Match Day at Columbia University Medical Center 2018

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my name is chance Miller I'm in the class of 2018 I just matched it washed you for ortho whoo my name is Juliet Hartford and I just matched at Baylor for ophthalmology in Colorado Health ty4 intern year my name is Manish Mehta I just matched into orthopedic surgery at Northwestern my number one choice I'm Victoria and I'm Luke and we couples match to Duke and UNC my name is Samuel cohen-tannoudji class of 2018 and I just matched into orthopaedics but ortho carolinas 2018 and I just matched it my first choice UCSF I'm Steven Mayer I'm Harry Lightsey and we matched together at heard my name is Taylor Compton and I just matched at Stanford for the combine pediatrics and anesthesiology program I'm thrilled hi my name is Krystle Collins and I just matched up my number one choice Oh Hsu News so excited hi my name is Jacob Hartman and I just matched that bond to fewer for psychiatry and and I'm really excited because my cousin matched with Montefiore for medicine so now we grew up seven blocks away from each other and are gonna be interns together so that's crazy my name is Alissa and I just matched at Stanford for psychiatry and I'm so excited to be living on the west coast for the first time in my life my name is Alejandra and I'm Madeline I'm going into medicine center and DC and I'm doing urology in Miami
Channel: Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Views: 78,104
Rating: 4.9095654 out of 5
Keywords: science, medicine
Id: 6wHRyzm37aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 51sec (111 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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