Matt Wenning is Making the Military Bigger, Stronger, Faster
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Channel: Mark Bell - Super Training Gym
Views: 187,107
Rating: 4.9081316 out of 5
Keywords: how to gain strength, how to build muscle, hypertrophy, supplements, fitness, diet, workout, steroids, motivation, mark, bell, westside, powerlifting, bodybuilding, skwaats, Squats, bench press, bench, press, deadlift, deathlift, nutrition, exercise, chest, back, triceps, biceps, legs, quads, hamstrings, weight training, fat loss, HIIT, cardio, muscle, mass, muscle mass, body fat, bodyfat, lose weight, lose fat, gain muscle, gain size, gain strength, matt wenning, elite fts
Id: HKwyBI2egOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2015
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I like that he's trying to push for an alternative approach. I fucked up my knees pretty badly and it was mostly from being told I needed to run. My 2 mile time went from 11:30 to 16:30 in 6 years due to constant injury. Basically went from being fast to being broken. When I finally got put in physical therapy the goal was to strengthen my muscles but with resistance bands. It wasn't very effective after a few months I was released from the therapy with no results. When I finally got a permanent "no running" profile I was medically discharged for having fucked up knees and ankles and having a lot of bone damage.
I just ran a mile yesterday for the first time in a while, it was slow. I've been on a powerlifting program for 3 months and this is the first time I've ran in years that I haven't had crazy knee pain after a run. I attribute it to my muscles being strong enough to hold my joints in line.
IMO every unit should have a physical training officer, it should be an MOS. Someone who actually knows about physical fitness, can put together a USEFUL PT program, and knows how to deal with injuries because it's a pain in the ass getting from sick call to any kind of helpful treatment.
Very cool. I definitely picked up a lot of pointers about my form. Kinda hurt my feels when he said "only 225" for bench press though.
could anyone explain the kettlebell swing form he's advocating for? more of an endurance test than using hips? idek, the guy is strong and smart but the swing looks silly imo.
I wish it were a bit more scientific. Not in his explanations of course but in him portraying the status quo of soldiers and the effectiveness of his training.
I wished for hard numbers
Bigger Faster Stronger Harder