Master cooper Ger Buckley shows how to reassemble a barrel

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don't you come up and father come on finish so I didn't counted three all right one two three now he needs I just don't take it all come a path and be repaired and they're all chanting music as well you can see the shaft up underneath and it fits into that group okay I'll get somebody to pass me them back will you pass which stage so what I have here is what I call it faster whoo okay this is all we just we might like page this is my tip face this will give me the size of my panel and I have different sizes of this hoop depending on what size panel and maybe so the only thing I haven't done is I have a number two pieces so they go back exactly the same way if I'm making a brand new barrel then go back dead get fit this way and so I'm putting yourself things together and when I stopped it in the bag as we used to call it falling out years ago first thing in the morning it's like the top you were doing make five threes in a fight cut my check out way okay and then you provide the other one now you had to back your walk as well you had to put a lever on a number on your walk so if something happened to walk and it leaked oil you can fight your last repair that I made so you could walk as fast as you like but you still have to do quality walk and so I'm going to start over the white one up against my name and that frees up my other hand so as I said the only thing I haven't done and have it tougher to pieces so we've got one two three four five six on a huge panel like this but a brand new bag or the go boy thing we go wide again we've got heat we got through this pan because the lifted pin and go wide again so the reason I've altered the size is I'm trying to make a circle if I power the boy ones on one side I'll end up with a mixture I never get involved and so I'm one of the hardest things to learn well the house things to learn is to get yanked City stage yeah so avoid will like this the angle is very pronounced on either side because I've taken up more circumference on a very thin one it's takes strain on us there's no two the same and I already judge that by oh I must look at that piece and decide is this the correct fall of correct angle on this one and the same of the white one is this the correct form an angle on this one if we want to get long like when we put it together later it might be bit open I thought it badly that windy if I put too much of an angular might be open and yoke say I must get them out to match no I could go back and redo them on but then I'm getting door my thighs I've got to be getting them all the way to the south and as I said everything is going and my experience of my skills that I can make a container that can hold a liquid for 40 or 50 years and never live your entire life so that's one of the harem sticks to them so we start over again go boy now there's anybody any questions or talking too much melon well our 20 judge like I don't want to put on an hour just once I you know I want to try and get and then like I've got three credits the same they're on so then I go avoid one basically you get to a level where you look at the angular to stay you just know it's just instinct when you put the staves together like this you don't think you just know it just it just flows it's gonna make an explainer at this stage you get to a level of skill that it just becomes second nature it's like like the boy to drive the cow didn't you just do it yeah so don't need to fight like the city day and that would be buoyed up by technology and then would you water walk and that's what I'm saying I see like the math I had to put it up for our an ever on my walk don't why it was inherited with the number my dad which of course is number one which I still have my shop and my girlonabike tunes are teachers or and it's not that I keep timorous into migration or use them just did the best tools to use so to make this from scratch using the tools I showed you the axe everything else it takes one day to make this size power to make the big ones which is what my dad made in the Northmen distillery and one for stirring the big tall ones we make two and a half a week or fight every two weeks and our staff would straight to my under stop with streams they don't serve straight about come on play so you had to do it's very physical walk quite as careful as I said and to be doing this again so close to running on when it all began see this says this is what happens when you get a coupon is pretty lazy itself taking a piece out they just porno and flop it now that would never do that we just leave I don't just keep thinking that you can see the oxide even if just so that's how easy it defect in the woods that they just imagine a place and that's why came to my shop to be fixed there's different sizes the balance I was saying so this is an American battle this is the only one that's actually about all the others attack Stalin asks so your power to the [ __ ] you before you my outside super power point you're punching there are different size every region develop the size power [ __ ] their needs for example a pork point from Portugal it's a very tall skinny or pass then it would be the Spanish equivalent the reason it's taller than the Spanish one is that takes up the maximum space on the boat coming down with the Douro River for a port if they kept it the same size the spanish they'd lose space under boy so they made it bigger to maximize the space tour there's reasons why Castro different sizes there's another castle that I have in my shop a bit use that one it's about 700 meters it's called a ton the work point so when that bag was full usually with Kenya that's where the wings pod comes from it's a fun way cause it to taunt our it's fun it's a fun way if you get 200 outdoors ponies but boughs unfort it's a 200 100 ship the ship leaves mendelian cowboy which originally was named after about doorways and shipping measurement comes to my battle I'll ask her they would say so the last copy currently outside I'll give you a small a bit of trivia the last one so all barriers like even this one here longer marry for traditional powers this section here was always loved okay it's called the tribe area with these bearers in America we use to transport petroleum if you're worried than that careful that people who are awarded it weren't very careful there's a lot of weight that because if this woman it's fun there's a quarter twenty waving you eat that awful war on something for the minute speed you're gonna happen it'll happen to it it's all really would break so if you eat this corn a year after all the snap good especially if it's lovely so the American confident crystal rules for these pallets of course petroleum to reduce that of this size don't see this so there's less chance of it breaking when you're transporting it would be Jordan so this is not a design of the Bourbon industry this is a design of the petroleum business so that's some of the little bit in history minute trivia so this was the outside now when I walked through the man it wasn't uncommon to have a drink drove today and when the balance arrived when the barrels are right in the cooperage the first thing when you got your hours did you shake your power to here pretty nurse will you signal and it changes our Cooper so debilitating sending around elected man would obviously the drop with the area and mainly what to fight about take out this section here the bomb until apparel I'm too difficult and fill one or two markers now we're starting complete secrecy so the building I'm talking about if you walk past the road and there's a big kind of roof building smart building that was the old way our just the reason it too small him like this that's his whole easy to reach so don't throw quality building at all because you can only stop the by upstream I wonder like the bullish so that's always a magnet so then we then have to fill a couple of parties over you then some days the table is missing and it's 4:30 the afternoon they're well pissed would rather have the two jobs all day long right so there is all this time and you know anxious to get the rich people back to bring a bottle over all of us so they go to the kitchen to get the little oil and the mini empty box the drain balanced its power to ladies as we say in car diamonds over the little teapot they make power they let go Oh flatten sativa I have pictures to prove it we got a pinch of undulation forward up to what they do and then there's this plea which are basic that they'd be disbelievers talk too much called The Apprentice give us a ponytail to not mistreat avoiding keep I bring it back and I put it top everybody will get dirty see your brother people and disabled and then we do wear a clear come across so we random three pipes in the mines every two or three months and that's a true story so anyway which puts on the states so because I know you get anxious to have a wispy but I do live off my blimey probably tend to weight talks or watch [Music] [Music] every Cooper had his own backpack with him or whatever before he went to the cooperage ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo is open there cuz it didn't see what I was so horrific missionaries around the world Cooper's gone but so the crew is up and down I need to get that property level [Music] I want to like what the limits always line up with the frontier battle so when your mouth is line horizontal if we're a house the puffed stay or the mom wall is facing off because that's probably where you're going to get things gonna do there's also another reason where you want to know what the frontier about this so the lines of your hate that's the direction of the grain of the wood and you want to line the grain of the wood up with the front at about so when it's lying horizontal length the grain is coming from floor to ceiling so when you put another file on top if you take the way then you top it this way and your grain is coming across there's no strength and you put a bow on top it can buckle and then you get it deep so you want to make sure you get the grain running in the way to a check but the only thing I'm missing is an it's a wash I'll read from a riverbank and I would put it on the rock here to cop to it that's the only thing they have to have to be seen the back there's no clue there's no silicones it's nothing like that not end up with egg and off paste or whatever to the whiskey and what she's a reads probably go back to the gypsy tanks as well [Music] now even whether you need at home if I don't make the white contact like they do and I don't want to be bending hoop to take her off enough do we do it so like that [Music] [Music] [Music] there's the rush of the week back cool [Music] [Music]
Channel: mthanry
Views: 26,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jameson, barrel, franciscan well, whisky, Ger Buckley, master cooper
Id: rngLRqdrUnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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