Master Your Lenses in 20 Minutes | Tomorrow's Filmmakers
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Tomorrows Filmmakers
Views: 147,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lens, lenses, focal length, camera basics, filmmaking, film basics, learn filmmaking, shutter speed, aperture, how to film, how to video, how to film a video, filmmaking basics, beginner filmmaker, fulltime filmmaker, parker walbeck, video basics, videography basics, learn video, online film course, film school, run your camera, what lens to buy, what lens is best, sigma, sony, canon, blackmagic, telephoto, what lens should i use, how to use a lens, lens basics, lens function
Id: L2QBkp_cF9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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