Master The Flipper Zero: The Ultimate 2024 Starter Guide With All The Latest Tips And Tricks!

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what's going on you guys it is the talking Sasquatch and it's great to have you back actually for some of you maybe this is the first time here so welcome to the channel So today we're going over pretty much the day one how to set up a flipper zero so every like 6 months or so I try to redo everything on the beginner video because things change so this video is going to feature some brand new stuff I've never covered before in a starter video this includes things like JavaScript installing custom firmware using mobile and installing apps using lab. flipper. net I've even updated my repository of custom files for your SD card I've heard your questions so today we're going to answer them let's [Music] go all right so first things first if you got one of these you're going to need one of these an SD card I've got this super sick 64 gig SD card I got from rabbit Labs now do you need a 64 gig SD card absolutely not it's completely Overkill but since the great folks over rabbit lab sent one over that's what I like to use cuz I love supporting those guys now really you only need like a 16 gig SD card at most there's not a lot of stuff you really got to put onto this thing just make sure you get one from a reputable company don't get one from AliExpress or anything because you could get some knockoffs and there have been problems so yeah we can just go ahead and take our SD card and plug it directly into the flipper keeping in mind that it goes kind of shiny side up so this way and then we're going to take it and just pop it in and make sure it's pushed in all the way helps to have a little fingernail but yeah make sure it's flush yeah if you did it properly you'll see the screen it says all data will be saved to the SD card awesome all right so once you have the SD card inserted what we have to do is update the firmware now there are a ton of different ways to do this I'm going to show you how to do it on mobile desktop and even on the flipper itself but the first way we're going to do it is going to be on desktop so take your flipper and then plug it into a USBC cable now it's super important to note is that not every USBC cable carries data some of them are just power only and if that's the case it's not going to work for what we're trying to do here if you have any question whatsoever whether or not your cable carries data just use the one that came with a flipper cuz that one works every time and before we get into things too far please make sure to subscribe I know you may not even think about it I might pop up in your feed but it helps me out a ton so just click that subscribe button it means everything all right now that we're plugged in Let's uh go down to the desktop and get this thing done all right so we're going to start off on the official flipper zero website flipper 0.1 from here all you got to do is click on downloads and then you'll see update via PC so you can click on download for Windows there's also Mac and Linux easy stuff there download it pops up on our desktop and just install it I've already done this so I don't need to install over anything but it's that simple so quick housekeeping we'll delete this and close this window then we'll just open up Q flipper and with any luck it'll connect and voila now Q flipper is a great program not just for installing firmware but also for managing the assets on the SD card this is going to be the main way of you know pulling files on and off of your flipper but let's get to updating for now now there are multiple versions of pretty much any firmware is offici offal firmware custom firmware all of them do the same thing you'll notice that there's different update channels we have release release candidate and development basically release means the latest stable release everything's been pretty much tested over and over again it all works the development build is kind of the latest and greatest but it does not have the quality assurance that you get from the release candidates so there may be some bugs here and there I like playing with development builds but later on we're going to be installing apps using lab. flipper. net and that means you have to use the release channel so yeah we're going to do is just click the install button hit update cool so whenever you get a brand new flipper zero we recommend that you do an update of official firmware first what this does is it puts certain folders on the SD card and it makes sure everything's going to work going forward so best practice is to install the official firmware update first and foremost now while that's installing let's talk about custom firmware cuz everybody always has questions about it now custom firmwares basically add additional features to The Flipper zero more apps more more files and in some cases completely different menu structures now what's cool with that is it lets other developers pretty much put their own touch on The Flipper zero and unlock some completely different possibilities now we typically recommend that you at least use the official firmware for a while just to kind of get used to it figure out how everything works so that when you do install custom firmware you'll know the difference and then people always ask me what's the best custom firmware now that question is virtually impossible I'm personally using momentum custom firmware at the moment but it's like asking ask somebody what's the best car it's a super subjective question so try them all see what you like there's no harm in it you can flash back and forth as many times you want to super quick super easy hey and it looks like we're done already fantastic so from here if you were to say want to install custom firmware let me show you kind of the most basic way of installing custom firmware so this is pretty much how we did everything back before we had all the web flashers and I'll show you those later but I think it's important to show you how to install things the oldfashioned way so today for custom firm we're going to be installing momentum custom firm whereare those guys over there are awesome the devs are great also make sure to give them a star on GitHub those guys definitely deserve it so all we're going to do is actually scroll down until we get to the releases click on the releases and then we're going to download the Q flipper package right here it's the tgz go ahead and download that to our desktop and then we can install it no problem if we fire back up to Q flipper right here we can go to install from file and then select that file right there and then it's going to install it from files it's that easy now I'm going to install this using the web flasher here so I'm going to hit cancel but let me show you one other cool way to do this if we go into the SD card right here there's a folder called update if there's not you can just make a folder called update it doesn't matter and then yeah you can see all the different custom firmwares I already have on my flipper so all you have to do is drag and drop into this folder upload it says it's too large it always says it's too large nobody cares it's fine just give it a second it'll get itself uploaded there we go and we're done so from here what we can do if we press the little I button again is we can control the flipper directly in Q flipper so if you press down it's going to open up what's known as the browser you press over there we go now you can see all of the folders and files inside the SD card itself we open the update folder all we have to do is go to any of these folders I've got way too many in here and if we navigate down to this update file run an app and this will update to whatever firmware you want so now you can Flash between different custom firmwares on the go super super so just go ahead and back out of this cuz we don't want to install that right now but what we do want to do is make sure that we have our Bluetooth enabled cuz I'm going to show you how to install custom firmware or normal firmware directly on your phone let's go into settings down here and make sure that we have bluetooth enabled so here's Bluetooth and turn that on very important and we can back out here and yeah we're ready to get to Mobile all right so from there all you got to do is download the Q flipper app I mean it works for Android iOS it's really easy and then pair your flipper to it super simple just follow the instructions okay so this is what everything looks like right here you can see that you have I have no updates cuz we just updated it but you also have the option of installing a custom firmware which is really cool if we click on the update Channel we can change from release to custom super simple super easy now where do you get the custom F War One the same place it was last time so if we hop on over to momentum's GitHub if you scroll all the way down to the bottom whoop oh too far most of the way down to the bottom you'll you'll see releases if you click on releases just like we did on PC you can go and download the Q flipper package the tzg the tgz I said it right it already says I have it downloaded no problem but yeah if you want to install that way it's super simple let's pull the app back up cuz you'll also notice that there is a hub down here it's not the Hub you're thinking of get your mind out of the gutter here we have the custom App Hub so with that if we open that we can install all sorts of great applications directly from the phone now I could show you how to use it on the phone but it's small and kind of clunky I'll show you how to do it on the desktop so let's go back all right so now that we're back down on the desktop we're going to go ahead and close Q flipper very important using lab. flipper. net or using any of the web flashers for custom firmware if you have q flipper open it's not going to work so close it so here we are over in lab. flipper. net another extremely good resource so if you've never been there before check it out it's a lot of fun and you can actually install firmware directly from here we have the same thing release release candidate development but what I'm here to show you is actually the App Store so the App Store whatever we're calling it it has apps in it so this is where you can download all of the cool apps that are for The Flipper zero now this isn't everything these are only the ones that have been submitted to the lab. flipper. net team and they pass their checks so basically that means anything that's in here should pretty much work really well now for the sake of this video I'm going to download marauder m a r a u d e r this is an app written by Coco code AKA a ox chocolate that uses the Wi-Fi Marauder firmware that we're going to flash onto the Wi-Fi board in a second now just call me Coco makes an esp32 Wi-Fi device called The esp32 Marauder well what people learned to they could do was actually take that code and Flash it directly to the flipper zero Wi-Fi board and then use all of the same features of Wi-Fi Marauder directly on The Flipper it is so cool so you're definitely going to want this app all you got to do is click the install button and guess what it's going to install directly to the flipper you don't have to do anything else the App Store on lab. flipper. net is absolutely amazing I can't believe I haven't showed this off before I highly recommend just going through and checking out all the cool apps in there they have little categories you can go through games I mean just go nuts with this install anything you want to keeping in mind that all these files are super super small so even if you only have a 16 gig SD card you could probably install everything on here and still have more space all right from here what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to show you how to install custom firmware using a web FL Blaster which is by far the easiest way to do it so make sure you close lab. flipper. net can't have two of these things open at the same time and Mosey on over to momentum-- fw. deev right up here on top you can click the install button also hop into their Discord there's a bunch of amazing people there I am yapper don't let anybody convince you otherwise so yeah just click the install button and it's going to do just like lab. flipper. net but we can install our custom firmware directly from here which is so cool now I like to have the latest and greatest firmware so we're we're going to switch to Dev build now the thing to know is that now we no longer have access to lab. flipper. Net's App Store but since momentum has every single app I care about it doesn't matter to me it's going to install everything for me so just click the flash button and yeah let it do its thing now this is going to take noticeably longer than the normal flipper Updates this is normal what's going on is that there's so many more apps so much more stuff on these custom firmwares it takes a bit longer to install just be patient it'll get there after these messages we'll be right back hey would you have a look at that it's done already it's that simple it's that easy and actually if we close this and then reopen Q flipper you can actually see for yourself how much different this actually is so yeah we'll click the button and yeah now we have the brand new momentum firmware so one of the cool things about all the custom firmware is it's a great way of basically showing a little bit of different personality you'll notice all the way down to the menus there's so many cool different things actually they added their own little custom settings right here you can change the interface like look if I go to Graphics I can change it from momentum to watch dogs so if we do that and just go back out of here back out of here we'll notice that everything's different the animations are different they even change the fonts up here super cool I happen to like the default one so let's go back over to our momentum settings interface Graphics we're going to switch back over to momentum bam reloading asset pack we're back here huge shout out to kons for making all these amazing assets I mean check this out this is so cool and that's yapper which is me man I love meia web flasher it makes things so easy almost as easy as this segue to today's sponsor PCB way ever wonder where all these crazy add-on GPI boards come from well it all starts off with an idea and a design and that's where PCB way comes in they'll take your idea and your design and make it a reality not only that but they will take care of you every step along the way making sure it's as easy as possible for you to make any great creation they can help you with PCB design assembly CNC Machining 3D printing cheat metal fabricating they do so much cool stuff and beyond that too they have an entire module store full of super cool stuff I've been recently getting into Laura for longrange communications and they've got a whole bunch of great modules right on the store those guys have been nothing but fantastic on every single project that I've worked with them on so head on over to PCB to get a free instant quote as always thank you so much pcbway for your continued support let's get back at it all right so now that we have the firmware sorted out all we have to do is add some more files to The Flipper so that we can actually do a lot more stuff with it so if we head down to the desktop I'll show you how to do it so here we are at my GitHub I actually created a repository that has all the files that you need link down below it's important to note that I actually got all these files from Uber gidos he is the OG when it comes to hoarding files for flipper zero however we'll notice if we scroll down through here there's a lot of stuff in here that we really don't need to put directly on The Flipper zero he's got all sorts of great stuff but again gpio we look at this it's just documentation we don't need that on our flipper so I went through and I deleted everything that we don't need so there's two ways of getting this basically you can click on the code and go to download zip and it will save a zip to the desktop and then you can decompress that manually it takes kind of a long time and I'm lazy so there's a better way so what you can also do is go to desktop. and download GitHub desktop all right so once you have GitHub desktop installed all you got to do from there is click on the little carot next to code and then copy this URL you can just click that little button open up GitHub desktop go to file clone repository and then you can just paste it right here click on URL and paste right now it says you can only clone to empty folders that's fine cuz I'm actually in a non-empty folder desktop SL SD files and just click clone and it will download all the files without having to decompress them it's way faster now obviously I already have the files so I can close out of all this because of course since I have the repository I have all the files already so this step is definitely recommended instead of trying to use Q flipper to move all those files over take the SD card completely out of the flipper and then pop it into like an SD card adapter and plug it directly into your computer it's going to save you a ton of time there's a lot of files we're moving today so if you don't want it to take forever use an SD card adapter and plug it into the computer all right so we'll go ahead and plug in our SD card in a second that'll pop up here we are now I happen to have a lot of stuff on the SD card already of this flipper if you don't see all these files on there don't worry you don't need to I've got again a bit of a mess so all we're going to do is click on all these files we don't need dogit we don't need any of these down here we're going to take that drag and drop into an empty space don't do it into a folder do it into an empty space and yeah it should start moving all of our folders over just give it some time it'll do everything on its own now for the sake of this video I'm not going to wait 24 minutes for all of this to get done you should do this if you want to have everything I'm talking all of the IR remotes all of the sub gigahertz commands all this cool stuff I'll show you all how it works but I'm not going to wait the 24 minutes you can do that on your own all right so now that we got all our files going all we got to do is take our flipper and put our SD card back in it and then I can show you how all this stuff works let's go through some stuff real quick so we know what's going on so we've got sub gigahertz what sub gigahertz is is basically copying signals from things like sub gigahertz remotes this could be Gates it could be lights all sorts of cool stuff we have 125 khz RFID it's for reading things like those little implanted chips for pets it's super cool then we have NFC this reads things like NFC cards here actually I can show you so I have this super cool NFC card I got from bill and I uses my Wi-Fi and if I go ahead and use the flipper and scan it with the NFC app you can see what happens it makes a cool little sound and it reads and it shows it's an N tag 123 card now there's a ton of other cool stuff you can do with NFC but this video is long enough as it is so let's get to other stuff on The Flipper yeah we can back out of that that's NFC for you pretty cool pretty fun and let's see what else we have we have IR so we have infrared which controls all sorts of stuff the reason why we downloaded all those files because now we have saved remotes so there there's a bunch of stuff in here this is just the ones that I added manually but yeah you can control a lot of stuff be super careful don't use this on the projectors at school you will get expelled I've seen it happen over and over again it is not a joke they will kick you out of school don't do it now we have gpio which is pretty simple it's for using like uart Bridges and things like that it's a little bit more advanced for day one stuff but you can do a lot with that here's also eye button these are used a lot more outside of the United States I haven't seen a ton of them but you can control eye Buton but stuff which is pretty cool bad keyboard so momentum firmware uses bad USB and bad keyboard interchangeably just keep that in mind and if you open the app it will kill your connection to Q flipper so let's not do that let me back out of there again so we can get our screen back whoopsie forgot about that hey we're back and we have mail what does that mean we've leveled up that's awesome that's actually really fun to get to show you new level okay all right so this is where your applications live this is where the settings are and this is where the custom firmware settings are the custom firmwares have their completely firmware settings which allow you to change things like the assets like we showed you earlier you have Universal two Factor so basically you can use this as a hardware key for some low security stuff it doesn't work as a two- factor for Windows though because that's a whole different license that I'm pretty sure they didn't get so what's really cool is that bad keyboard is effectively the same as bad USB but what bad USB does is it runs a script on a computer that this thing's plugged into and it can run a payload what's cool is that they've actually added JavaScript support so let me show you this let's go over to app let's go down to scripts and then we can see we have some javascripts well if you downloaded the files from me you've got this really cool payload from gas station hot dog we get all the way down here here's the windows xfill script this thing is super cool now if we run this script we'll notice that it's going to disconnect Q flipper and then it's going to pull up Powershell what it's doing now is it's basically running a payload but in JavaScript which makes it a lot more powerful this thing is super super cool and as soon as the payload is done it's going to close the Powershell window and it's going to open up this window right here very very fun now right now what we're looking at is actually the flipper itself this is internal storage so if we open this file up we'll see all of this information including down here my profile name and password for my Wi-Fi that's absolutely crazy what's also cool is if we close this if we just disconnect our flipper right now it actually closes that window so I could have just you know ran over popped this into the USB run the JavaScript and then just dipped out it's that simple it's such a cool script all right so we got all this cool stuff done but there's one more thing left to do I assume you have a Wi-Fi Dev board just like this one this is the one from original firmware it just got a cool case I printed if you don't have one get one cuz this thing is awesome however when it comes straight out of the box it has a firmware called Black Magic it's basically a wireless debugging tool which is useful if you know how to use it but if you're not doing firmware development it's got no use to what we're going to do is put Wi-Fi Marauder on it and it's going to open up a whole bunch of stuff definitely make sure to check out my video on hacking Wi-Fi with fli zero it uses the Wi-Fi Marauder firmware so the first way I'm going to show you is using an online web flasher called FZ flasher basically that flasher is super good and it works for official firmware so if you're running official firmware we're going to do it this way and you're going to use FZ flasher back down to the desktop all right so here is FZ flasher.pdf actually got labeled a boot and reset button but all we have to do is hold the boot button right here as we're plugging in our USB cable just like that boom what that's going to do it's going to put us in a dfu mode which is going to allow us to actually flash with it so once you've done that and everything's plugged in we can go back to the Flasher all right so we can just go ahead and click the connect button and it sees two things right here I always am a little bit gunshy31 button again plug this back in esp32 S21 commom 11 just go ahead and click connect hey and it's working fantastic so now it's going to ask you to select the board so there's all these different boards so if you bought an aftermarket board from any of these guys guess what you can Flash it here just like everything else they even included me on here on a board that you will never ever get your hands on cuz I made like two of them so this is the original flipper board so we're just going to go to flipper Dev board we're going to select version latest and the firm way is going to be Marauder all you got to do is Click program and guess what flashing in progress It's super quick super easy literally can't be any simpler we'll be right there flashing success so if you using official firmware and you want to use Wi-Fi Marauder app that we downloaded earlier you're ready to go your board is set and ready to go now remember that I said that momentum and xfw and some of the other custom firmwares they actually require you to run a slightly different firmware on your Wi-Fi Dev board so you may be wondering how do I get that firmware where super super easy we're just going to plug it in it's that simple plug it right in here and all we're going to do from here is actually run a flasher app that's already in The Flipper so let's hop back down to the desktop and I'll show you how to do that here we are back down on Q flippers so we're going to go ahead and open up apps and then it's under gpio and then we're going to go down to ESP flasher now this is a special flasher that's going to flash a special version of the firmware that's going to work specifically for momentum so we're going to go ahead and Flash and you don't have to do anything you don't even have to press a button this thing's super simple and easy I love it one week later and we're done already if you see this failed amount SD card SD card not supported do not worry about that whatsoever it happens every time you install it basically it just means that my Wi-Fi board does not have an SD card installed to it which it doesn't however it's just going to save the files directly to the flipper zero SD card so you don't have to worry about it so we're going to find out if this thing works so all we're going to do is go back here here and then we can go down whoops go back again go down to Wi-Fi and we're going to find esp32 Marauder there's Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Marauder make sure you're running the Wi-Fi Marauder for esp32 not for Mayhem mayhem's a different board so if we open this up and just go to scan we should start seeing access points pop up boom it's working just fine everything's working quit out of this now if you want to learn more about the marauder app I've got a video specifically on Marauder and I also have as I mentioned before my video on hacking watch Wii passwords with the flipper zero it's got way more information that we don't need to go over right now man that seems like kind of a lot but that's all you need to know to get the flipper zero up and running but now you've got all the tools you'll need to get started with flipper zero plus now you can Flash firmwares on the go and do pretty much anything you want are there any other topics you want me to cover leave a comment down below as always thank you so much for watching please make sure to like comment subscribe it helps me out a ton you guys are the best we'll catch you next time he [Music]
Channel: Talking Sasquach
Views: 121,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flipper zero, flipper, flipperzero, flipperzero how to, How to use the flipper zero, Flipper zero help, Flipper zero guide, Flipperzero guide, Flipper zero 2024 guide, Flipper guide, How to hack with flipper zero, Flipper zero guide 2024, Flipperzero guide 2024, Flipper zero tutorial, Flipperzero tutorial, Flipper zero guides, Flipperzero walkthrough, Flipper zero 2024, Flipperzero 2024, Flipper zero install, Flipperzero install, Flipper zero help guide, Flipperzero help
Id: mb2088rmFuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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