Matt Terry Sings About X Girlfriend And Makes Nicole DROOL! | Judges' Houses | The X Factor UK 2016

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I'm for the last of Nicole's boys 23 year-old Matt Terry Hitler It feels Incredible to be here like one minute you're looking out your bedroom window at Bromley High Street And then you're here in the south of France, [I] couldn't feel any luckier really Six chair challenge was definitely the hardest stage for me. I remember my heart like was Beginning to sink when I was asked to battle Matt you've kept your seat It was a tough experience, but I learned a lot. [I] really want to make my family proud especially my nan I know she's right behind me for judges houses, and I really want to give my best performance Today I've got one song and I really need to bring it It is hello. Hello, you're right. Are you feeling nervous? But I feel like this song that I'm about to do is a song that's close to My heart what's the song she's out of my life? [oh]? Oh, we know what happened You know that chick is hurting Wait, what happened? I was in a long-term relationship with my girlfriend [and] as she left me, but an eye on the TV Oh, yes Oh, she's like that. I've been fooling us great I miss life right yeah, of course got the romantic lighting happening could it get any better? He's sad right now dude She's out of my life She's out [of] my love and [not] don't know whether And I don't know ever Anakata I can she oh so love that loves not possession and And now I will love needs expression She's out of my life she's out [of] my You know that. Thank you He's a sick voice you haven't even heard his full range. You look like you were having an experience Yeah, you did [too] for a second. You look like you were having [him] you were there. No, did you like it? I thought was fantastic We looked who knows, but [that] was You could tell they loved it. Yeah I [can't] [leave] I'm crying I promised myself. I wouldn't cry. Do you think that he's Interesting enough do you think that he's distinct enough?
Channel: Talent Recap
Views: 3,720,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the x factor, x factor, X factor UK, season 13, x factor 2016', singing' 'competition, simon cowell, talent, auditions, judges, sharon, louis, Nicole, Britian’s Got Talent, Gifty louise, Emily Middlemas, Olivia Garcia, James Craise, Janet Gorgan, Matt Terry, Freddy Parker, Ryan Lawrie, Soheila Clifford, Ottavio Bradley, the 6 chair challenge, Boot Camp, Judges house, Samantha Lavery, Relley C, Honey G
Id: 8f9Zad4kPNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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