Matt digging his pond. Unedited-Part 1

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so Matt showed me how he uh uses the crane to dig the hole and he did a bucket just to show me but it's starting to get wet down there so it's getting heavier honey dropped the bucket over here uh because of the weight they pulled the crane down a little so this is how he puts it back up he lifts it up with the Dozer and then tighten the cables we just hope it doesn't come back down [Music] we gotta empty that loose bucket [Music] [Applause] you got a gotta pull one of the lines to disconnect and pull one of the line so I don't know which one it is [Music] I knew how to run the equipment I give him a hand [Music] somewhere got a tension on the lights to get it the rest of the way up there we go [Music] back on again kind of like what I was doing in the shed it's a two-guide job but I had to get up on the roof and down inside the shed and Up on the Roof same thing here I knew how to run it I could get on one of the machines and do it while he's on the other one I don't even know if you guys can hear me not here yet [Music] so I can see what you got to do going back and forth like that how high do they have to be up before we're getting really close all of a sudden a little crab and go up on its own so don't hold the machines so I'm tired we want to avoid taking too much too big the bites I'm gonna back up into the safe Zone here trying [Music] [Applause] do you have to go into this last section and push I don't know if he has to move this over to here and up [Applause] we don't want to we don't want to tip this guy over I think that's as far as you can go You Got That Thing extended as far up as it can go [Applause] all right [Music] see the lines here trying to get this thing to go up There She Goes There She Goes now can we dump this loose bucket gonna try and dump this loose bucket [Applause] all right you don't want that in there right we don't want the crane to accidentally come down on top of a the Dozer so he's gonna move the Dozer out of the way and then he's gonna empty that load that's in that sluice bucket there it's full of wet clay and it's a little bigger bite than he was taken before um because he's starting to starting it I know it looks real dry down in the in the hole but he he's starting to get some wet stuff so he's hitting water and that's gonna make his uh his bites with his sluice bucket smaller but to give you an idea see that pile back there that's topsoil he pushed over with the Dozer that he dragged out of here off the top and then those that pile of stuff right here is from in this hole that he used the sluice bucket to pull out and it's deep it probably can't see how deep it is unless somebody goes down and stands in it because uh video and photographs are two dimensionally so you can't tell the depth but you can see that it's wet uh some of the stuff on the top is dry but if you go over by the sluice bucket you can see let's walk over there without tripping here I don't know what's wrong with this cameraman I got hope the crane doesn't fall on me as you can see inside the bucket it's this Clay is wet this is definitely wet and so uh yeah it's gold yeah because because you want water right so but it does make the clay really heavier and uh this thing weighs a ton but you got you gotta have this thing we had a ton to smash into the Earth uh there it is well we'll try and dump the wet stuff out and then take a smaller shovel full yeah and see if we can get it here without the boom falling down all right I will witness gotta empty this loose first though start the Bucky who's Cyrus sounds nice good [Laughter] you gotta see what I'm walking on here if I'm if I'm documenting with the camera I can't see where I'm walking so he's got to lift that up and then one of these cables turns turns a slows bucket on an angle and it dumps I don't know which one is which I think this cable this cable up on top that just holds bucket up this one down here opens it up there it is just like that oh I gotta get out of the way swing around he's going to swing around and take another bite out of the hole I gotta be out of the I gotta be out of the action because that thing is huge it could continue to come my way he's gotta stop it crash now you pull the drag line and it'll drag the teeth forward give them a mouth full of clay smaller bite this time it's in the ah so far so good now I have to oh well that's not good are you okay [Applause] cable let go oh well well I want to shut down and see how I can help out that wasn't supposed to happen all right you guys later
Channel: Christopher Weidensee
Views: 79
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 25Cv0-P3C_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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