Master the new Asset Browser in Blender 3.0

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hey this is daniel grove and in this video i am so excited to finally show you how to use the new blender asset browser feature that's been added to the 3.0 stable version in 2021 i've been begging and complaining and confused as to why there was no asset manager or browser for the past year or two and is finally here so you're welcome that's basically because of me you're welcome uh so it's here so let's learn how to use it in this video i'm gonna show you what it is why it's great why you should use it how to set it up and organize all your assets such as meshes and textures into the asset browser i want to say asset manager really badly and how to just basically the most out of blender by using all your assets and organizing them very nicely so let's get into it now [Music] okay so first i want to talk a little bit about a few things concerning the asset browser if you don't care about basic information basic explanations then just jump ahead to later in the video where i show you actually how to do the specific things that you're probably here to watch but if you're totally new to blender and the asset browser you may want to listen for a minute or two to a few of these things i got to say so basically what the asset browser is is it is going to allow you to access specific assets which can be an object such as a mesh or a curve including materials and textures those can be assets because that's what an asset is the browser will allow you to scroll through all of your marked assets because you have to mark them i'll show you how to do that later and the light to literally just drag and drop meshes into your scene meshes on top of meshes objects 3d scans assets you downloaded bot whatever all those things can be easily dropped into your scene and you can build scenes and objects very fast using the asset browser you can also manage and maintain your library of materials that you may be building up all the texture images you've been accumulating and downloading and putting into folders hopefully they're in folders nicely organized because that will speed things up a lot but now that you have that stuff we can actually drag and drop those from the asset browser onto your objects in your scene you can easily retexture and re-material things in just seconds and get very quick results and the thing about asset browsers and managers is that it allows you as an artist to be faster and with creativity it kind of comes and goes right you kind of get in the zone you have an idea you got to get it on paper right or on the blender scene delete that default cube and get your idea on the digital canvas of lender um you got to do it fast sometimes and also time is money you're working on the clock you got to get a lot of stuff done being slowed down by finding stuff importing things you know reformatting stuff converting fixing things before you actually get to use it and be creative that totally kills the creative vibe so the asset browser is great because it speeds things up like i said dragging and dropping instant super fast and more importantly fun i think that is important to have your creative process being fun so with that being said i do need to complain about a few things you know i just got to get it off my chest it also may be educational for you the blender asset browser is very early in its developmental stage this is basically the first stable version we're seeing in the public with 3.0 being released in december 2021 um that means it's the first version it's going to get better and better as the versions go on and we all know if you're in tune with the blender community blender is progressing at an astonishing rate and that is exciting for us because we always need those new features we always need things to be improved and sped up and that's definitely happening so the asset browser is lacking a lot of basic features and i say this of course because i'm not a programmer i don't know how this stuff works i don't know how complex and intricate making these features actually work and make them stable is i have no clue how it all works so you know i'm an armchair programmer because i don't know programming so uh with that being said there are some things that will be added in the future i hope and i'll probably kind of cover some of those as we go through you know some of the failures and shortcomings of it right now but fingers crossed in 2022 is gonna be a good year for the asset browser and it's gonna turn in more into more of a manager and even a modifier and allow us to do better stuff and work more work more easily with our assets but i'm in love with it because as a blender artist myself i'm kind of a blender i guess they call it a generalist or a cg general artist but i have kind of narrowed down on the things that i enjoy making the most and the things that i'm best at which is environmental design hard surface modeling and sci-fi art things like that and occasionally fantasy related stuff so that's what i love to do now when you find your niche whether it's automotive design you know interior design architectural design whatever that thing is for you you'll probably find that you are recreating some things over and over you're making that same studio backdrop with the three light setup you're making the same basic wood textures or metal textures or grime or paneling or lights all those things you're recreating over and over and that is time wasted it's inefficient it's uh you know slowing down the creative process and we need to get this to get those things out of the way and do them one time which could be tonight or this week and they'll never have to do them again because everything will be maintained by the asset browser and you can drag and drop and it's so easy okay so a huge part of using the asset browser is organization so as an artist a lot of times we are disorganized and if that's you you gotta stop it you got to get your life together put your stuff in folders name the dang folders and put those folders in a folder has a name and so on and so forth so get organized before you dive head first into the asset browser because if you don't in a week or a month or a year you're going to be kicking yourself because everything is a huge mess so you do kind of have to start off with some organization and some plan to basically have your stuff in the correct folders because folders are very important the blender does work with the files you already have in order to organize and access the assets that are inside of blend files so let me explain on my d drive i have a folder called blender and in that blender folder i have all of these different folders so let me explain what the relevant ones are that we'll be accessing today so inside of blender files are all my blender projects including their render images not very organized but i found that it works for me to keep them in one place kit bash is a folder for various things such as kit bass 3d buildings i've bought and a bunch of um kit bash related stuff like nuts and bolts pipes grieble panels all kinds of different you know robot pieces joints hydraulics sensors all that junk that i found online a lot of stuff like this and you can find kits like these online for free and also for very cheap if you need this type of stuff um it's out there you just got to go find it so i've been collecting the freebies that i've found online for quite a few years now just letting it sit here because i knew one day i would have the technology to organize it and use it efficiently in blender and today is that day so that's what's in kid bash maximo i've got a few 3d models that i've downloaded for a few things you can get those for free online including animations like walking and jumping and doing things mega scans is from the mega scan library a lot of landscape pieces models is like random 3d models like star wars stuff mechs horses you know a lot of random kind of disorganized at least the big mess isn't contained into one model folder these are different file formats such as fbx obj and some blend files in shaders i have a whole bunch of blend files that have mostly procedural shaders that i found online for free to cover all kinds of stuff like wood and smoke and metals and different stuff that you know i didn't want to take the time to make because it was already made so they look good so i saved it and there's some in there that i've made as well sketchfab is just what it sounds like everything from sketchfab that i find interesting um you know 3d scans landscapes building pieces rubble there's there's also some kid bashes in here you can find online if you need some kid bash to practice with and textures is kind of a newer folder i've made lately of textures mostly that i've made from scratch and that are you know not downloaded from online which i do have in a different folder but these are things that i've made or generated myself all right so with that said let's jump over to blender and get the folder set up correctly so i'm going to use this bottom window because we're not modeling just yet so i'm going to change my editor type to preferences and then preferences i'm going to go to the very bottom tab which is file path so here it is asset libraries if you don't see this you're not using the right version of blender i'm actually using 3.1 alpha which is the k cycles x build of blender but this will all look exactly the same if you're in the normal blender 3.0 stable version which came out i think december 4th in 2021 get it if you don't have it already so here we can see i have these named according to what the folder's name i've got my kit bash folder my models sketch fab mega scans shaders products which are things that i actually sell online blender market and gumroad shameless plug you'll see the link down below and an asset library folder which i'm kind of playing with i'm going to keep it or not i'm not really sure right now i have this a general blend file with a whole bunch of materials in there that um that i that i'm using so i'll show you how to build those later so you have to point the directories to the right place now what's in these directories blend files blender can only work with blend files as far as assets because inside those blend files are assets that are marked assets which blender will see and allow you to grab and pull into the new projects that you're building so with that out of the way let's change this back to the 3d viewport i'm going to open up the asset browser up top and make it a little bit bigger so you can see what mine looks like now when you first open it up it's by default set to current file what that means is it's looking within this blend file which there is literally nothing just a light and a camera okay not literally figuratively okay facetiously there's nothing there's just a camera and a light okay there's no meshes and on top of that none of them are marked as an asset so there is nothing even in the unassigned there is no assets in this blind file yet but if we change this to these guys these are libraries okay um catalogs will be inside of these that's kind of like a subfolder but these topmost root directories are called libraries so if i go to my kit bash library we've got some catalogs here we've got all and then inside there there's a sub catalog of buildings then there's kit bash parts and unassigned unassigned is any asset that is not yet in a catalog now when i first do this it's quite slow it does take it a second to load all the thumbnails i think that's mostly what it's doing is it's getting these thumbnails um i'm not sure if this is some kind of like rudimentary render or if it's saved as an image file somewhere i think it might be uh some kind of render that's why it takes so long when i load mine because i have a lot of stuff in here and some of the is kind of high poly so um let me go to kit bash parts and actually have sub sub categories because you know me i love the organization that way i can find where the heck my stuff is right i'm not doing it just because i like to complicate things i'm doing it because this is a part of being a creator is it being organized whether you like it or not get used to it so under here i've got a few collections that i've made over the weekend let's go to advanced parts i'm clicking on it now it's going to take a few seconds it's loading it's loading here we go so these are some pretty high poly um 3d assets that i've downloaded and with it here i'll just show you real quick why i love the asset browser because i can click and drag and boom i've got a piece now boom i got a piece and then boom i got something else a new look what the heck is that i don't know but uh in just a matter of moments look at this amazing piece of art i mean i am going to sell this as an nft and be a billionaire step aside people okay so let's come back to reality so i've got this organizational system going on and i like where it's going um it's very useful for me because i know where my stuff is if i get assets from a specific guy that makes you know these assets all the time i'm going to keep them in a specific category named that so oh you i forgot what the guy's name i think it's oleg something he's on art station and and uh blender gum road he sells a bunch of really cool assets and occasionally stuff for free let's talk about organizing a blender file with a whole bunch of different meshes turning them into assets and putting them in the asset browser for future use such as kit bashing scene creation things like that so i just opened a blend file from a guy named space spacehead and on he's got four different things you can download for free there is one for spaceships that i really like and there's two that are kind of like building gribbles and this is just like a general sci-fi you know could be spaceship could be building got like an engine thruster some antennae cool stuff um so that's what i've got open so let's turn these things into assets and i'll show you some really good steps to do before you start solidifying your asset browser so here are my objects i'm going to press a to select all of them now before we mark these as assets let's do a few things let's first apply the scale and rotation so to do that with your object selected press ctrl a and i'm going to apply the scale to make sure all the scales are set to ones and then i'm going to reset my rotation or sorry apply my rotation so if anything is accidentally rotated and you don't really know it it's going to set all your rotations to zero and that's good because if you don't your little thumbnail that the asset browser will make later will be sideways so with my scales and rotations applied the next thing we want to consider is the origin point of these objects with something that you're going to be sticking on the ground you know like if you're doing interior design you've got furniture you've got walls and things like that you may want your origin point to be on the very base bottom so that it lines up with the floor and things like that if you don't care about origin points then just skip this step all together but if you like your origin points to be on the bottom of certain objects then let's go to a side view we can see all the origin points are all over the place press in for your side panel by the way i'm going to shrink this we don't need this just yet go to tool and then select origins now select your median point this this drop down may actually be at the top of your view right here but for some reason on the bottom next to the word global click on that and choose median point now you can press s for scale and z so we're going to scale all the origin points not the object but just the origin points on the z axis normally i would press 0 here and enter but when i do that for some reason this is actually like making myself disappear i honestly have no idea why that's happening so instead press s z and then dot zero zero zero one there we go so it's almost zero close enough and now look at that all the origin points are roughly lined up on the same plane and now we can actually move the origin points downwards to be at the base um assuming the base of your objects is on you know the same horizon which they're not quite but it's close enough so i'm going to press g z g is for move and z is for move on the z axis and there we go now the origin points are uh near the bottom of the object again not perfect for like this guy over here it's a little bit high if you want to fix something you can select the object tab into edit mode press a for all and then gz to move it downwards and if you see that little orange dot now it's roughly right there okay so the origin point is perfectly on the base that's how you can quickly move your origin points for a whole bunch of objects so we fixed and applied the scalar rotation we fixed the origin point now what about naming look over here cube zero zero one cube zero two do i want my assets to be named that no i don't those are completely useless names to me so i can batch rename stuff did you know that you can actually batch rename your your objects all at once super easily using control f2 now that's on windows i don't know if that's the same on mac forgive me just google it battery name and blender for mac i'm sure it's something similar so i'm going to click and drag my box select over these guys i can do control f2 and this little guy comes up battery name this is important change type to set name we're just going to set the name we don't want to put in the suffix or prefix we just want a new name to wipe out the old boring you know geometry name so name what are we going to name these guys one thing you can do is name it after the creator name it after the genre or you can grab little groups of objects that are similar like a bunch of antennas and name it antenna and it'll actually add numbers after it antenna zero zero one antenna zero zero two and so on and so forth i'm just gonna call it space gribble and i'm not gonna pluralize it because there's gonna be name numbers after these so it'll be space greeble click okay and look at here voila space group zero zero one zero zero two all the way down to 29 which is actually 30 rebels here very cool so now that we've got naming's done i think we're ready to finally add these into our asset browser so again i'm going to box select these guys over here in the outliner which i have set to view layer by the way if you don't have that simply right click and mark as asset and look boom they're already showing up in the asset browser you may have noticed my the text size jumped all over the place for a few seconds there that always happens i don't know what's going on that also happens in a normal version of blender 3.0 not sure what's happening but i'm sure it'll work be worked out in future versions so these are in the unassigned catalog down here this is kind of a default catalog that'll never go away um and it's good because it shows you what has not been organized yet which is in this case just these guys so where do i want to put them we need to put them in a normal category that we've actually named and strategically created for this so this is definitely a kit bash part and i'm going to go into my space head sub catalog and i'm going to make a new catalog here by pressing the plus button double click to rename it and i'm going to call these space gribbles pretty sure i spelled that right there we go and they are still not in this catalog they're still an unassigned so with these selected which you can box select or you can just press a to grab all that are present click and drag them into space people there we go now they're gone see unassigned is empty that's a good sign that means your messy floor is now clean and they are over here in the space gribble catalog awesome now let's say you change something you change your material you edit it you change the orientation but the thumbnail is old what you need to do is refresh the thumbnail so press in for the side panel click on your object that has an out-of-date or inaccurate thumbnail and just click the refresh button it does a little automatic basic render and there it is you can only do this when you have the source file open so the source file is a blend file that an asset comes from now next we're going to open a brand new blend file that is not the source file and what the asset browser is doing is it's referring to this blend file up here spacegreebles.blend and it's finding these assets that are marked as asset if i have anything in the scene that i did not mark as an asset which by the way shows this little library thing right it's in the library it's in a catalog so it is recognized as a usable asset it will find those objects only and give me access to them in a different blend file that's all the browser does it literally just lets you browse through other blend files with marked assets so before we jump into a new blend file you do have a few things here that are good to know there's description there's author that's awesome if you need to keep track of who made what say you're paying someone for this or you just want to keep track of where stuff comes from you have these things down here you can even add tags like keywords and you can search for these later speaking of which there is a search bar here you can type in text to find things you can change your thumbnail size under the view drop down you got some select modifiers like inverse and none box select and under edit you only have undo i'm sure there's going to be a lot of stuff added here soon but before we move on we have to save changes because what changes have we made well we did fix the orientation and things like that but the biggest thing we did is we marked these as assets a little library icon right right over here but that's a change to the file that we need to save if we don't save this change it cannot see assets in this file because technically if we don't save this change there are no assets so let's go to file and save all right now we can jump to a brand new blind file there we go open our asset browser over here go to kit bash expand the kit bash parts scroll down expand space head scroll down again and space griebles here we go and here they all are for your space gribble creating pleasure all the assets that we just marked as assets now something i would like to see in the future is the ability to have this generated at the 3d cursor let's say i want to like have this cylinder pop into existence exactly on top of some other cylinder i could put my 3d cursor there maybe double click on it or control click or something and it will pop up that would be cool also dropping these onto the grid if you have your snap turned on it doesn't care it doesn't matter there is no snapping for this current placement now it is cool because if we have a shape which we do here i can actually put things on different faces and blender sees the face see that it's just kind of automatically snapping so that's nice i do like that and that's pretty smart and useful when you have like very basic shapes you're putting things on um but it's not quite enough control i would still like to see some snapping to the grid or some origin point creation also a few things that are not yet supported in the asset browser as of right now a 3.0 maybe 3.1 official will fix this but we cannot uh we can no longer make a collection and all of its included objects as a single asset that actually was a feature in 3.0 beta when it was like the beta release you could use a collection as an asset that was awesome you can just drop in a whole field of trees or drop in a whole robot arm right with separate objects inside that was removed because it's not quite stabilized yet but it is in the works that is something that was very useful and has very complained about so collection assets are on the way very soon and also you cannot yet do node groups same thing with that it's not quite stable and perfected yet and the coding and all that stability things that i don't understand because i don't get paid to do that because i'm not a coder and i can't wait because if you follow me for any time you know i love me some collections and node groups they are both efficient time savers and allow me to be a faster and more creative artist so all right so i've just shown you how my various kit bash assets and also my landscape 3d scans and things like that are all coming from different blend files and that's okay because they're all coming in here ultimately i can put them in any category that i want but what about materials materials is probably something that you guys care more about and honestly some of you probably just skipped right here right now just to learn about how to make a huge asset library of your amazing materials and textures so let's get on with that all right now let's talk about materials making the material solid and workable and flexible for future use and then putting it in our browser to use in future projects let's make a new blend file and what i'm doing right now i may change this but i have one big blend file that contains all my materials that i've made here it is it probably looks a little confusing at first but it's really very simple the very top uh portion up here is the asset browser the middle is the shader editor which just allows me to create the nodes and you know attach everything correctly and the bottom is just a preview all i made here which is very helpful i encourage you to do this too make a large plane make a cube with some maybe rounded edges if you like that and make a nice round sphere it just helps me visualize what the material looks like on different shapes make sure it's all working correctly until i move on to the next material so let's get rid of this material and i'll make a brand new pbr based material i'm going to make it based off some chip textures that came from the jsplacement free program so i'm going to name this chip i'm not sure what number yet but i'm going to find out when i start creating it so up here in the shader editor let's get this thing set up you're also going to get a quick tutorial on how to properly set up nodes for a pbr texture now the node wrangler add-on can do this automatically if i select the principle bsdf shader here which basically generates you know a realistic looking service if i press ctrl shift t i can actually load a set of images such as these for chip 0 7. so there's a roughness there's a metallic there's a normal map there's a color there's a displacement so we've got five maps here and if i click on principle texture setup look at that it automatically connected them but only got four of them so which one is missing it's the metallic texture this is my issue with um node wrangler and why i don't always use it for this first step because it's not always right sometimes if the suffix or the spelling is off it's going to not be accurate and won't do it automatically for you so let's back up and i'm going to show you how to do it manually so you can do it the right way and delete all that extra stuff so shift a search click in image texture if you want to name these things you can but you don't have to so i'm going to name this first one color next one metallic next one roughness next one emission which not all textures have it but if it does at least you have it there to use you can even you know collapse it if you feel like it's not very popular let's name this next one displacement and this last one normal normals there we go okay shift a let's add a normal map mode and then add a bump node i don't use microdisplacement which uses this displacement right there i don't use that for a number of reasons um mostly which is poly count and processing time but i like to use a bump map because i feel like it gives a nice result if you have good textures to use so lastly plug this bump into your normal input and there we go we got a normals map guiding the bump displacement plug in your emissions into emission or leave it unplugged in if you if you don't have any if you're not using it plug in your roughness to roughness metallic to metallic and color to color oh i forgot one thing up here let's duplicate color and put it over here don't drop it on the cable because this will happen you don't want that ctrl z shift d to duplicate it and put it outside the noodle did you know that these are called noodles yup that's what they are let's name this a oh that stands for ambient occlusion a lot of pbr textures you download online will have an ambient occlusion map and it's nice for adding some detail and realism but to use it we do have to use a mix rgb node mix rgb that is one word and you can drop this one on top of the noodle right there move it down change your blend mode to multiply drag it ao and plug it into color two you're probably just starting to get overwhelmed especially if you're new to blender thinking oh my gosh blender is so much work well we are literally programming the guts of a physically based realistic shader and yeah it takes a little bit of work up front but the cool thing about this whole video and why you're hopefully watching this is so you don't have to repeat this ever again and you really won't for the most part because this is going to become an asset and we won't have to reprogram this anytime we use it in the future all right one more thing is we got to set up the uv coordinates so super easy shift a type in cor for coordinates shift a again type in mapping all right now let's use the uv coordinates into your vector the very first one and then this is going to go to all of these but watch this if i go to add layout and click reroute look at this see this little dot here this is awesome i can connect this to the dot and then this dot everything else what may be a super messy node creation of yours all right that is it just splits up the signal so that all these image textures which will overlay perfectly that's a whole idea of texture maps they will all have the same uv coordinates and they'll all overlay how they should oh let's turn this all the way up there we go cool okay so let's start loading some stuff up in here let's grab the color map and i'm just going to use chip o chip 07. so the color is this obnoxious lime green there is no ambient occlusion so i'm just going to turn this factor to zero there we go see what that did we were adding blackness on top of the image but at zero um we have a metallic map right there met we've got our roughness map we've got a reference map right there rgh let me see if we have an emissions map we don't for this one so i'm just going to leave that blank and press h to collapse or hide it displacement we do have that just black and white it's just black and white data for the height and then the normals map has that weird bluish purple thing going on it's actually right there seven normal make sure you get the right one all right so let's look in here and see what's going on we got some simulated depth because of the bump map of the normals we've got some reflective areas some non-reflective areas because the roughness map and the metallic map and this thing looks beautiful look at that totally usable you can use this on anything you can scale it up and down by the way if you do want to scale something the easiest way to do it is unclick and drag from this scale of the vector click and drag down it multi-selects them all and now before you let go of your mouse click keep holding it down you can drag left and right so if i increase my scale it's just sizing down it's kind of confusing higher number is a smaller image and yeah it's weird smaller number closer to zero it's going to be very large very large but that's okay this image is pretty high definition i think it's an 8k texture image so there's no pixels visible um and yeah that's how you scale your texture we've done the hard work let's do a few little housekeeping things before we make this a final asset we need to name it accurately i encourage you to always name your material asset as close as you can to the original image that way you can backtrack and find where those images are if you need to search for them let's say they get lost or misplaced or if you need to find the creator you can go to someone's website and hopefully find the same file names listed there so chip o7 is what i downloaded from cco textures and that's what it'll always be for me that way they don't get you know mixed up and i don't have to go recreating the wheel by making clever names for everything and forgetting what i did all right now because i'm going to use this same template for future pbr texture assets i am going to enable my alpha settings by switching my render engine from cycles over to evie now go down to your materials tab change your uh find your settings tab right here it's further down it's near the bottom of these these collapsible tabs and find your blend mode and change it to alpha hashed and then your shadow mode to alpha hash as well so just in case you have any alpha channels in your texture for future textures this will already be set up you don't need to worry about it and also in case you you know have alpha and go to evie it'll work fine but for some reason these settings are only accessible in eevee even though they apply and affect cycles i don't know why see now i'm in cycles it's not here and that's frustrating so one more thing is change your displacement to displacement and bump in case you do use use your displacement over here this purple guy that'll be set up for you as well so we're just trying to make a super universal shader that we can use for all kinds of stuff in the future and less work later right so this thing is done i'm going to right click on it right over here in the materials and say mark as asset and there we go it is now an asset you can see the library icon right there so let's say we want to do another one we won't have to do all this work again because it's already made for us so watch this if we click new material add a new material this little double page icon actually makes an identical copy that's also unique so now all we have to do is change these image textures so click on file open i'm going to make a chip 06. so o6 color map o6 metallic map o6 roughness map there's no emissions skip that go to o6 displacement the isp and and o6 normal in just seconds i use this complex node setup that i've already made once but i loaded totally different images in here and i i already have a new material ready to mark as an asset and that just took me a few seconds so if everything is good and solid oh make sure to fix your name chip006 enter right click on it and mark as asset if you want to see your materials in your file you can actually go up here change this to blender file and go to materials i have quite a lot of materials here and there they are chipotle 6.07 they are marked as assets indicated by that library little book icon next to it so we're good to go now let's put them in a catalog and they will be ready to use forever after unto eternity so we've got our asset browser up here go to unassigned and here they are and these previews don't look great let me see if i can hit refresh and fix that they're still pink that is because there are image textures that are technically missing and by that i mean not actually loaded so because uh there's no emissions and no ao up here it's making them pink so let's just i guess skip this step for this one there we go this is just kind of hanging out here and then same with the emissions i'm just going to unplug emissions okay let's try to refresh o6 click refresh it takes 20 seconds and yeah that fixed it so we need to go to o7 and do that as well so i'm going to switch over to o7 and unplug my emissions because it's not being used which generates a pink you know overlay it's saying hey there's an image texture not present and um let's see if that does it let's see if the ao will mess with it it didn't okay cool so i don't need to undo my ao though it's not even really being used i could just you know delete it if you want but you need to make sure that color is still plugged into base color there we go so there we go uh now we need to add these two you know material up here somewhere so i've got sci-fi materials and i've made some basic categories here for myself that are really helping me so abstract i've got some really weird stuff like energy holograms you know transparent lines things like that um in the detail i've got some really detailed textures that have um you know griebles and stuff already on let me make this a little bigger for you lots of cool sci-fi stuff for panels and corridors metal is just you know what it sounds like different various types of metals including some grates and grills and bumps and others just weird stuff i couldn't figure out where to put it like glass and rubber and you know mattress padding and then the ultimate metal shaders catalog is for all the different metal shaders that i've made that i actually use in a demo for the product that i sell called the ultimate metal shader it is awesome go get it if you make metal stuff just go get it because it's great and it's on blender market and gum road so where was i oh yeah my unassigned materials here let's put these in the detail catalog right there just drag and drop them there they are and they are ready to use well that's it thanks so much for watching this video i hope that it was educational hope to learn something new and some tips and tricks from me that will speed up your workflow and allow your creative juices to flow faster and get your stuff made quicker and if you haven't already please subscribe to my channel like the video comment down below let me know what you'd like me to see covered in the future if i messed up anything in the video you could blast me down below maybe any questions things like that let me know and i'll get back to you soon thanks for watching and have a great week blending
Channel: Daniel Grove Photo
Views: 29,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8xxM-g9Dyqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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