Master your balls (Vauban Warframe Build/Guide)

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hey guys it's [Music] Vin looking over his strategic Battlefield here at the moment and we're here to talk about builds very appropriate to the space setting we're going to use an orbital laser and we'll see with the build in a second usually the last thing we talk about but hey let's do it in New Order once uh archon shards for vbin uh energy Max is very important to what we're doing here I'd also call casting speed kind of Highly highly recommended uh strength we're just trying to keep over 100 while running some uh an overextended mod there we've got a little bit of a duration I again that's got to do with running corrupted mods I believe it's actually a leftover and this is a black slot uh if you were going to run something for this to maybe I'd either boost up the energy bit more which you'll know I'll explain in a minute or run some more Energy Efficiency things like the orb pickups with a purple Shard depending on your budget of Aron shards if you don't have enough Aron shards consider all this then don't worry almost none of them are actually necessary they're just helpful catch over at the Arsenal all right so here's a VIN prime it all works on regular bobin as usual uh this is actually what I would call your generic every every day you'll probably see it all the time V and build except for maybe repelling bastile uh this is the one that defends things either by pushing them out with B steel or by yanking them all into a Vortex and helmet thing Spectra siphon to drop energy orbs search vob in Spectra siphon I'm sure you'll find the 50 copies of this bill where you can just pop this on here it's not complicated you hold for to throw a Vortex you cast three around the vortex if you're really bored you cast two to put a turret next to it instead of attacking it our build is going to be over here so this is the VIN we'll put quotes around it but we'll call it the VIN nuke build uh not often seen there are reasons for that uh starting off we got some Basics initial armor strip our ble also has an armor strip which we'll cover in a minute uh you can see lots of range in here and intense SP flow uh you're probably depending how long you played Warframe asking at something right now and we'll get there in a second energize augmented nothing there the B box here you don't have energize go with a Arcane steadfast there's even an argument to be made that Arcane steadfast would work better for this build because of this mod quick thinking um so you notice no health no armor no Shields our energy is our health 716 although that's technically a lie cuz 240% efficiency uh there's over a 50% Dr barrier on there that does apply after our Shield gate so we will get the benefit of auga reach refreshing our Shields as well before that applies also most of the enemies that have an xmus stronghold aren't going to be attacking us at all uh archon stretch this normally does not work in terms of that second part particularly well at anything because two energy a second over 5 seconds is 10 energy uh most abilities deal one hit of electric and stop uh they won't refund themselves never mind further bobin's little balls here though roll red and continuously ply electric and can stay around for minutes at a time until they're depending what how they much they get depleted um giving you a passive energy regeneration very similar to having a s ax following you around bobin's passive 25 extra damage to incapacitated enemies incapacitated enemies means they're being shocked they're being tethered or they're being held in a bestile or Vortex it does not count any other crowd control in the game contrary to occasional rumors uh the cool thing about this is you know how rhinos Roar people always mention that applies to damage over time and things uh this is the same damage boost uh the same boost is also on his overdriver although that one's much harder to actively use um he throws down a thing that he picks up and gets a short period of that boosted damage as well but if you really want to push him particularly if you're using a damage over time build that will do it uh Photon repeater if the photon strike that's the third one that shoots the orbital laser as you can see in the video there hits five or more enemies uh it is free and it shoots a second strike there's a little bit of inconsistent with this because as I discussed in my gathering video crowd control abilities like to just um have enemies not be affected and then you they don't you they don't get the five and it doesn't do it uh the second strike I've also seen go off even while throwing it absolutely nothing so I think there's a little bit of bug going on there Tesa blank is just an occasional raw damage booster if you kill some if you kill the enemy that's got the electric balls on him they will burst out and explode uh for a relatively large amount of damage based on the enemy's hit points of it is electric damage so very reliant on stripping armor but yeah it's basically the thing that the the thing that sh the balls are on goes off like acid shells if you watch that if you've seen that lately sorry there uh quick thinking kind of discussed turns your energy into another Health pool that by inherently has that much Dr there's another version of this it's one of the Gladiator mods you can actually add to stack that Dr up even higher uh that one didn't really fit in the build I thought about it Prime flow of course is more energy which is a no-brainer with the quick thinking over here we've got yeah I'll get actually he's pretty key this is emulater cuz he looks like an emu he's emulating an emu yes I have the humor of a small child um emu is a somewhere here will tell me he's a nikus MOA from Fortuna you build them at the guy called legs U who does not have legs he loses his legs as part of the for big thing with this is we've got a lot of usual stuff some stuff that's just kind of there because it's there tenacious Bond it's giving us a lot of bonus crit damage reinforce bond is the one that really tricky to get to apply sometimes but very easy with this particular campanion uh when he does blast Shield he just jumps at enemies and gives himself 3,000 overshields constantly rebuilding this Bond and reloading your gun will also add Shields to him so as long as he's do alive he will pretty much continuously have that fire rate mod be glass is pretty not what's supposed to be on there one second my stuff's reset itself believe it's this one yeah should be that the VX I have no idea how I got flipped to be the ver glass all right for some guns you know me I like to use slightly weird guns sometimes themed to the Warframe for valin we've got this little Tech laser um this is called the convectrix and I'll explain a little more in the simulacrum but there's a build for now and these are just kind of here this is the build for an aratron that one's replacing what would normally be a heat mod I believe if you don't have a Riven uh this one here is replacing what would normally be vigilante Armament or prime shred or not prime shred on a shotgun what the hell is that one called seeking something Fury I believe yeah that one we're going to hop over to the simac room now so you can actually see how some of this stuff works all right here we are in everyone's favorite generic test room the simulat room uh we got a grineer battle grip here Gren usually being our benchmarks just goes through the hardest on don't interrupt my testing you or I'll put you back in the box you can see at the top we've got the critical damage boost uh if we reload a couple of times we get the other boost for fire rate burp he jumps at the enemies hang on I have to actually shoot something with my oh there it counted now we have 60% fire rate boost hopefully he doesn't immediately kill everything but so convectrix hammer is pretty self-explanatory you uh do this you can smack things a little bit too if you want to trigger a tenai for a better one and the archet tyron's passive that stores energy for the slam uh I'm not making an archet Tyron video specifically here it's just what fits uh conve tricks shoots at two lasers like this if you have that efficient beams mod it will not spend ammo until it actually hit something uh this is a shotgun which does mean you're supposed to basically be up on something like this which will also minimize the downtime of the lasers stop causing Ruckus um this thing as you'll see in a second if these things manage to Live inflicts status like a truck and it's almost entirely slash minus whatever you put on it uh it is not common to see a reasonably tough enemy go up to 2300 SL procs and then die immediately uh you can also do this which Cuts back and forth like scissors um it's certainly an option I think I wanted to try this with a mirage buil sometime for Giggles but it's not how I normally use the weapon anyways first thing you do with bobin throw down his balls EAS remember you go into a mission you immediately drop your balls your balls will go over and start harassing things which will also tell you where the enemies are so yeah there goes that level 195 Lancer and what you saw with them all dying was the test log going off um bobin covering my other videos this is a pole you might sometimes use if you really want this one's a turret important to note both the turret involment orb andal laser have a scaling Factor based on the enemy level that means they're almost but not quite and steel path modifiers also mess around with it uh equally effective against level 30 level 200 level 300 so on so forth uh the other mines there's a speed Vector pad that gives you a short speed boost and has no actual practical use that I found you can try and use it to keep a defense operative in a room but they like to lag orp it anyways this one is just you you or a teammate picks it up and gets moderate damage boost um often too hard to micromanage to really be useful now we're going to respawn things we're going to turn them to Steel path and not throw the Electric Ball out for a minute so we can show some other things so this is a photon repeater uh hang on they won't die over this is a photon repeater those were level 195 steel pass the only one who survived was this guy who you can see was actually ignored by the targ thing he only got hit by the knockback effect or actually he does have a little sliver so yeah they are changing armor they probably will not be this resistant uh even to start with because they're getting capped at 90 and I believe this guy is like 98.7 Dr or something um so what you generally want to do is you throw down your bestile in about one moment you can see his armor just bleeds out there you don't actually need the armor to bleed out completely you can like go about halfway uh the btio will turn into a Vortex you might think that doing this is a real smart idea with the photon repeater uh one The Vortex doesn't strip armor two The Vortex often causes the photon repeater to not count them properly and not fire its second strike as you can see there uh it only fired one despite there very obviously being F uh six people in this not five for the most part you're actually going to want to throw that and that didn't let the armor DP quite enough but yeah that covers the basics uh when you have again when you let it play at full strength with the balls out this video I've gets demonetized it's probably my fault um yeah suspend your guys uh the more and more your molti augmented big builds up the faster they will actually drain out definitely once they're red you should be able to actually insta kill them all with the uh Photon sus spend another group over here that will remove the Bisal in the other area so don't rely on that to be like holding down a defense console or anything not sure a ball took someone away there the balls also occasionally caused the thing where the photon misses but much less consistently that case you can see the the Electric Ball was actually stopping his armor from being drained that's going to be your biggest problem with this build [ __ ] crowd control effects blocking other effects anyways uh we've got some steel path gameplay coming up for you shortly after but I'm not if you're this far I'm going to pop in here and say if you lasted this far and enjoyed the guide uh drop the like the Subscribe all that fun stuff keep up to date for new ones uh Atlas guide is going to come out in June sometime uh I haven't actually gotten a voting mechanism set up for the next one I believe we're we're still trying to get Excalibur Nicks or Banshee in but people keep asking for other stuff anyways uh the steop paath that's coming up does not have commentary because I've had some medical issues this week and I wasn't able to really hold out longw enough to record commentary uh so it's a steel path interception alert very good mission to show bobin off on uh it is no commentary it's also in a group but uh let's be real Warframe is played in groups the whole solo steel PA stuff is a novelty uh if there's a real outcry you want me to record a solo one sure hit me up in the comments and I'll get around to it that's all hope you're having a good weekend and we will catch you in the next one your enemies have grown fears use all that you have learned what this Tower is ours now we are in total control keep fighting is St [Music] time f we have decoded the message the remaining enemies must not report back to their command eliminate everyone they are broadcasting another message make sure the enemy never receives it Tower online we have control of all four Towers the all [Music] sure we have lost control of a tower [Music] we are dominating keep it up message decoded leave none alive clear out the remaining enemy forces very good
Channel: 3thirtyDr3amz (sXeth)
Views: 54
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, Warframe builds, steel path, Warframe gameplay, arpg, looter shooter, build guides, Vauban, Vauban prime, fashionframe
Id: TooUaSs7AfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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