Master English Conversation in Just 20 Minutes a Day | English Listening Practice

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foreign [Music] in this video we'll be sharing some fun and engaging conversations to help you improve your English skills after each conversation there is a vocabulary section so that you will learn new words definitions we will also use them in a sentence for better understanding listening to and repeating these conversations will help you build your vocabulary improve your pronunciation and boost your confidence when speaking English [Applause] [Music] and remember repetition is key so be sure to watch this video multiple times and practice saying the phrases out loud let's get started [Music] hey Mike have you read any interesting books or poems lately yes I recently read a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain it's a classic American novel oh I've heard of that book what's it about it's about a mischievous boy named Tom Sawyer who lives in a small town he gets into all sorts of adventures with his friends like exploring caves and playing Pirates that sounds exciting I'm more into poetry have you read any good poems actually I came across a poem called the road not taken by Robert Frost it's quite famous it talks about making choices in life and how they can shape our future that sounds deep can you recite a few lines from it sure two roads diverged in a yellow wood and sorry I could not travel both and be one traveler long I stood wow that's beautiful I'll definitely check it out do you think Reading literature and poetry can help improve our language skills absolutely reading exposes us to new vocabulary sentence structures and different writing styles it can also spark our imagination and creativity I agree it's a great way to expand our knowledge and learn about different cultures too definitely plus discussing books and poems with others helps us practice our speaking skills and develop critical thinking that's true we should start a book club or a poetry reading group that's a fantastic idea we can meet once a week and share our thoughts on what we've read Count Me In I'm really excited about this foreign [Music] showing a playful desire to cause trouble or annoyance often in a playful or harmless way example sentence the mischievous little boy hit his sister's favorite toy just to see her reaction recite to repeat aloud or to claim a poem passage or other piece of text from memory before an audience example sentence Sarah was asked to recite a famous Shakespearean sonnet in front of her English class expose to make something visible or known especially something that was previously hidden or Secret example sentence the documentary film exposed the truth about the Corrupt Practices in the company Spark to ignite or set off a sudden burst of energy excitement or enthusiasm example sentence the passionate speech by the motivational speaker sparked a wave of inspiration among the audience hello are you enjoying the story please give us a like thank you [Music] thank you [Music] hey Lily I love your outfit today you always seem to know the latest fashion trends thank you Emma I try to keep up with what's popular speaking of which have you noticed any new fashion trends lately well I've seen a lot of people wearing high-waisted jeans they seem to be making a comeback oh I've noticed that too they can be really flattering another tread I've seen is oversized sweaters they're so cozy and perfect for winter definitely I've also seen a lot of people wearing sneakers with dresses and skirts it's a cool mix of casual and dressy oh I love that look it's so stylish yet comfortable what about accessories have you seen any popular ones yes Chunky's statement necklaces are everywhere they can really Jazz up a plain outfit absolutely I've seen a lot of people wearing wide brimmed hats they add A Touch of Elegance to any outfit that's true I've been thinking about trying that Trend myself by the way do you have any fashion tips for our upcoming school dance definitely I think a little black dress is always a classic choice you can accessorize it with a sparkly belt or some bold earrings that sounds great I'll keep that in mind while shopping for my dress thanks for the advice Lily no problem Emma I'm sure you'll find something amazing fashion is all about expressing yourself and having fun with your style absolutely I'm excited to try out these new trends thanks for inspiring me Lily you're welcome Emma let's keep exploring the world of fashion together [Music] high-waisted refers to clothing especially pants or skirts that have a waistline positioned higher than the natural waist example sentence she wore a pair of high-waisted jeans that accentuated her curves flattering describe something usually clothing or a style that enhances one's appearance or makes one look more attractive example sentence the dress she chose for the party was very flattering and made her look elegant cozy indicates a feeling of comfort warmth and snugness often associated with soft and comfortable clothing or surroundings example sentence she wrapped herself in a cozy blanket and enjoyed a hot cup of cocoa by the fireplace chunky describe something typically accessories or knitted clothing cut as thick bulky or substantial in size or appearance example sentence she wore a chunky necklace that added a bold statement to her outfit Jazz up means to add excitement style or interest to something often through the use of accessories or Embellishments example sentence she decided to Jazz up her plain white T-shirt with a colorful scarf and a trendy hat if you like this video give it a thumbs up and hit the Subscribe button to receive more like it in the future [Music] hey John I heard you're a sports fan what's your favorite sport oh yeah I love sports my all-time favorite is soccer I can't get enough of it how about you well I'm not much of a soccer fan but I really enjoy basketball it's so exciting to watch those players dribble and shoot basketball huh that's cool do you play it too oh no I'm not very good at it whenever I try to shoot the ball ends up in the wrong direction don't worry practice makes perfect maybe you just need a little more practice maybe by the way have you tried playing soccer yes I have let's just say it didn't go so well during one game I accidentally kicked the ball into the wrong goal oh no that must have been embarrassing but it sounds hilarious too it was definitely embarrassing but everyone had a good laugh I guess I'm better off cheering from the sidelines well at least you could enjoy the game as a spectator that's the most important thing right absolutely cheering for my favorite team and enjoying the company of friends is the best part I agree it's all about having fun so which team do you support in soccer I'm a huge fan of Manchester United how about you I'm more into the Los Angeles Lakers when it comes to basketball great choices we may have different favorites but we can still enjoy the sports together definitely Sports bring people together no matter which team they support that's the spirit let's go watch some games and share for our favorites sounds like a plan let's have a blast and enjoy the excitement of sports absolutely game on game on oh [Music] get enough of it to want or enjoy something so much that one desires more of it or cannot get tired of it example sentence I love eating ice cream I can't get enough of it especially on hot summer days dribble to move a ball or any small object Along by repeatedly pushing tapping or bouncing it example sentence the basketball players showed impressive skills as he dribbled the ball past the Defenders sidelines the area or boundary lines that run along the edges of a sports field or Court where coaches substitutes and Spectators usually stand example sentence the coach shouted instructions from the sidelines while the players were on the soccer field spectator a person who watches an event such as a sports game or performance without participating in it example sentence the stadium was packed with enthusiastic spectators cheering for their favorite team have a blast a very enjoyable or exciting experience or event example sentence the roller coaster ride was an absolute blast I screamed with joy the entire time [Music] thank you Mike have you been taking care of your health lately oh yeah definitely I've been going to the gym every day and eating a lot of kale kale really that's all you're eating well yeah it's really good for you I read that it's a superfood hmm I don't know about that I mean it's healthy but it's not like it can cure cancer or anything I guess you're right maybe I should try something else like what's your secret to staying healthy well I like to do yoga it's really good for your mind and body plus it's relaxing yoga I don't know if I could do that I'm not very flexible it's okay you don't have to be there are plenty of beginner classes that can help you ease into it okay maybe I'll give it a try but what about food what do you eat well I like to eat a lot of fruits and veggies but I also indulge in some junk food every once in a while junk food I thought that was bad for you it is but as long as you're not eating it all the time it's okay moderation is key okay got it so yoga in moderation anything else hmm I also try to get enough sleep that's really important for your health bleep I don't know about that I usually stay up pretty late well maybe you should try going to bed a little earlier you'll feel better in the morning okay I'll give it a shot thanks for the tips Lucy no problem Mike and don't forget to have a little fun once in a while laughter is also good for your health huh okay I'll try to be funny more often just be yourself Mike that's funny enough [Music] hey Tom what's your favorite holiday that's a tough one Emma I love all holidays oh come on you have to have a favorite okay okay I guess I'd have to say Christmas ah the classic Choice what do you like about Christmas well the presents are nice but I really love spending time with family and friends and the food of course yeah I hear you I love Christmas too but have you ever celebrated any holidays that are a little weirder weirder how like have you ever celebrated La Tomatina La what La Tomatina it's a festival in Spain where people throw tomatoes at each other are you serious totally serious it's a real thing and it looks like so much fun I'm not sure I'd want to get hit with a tomato oh come on Tom where's your sense of adventure laughs okay okay maybe I'll add lot to matina to my holiday bucket list now you're talking so have you ever celebrated any other weird holidays well I did one celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day no way did you dress up like a pirate of course I even had a parrot on my shoulder I can't even picture it it was pretty ridiculous but also kind of Awesome you're so funny Tom I'm glad I asked about your favorite holiday [Music] weirder more strange or unusual than something else example the movie was good but the ending was weirder than I anticipated bucket list a list of things someone wants to do before they die example traveling to Japan is at the top of my bucket list now you're talking an expression used to show enthusiasm or agreement with what someone has just said example I think we should order pizza for dinner now you're talking I love pizza can't even picture it an expression used to show that something is difficult to imagine or understand example he described the meal he ate in great detail but I still couldn't even picture it [Music] hey Dave what do you want to be when you grow up uh Mary I'm already 30 years old I'm pretty sure I'm grown up well you know what I mean have you ever thought about exploring different career options not really I'm pretty content with my job as a professional couch potato that's not a real job Dave hey it pays the bills but don't you ever get bored just sitting around all day not really there's always something good on Netflix well I think you should consider branching out and trying something new like one I don't know maybe you could become a circus clown yeah right like I could juggle or ride a unicycle or you could be a professional wrestler you've got the belly for it thanks Mary I appreciate the vote of confidence seriously though have you ever thought about pursuing a career in music you've been like learning how to play an instrument yeah why not you could be the next Justin Bieber I think the world has had enough of Justin Bieber fine then how about becoming a chef you love to eat hey that's not a bad idea I can cook up a storm in the kitchen yeah and you could call your restaurant Dave's Diner I like the sound of that who knows maybe one day I'll be a world renowned chef keep dreaming Dave but seriously don't be afraid to explore different career options you never know where your passions may take you thanks for the advice Mary I'll definitely keep that in mind but for now I think I'll stick to being a professional couch potato suit yourself Dave [Music] you can practice English whenever and wherever you want just listen to our short stories and answer the easy question out loud you will improve your listening and speaking skills fast [Applause] [Music]
Channel: English Easy Practice
Views: 131,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, english conversation, english speaking practice, how to learn english, learn english conversation, learn english with, english easy practice, easy english, english conversation practice, english listening, english listening practice, listening english, daily english, daily english conversation, daily english conversation practice, 20 minutes english, english learning, english daily conversation practice
Id: igZ6Oh9rYKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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