Matt Terry Sings About X Girlfriend And Makes Nicole DROOL! | Judges' Houses | The X Factor UK 2016
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Talent Recap
Views: 3,720,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the x factor, x factor, X factor UK, season 13, x factor 2016', singing' 'competition, simon cowell, talent, auditions, judges, sharon, louis, Nicole, Britian’s Got Talent, Gifty louise, Emily Middlemas, Olivia Garcia, James Craise, Janet Gorgan, Matt Terry, Freddy Parker, Ryan Lawrie, Soheila Clifford, Ottavio Bradley, the 6 chair challenge, Boot Camp, Judges house, Samantha Lavery, Relley C, Honey G
Id: 8f9Zad4kPNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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