Mastery Summarized in 8 Minutes by Robert Greene

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I want you to develop a different mindset I want you to go against the tide of the 21st century and develop Mastery I wrote a book it came out I think 10 years ago now maybe nine years ago called Mastery it is my fifth book and it's a very very important book and I'm going to summarize it for you I'll just say first that the reason it's so important is a lot of people nowadays are very very undisciplined they think because of their phones and because of Technology they can get whatever they want just by clicking just by pointing their finger and it kind of carries over into their into all aspects of life and I want you to develop a different mindset I want you to go against the tide of the 21st century and develop Mastery so how do you do it there are six steps that I lay out in the book the first step is by far the most important and it's not by far the most important in the book it's the most important thing in your life you master this first chapter and everything else will fall into place it's discover your life's task discover what makes you unique discover what you were meant to accomplish in life right your calling what that means is when you were very young you were a unique person your DNA your experien in life Mark you out as like nobody else that is ever existed in the past will ever exist in the future you are one of a kind you were meant to do something in life that reflects that uniqueness whether it's in sports whether it's in music or the Arts whether it's in Science and Mathematics whether it's in Social and working with other people whether it's in an engineering sense kind of abstract reasoning you have a power a superpower that was given to you a seed that was planted at your birth and if you know what that uniqueness is if you're able to cone in on it now when you're 20 years old and you enter the Work World you have a sense of direction I love physical things I'm born for athletics for sports all right now you can follow that path and then eventually in your career you'll turn that into something larger or for me it was writing Etc I experimented I tried different forms of writing but knowing that that was my life's purpose gave me an incredible sense of direction in my book master I give you all kinds of tips for discovering it it's a voice inside of you that you're not listening to but that you can ReDiscover once you find your life's task you then enter in the second phase which is the apprenticeship phase which is the most important in a way I mean the first one is the key the second one is the most kind of critical for your progress It's the period in your 20s when you're learning various skills you want to Value learning over money what matters to you is learning as much as you can about that field that excites you developing skills that you can combine later on when you turn 30 32 into something unique and Powerful a business a startup a book any kind of career in science or whatever right you need to be developing skills and taking it very seriously gaining the discipline that will car you through life and just think of your 20s as an apprenticeship phase that you have to go through just like it did in the Middle Ages like seven eight years of working working diligently and if it's something that you love it's exciting the third thing is actually a part of the apprenticeship phase and it's what I call working with a mentor so there are no shortcuts to Mastery there are no hacks there are no way to cut it down from 10 years of hard work to 2 years but having a good Mentor is the only conceivable shortcut finding somebody who has experience who's made mistakes who can teach you guide you who can say this is good this is bad can help you avoid wasting a lot of time and really give you the focus that is necessary and in Mastery I give you clues for finding the perfect Mentor it's generally someone that you connect with emotionally it's like your second parent but it's could be a very very valuable relationship the fourth step is what I call social intelligence and what I mean by that is you could be so brilliant at what you do you could have all the skill in the world you can be technically proficient you can know coding left right and Cent better than anyone else but if you're not good with people it won't matter at all right you'll be making mistakes you'll be offending people and every time you advance through your brilliant ideas you'll fall back because you'll say something stupid you'll do something bad and and we're a social animal so this chapter this part is about developing it like you develop skills in the apprenticeship phase your social intelligence is a skill you must develop and I explain how you need to be empathetic how you need to be more attentive to other people if you are socially intelligent and you have skill the world is your oyster you will open up and that opens up to the fifth step in the way which is unlocking your creativity once you have learned all the humanistics all of the skills you need to learn in your particular field and you're socially aware you've worked with a mentor now you're able to take all of those ideas and make something original and creative to take that energy and do something that no one else has done before and a lot of people don't do that they're afraid now they've learned all the skills all the things they need to know but to take that next step and do something different start their own business write something new that's never been written before create a an organization that's never been done before they're afraid of that they're locked in that apprenticeship phase they don't want to leave it they want to stay with the corporation and do what you want creativity means I'm going to take all those skills and I'm going to be bold and I'm going to do something new and different and if you follow the path that I lay out in the first four chapters your mind will start opening up and things will come to you and I have many stories in there of the beautiful things that happen to people once they enter that realm of starting to be creative with all the major things that they've learned in life if you take that far enough if you keep going farther and farther into the creative process always learning always being flexible you will arrive at the ultimate the sixth step which is Mastery which I call fusing the intuitive with the rational you have so much skill you have so much experience you no longer have to think you have a feel for what comes next you have an intuition ideas come to you out of nowhere if you're playing chess you see 40 moves in advance with in like a flash of a second if you're playing the piano you no longer have to worry about your fingers you're you're just automatically doing it your mind is elsewhere it's in the flow right if you're a scientist discoveries will suddenly come to you it's a wonderful wonderful feeling it's a Sublime feeling and I give stories of there many of us may never reach that level I know I've had flashes of it but I'm not considering myself I've I've attained that level of Mastery but it's an amazing feeling and I want to inspire each and every one of you to reach that level of Mastery by going through those six steps by being patient and disciplined by being creative and independent and then finally following to the end where ideas come to you and you are the master of your field and so I think the book is designed to lead you and and seduce you into following this process and that is Mastery for you
Channel: Robert Greene
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Keywords: robert greene, 48 laws of power, robert greene mastery, robert greene books, mastery by robert greene, self help, robert greene 48 laws of power, the 48 laws of power, the 33 strategies of war, robert greene interview, mastery robert greene, personal development, the daily laws, 50th law, book summary, the laws of human nature, lifes task, robert greene human nature, mastery book review, robert greene (author), robert greene books review, robert greene books summary
Id: 6KUEigk4JCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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