Matt Harrison - Consulting for Introverted Developers - PyCon Colombia 2019

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[Music] [Applause] okay cube Oh bienvenidos okay so I lived in Colombia about 25 years ago in Bogota so it's good to be back welcome everyone who in here would consider them so if you want to come up and talk to me afterwards in english or spanish pablo and poquito who in here would consider themselves an introvert so so welcome so introvert ido or introverted typically someone who would rather deal with computer than a human we're in talk about how to if you are someone who is falls in that boat how you might maybe start a side business or start a consulting business something that might be a little overwhelming or how would I even do this if it's really hard for me to come up and talk to someone so so I want to talk about some of those tips to hear so just briefly about me so I'm from Gringo's Gandia III I ran the Utah Python group there for OH they pay gap yen they look okay I've written multiple books on Python I I do a bunch of training for O'Reilly I also run a company called meta stink to those corporate training where I will go in and teach basically large corporations who want to learn Python or data science how to leverage those technologies and I also do consulting through through that company as well so again Mehta snake the idea there is to take someone who knows how to program and teach them Python take someone who knows some Python and get them better in Python take someone who's maybe using Excel or wants to do pandas or machine learning and and sort of push them through that track I also do consulting so I've listed various consulting projects that I've done and you know all sorts of machine learning AI planning to even Minimum Viable Product I sometimes dabble in and web so Django and and flask okay so here's a little bit I live in Utah so two days ago in Utah it snowed this much in my house so I like to ski that's my son he likes to ski Utah's also a desert so this I don't know if you can see this very well but this is the desert a couple hours from from my house so these are things I like I like to be outside enjoy the outside these are things that I don't like so cells I don't consider myself necessarily a great salesperson also nots I like to talk to people but I'd prefer talking to people on a small scale not large groups that's something that I would consider myself introverted I can do that but I prefer sort of the smaller groups so how do we overcome that you know if you want to consult or do work for someone else you sort of have to overcome these so I wanna give you some hints to do that and I would just say maybe advice for a youngster if you think Consulting's like the way to riches or not or whatnot I would say go work for a company that rhymes with one of these that's that's maybe a more sure path to more money if that's your goal also take my words as with a grain of salt so when I graduated from school the fellow that I did my senior project with he went to work for Apple this was in the year 2000 I think Apple's stock was about $5 right then he's still at Apple so quite well after my first job my first job I worked for a search company doing natural language processing that sort of thing that was during the dot-com bust that company sort of folded or went through many lambs rounds of layoffs a good number of the engineers from that company went to work for Google before Google's IPO and most of them are still at Google so I've sort of gone non-conventional and and sort of stuck on smaller type things so you may not want to like take career advice for me because apparently I've made some bad choices but hindsight is 20/20 let me tell you some of the things that you can leverage and I prefer not to dwell on the past per se because I want to be optimistic about the future so consulting is basically people paying you for your expertise you have some expertise or knowledge and people want to leverage that and so in order for them to leverage that they have to find out about your expertise it's not any good if you have studied something you're an expert in something and no one knows about it and no one can find you so you need to get yourself out there why might Consulting be a good path for you so consulting can be a range of things it can be full time consulting it can be sort of part-time consulting there are a lot of consulting gigs where you're doing something in the evening or on the night or on the weekend and people will pay for that you can get some extra money for that if you know certain technologies and you're very good at them you can make a lot of money consulting doing that also if you value your time or or you want to be in charge of your time maybe a better way to say that consulting is one way that you get to be the boss you get to be the best boss in the world you probably are also the worst boss in the world so that's where I consider myself you also get to do what you want you get to choose what you want to do if you don't want to take a job you'll have to why not why would you maybe not want to do consulting so again if you are someone who's sort of afraid of humans interaction doing sales and marketing and putting yourself out there might be an annoying running a company is actually a little bit harder than working for someone else there's a lot of overhead to running a company and also it seems like there's a lot of other people who are doing consulting so it can be a race to the bottom depending on what your technologies you're in because there may be a lot of people who are willing to do it for a cheaper price than you so first order and this is somewhat us-centric I imagine similar things apply in other countries so at least in the u.s. get an accountant that's a person who can sort of help you get started in the u.s. you've you form what's called an LLC a limited liability company which is relatively easy to do and then put it on LinkedIn so if you're not on LinkedIn it's going to be hard for people to find you so you gotta you got to do these sort of first-order things another thing that and again this might be us centric is health insurance if you're solo you need to provide your health insurance I have found that having someone help you do that can you better health insurance for cheaper at least in the u.s. so your mileage may vary in other places okay so this is a slide that I stole from Drew Conway he he was talking about data science and he he gave me this is a Venn diagram of data science you know he has ten people what a day scientists did you get ten different answers but he says it's sort of the intersection of having some statistical knowledge and programming knowledge and some expertise knowledge so I'm gonna sort of steal this and apply it to consulting what are three things that you can do to be a consultant bless you salud I'm gonna say your attitude I think you know if you are introverted how you might have the idea like oh there's no way I can talk to someone they aren't gonna want to work with me because I'm not very good with people so that's something that you you need to work on it's a skill and you can learn to interact with people and I would also say you need to invest in yourself so I'll talk about what I mean by investing in yourself and then investing in others so let's talk about attitude first of all the first thing I I think that's important about attitude is your mentality a lot of people when they look at consulting are like oh there are so there's Python is the most popular language right now everyone is learning it in school there's gonna be so much Python programmers out there why would I even bother to do that and if you want to feel that way you can but it's not going to help you get work it's not going to help you get a job so I prefer to think of it so I ran the Utah Python group for five years and while I was doing that I interacted with a lot of recruiters people who are looking to hire companies like how do I hire and at least in what I've seen in the United States and again I I can't really speak to Columbia I haven't done a lot of consulting it in Columbia but in the United States basically if you have a heartbeat and you know how to talk you know how to program you should be able to get a job okay there's there's so much work and there's such a limited supply of people who can do that work that there is more than enough work to go around so and that's just in the Python sort of data science area where I'm I'm in but I you know I know a bunch of people who are in tech and that there is a dearth of people who can do tech so have the mentality that there is a lot of work out there I'm gonna go out and get it okay so I'm just gonna give a little story here about some guy who had a friend and his friend was going to all these conferences and speaking getting invited to all these conferences and this guy was like I wish I would do that no one's inviting me to conferences well it turned out that the reason no one's invited this person to conference is because this person never stepped a foot out never tried to speak at conferences and so this person this person happens to be me so I've flipped that around said I if I want to speak at a conference the first thing I have to do is I have to put myself out there I have to propose and get a talk and so that can be a little bit overwhelming but a lot of what we see in like the Twittersphere or and hacker news or wherever as you see these outliers are super successful people and they're successful because they've done certain things and a lot of times they don't talk about what they've done you just sort of see their success and you're like there's no way I can do those things because you haven't seen what's happened behind the scenes so if you want to do something you have to figure out what they're doing and make goals to do that now having said that I would say that as an introverted person that simply going to a conference for me I think is kind of a waste of time if I'm just going to go to a conference if I mean maybe less so now but like when I see if I were starting off I just go to a conference I sort of just I'm gonna go in the back I'm gonna sit down I'm gonna listen to someone and then I'm gonna leave there's some value in that you know you might learn something but the real value in going to a conference is being able to network and find other people who are using similar things that you are or want to leverage what you are so I would say for me right now I mean now if I go to a Python conference I know a bunch of people so it's not a waste of time but when I was starting out it kind of was a waste of time and so uh I don't really go to a lot of conferences unless I'm speaking there so speaking at a conference is completely different and I realize this can be really overwhelming if you've never done it so start small work at something you know a local user group or Meetup and before you started a conference and it can still be maybe nerve-wracking when you start off but speaking as a conference is a different experience it's going to put you in a period in a position of authority whereas rather than you having to come up to someone and say I want to talk to something or my name's this people are going to come up to you and say hey I have question I want to talk about this and it sort of flips the table you you have people come to you and you get to meet people without putting as much effort so I think that's a hack that you can do if you want to meet people but maybe you're nervous about it flip it around make it so that people want to come and meet you I'll just put this out there as well I expect and this is maybe my attitude but I expect that I will get business from this talk that I'm doing here doesn't mean that I'm gonna walk out of here with one you're saying hey I want to get business but I expect that somewhere down the line some connection or something that happened at this conference I will get business from it somehow and I'm not trying to say that to gloat or say that I'm a good person or whatnot but that's just the mentality that you have to have if you're investing in a conference you need to invest that's not just an investment of time but it needs to be investment in your company and investment in growing your clientele or your business or whatnot okay where do I get most of my work I get pitched all the time on LinkedIn for you know I need someone to do training I want some kind tilting or whatnot but 90% of my work and 90% of the jobs that I've taken have not come from someone cold calling me or whatnot they have come from people who I have met or who I've networked with so I can't overemphasize this enough that your network is your power and your leverage if you want a new job or if you want a better job go out to a meet-up start finding people meeting with other people who are doing what you want to do and just go up and ask them hey I'm curious about your job what I'm in this position what do you think I should do to to get that that is the best way to get work I mean if my consulting and training stuff ran out I would probably you know use social media or whatnot but I would imagine through my network I would be able to get a job basically and a lot of times I've gotten jobs that aren't listed per se these are jobs that someone's like oh yeah I will give you this job because I want to work with you one other thing just about attitude in general is you need to have goals so you can say oh it's great that I want to speak or whatnot but it's better to if you just say oh I want to speak I want to be a speaker that would be awesome well if you just think that that's gonna be awesome that's great but it probably won't happen better would be to say I want to speak at a conference in six months so what do I need to do in the next month to prepare for that right write down on your own piece of paper stick it in your mirror what not I'm going to speak at a conference for six months and then reverse engineer what you need to do to speak at a conference in six months maybe it's okay I need to figure out what I'm going to talk about so I'm going to spend a month doing that right down that date then I'm going to propose to talk about this at a local meetup and you're going to do you're going to propose it you're going to talk to the whoever and you're gonna have that date so have these dates down there and a goal that is not written down is a goal that you probably won't achieve but something that you see and you can revisit is something that you can do okay so that is my attitude spiel let's talk about investing in you self so I'm gonna tell you another story so there's this company called plural cites is anyone heard of Pluralsight a couple people so plural site does training videos and they happen to be located the the headquarters was basically like five minutes away from my house and about eight years ago there is this person who really liked Python and was approached from Pluralsight to do their first Python course at this time they were heavily into dotnet and that was sort of their bread and butter dotnet and they're like we wanted we want to invest in Python and so this person this person happens to be me decided hey I'm okay yeah that sounds great I'll do a video on Python and I'll do that and I submitted a video and I submitted it and it got rejected got rejected because I was using Linux at the time and they're like Linux what is this we are a Windows shop so if someone sees Linux on our screencast they're gonna be like how can I do this I need something that's pointing click and I'm like okay whatever I mean if you're like that I mean most people I know are fine with the command line but so so we sort of like I was like no ok whatever turns out that the person who eventually got that gig of the Pluralsight video it's one of the top five videos on all Pluralsight and so this person is making quite a bit of money because they got that so my point in here is buy and use the correct tools and that doesn't mean that Linux is bad I still use Linux it doesn't mean that links is bad but it means that if your client needs something done and they want it in a certain tool or want using a certain tool invest the time or the money to get that tool and view it as an investment in your in yourself that this is sort of like I regret yeah I should have done that live and learn though okay let me let me tell you another story here about investing in yourself so when after I started speaking at conferences I pitched PyCon about twelve years or so ago or 14 years ago a tutorial and my the idea of that tutorial is this is how I would want to learn Python if I if someone was teaching Python so that was my tutorial it got accepted to PI Khan and I gave it it was great you know it was sold out everyone loved it it seemed like and I got accepted to give that talk at another conference and I thought rather than just rewrite my slides I'm going to take the content of that and I'm gonna write it in a book I'm gonna put it in a book form and and so turns out that that is pretty easy that that book is has changed over the years but it is now this book right here but book publishing is a really great way to get yourself out there right now it's very easy to self publish and create your own book so sure there is effort in doing that but then one of the nice things about making writing a book is especially if you're an introvert is like you don't have to talk to anyone it's just you and your computer you can write your book but once you write your book and it can be about Python or it can be whatever you want this is like an awesome business card you can go to a meet-up and then you can say like I want to talk about whatever machine learning they're like how can you talk about machine like here's my book I can talk about machine learning and they're like okay yeah cool you wrote a book we'll let you talk about it so self publishing is really easy I'll give you another hint if you want to be published by a big-name publisher big-name publishers are always hungry for material but sometimes is someone who's unknown they might not want to publish you or you might do a pitch for them and they're like no we'll pass on that because you're sort of an unknown well if you self publish a book and it does well and you can prove that it does well you can take that book and you can come to them after and say hey here's my book it's not only done well in the English market I have sold the Russian translation right and they've sold a thousand copies in Russia and I've had multiple publishing houses come up to me after the fact and say I want to publish your book of or buy the rights to your book so if you're interested in publishing or that sounds interesting to you this is a nice little hack start off with self-publishing and then if you want to pitch that to get a real publisher you can do that as well so so the gist here is is that you need to find some topic or area where you can become a leader but you can't just become a leader in your house in your room or in your office cubicle you have to become a leader such that other people hear about you and know about you another option to invest in yourself is what I call the onion skin of open source participation so who here uses open source software should see all hands going up except for those super introverted ones you don't want to raise their hand okay so open source software there are that is a great way to leverage yourself and there there are sort of various levels of what I call participation and so if you think of an onion if you cut an onion in half not only does it make your eyes water but you can sort of peel away my kids like to peel away the different layers of the onion and so it compare that to an open-source project maybe the outer layer here is like I've heard of something next layer is I'm going to download it and try it out the next layer is oh I tried this out and it was a little annoying or the documentation didn't make sense so I'm going to write a bug report the next layer of that is not only we're going to write a bug report I'm going to submit a PR so that I can address that right and then you know you can sort of keep going in and each one of these layers may be involved slightly more investment but there's more payoff from that the next layer is okay you've submitted your you know the code base become a committer to that right where now you can list that on your resume not only do I use open source software but I create open source software and that's a great way again to say well what's your business card oh well look I create I am a committer to this project I can talk about this project I can consult on this project so I'll tell you another story this this one's not about me but it's about a colleague of mine at a company he wanted to be a Corp I thought developer okay I mean that's great but you're not gonna do that or at least I I kind of doubted that but what he did was he went out and he said okay I'm going to pitch I hate you pitch like eight talks to PyCon and he got accepted because well when he did that it was also a lot easier to get accepted to PyCon but he got accepted to PyCon and then not only that he's like okay I'm gonna start reading the mailing list for Python I'm gonna start reading the developer mailing this he started reading the bell developer manless he started participating in it and he found something that he really wanted to work on and he started writing patches for that and eventually he did become a core developer of Python he now works at a big company on Python and I think he makes decent money works out of his house but you know he started off as someone who no one heard about and now he's a core developer just because he decided that he was going to invest in himself and I think anyone who wants to put forth that effort can do that it doesn't necessarily mean you have to be someone who's out there or super well-known anyone who wants to do that and can put forth the effort can do that here are some other hints for becoming a leader going to a meet-up or sharing get immunity at a meet-up is a great option learning so learning about something is great way to be a leader sharing sharing about something and that can be through various platforms blogging is a great way having a blog is another way are you an expert on something yeah go to my blog you can read all the stuff that I wrote about it right blogging is also a great sort of stepping stone to writing a book if you want to write a book to start off with a blog that's an easy thing to do and then you can actually take those blog posts and put them in a book it might require a little bit of editing or whatnot that's something you can do presenting is another way to show that you're becoming a leader again these are some things that can be very hard presenting can be something that's you know causes people to flush or whatnot but it is a skill that you can learn and as you practice it you will get better at it and you can do that recently at an hour conference there was a presentation very similar to the gist of this but this is by David Robinson he's an an art program ER and he said his talk was called the effectiveness of public work and so this is this is what he said for what to do and and he listed these in order from junior to senior so he's saying that if your junior person I would start off with blogging and then after that I would start off with tweeting and not just tweeting things but actually tweeting to engage with the community that you want to engage with if you start tweeting it and I have done this as well if you start if you want to know someone or you want to sort of start a relation with someone they're softer or whatnot tweeting at them and responding or asking questions is a great way to sort of start that okay contributing to open source I just talked about that sort of the onion skin of open source there's various things you can do to contribute to open source giving tops again it's hard to give a talk if your don't have anything to show or no one someone can sort of go out and limit and say okay I'll let you give a talk but if you have some some things build up that you can talk about you can prove you can talk about it you can get a chance to give a talk recording screencasts this is another one he's sort of putting this down on more of something but a senior would do show how they use a tool show how something works that sort of thing and then at the bottom he put write a book I don't know that you need to be an expert to write a book but I think that as you study something as you explain something to someone else you become an expert in it because you understand what you don't know and you also understand what other people don't know and that's what an expert is just some other notes on investing in yourself so this is not like a sprint so I'm a runner I like to run I typically run longer races and do trail running and whatnot so I have run multiple 50 mile races and fifty a 50 mile race is not a sprint it is basically a full-day thing where you're pacing yourself you know what you're doing and you're taking care of your body if you just sprint and you're not taking care of your body you're not going to be able to do that okay so just invest in yourself as well so take care of yourself make sure you're sleeping make sure you're eating good make sure you're getting exercise fresh air those sorts of things okay invest in others so we talked about changing our attitude we've talked about we need to be able to invest in ourselves and and I would say that an investment is an investment is a risk there are some things that you'll invest with that that they might not pay off there are other things where you invest and they can pay off very big but I think that the steps that I've listed the steps David Robinson has listed these are sort of proven things if you do these and you want to be an expert in something you will be recognized as an expert in something okay let's talk about investing in others because this and maybe if you want to sort of go from I'm an expert in something to I want to help others or I want others to pay me for that this is perhaps the way to do that okay again we're going to come back to our abundance mentality you have to believe that there is enough work out there and that there is work to go around and that people will want to pay you for your work so the Python world is a very small world I personally know a lot of the other pipe so I do a bunch of Python training I personally know a bunch of the other Python trainers like I have worked with them I have done work for them I have lunch or dinner with them PyCon and they also consult and they write books and and I could view them as my competition right like oh they have all the business there's no way that I will be able to get business because they're already out there they have all the business well you can think that way if you want to but the truth is is that there is right now there's more than enough work to go around and so I would like to view these people it's not as my as my competition but rather colleagues and and in fact that's what they are they give work to me and I give work to them if I have too much work or they have too much work we will hand it off to one another and so if I view them as competition I'm not going to talk to them I'm not going to interact with them because they have all the work and you can do that but it's not going to help you so flip it flip your idea there and say okay they're doing the same thing I want to do I'm going to treat them as someone who I can assist or help another attitude shift is rather than every time you meet someone at a startup meetup or a conference or whatever and say like this is what I do do you want me to do this change your attitude and say how can I help you what are your needs and how can I help you sometimes it might be that you can personally help them but if you have a network if you have networked with a lot of people and you're at a conference like this you can say oh I don't do that but I can make an introduction for you to do this right I could I know this person over here who does do that and they can assist you so that is a shift that you can do that that will pay dividends though as well so if you find yourself when you're starting off consulting you find yourself coming out to someone you're and you're trying to do a pitch you're trying to say I do I do jingo consulting I want to write it do you have a jingle website I can write for you rather than doing that say how can how can I help you what what needs what are your needs you may or may not be able to help them directly but maybe through your network you can and as you do that the more you as you do that your name will get out there people will recognize you for what you are if you assist someone who you connect someone through a network people tend to remember that and they tend to pay it back another hint is to use a mastermind group and again this is the idea that the idea of a mastermind group is the idea that you find people who are similar to you who are doing things that are similar to you and again rather than viewing them as competition view them as a group where you can brainstorm you can bounce ideas off of you can see what they're doing that's working and leverage their ideas they can leverage your ideas and help each other grow so that's a you know if you have the mentality that they are competition that's not going to work but if you have an abundance mentality there's more than enough work this is very useful to do and I have this sort of thing where I meet with other data scientists they have work that they don't want to do or I have work that I don't want to do we pass it around to each other we have breakfast we talk about what they're doing we talk about you know how we are working with different clients and whatnot what sort of techniques we're using and that is a great thing to have it's a lot more powerful to me rather than doing everything on my own another way to invest in others is to invest in clients and you can view your clients as others so one way to invest in a client one way to invest in the client is to give a client a fair price and you need to figure out what a fair price is for you but basically the idea is to give them a price where it makes sense and we can sort of talk about pricing strategies and whatnot but you know if you want to get work give them a price for a service that they can't say no to but you should also be willing to drop clients okay you don't want to be desperate and if a client isn't working for you or if they're not a good client they're not paying you or they're not holding up their in don't be afraid to say okay thanks I'm gonna move on things things for things for letting me serve you another way to invest in others is to be charitable again view that there is an abundance mentality there's a lot to go around but help other people rather than how can you help me I'm going to help you how can how can I help you so donate donate your time the people who are helping here at PyCon Colombia awesome I met a lot of them last year and I came to PyCon Colombia but I think they're from all over the country they're gonna have a great network because they participated in helping out PyCon Colombia and so they're gonna have connections to a bunch of people that someone who's just an attendee is not going to have another thing that I like to do I have four kids I like to teach at their schools there's always opportunities to teach so have I gotten work from teaching at schools I don't know I might have because I also tweet about what I do at schools right we program drones and we make drones fly around so I mean it's possible that I have gotten work from that okay a book that I found useful is called the coders path to wealth and independence and it's just a book about how to start consulting so I would recommend that if you're interested in sort of pursuing this more has a bunch of good hints in there okay so in summary if you want to start consulting or you just want to maybe get yourself out there a little bit more this doesn't have to be consulting it can be having others recognize you change your attitude it might be super scary to get in front of other people but you need to change your attitude presenting getting in front of other people this is a learned skill that doesn't mean you have to be going out and greeting everyone the conference all the time you can take a break or whatnot but change your attitude invest in yourself you need to learn how to invest in yourself use the correct tools teach yourself and then invest in others share with others look to have an abundance mentality and help others okay with that I will put the offer out here if there is anything that I can do for anyone here let me know I'd be glad to help anyone I can in whatever way I can if you want to reach out to me probably the best way is on Twitter I'm done Durham Harrison underscore underscore M Harrison underscore underscore again I'll be around at the conference most of the time I do speak some Spanish if you prefer to talk to me in Spanish I speak a little bit of Spanish as well if you want to connect with me on LinkedIn I'll be there as well so with that thank you for coming and best of luck investing in yourself and becoming a introverted person who is learning and sharing with others thank you Agra Helmut penne alla carla notice he is in Quino to the preguntas Albus Kiara's posting that Argentina la pregunta no oh yes okay honey okay so for me it's kind of difficult to write blog post because sometimes they do experiments and I want to document them but I don't know if people is going to be interested in them so how you overcome that feeling that okay this is not interesting enough for people so that's really difficult for me yeah yeah great question so so just like maybe my stuff is not worthy of other people to see and again mr. Robinson's point was blog postings is probably the first thing you can do and you know what if I go and look at my blog and I look like the first blog post I did I'm like oh those are kind of sad right similarly I think everyone has that the first talk I did was not awesome the if you talk to podcasters they're like oh if I listened to the first podcast I cringe when I hear it right it's horrible but you need to start somewhere so you just need to decide you know what it might not be but you know what there are probably other people who are interested in what I'm doing and it might help them so I need to start somewhere and I'm just going to say yep I'm gonna do this if people don't like it you know what there's always gonna be haters on the internet I hate to break it to you and so you're just going to have to deal with that no matter what you do someone is going to be picking you apart or whatnot and complaining about something that you said or didn't do or that's how it is but I'm sorry that's the world we live in but if you want to invest in yourself you need to take that leap of faith and just do it okay yes in terms of a community that wants to watch that once like a third-world society to put their eyes on them what tips can you give so that we can establish a new platform or a new way of thinking and development for these society is like bathed that it's not up to date in the technology that we have in other internationally okay I think I think I understand your question I think you're saying like you you might have a situation where maybe you see people using fancy technology over here but over here we're just starting in this technology over here how can we sort of mesh those worlds or what not yeah I think there are sort of two ways one is to say I'm going to appeal to this world over here right and say I'm gonna blog post on whatever the latest and greatest if I'm sort of down here I don't know what the latest and greatest is the I think investing in yourself learning about that is a great thing but also if someone's down here and then they're using 10 year old 15 20 30 year old technology that's a great place for you to be able to come in and say you know what here's this really low-hanging fruit if you did these five simple things or this one simple thing look at how much money you would save or how much more cells you would have or what not and if you can show that to them that makes it a really easy sell okay listo muchísimo Cozzetto muchísimo de helmet yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: PyCon Colombia
Views: 244
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wSuZ7BhpyPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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