Matteo Bocelli ~ Andrea Bocelli ~ Ed Sheeran~ Perfect #music #song #songs @ElzaPiano
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Channel: Piano Academy Elza Ritter
Views: 4,137,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #andreabocelli, #MatteoBocelli, #belive, #believetour, #perfect, #aria, #maestro, #haiti, #helphaiti, #washingtoneDC, #DC, #arenastage, #worldtour, #NewWorksVoicesofAmericaChoir, Sheeran, Ed, washingtonfestivalorchestra, Song, perfetto, Perfect, Matteo, Andrea, WashingtonDC, DC, MD, Mariland, song, Songs, Singer, Singers, Duet, Trio, How, Howto, Perform, Entertainment, Arena stage, Stadium, FedExField, Landover
Id: BGvuE8e6m4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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