Master the 2024 Food Handlers Card Test - Ultimate Practice Guide! #part1

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what should a food handler do if experiencing symptoms like diarrhea vomiting jaundice or fever with a sore throat a continue working but avoid direct contact with food B call the person in charge at the food service facility C take over the counter medication and continue working D wait for symptoms to pass without informing anyone answer B call the person in charge at the food service facility how should a food handler manage an infected boil cut burn or soar on the hand or wrist while handling food a by washing hands more frequently B cover the injury with a clean bandage and a latex-free glove C apply antiseptic cream and leave it uncovered D avoid using the injured hand answer B cover the injury with a clean bandage and a latex-free glove what is the correct technique for hand washing for a food handler a use cold water and soap then air dry B quick rinse with water and soap then shake hands dry C wash with water only then wipe on a common cloth D use running warm water and soap scrub and rinse for for 20 seconds then dry with a single-use towel or air dryer answer D use running warm water and soap scrub and rinse for 20 seconds then dry with a single-use towel or air dryer what should a food handler do immediately after blowing their nose sneezing coughing or touching their eyes nose or mouth a wash their hands thoroughly B continue working but avoid touching food C use a hand sanitizer D wear Food Service gloves answer a wash their hands thoroughly what is the rule regarding barehand contact with ready to eat food a it is allowed if hands are washed properly B use of utensils or single-use gloves is mandatory C it is acceptable for experience IED food handlers D allowed only for certain types of food answer B use of utensils or single-use gloves is mandatory why are Food Service gloves not a substitute for proper handwashing a they can tear easily B gloves can spread germs just like bare hands C hand washing is quicker than using gloves D gloves are only for handling raw food answer B gloves can spread germs just like bare hands which of the following is considered ready to eat food a raw unwashed vegetables B uncooked rice and pasta C raw washed cut fruits and vegetables d frozen food items answer C raw washed cut fruits and vegetables why is it important to change gloves before handling ready to eat food a to prevent cross-contamination B because it is a legal requirement C to keep the gloves from becoming too warm d as a routine hygiene practice regardless of previous tasks answer a to prevent cross-contamination which of the following is a major mistake often causing foodborn illness a excessive use of cleaning chemicals B inadequate handwashing C frequent handwashing D using too many utensils answer B inadequate handwashing what role does management play in preventing food born illness a setting the menu and food prices B ensuring proper decoration and Ambience of the facility c training food handlers and ensuring the practice of food safety activities D managing customer complaints effectively answer c training food handlers and ensuring the practice of food safety activities which activity is not recommended for food handlers to prevent foodborn illness a using single-use gloves for ready to eat food B washing hands only at the beginning of the shift C cooking each animal product to its required internal temperature D storing Foods properly to prevent contamination answer B washing hands only at the beginning of the shift how can food born illness be described a an illness only caused by chemical contamination in food B an illness that affects only certain types of food c a condition that always changes the taste and smell of food D an illness resulting from eating contaminated Food answer D an illness resulting from eating contaminated food can food contaminated with organisms germs always be identified by its look smell or taste a yes it always appears or tastes different B no it does not always look smell or taste different from non-contaminated food C only if it's contaminated with chemicals D only when the contamination is severe answer B no it does not always look smell or taste different from non-contaminated food what symptoms are associated with foodborn illness a diarrhea vomiting fever cramping and nausea B only nausea and vomiting C constant thirst and dizziness D skin rash and itching answer a diarrhea vomiting fever cramping and nausea what can cause food born illness a only impr proper cooking techniques B organisms germs chemicals or toxins C eating food past its expiration date D eating without washing hands answer B organisms germs chemicals or toxins why are hot and cold holding temperatures important in preventing illness a they enhance the flavor of food B they maintain the nutritional value of food C they prevent bacteria growth by keeping food out of the danger zone D they are only important for Taste and presentation answer C they prevent bacteria growth by keeping food out of the danger D Zone what temperature range defines the danger zone for food a between 32° f and 120° f b between 40° fah and 140° fah C between 50° fah and 125° fit D between 40° fah and 140° F answer B between 40° F and 140° F what is required for food being cooled or heated in relation to the danger zone a it must move through the danger zone as rapidly as possible B it should remain in the danger zone for flavor enhancement C it should be left in the danger zone for at least 2 hours D temperature changes should occur gradually to retain food quality answer a it must move through the danger zone as rapidly as possible what is the proper temperature for hot holding time/ temperature control for safety of potentially hazardous foods a 120° f or hotter b 135° f or hotter C B 100° fah or hotter D 150° fah or hotter answer B 135° fah or hotter what is the proper temperature for cold holding time/ temperature control for safety of potentially hazardous foods a 41° fah or colder B 32° fah or colder C 45° fah or colder D 50° fah or colder answer a 41° f or colder can food be made safe to eat if it has been in the danger zone for 4 hours or more a yes if it is cooked immediately B no it cannot be made safe C C yes if it is refrigerated immediately D only if it is non- perishable Food answer B no it cannot be made safe what should be done with potentially hazardous food that has been in a danger zone for over 4 hours a it should be immediately cooked B it should be frozen for later use C it can be served if it looks in smells fine D it must be discarded answer D it must be discarded why is it important to cook foods to the recommended temperatures a to enhance flavor and texture B to kill disease-causing germs C to maintain the food's color D to reduce cooking time answer B to kill disease-causing germs what is physical contamination in food a the addition of extra spices or ingredients B foreign objects accidentally introduced into food C changes in the food's natural color and texture D spoilage due to expired ingredients answer B for foreign objects accidentally introduced into food how can cross-contamination be prevented a by cooking all foods at the same temperature B by avoiding the use of gloves C by keeping Foods refrigerated at all times d by using different cutting boards for raw meat and vegetables answer d by using different cutting WS for raw meat and vegetables
Channel: MyTestMyPrep
Views: 7,951
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Keywords: Online, Course Prep, Tutor, test prep, tutoring, online course, preparation, classes, lessons, free tutoring video, review practice tests, food handlers card, 2024 food handler test, food safety, food hygiene, practice test 2024, food safety training, foodborne illness, contamination prevention, food storage, cooking temperatures, health and safety protocols, cross-contamination, food safety best practices, food handler certification, food industry, test preparation
Id: 47hdfJ_Snhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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