Matt le Tissier :Open Mic

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um wow uh firstly thank you very much for for turning up tonight to come and listen to to me and Danny um I can't tell you how amazing it is to step into a room knowing that people don't think you're [ __ ] [Applause] mad uh but it is you know but do you know what what the amazing thing I find about it is the energy when you step into a room of people like you is way up here you know I I can walk into a room and and I've got to a stage now where you know we talk about intuition and things and you kind of when you meet somebody you know pretty much within the first 30 seconds whether you're going to like them or not uh I kind of get that feeling now and uh I can almost tell now and it's really odd within about a minute of talking to someone I pretty much know if they're jabbed or not it's [ __ ] [Applause] amazing I don't know this is It's been a wild four years for me I got to tell you um I don't know how many of you know kind of the story that I've been through but for those of you who don't I I'll try and go through it as quickly as I can so um in February of 2020 I had a very nice job working on Sky Sports uh sitting watching football for six hours every Saturday afternoon and getting paid for it was amazing um was doing that for about 15 years and and then kind of February 2020 I went out for dinner just when things had started to uh kind of come into the news about this uh virus in China and um I went out for dinner with a couple of of guys in my Village uh who were doctors and they'd been privy to the data from the um Diamond Princess cruise ship uh very early on uh in the pandemic and I was asking them about the you know what was it about this virus and they said well to be honest he said you haven't got anything to worry about he said this is only going to affect really old people or people who have already got uh or immuno compromised and I was like oh okay so I was I wasn't particularly worried uh um and um it's been really odd because obviously you then saw the propaganda get ramped up and I saw some videos come out of China with a couple of people falling down in the streets did we all see that now I don't know about you that was my moment when I went [ __ ] me that's not right and I can pinpoint that moment as the moment where I went I'm calling [ __ ] on all this right right now um and so the propaganda gets R ramped up and you know start talking about going into lockdowns and everything and obviously I'm working on the mainstream media and um and I was quite vocal on social media talking about the government and why are they doing these stupid measures and um and obviously this wasn't going down very well with my employers because I was criticizing the mainstream media and there I was working in it um however I was in the sports Department uh Sky Sports I didn't think that really had anything to do with Sky News because I was slagging off Sky News some rotten on my SE I mean from a career point of view it probably wasn't the best thing I could have done um but um and to this day I don't have a single regret about calling out the mainstream media because they have been disgusting and a massive part of what we've been through so anyway my story continued uh you know the football season got ciled so I wasn't working which meant I just sat at home on the internet uh looking into the bill and milind Gates Foundation uh watching the fall of the cabal series obviously I had too much time on my hands and I watched the whole [ __ ] lot in one go cuz I was transfixed right I was like everything everything I'd ever thought of I'd always been a little bit suspicious of politicians and all that [ __ ] um 9/11 Dodge always been a bit suspicious of that and uh and it was just like all these things coming and the fall look and I'm watching this series and I'm going oh my God I thought it was bad it's [ __ ] way worse than that and and so I was like how what can what can we do about this we got to do something we can't just sit here and do nothing so I was on my social media uh my half a million Twitter followers were getting it full full thr and this is when I came into contact with um probably for the first time in my life really uh I I experienced the social media pylons and uh and I started realizing that okay uh some people don't like what I'm saying here just guessing and I reckon about 95% of my posts in those early days were basically slagging me off conspiracy theorist all the usual nonsense that we went through and about 5% of people were going oh well done well done and I was like okay but I believed in what I just felt something was not right and I felt something was and I had to speak out about it and as I continue down the line um the George Floyd thing happened in America and uh I went into work when the football season started started uh back up in in the summer went into work and the first day we went back about 30 seconds before we due to go on air the producer of the show uh gave us all a black lives matter badge to wear on the show and I looked at the producer and I went do I have to wear that and he looked at me and he went it's probably in your best interest if you do and I was like and we're just about to go on air so I was like sh right so I put it on the whole afternoon I was felt so uncomfortable because during those hours of research sat at my house doing puckle um I looked into what the black lives matter stood for uh and I'd done that about two or three weeks before and I and I wasn't happy um didn't agree with anything uh um and so for me that in itself is a racist movement uh if you ask me um and so uh at the end of the show I took the badge off and the producer came in the studio and I gave him the badge and I went I will not be wearing that badge again I said I've been uncomfortable all afternoon don't agree with what they stand for I won't be wearing that badge again if you want me to wear a kick racism out all the badges that we normally would wear one week at of the season when they have the the campaign I said I'll wear anything like that not wearing that badge ever again so that caused a bit of a stir I was the first person uh on Sky to refuse to wear it and eventually a few weeks later because all the presenters were wearing them and eventually a few weeks later they kind of phased them out a little bit and uh and then they stopped Al together um so I felt like that was a bit of a victory [Music] however however there was more to come um the football season was trying to start back up again and every week I don't know if you remember every week there' be testing everybody in the Premier League uh all the staff and the players and everything and there was about a thousand tests done a week and at the end of every week they would the Premier League would announce how many positive tests they'd been and uh and every week they go oh well there's been six or seven tests this week positive uh but they wouldn't tell you which clubs they'd come from and um and so the only way you could find out is if the clubs themselves actually came out and admitted it and so you would get the Premier League announcement six or seven cases following day the clubs that would say oh yes three of those were ours two of those were ours and it was really interesting because I started noticing a bit of a trend and that was that all the teams that were either in the bottom three of the Premier League or just above it who had a vested interest in the season being curtailed and and stopped completely and started a fresh the next year for more money uh they were the ones that were coming out and going yes we've got positive covid cases so I put out a tweet and it went something like [Laughter] this I put isn't it a strange coincidence that the only clubs that are admitting to covid cases are the ones actually in the relegation zone or just above it and that was my tweet following day I get a phone call from the head of football at Sky uh Matt we've had a complaint about you no [ __ ] um he said uh there's a CEO at one of the football clubs is not happy about the tweet that you did yesterday and I went all right which one I was I was [ __ ] doing 20 a day uh so he said he said the one about the uh teams in the relegation Zone and I went all right I said um have you got it there in front of you he went yeah I have I said can you read it to me so we read it to me and I went right I said is there anything factually incorrect in that tweet and he paused for a minute and he went no and I went why are you ringing me then and and I refused to take it down because that's what he'd asked me to do I went it's factually correct I didn't take taking it down um and four weeks later I was sacked so there you go um I got a phone call got actually I got a zoom call uh on the didn't know it was coming I mean I kind of knew it was coming but I didn't know it was coming so I was asked to go on a zoom call with the head of football at Sky a week before the season started and under the pretext of talking about The Following Season uh and so I get jump on the zoom call and as soon as I get on there it's not just the head of football Sky it's another guy who I've never seen before obviously from HR uh and within 30 seconds of the the zoom call start he said mat I'm sorry uh really sorry this after 15 years of uh service to Sky uh he went I'm really sorry but there's no more work for you at Sky and I went oh okay I said could I just ask you a question he said yeah I said um has this sacket got anything to do with what I've been posting on social media and he went well he said we do have to take into account the reputation of our company and I went oh that's interesting I said because you didn't seem too interested in the reputation of your company after you reemployed Jamie carrier when he spat out a young girl when he was in his car and uh and he went well we can't talk about other people and I went yeah funny that uh so we then went oh this is the other this is the other Petty annoying thing that the mainstream media do I had seven Le uh seven months left on my contract um and uh and he was very generous he went uh now under the terms of your contract we only due to pay you three months really he said but as you've you know as it's only a week before the season starts you highly unlikely to get any other work uh he said we'll give you six months and I was like I've only got seven months left of my contract why don't you just pay me seven months I've been there 15 years and you're going to Nick A month's pay off me so so I went 6 months he went yeah I went right okay so what I did was when he sent me the letter uh to actually sign it to confirm that I was agreeing to all the points uh one of the points was um that I wasn't allowed to talk about the sacking for two years yeah so I got my solister and I wrote back to them and I went take that Clause out and I'll sign it and they took the Clause out so I was allowed to speak about it I wasn't allowed to talk badly about sky for two years but I was allowed to say factually what had happened in the interview so that's what I did for two years I stopped to the facts and now I can tell you just how [ __ ] they [Applause] are so uh the great thing about that was uh obviously I waited uh to send my solicitor letter back to the them just long enough so that the next month's wages were paid into my account and then I got the last six months of my contract so bollocks them um so that was the first battle anyway um I was out of work uh and then uh obviously this is August 2020 timelines right so now we are heading towards the vaccine roll out the miraculous jiby jabby uh that is going to save the planet um which was developed in a staggering nine months um amazing now um this was the next thing that I became a little bit outspoken about and I basically told everyone that I wasn't going to take it um very early on uh because and my reasoning for not taking it and I never said I would never take it full stop I didn't go that far cuz I'm I didn't want to be backed into a corner so I said I I'm not going to be taking this back see because there's no long-term safety data on it and until I've seen that long-term safety data I ain't putting that in my body and that was my start right from the right from the get-go and um three and a half years later um I'm still not regretting that decision I think one of the biggest red flags for me was that um my my Spidey senses were alerted when uh I don't if anybody noticed but they had to change the the actual definition of the word vaccine to actually be able to call these Gene therapies a vaccine so I've had plenty of arguments on social media what did they have to do they had to change the definition of what a vaccine was for this vaccine to be able to called Alo for the gene therapies to be able to be called a vaccine so they had to change the definition because this gene therapy did not match the dictionary definition of 2020 so that's what they had to do and that was when I went hm no no not for me thank you um and obviously I'd also gone down a few rabbit holes and uh few of the people that had uh kind of predicted what was going to happen in terms of uh mandatory vaccines in terms of uh getting rid of cash uh in terms of Central Bank digital currencies started talking about in 2020 and and I was like that seems a bit extreme and then as the time was going on I'm going okay now he was right he was right about that it was right about that hang on a minute this is so I was all in um and and yeah at one point I'll be honest my family did uh think I was mad I was just talking to Danny about that just now they actually called a family Zoom meeting anyone else have one of them [ __ ] hell a family Zoom meeting to discuss my mental state par so that was interesting and apparently I did give a wrong answer to a question that I was asked by my family when they said to me would you rather save just us or 7 billion people on the planet apparently 7 billion people on the planet was wrong answer I don't know don't get me wrong I love my family I love my family but 7 billion people come on planet's got to go on uh so that was the wrong answer and I to apologize for that um sometimes honesty isn't always the best policy took a bit of coming back from that but anyway the be all and end all is that obviously my family back in gery not so much my wife my wife was kind of semi semi- awake and um but my family back and yersey were considerably worried about me and um and so were my mates I I played golf with um with three guys every week at my golf club three guys a little bit older than me one of them's a policeman ex policeman um and uh they all thought I was mad seriously thought I was mad and about a year after the vaccine roll out two of them came up to me on the same day separate of each other they didn't know that they had both spoken to me that day they came both to me and said Matt we're really sorry they said we thought you were mad a year ago but we see what happening and we're really sorry that we didn't believe you a year ago and that was that was a big moment for me uh two of my best mates obviously the ex policeman who's still very uh shall we say asleep um obviously been indoctrinated into the system through the police force for 30 years as well um and still believes everything the government tells him um but we're still mates and I think that's the important thing we've we've always had we've been able to have really quite heated discussion sometimes because you know I I've got strong opinions he's got strong opinions and we clashed a little bit but at the end of that we always shook hands and went oh well never mind we disagree we'll see you tomorrow on the golf course and that's how life should be you can have disagreements definitely what I found is you're not going to be able to save everyone I think that's the that's the big message um I think a lot of times people don't respond well to facts they're very they're very emotion-based in what they believe in um and facts do not get through uh and so I I had to adapt very early on uh the way that I spoke to people the way that I spoke to people who were different opinions to me uh and I didn't give them facts anymore I stopped giving them facts I stopped it because it wasn't resonating at all uh and instead I adopted a different Tac and I just started asking them questions I asked them questions which made them feel very uncomfortable and not always did they reply straight away um but the seed had been planted and when they were at home sat on their own thinking about it maybe they just thought a little bit about what the question the answer to that question might be um and I found that that was a much a much better way and a much less confrontational way to try and get through the people um because you know we've all had uh instances in our lives where we we've completely disagreed with something and you you know you're right or you feel like you're right you feel like you got the fact on your side but it just doesn't get through and sometimes we just have to try and change Tac and use a different tactic to get through you know maybe I learned that from my football days um you know one thing isn't working you got to try try a different trick to get past somebody you know he might be quicker than you so try a different way uh and that's kind of what I found early on uh and it's been uh an incredibly Rocky Journey but I can tell you now stood here in 2024 that now the stuff that I post online now when I told you before was 95% negative in response to me that has flipped around completely flipped around to 90% in my favor now 90% And I think we all kind of get a sense of it I think sometimes as Danny said we all sometimes you know you get a little bit low energy and you know bad days and good days um but I think I also have a sense that the tide is turning and that we are making a difference um you know I found one of the one of the greatest things that I found during the really dark days you know when they brought masks in and everybody had them on I took I took great Delight in walking into a shop the only one without a mask on and I walked in with the biggest smile on my face I couldn't have been ni to every [ __ ] in a mask and I let them see just how good their life could be if they were like [Applause] me uh and I think that's one of the that's one of the most important things I want to try and give to you guys um is to is to keep your vibration High keep your energy levels High you know don't let the bastards grind you down it's one of my favorite sayings I you never let them grind you down I've been at this for four years now taking abuse left right and Center on social media and to this day it's water of a duck's back it will they will never ever grind me down if they think that we're going to give up they do not know how stubborn I [ __ ] am ask my wife she'll tell you she'll tell you um so I think yeah that's I I want to give positive messages out because I think we are getting somewhere we are definitely winning Danny said I think there's changes of foot and there are battles ahead don't get me wrong um and and there's still plenty of those but we will We Will Survive and we will prosper uh and I think what you've doing here Katie by the way is absolutely amazing what you guys have put on here is absolutely superb if I lived in this area I'd be living here I mean my wife might take a bit of convincing I got to be honest but I I definitely like the homeschooling thing I think that I mean I've had several arguments with the wife about that but my daughter's just kind of getting to the end of it I'm just hoping that we've educated her enough not to be taken in by the [ __ ] in mainstream schools um and we've taught her to think for herself I was so proud of her uh I think it was last year she came back from school one day and uh and she said um she said Dad um when the Headmaster comes into our class she said' we have to stand up and I went all right do you she went [Laughter] no and she I said so I said to her I said go and ask your teacher your former teacher go and ask her why you have to stand up when the head teacher comes in and so she following day she went in to ask her teacher and the teacher couldn't give her an answer telling isn't it yeah so I'm very proud of her I've taught her to think for herself and uh that was one of my finest moments I think when she came back from school that night and I thought yeah that's my girl and um she only and she uh she only 14 she's 15 in a couple of weeks God help me um but no couldn't could be more proud of her have you had any current Pros or ex Pros that have approached you in confidence asking you agreeing with you but you know don't want to speak out yeah good question um so the answer is yes simple answer is yes and there's been quite a lot of people that have uh messaged me privately uh saying thanks very much I agree with everything you say but I've got a job and I've don't want to lose it um uh and you know I kind of I kind of I kind of get that way of thinking um but uh it wasn't it wasn't for me for me this is this was a question of doing something that doing what's right that's all it is really doing what's right wanting to as Danny said wanting to leave a better better place for your children to grow up in and so for me staying silent wasn't an option uh I I couldn't do that but there has been plenty and a lot of high-profile ones as well um so [Laughter] uh so so very early on uh very early on we we kind of all the people that were against lockdowns and all that [ __ ] you know the proper Freedom Fighters we we organized some WhatsApp groups as I'm sure we've all in and um couple of interesting additions that joined the WhatsApp groups and then left very quickly afterwards so one of them I can tell you was Gary Neville uh who obviously thinks that his job is more important than doing what's right um so champagne socialist [ __ ] uh and the other interesting one who had a massive reach in terms of social media presence was deina mcul who joined and left very quickly obviously uh had their agents onto them telling them not to be uh so silly because obviously the agents were worried about the commissions that they were going to be getting so they were talking their clients into not speaking out about stuff that they disagree with um and so uh yeah there's been there's been a lot and I had an issue with the I didn't speak about it in the in the chat just now but uh I think we all noticed a lot of professional sports people after the vaccine roll out started having heart problems on pitches and medical emergencies in the crowd football matches um so I was was calling for an investigation because I could see a huge rise in the amount of incidents that were taking place I had 17 years as a professional footballer and I never saw one person in 17 years have a heart issue on the pitch or in training that's five days a week for 17 years not not one with the Jabs themselves is would it be a club doctor that would Minister it or would it would be external it was probably the club doctor I don't know for sure I know that the physios and the doctors were heavily coercing the players to get jabbed about the pass they pass themselves play abroad and all that sort of stuff um well it was quite telling actually in pre-season of 2021 I think it was 2122 uh so most clubs would go abroad for a preseason tour uh and it was quite interesting if you if you knew your football and you followed those tours quite a lot of Players missed those tours because they couldn't get into the countries where they went okay because they weren't vaccinated I played goal for two current Premier League footballers uh in the summer of 22 I think it was i' I mean the last four years has just scrambled him but I I I spoke individually with both of them on the way round they were two separate football clubs and both of them uh told me that you know given that the media were telling us that 95% of the players were vaccinated or in ygen klopp's case 99% of the Liverpool players um both these players said to me it was about 50/50 in their change rooms that's very different to what the mainstream media would tell us and we were told so many lies about the amount of people that were vaccinated just to try they just tried to make you feel like you were in the tiny minority and you were mad um but they obviously didn't you could get a lop if you had one and you could get a lollipop or a donut or a uh or a prostitute in one country was couldn't remember what country otherwise i' have [ __ ] gone um so anyway sorry my my my last point on that is uh I put together a letter with uh Dr CLA Craig a C hotra help me with it we put together together a letter to send to the PFA and the fa to call for an investigation as to why people are dropping down on the pitch more often and I text uh about a 100 ex footballers that were in my phone book um and asked them if they would coign the letter with me and there was only two of those players that said they wouldn't sign it 98 998 went yes we've seen it and we want to know why who are the two who were the [Laughter] two Gary L funny enough I didn't have Gary liner's number in my phone I don't know why um but one of them was still employed by a Premier League Football Club uh as an Ambassador um Crystal Palace and um who was the other one the I think the other one was still involved as a coach at a Premier League club so we didn't want to get involved but 98 out of 100 I thought was pretty good um so yeah so the letter was sent to the fa we we managed to get on the back of it a zoom call with the fa and the doctor at the fa um uh they specifically said to me you can have a zoom call with us to discuss this with a cail hotra on the call as well because a had had you know some data that had shown that there had been this rise and uh they said you can have a zoom call with us on one condition you can't talk about what's been spoken about in the call so that's pretty telling in itself um so we had the meeting we had the zoom meeting and Asim put his point across the fa doctor had two cardiologists on their side uh to counter everything that that aim was saying so it was all pretty cordial I could tell that the cardiologist all knew each other um in fact one of the surnames I'm not sure if they were related but one of the surnames of the other cardiologist was a motra um but they all kind of they'd obviously known each other and um so the the the meeting ended and every time after that meeting I saw in the media any other footballer that had collapsed on the pitch I would pop it in an email and send it to the doctor at the fa and just go there's another one there's another one and in November 22 uh I had an email back after I'd sent another one of these things and the doctor at the fa said to me uh thanks for keeping us informed Matt as you know which I didn't as you know professional footballers in England are no longer being advised to have any more Co Jabs and and I was like well I didn't know where was the announcement you were [ __ ] you were quick to announce it when they were all having them weren't you but now you're advising them not to nobody said a Dicky bird except for this lady in an email to me and I've got the email on my phone if anyone wants any proof of that well they were talking about vaccine passports and not being able to travel without having uh vaccinations I'd actually come to terms with the fact that I was never going to leave England ever again the one question I get asked the most is probably from normies is when you try and tell them they go what can we do about it and I'm like well there's two things you can do uh I said because you might think that you as an individual by doing a little bit is not going to make much of a difference but if you do your little bit and 700 seven billion of us on the planet all do the same if we all say no if we all do not comply and we do not live our life in fear we win all day long and that's I think that's the message I want to leave you with thank you very much thank you
Channel: WTF is Going On
Views: 70,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matt le Tissier :Open Mic, Hope sussex, Matt le Tissier, wtf is going on, Journalism, sky sports, sky, uk, open mic, pandemic
Id: FoNoQb7ufkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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