verse 25 we read that there   was a man in Jerusalem at that time called Simeon  and we're told that he was righteous and devout he   was waiting for the consolation of Israel waiting  for God to do in other words what he had promised   to do for the nation of Israel and it says the  Holy Spirit was upon him and it had been revealed   to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die  before he had seen the Lord's Christ moved by   the spirit he went into the temple courts when the  parents brought in the Child Jesus to do for him   what the custom of the law required Simeon took  him in his arms and praised God saying Sovereign   Lord as you have promised you now dismiss your  servant in peace for my eyes have seen your   salvation which you have prepared in the sight of  all people a light for revelation to the Gentiles   and for glory to your people Israel the child's  father and mother marveled at what was said about   him and then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary  his mother interesting that this is directed to   her he said the child is destined to cause the  falling and rising of many in Israel and to be   a sign that will be spoken against so that the  thoughts of many hearts will be revealed and   a sword will pierce your own soul to pray with  me just for a moment father got open our hearts   to the ministry of your word speak to us Lord God  as our loving father we ask it in Jesus name Amen   the reason how'd you go to this passage here in  luke is because of really the emphasis of what is   given to us in verse 35 if you look there again  at verse 35 in Luke 2 it says at least in part   that Jesus as Simeon is talking to two mary and  obviously speaking prophetically he says to her   that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed  now that's an interesting statement isn't it that   Jesus is is the kind of character the kind of  personality who reveals hearts and have you ever   noticed you know you can get into all kinds of  conversations with people by the way turn back   to Matthew 2 when you can get into all kinds  of complement conversations with people about   religion which I personally wouldn't recommend  I think getting a conversation with someone   about religion is like a sinkhole and and you  really don't want to go there what you really   want to talk to people about you want to try to  lead the conversation to award is the person of   Jesus because when you talk to people about Jesus  and when you find out what their thoughts are and   their ideas are about Jesus you're going to find  out where they're at you're going to find out   their spiritual address seriously I mean it is  listen people it's not religion that that that   makes people that reveals where people are at  it's not it's not even how much they've read   the Bible or how much they go to church or even  how much they pray those are the things those are   the benchmarks that we typically look at to try to  define someone's spirituality but what is really   a defining element of someone's true understanding  of the purposes of God and and all that really God   has given us the Bible toward is when you begin  a conversation about the person of Jesus Christ   then you find out where they're at you find out  what's really going on and they their heart will   be revealed to you so again get your get your  conversation off religion and and even I I get   the conversation off generic references to God  because you know you know do you ever notice how   people can very easily talk about God when there  are generic references being made and and they'll   they'll they'll even be happy to talk about God  but as soon as you bring up the person of Jesus   Christ something takes place that reveals where  they're at and what they really believe about   things and and you know we see this in our culture  today too you if you're going to pray in public do   you know that today praying in public really isn't  totally frowned upon it's when you end your prayer   in Jesus name that they get upset see that's and  if you're if you're talking about heaven in our   culture today it's it's really not heaven that's a  problem in conversation it's when you start saying   that the only way to get there is through Jesus  now you got a problem on your hands because people   just don't like to narrow it down and that's what  Jesus does he narrows the process down for us and   what simian said there in Luke chapter 2 is so  amazingly true and it continues to be true today   that he will reveal the hearts of many just by  talking about Jesus and it's amazing to me the   what I'm talking to people about the Lord and I'll  ask them flood straight out what is your view on   Jesus they come back and they say well you know  I believe in God that's not what I asked and now   that's not to say that Jesus is not God He is God  in human flesh but what I am doing is I'm getting   more focused on the conversation and they want  to keep pulling it back I believe in God yeah hey   listen don't bug me man I believe in God but what  I asked you was where does the person of Jesus fit   into your theology where does the person of Jesus  fit into your understanding of God's redemptive   program where does your understanding of Jesus fit  into your very life how you live your life today   you know how you treat other people how you see  God seeing you and all you you know because Jesus   becomes the defining element of of those things in  a way that the generic God talked just can't reach   because it's so easy for people to talk about God  and keep him at arm's length but when you talk   about Jesus you can't keep him at arm's length  because of the things Jesus said about himself   he said I am the way the truth and the life I am  not just a way I am not a truth I am NOT a life   I am the way I am the truth I am the life and he  said no man comes to the Father except by me right   he said I am the gate for the Sheep I'm it I am  at a gate I am the gate you know and and and so   on and so forth Jesus went on to say the way to  destruction is a broad way it's an easy way and   it's a it's it's no problem for people to go down  the road to destruction but the road to life jesus   said no that's that's a narrow thing people you  know sometimes will criticize christians for our   beliefs related to these things you people just  don't narrow you know i understand what they're   saying and they don't mean it to be you know a  kind thing at all but it's frankly a true thing   not necessarily that we're narrow-minded I hope  we're not narrow-minded but we are narrow in our   theology because Jesus presented a narrowness  to understanding heaven he said that the way   to life is narrow and hard you know but the the  the the generic God sort of or laced with kind   of God talk concept of heaven all that's kind of  anything-goes sort of a mentality you see yeah and   people said well you know there's a lot of ways  you know to reach to reach God don't you know   that's what we would say in Minnesota but you know  the there's all kinds of ways there's all kinds of   ways to get to heaven you know all kinds of ways  to know God Jesus came back and said if you know   me you know the father I mean he kept bringing  it down he kept narrowing it down to him and   you know as we're starting the third pass through  the Bible I am impressed each time we go through   the scriptures of the absolute and total focus of  the Word of God on the person of Jesus Christ and   how he is the focal point of everything and I mean  everything it's all about him it's all about Jesus   what we have in Matthew chapter 2 are really three  responses to Jesus that's what is really given to   us in this chapter we have the response of the  Magi we have the response of King Herod and we   have the response of the religious leaders who  are also pulled into the discussion by Herod so   that he can kind of get a little more information  about this whole thing going on so you know first   of all there's the Magi and they were kind of  the modern-day astronomer slash astrologers in   in in that day there was no difference between  those two approaches to the Stars that's why   they were called Magi it was a word that where we  get our word magic or magician and they were kind   of considered to be conjurer's and yet these men  were seeking the birth of Christ who they knew   to be a king did you notice that when they came  to Jerusalem and by the way it's apparent that   they they left their country wherever that was  and they began to follow this star because they   were stargazers and you see as astronomer slash  astrologers they believed that the Stars were   kind of a way of figuring out what God was up to  and so they were following the Stars because they   believed that the Stars would guide them but  they had a better revelation than just kind of   a vague blueprint here they came to Jerusalem and  they said where is this one born King of the Jews   we've been following his star and we've come to  worship Him now that's a lot of information how   did they know he was going to be a king how did  they know that star represented a king why not a   queen why not a series of kings why not a whole  family of royalty why did they focus in just on   a king why did they come saying that and by the  way why did they come to Jerusalem you know what's   interesting about the story is that apparently  the star they were following they lost at some   point because if you read through this passage  carefully you find out that they came to Jerusalem   and they started asking around where is he well  the reason they were asking is because they lost   the star and so but this was in God's direction  is you continue reading Matthew - and I know if   you've ever noticed it says that once they spoke  with Herod and left to go up begin to search again   it says they saw the star and they were overjoyed  when they saw the star again so they they got it   again so God supernaturally allowed him to lose it  so they could come into town now where would you   expect to find a king and it was very natural they  would go to Jerusalem that's where the Kings were   that's where that's where the temple was that's  where the the King lived you know so it's like   may guys man we lost the star Palmer let's just  go to Jerusalem that's where the Kings all are   so they go to Jerusalem and say where's this  King and and all the people it says that the   whole the whole town was just in a lather about  this thing and it says that that Herod himself   was also disturbed which by the way was a good  good description for that man emotionally and   psychologically he was disturbed I mean flat-out  the man was crazy but but but the Magi are the   ones that kind of impressed me because they're  not Jews we don't know how much information   they'd gotten from the Hebrew Scriptures and yet  they came looking for a king and they obviously   had some inside information about this person  being more than just your average run-of-the-mill   earthly King because did you notice what they said  when they came in Jerusalem they said we have come   to worship Him see that's that's that's more than  just hey we're looking to come and honor this king   you know Solomon had people come to find him in  Jerusalem when he was King and they came to find   him - because they heard amazing things about him  but they didn't come to worship him but these guys   are there to worship Him it's interesting we have  some traditions about the Magi which are untrue   but our things that we we believe their traditions  and one of the things that we assume is that there   were just three of them how many of you sang we  three can you don't have to raise your hand but   we three kings of Orient are we made up all kinds  of different words that were very awful when I was   a kid but but you know we that song had probably  and just the the assumption of there were three of   them is based upon the fact that they brought gold  frankincense and myrrh they brought three gifts   and so the assumption is that there were three  there was probably far more than three because   the whole city of Jerusalem was abuzz when they  and their their retinue came into the the town   all their party their people and and and so forth  so you know there were probably a lot of them most   people also assume that the the Magi found Jesus  right at the time of the Nativity at the time of   the the the birth of Christ and that is that's a  tradition that's kind of carried on by our lone   nativity scenes that we put up on the mantel or  in our yard that show the wise men coming to the   the manger and bowing down chances are when the  wise men got to Jesus he was somewhere between   one and two years old and if you actually noticed  here in Matthew two it says that when they got to   Jerusalem they found him in his house not in a  barn he wasn't there anymore so the you know we   love these Nativity things but we don't get our  theology from them do we I remember you know my   wife still puts one up and I like them they're  cool you know but you can't look at those things   just like you can't watch a movie and get your  theology from that either my kids would play   with the nativity scenes Alissa was the cutest  when she was a little girl she's the one who was   leading worship this morning but Alissa she would  pull the whole nativity scene down and just play   with the figures when she was like three and and  she referred to it as the man and the man and the   sheep and the sheep because there was a lot of  men and there was a lot of sheep and she would   just play with the characters and so that's what  we started calling them isn't that weird how you   do that your kids do call things things and then  you that's what they are forever and ever I come   home one day and I go say to sue oh I see you got  the man in the man and the sheep and the sheep out   and got him on display yeah it's a nativity  scene Paul oh yeah that's right African but so you know they they actually found him later  one of the other traditions is that these men   were Kings there's nothing to say that they were  kings they were Magi they were those who were   kept by kings they were used by kings but they  were not Kings themselves what's interesting   about the story of these wise men once again is  that they have come to worship Jesus and you see   that's a response to Jesus that in fact is the  response to Jesus now what is Herod's response   Herod's is he wants to rid the world of Jesus  in fact he goes and gives orders to kill all of   the boys in Bethlehem two years old or younger  because he wants to get rid of Jesus that was   Herod's mo Herod was a mad man Herod had such a  reputation for executing people he thought were   a threat that the emperor of Rome himself was  heard to say about Herod it is safer to be his   Pig than his son and that is because Herod who  was not a Jew by the way he was idiom Ian which   mean he was a descendant of the [ __ ] Herod  did not eat pork because he wanted to impress   the Jews so but he actually murdered his wife he  murdered his mother in law and he murdered his son   he would murder anyone who got in the way anyone  who he thought was a threat to his throne and so   that's why the Emperor said it's safer to be his  Pig than is a family member in Herod's household   he was a man of blood and and that and so we see  the response of Herod is to just get rid of Jesus   get rid of this thing just to to rid the world  of all that he is all that he might potentially   stand for because the world is always going to  be threatened by Jesus Christ and what he has   come to provide for us always when you and I see  things today in our culture where you know we just   through Christmas and and and and and people are  trying desperately to get Jesus out of Christmas   it's the same spirit when people are trying to  eliminate the the name of Jesus from prayer you   can pray but you may not end your prayer by saying  in Jesus name that's too exclusive and you're   going to offend people you know Jesus said he said  that he came as the stumbling block did you know   that you know the he is the rock of offense here  we are living in this world you know where we've   literally got this religion going on of of not  offending people you know we call it tolerance   but it's it's own religion you know and Jesus  would have had no part of it you never notice   that Jesus went around offending people and you  know he wasn't purposely trying to be boorish and   rude but he would simply do so by saying um by  the way there is no other way to get to heaven   except me just saying you know sort of a thing and  people of course they're always going to pull up a   what in the world who do you think you are and at  one point they said to Jesus you know you are you   greater than our father Abraham you know Jesus  came back and he said listen here's the fact of   the matter before Abraham was even born I am and  by that he used the divine name I am that I am   and of course they picked up stones to stone him  because they believed he was guilty of blasphemy   but Jesus is saying I am I am the way I am the  truth I am you know I am the way to know God to   know the Father I am the only way to heaven that's  very exclusive people that makes people crazy   who are into tolerance and and so you know that's  that's just that's just the way things are people   will always want to get rid of Jesus Christ and  we're actually told why in the book of John let   me put just a single passage up on the screen here  for you it says this is the predict light has come   into the world but it says that men loved darkness  instead of light why because their deeds were evil   and everyone who does evil hates the light it's  not just that they're kind of bugged by it they   hate it and they will not come into the light for  fear that their deeds will be exposed so they're   there this this hatred of the light this hatred of  all things that are good and pure and true I mean   this is this is we see it inherited his actions  toward Jesus and we see it today in our culture   it's all around us and it's just another response  it's been going on for a long long time and then   you got the religious leaders did you notice  that the religious leaders kind of get called   into this thing because Herod hears about what's  going on with the this group of Magi who come into   Jerusalem and before he even interviews these guys  it says he calls in these religious leaders chief   priests teachers of the law and he says tell me  what the scripture has to say about the birth of   Messiah and so they said oh yeah not a problem  at all and they begin to quote a passage from   Micah chapter 5 that speaks about the fact that  the Messiah will come out of Bethlehem now and   so so Herod was given kind of an inside track  as to you know what this thing was all about   but what's interesting about these guys is that  even though the religious leaders gave Herod an   accurate response concerning the coming of Messiah  and which means what they knew the Bible they knew   the word right they knew what the scripture had to  say about Messiah when he asked they didn't have   to go gee that's a toughy let me go look that one  up gotta go pull out my concordance and see what   we can figure out on that one no they're just  like oh yeah it's uh you know Micah of course   they didn't have chapters back then but they just  started to quote the passage but you Bethlehem you   know are by no means least among the cities of  Judah you know out of you will come for me you   know one who is be ruler over Israel who's you  know comings and goings are from as of old from   days of eternity and Dada Dada and they just they  just rattle this thing off so they know the Word   of God they also know that the whole city is abuzz  about Messiah and they know that these these wise   men these Magi from some Eastern country that  once again is not given to us by name are here   to find the Christ now stop and think about  this for a minute people this is this these   are the guys this is their business they are the  religious leaders of Israel they are the chief   priests they are they are the teachers of the law  these are the guys who are sitting down and going   through the Word of God and sharing it with the  people they're talking about the the scriptures   the Hebrew prophecies and they know them and and  this should have been some of the most exciting   stuff in their lives the King invited us into his  presence to ask us about the coming of Messiah   Wow there are Magi in the city right now asking  where is he where is he we're looking for him and   there's obviously a star that can be seen from  somewhere and the whole town is abuzz this the   the you know everybody's talking booing let you  know Messiah isn't that and everything and and   these are the guys who should stand up and and  lead the way and say yeah this is what the Word   of God has to say about the coming of Messiah  and and look at all these things that are going   on and you know if they really were studying the  Word of God they could have also seen the timing   of the coming of Messiah that was given to them  in the prophecies of Daniel because do you know   that there is literally chronological timing that  is prophesied in the Old Testament book of Daniel   as to the coming of Messiah they could they  could have counted that out down and thought it   through and taken the time and effort and energy  that it would take to figure those things out the fact of the matter is they did nothing  they responded to this whole thing with   complete indifference they did not go search  out the child they did not get people excited   about it or begin they frankly weren't moved in  their hearts at all about this whole situation even though they are the keepers of the Word  of God I mean that should have that like I   said before that should have buzzed him so  much they couldn't sleep at night but this   is another example of a response that people can  have toward the person of Jesus Christ remember   what simian said to Mary he will reveal hearts  and there's going to be different responses that   are going to be given to the news the subject  of Jesus Christ that's why I said when you're   talking to people about things like the Bible and  stuff like that if you really want to know what   they're thinking bring it down boil it down to  the person of Jesus Christ what who he is what   he came to do what happened on the cross what  happened three days after he died on the cross   keep the discussion right there and you will find  the words of Simeon coming true once again when   you get it down to that element and you're going  to find a response that's either going to be one   like the religious leaders of indifference by  the way how many times have you heard me say   don't ever be impressed by somebody who knows the  word be impressed rather by someone who obeys the   word who lives the word do don't be impressed if  somebody can rattle off scripture after Scripture   that's not impressive God's not impressed by that  be impressed by the man who applies it to his life   that's see see what the religious leaders and the  teachers of the law failed to do they knew the   Word of God but their response was not application  it didn't move their hearts it was just all here   all head knowledge big hairy deal what did it  what did it do for him nothing well actually   you know what let me let me just come back on  that and say it placed them here's what it did   do for him it placed him in us in a position  of greater responsibility it did that because   when you know you have greater responsibility  to respond to that knowledge but it didn't move   their hearts and so you're going to either see  that sort of a response where people are going   to hear about Jesus and then they're gonna kind of  go yeah cool what's for lunch you know I mean just   whatever it's going to be sort of a well that was  an interesting topic you know Paul ran into the   same sort of an attitude when he went to Greece  and began to debate with the the deep thinkers   there you know um at the Areopagus in' and and he  he he began to speak to them of they loved by the   way talking about god they love doing the generic  god talk he started talking about jesus he started   talking about uh the resurrection the death of  Christ and the resurrection and that's when they   all kind of went nuts you know so there was just a  few people who came up to Paul afterwards and said   you know that's interesting we'd like to hear  more about that but the vast majority of them   had the response basically the same responses the  religious leaders and the teachers of the law they   heard about it they knew about it it was a matter  of indifference and then of course you got Herod   and this is going to be where Jesus reveals the  black heart in the individual who not only doesn't   want to talk about it who's uncomfortable talking  about the person of Jesus Christ but wants to   stamp it out you know we would just be better off  if every Bible in the world was burned in a fire   or we would be better off if if this whole Jesus  talk stuff would just stop and they are willing to   even take pains to move toward that end and then  you have these simple stargazers these simple   men who were not Jews and this is the interesting  thing about these guys this king of the Jews that   they came looking for you know that wasn't going  to be their king they weren't Jews they weren't   they weren't of Israel but they saw something  that was greater and you know the question comes   to mind and I think it's an important question  where did they get all their information I mean   how did they know well you know I believe that  when an individual when a person has it in their   heart to respond just in this with the attitude  that they had about I want to know more what is   this I want to learn more about this I don't know  enough so I'm going to look into this I'm going to   try to find out what this is all about here's what  I believe with all of my heart I believe that when   that happens God is going to meet that person with  information and revelation and insight about who   Jesus is here's the point of this you know you  hear I get this question sometimes particularly   among the young people alike at our refuge group  but the question will come up quite often you know   what what what is God going to do with people  who have never heard the gospel you know how   is God going to judge the people who have never  heard the gospel and that's always an important   question for people because they want to they want  to feel good about God's judgement they don't want   to think that God's unfair you know because then  they might you know feel weird about worshipping   Him you know and and believing in him because  it's like well he needs to kind of be fair and there's a couple of things that I always say about  this and that is first of all you know God has   given a revelation of himself in nature we read  that in Romans chapter 1 that the heavens declare   the glory of God and there is a revelation of the  person of God in nature if someone is willing to   see it but it doesn't stop there although it  does say in Romans chapter 1 so that men are   without excuse but I believe that if someone  simply begins to question if someone is open in   their heart to know about Jesus Christ I believe  with everything that I am as sure as I'm standing   here that God will meet that person God will God  will will will break down the you know the the   the barriers between heaven and earth to meet that  person that they might know the truth about Jesus   Christ you know the Bible says that God is willing  that none be lost but that all come to repentance   and so his willingness to do whatever you know  we've seen this happen over and over again I've   had people come and talk to me about how you know  nobody came in witness to him they just started   asking questions and thinking you know there's got  to be something and they just started reading the   Bible and started searching and I don't know even  where to start and they usually treat the Bible   like a novel you know it's like well you start at  the beginning and go to the end you know and and   and stuff but anyway but then you start reading  through the Bible and and God meets them God   meets him at that place of of wonder and awe and  you see brothers and sisters in Christ that that   is essentially what the Magi had they had that in  abundance wonder and awe and because they simply   said I want to know more I want I want to look  into these things God met them so that when they   got to Jerusalem they were looking for the king  of Israel who was worthy of their worship they   had it dialed in and that's amazing but it's not  too amazing for God so my final question for you   this morning is where is your heart it's it's  helpful isn't it when you're talking to other   people witnessing to other people you have people  in your family maybe you're even praying for it's   it's it's important and helpful to know that  people have these various heart responses to the   person of Jesus Christ maybe this will be helpful  in your prayer but even in your own personal life   even now that you're a Christian we can apply  these same principles now that you're a believer   in Jesus do you know that it's possible to get  saved and then stop growing because you kind of   put the brakes on and you've stopped wandering  and you've stopped seeking and searching to know   more to have more and you're just kind of content  that just hang out and the rest of God's Word can   be either a matter of indifference or something  like that we as Christians need to be the ones   who are always pressing in OS pressing in  to know him better to know what he's like   what his heart is like like those wise men the  willingness to come the heart of all heart of   respect and to worship and to lay down our  gifts at his feet amen let's stand together you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Ontario
Views: 66,477
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Keywords: Matthew, Bible, New Testament, Matthew Chapter 2, teaching, Calvary Chapel
Id: sdtuFx_qick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2013
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