Mastering Hyperzoom Transitions in Shotcut: Step-by-Step Tutorial for Stunning Video Effects!

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in this tutorial I'm going to show you how to do the hyper Zoom transition so stay tuned I'm just a normal person with no video editing background who wanted to start making YouTube videos and maybe cool Transitions and effects I don't really plan on being a professional video editor so I was looking for a free easy tolearn video editing software luckily I stumbled on shot cut a free open-source video editing program that can do many of the tricks you can do on more Enterprise video editors like Adobe Premiere or Da Vinci resolve but with a much simpler and leaner interface thus dramatically shortening the learning curb it just takes using your imagination so let's learn together this tutorial is done on shotcut version 23.12.19 so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to choose the two videos that I'm going to use to transition from from and transition to in this tutorial I'm going to transition from this River video and transition into this waterfalls video so I'm going to drag the river video into the timeline and then I'm also going to drag the waterfalls video also on the same track on the timeline now I'm going to choose the section where I'm going to cut and blend into the next video so let's pretend like this very end here is where I want it to transition so the next thing you need to do is position the cursor at the very end of that first clip and then using the left arrow on your keyboard you you count 12 steps backwards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and keep the cursor in that position and then you're going to go to the other clip and you're going to drag it over the previous video until it clicks into where that cursor is positioned and that's going to create an overlap like this and your entire transition is going to occur in this overlap area once you've done that select the overlap go to the properties Tab and you're going to choose cut and then in the options you're going to see position and you're going to want to put that to 50 and this is what's going to happen after you've made that choice it's going to make a hard cut exactly at the midpoint of that transition and that's exactly what you want to happen and we should be done with the properties Tab and so while that overlap is selected you now want to go to filters and we're going to preload a bunch of filters so the first filter we want to add is called 360 equi rectangular to rectal linear so I'm just going to do a search for 360 and we're looking for equ rectangular to rectal linear the next filter we're going to load is called RGB shift and so we're going to go in here RGB shift and there it is the third filter we're going to load is a duplicate of the equi rectangular to rectal linear so again we're going to go to the plus we're going to look for 360 and we're going to find equ rectangular to rectal linear the fourth filter we're going to load is the blur goian so we're going to look for blur and select that and last but not least we're going to load the size position and rotate filter so I'm just going to look for size there so all we did was load filters into the transition box but we haven't really done anything we haven't made any settings and so if I play this it's really not not going to make any sense whatsoever see nothing nothing in what we did really did anything yet and so what we want to do is we want to go back to each individual filter and set all the settings so now we need to go back to the equi rectangular to rectal linear the first one and actually what I'll do is I'll uncheck the other ones so it doesn't affect our video so let's start with this one we're going to have to employ key frames in this and so so the first thing I'm going to do is position the cursor at the beginning of this transition and then I'm going to go into the equal rectangular to rectal linear and go to the fov section and type in 148 once I've done that I'm now going to go over here and click the key frame icon to lock that setting and all of a sudden the key frame box is going to show up here and I'm just going to go ahead and make it a little bigger so it's a lot easier for us to see what's going on so if you remember this transition box is 12 frames long and so obviously halfway would be six frames so what I'm going to do is while I'm at the beginning of the key frame I'm then going to count 1 2 3 4 5 6 which is the halfway point and in that halfway point I'm then going to go back to the fov setting and I'm going to type 34 which locks in a brand new key frame I'm then going to go one frame over and then I'm going to type 179 and then last but not least I'm going to go to the very end of the key frame and I'm going to type 154 and now we're done with this particular filter so if I go back to the timeline and I play it this is what you're going to see and I'm going to go step by step so you can see what's happening here again it's giving you a little semblance of what I'm doing but again you're not getting the full effect yet so now I'm going to go to RGB shift and I'm going to check that once again we're going to go to the transition point and this one's going to be easy all you need to do is go into the horizontal and choose 50 50 and that's it that's the only setting you're not going to need any key frames or anything for this one just set it to 50 and again let's see what happens here again it did something but nothing too dramatic yet so now I'm going to go back to the third filter and I'm going to activate that and that's also the 360 equ rectangular to rectilinear um and so for this one again I'm going to position the cursor all the way to the beginning and I'm again going to go to the fov setting and I'm going to set this to 148 then I'm going to lock it in again clicking the key frame icon I'm going to go to the very end and now I'm going to choose 130 8 again this is what it does the next filter I'm going to activate is the blur gossan and for here again I'm going to position my cursor at the beginning of the transition and I'm going to select 0% at the beginning I'm then going to click the key frame icon and then I'm going to count to six one 2 3 4 5 6 and in that position I'm then going to type in 20% which creates another key frame and then I'm going to go to the very end and I'm again going to click zero so this is what what happens when I've added that filter last but not least I'm now going to activate the size position and rotate filter I'm again going to select that transition point and in here what we're going to do is position the cursor at the beginning again and I'm going to go to the zoom setting and I'm going to set this to 1659 and once I've done that I'm then going to click the key frame icon which once again loads the key frame module I'm going to count to six typing the right arrow on your keyboard 1 two 3 4 five six and then I'm going to go back to the zoom setting and I'm going to click zero and then I can now go back to the timeline so I think once you've set all those settings I think you're there so let's see what happens I'm going to go by I'm going to I'm going to do it frame by frame so again we're going to zoom so let's see if I could do it faster let me start a little earlier here and that's basically the effect it's really a a zoom distort transition I happen to call it hyper Zoom so why don't I I render this so you see the end result so after you've loaded all your filters and set all the settings instead of having to remember these settings all the time what you can do is you can actually go into the filter module and select this icon right here called save a filter set and you could select that and I'm going to call this one hyper Zoom so what happens is it saves not only all the filters but locks in all the settings so I'll show you what it does so if I went back into this transition and I deleted all of the filters what I can do while that is selected is I can click the plus icon and then instead of going into the filters here I can go to this set section and I can type in hyper hyper zoom and as you can see it reloaded all the settings all the filters along with all the all the presets that I just put in there and so now you know how to do this transition but I also saved this as a filter set that I can share um you can actually download filter sets that other creators have created and upload it into your shotcut so that you don't have to remember how to do all of these things um and so I've showed you how to do it um and I actually have a copy of all of my filter sets and so I can share these filter sets but at this point only members of my channel have access to these filter sets so if you want a copy of all my filter sets I'll give you access to it if you are a member of my channel so with all that being said I hope this tutorial was helpful for you and I'll see you next time I just wanted to remind you that if you haven't yet go visit my channel I'm sure you'll find tons of shortcut related videos and don't forget to subscribe so that you know when I drop a new shotcut related tutorial every video on my channel was done on shortcut so aside from examples of what shortcut can do you can also visit my playlist of tips and tutorials all geared toward the beginner visit my shotcut tips and tricks playlist and learn all the tips and tricks I've learned during my journey toward video editing so once again please subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ben Espanto
Views: 1,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bentacular, shotcut, ben espanto, Video Editing Tutorial, Shotcut Hyperzoom Transitions, Stunning Video Effects, Step-by-Step Guide, Mastering Video Editing, Dynamic Transitions, Visual Storytelling, Shotcut Tutorial 2024, Creative Video Techniques, Seamless Transitions, Video Production Tips, Hyperzoom Effects, Digital Content Creation, Editing Skills Enhancement, Captivating Video Tutorial, Expert Video Editing, YouTube Content Creation, Competitive Video Landscape
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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