Master Class 3 | Pastor Ken Foreman | 9/26/21

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[Music] [Music] king jesus king jesus [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] good morning cathedral family i am so excited to worship god with you today as a matter of fact i come running when it comes to the house of the lord and not only is this the house of the lord this is our father's house when we are in our father's house we can lay our burdens down because he know where we went through he knows our struggles we can lay it down as the lord jesus intercede for us all we need to do is lift up our hands and praise him because god says when the praises go up his blessings come down and he wants to bless us today let's worship him everybody is welcome in the father's house let's worship him together [Music] well sometimes on this journey i get lost in my mistakes what looks to me like weakness is a canvas for your strength and my story isn't over my story's just begun failure won't define me cause that's what my father does yes failure won't define me cause that's what my father does [Music] lay your burnings [Music] [Music] anymore [Music] you're in the father's house [Music] arrival's not the end game the journey's where you are you never want it perfect you just wanted my heart and the story isn't over if the story isn't good a failure's never final when the father's in the room yes believe it a failure's never final when the father's in the room [Music] lay your burdens the down house check your shame at the door cause it ain't welcome anymore you're in the father's house [Applause] prodigals come home the helpless find hope and love is on the move when the father's in the room yes thank you prison doors fling wide the dead come to life love is on the move when the father's in the room miracles take place [Music] [Music] is is [Music] check your shame at the door cause it ain't welcome anymore you're in the father's house [Music] [Music] you're in the father's house yes oh somebody shop hallelujah [Applause] hello cathedral family thank you so much for joining us today we hope that you stay locked in because we have so many exciting things coming up here at cathedral we love to connect with all our newcomers and get to know you better you can access our short form using our qr code you can text us you can also go to the guest center lobby to get the short form or ask one of our amazing greeters mark your calendars because on october 3rd we are inviting all your best friends here to cathedral i can't wait to meet all your doggos but be sure to bring them on a leash we will be having a gift for them a short blessing and also reserve seating in the amphitheater and because we want to get to know your dogs more please send us early because we want to get to get because we want to get to know your dog more we would love to meet your dogs and invite them to our first ever cathedral faith dog talent show you can submit a 30-second video of your dog doing its best tricks by posting it on social media and tagging us at cathedral faith or you can turn in your video by emailing it at itomson we can't wait to see what special tricks your dog has up its collar the time is coming up to celebrate the diversity we have here at cathedral so on october 24th mark your calendars because we're gonna have live performances so much fun activities for your whole family invite your friends and let's recognize the many cultures here at cathedral for the latest and greatest here at cathedral be sure to check all our social medias instagram facebook and check out our website for all the upcoming events we love to stay connected with you cathedral have a great day [Music] thanks megan we are so glad you're here with us and we are hoping that in this time you will connect with us as your church family and pastors as we love you and lead you and care for you and that you'll connect with god in a special way through this service today you've heard the words earlier what a beautiful name what a wonderful name what a powerful name it is and we're praying that you'll have that connection and speaking of connection here at cathedral of faith we're in a season in which we've just launched several options for you to connect to grow and to serve there's a special brochure we have here at the church but you can also go online to see that we have ways for you to connect with other people for you to grow in your faith for you to serve others these are vital to you becoming more like christ and we trust that you'll find an option some of them are online some of them are live here in small groups following great protocols we would love to have you join us for one of these connections and speaking of connecting this weekend we connect to a really special moment this weekend is pastor ken's birthday and so remember the days when we used to actually have cakes and people blew on them before you ate them i guess kova took care of that but in this moment we want to wish pastor ken a very happy birthday and one of the best things you can do is support say that with me support that's the key word your pastor needs your prayers he needs you to stand with him as he leads us and what i'm going to invite you to do is just even though you're there at home or in your car raise your hand in the bible there's a story about joshua and how he was fighting a battle and he was winning the battle when moses held his arms up and moses held his arms up because aaron and her were there supporting him and i just want to lead us into prayer of support as we pray for our pastor god thank you you know exactly what we need we thank you for this man of faith here at cathedral of faith pastor ken bless him lord help us to know how to support him through prayer support him through encouragement support him as he leads us into your purposes may you bless him on this special birthday and let him have a very special sense of not only our support but your support as well in jesus name amen and amen well i encourage you drop him a note send him a card give him a shout out let him know how much you love and support him it's so vital to what god's wanting to do with us well we worship the lord through singing we've worshipped the lord through music we've worshipped the lord through prayer and now we get to worship god with our money we recognize that support is an important thing for us as we come alongside what god is doing you may not realize it but right now there are other people watching this service god's touching their hearts that's possible because of your support whenever you see a scene here from the campus of pastors praying for people whenever you see about connect grow serve all that happens because you've been faithful to support and we just thank you for your generosity there are several ways you can give you can go online and give through the website you can go to our app or you can text the number on the screen your support makes the work of god possible here and we thank you and appreciate your sacrifices as we continue to serve the lord and see his kingdom expanded well pastor ken is coming now to continue this master class series you're going to be really blessed let's enjoy it together [Music] gave me a book the other night he's always doing that sending books to a good home that's what he calls it it's got real purpose do you mean everything has a purpose even machines clocks tell the time and trains take you places they do what they're meant to do like unless you're obese maybe that's why broken machines make me so sad they can't do what they're meant to do maybe it's the same with people if you lose your purpose it's like you're broken like george maybe we can fix him [Music] is that your purpose fixing things i don't know it's what my father did i wonder what my purpose is [Music] i don't know [Music] maybe if i'd known my parents [Music] i would know [Music] hello cathedral family and friends thanks so much for joining us today we're on this journey we're calling it a master class on purpose you know what is the purpose of life what is the purpose for our life how can we find it and how can we follow it last week we looked at the fact that we're wired for worship that god made us we've been made by god we've been made for god god made us so he could enjoy us and so that we could enjoy him that the chief end of man is to glorify god and to enjoy him forever and i hope well i hope all week long you've been enjoying god and sensing his smile upon your life now today we look at the next clue when it comes to our purpose and for this we have to go all the way back to the beginning i saw this one comic of adam and eve and eve is developing their family tree and she says well that was easy god adam and eve [Laughter] we go all the way back to the beginning and here we find the word connect that's the big idea for today in genesis chapter 2 we read then the lord god formed a man he made him out of the dust of the ground god breathed the breath of life into him and the man became a living person the lord god had planted a garden in the east in eden he put in the garden the man that he had formed so god creates the man and then he sets him in the garden of his good creation and man enjoys he enjoys a perfect connection with god a perfect connection with the creation everything is perfect it's just perfect and yet and yet out of nowhere we see this statement it is not good god says it's not good what time out in genesis chapter one all we've heard about is how everything was good god would create and then we would read god saw what he had made and it is good and it is good and it is good it's all good and now in genesis chapter 2 god says it is not good god has their attention what in the world is not good we continue it is not good for the man to be alone it's not good for the man to be alone i will make a helper suitable for him i heard about a little girl who'd been to church that day she came home and she said mom i got to tell you about the story of creation and mom said well go ahead and the little girl said well god created the earth and then he created the animals and then he created the man and then he looked at the man and said i can do better than that and he created the woman it is not good for the man to be alone the story of creation is not the story of me it's a story of we we're created to connect pause for a moment and think about that it's not good for the man to be alone god could cr have created us in such a way that all we would have needed is our relationship with him but instead god creates us for companionship with other human beings and so adam needs a companion the search begins all the animals are brought before him and yet a suitable companion cannot be found i mean you could imagine the animals that the monkey just can't sit still and then the elephant steps on his foot and then the kangaroo gives him the hiccups and the giraffe gives them a stiff neck and the cats well you know those cats you just can't trust a cat all the animals come before adam but instead of it being an answer to his aloneness it just intensifies his sense of being alone everybody else has someone else that corresponds to them except for me genesis chapter 2 puts it this way it says but adam didn't find a helper that was just right for him it is not good to be alone and then god said i can do better than that and he created a woman that the story of creation is not the story of me it's a story of we we're meant for human companionship in fact when we engage in that companionship it's one of the ways we reflect the image of god in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 god said let us make mankind in our image in our likeness let us underline let us it's the first hint we have of god being a plurality that there is one god who exists in three persons the trinity it's a great mystery but god has eternally existed in love that the father loves his son and the son loves the spirit and the spirit loves the father and the one day god says let's expand our circle and create beings who can join that circle with us that they'll be able to love like us and anytime we do that when we love god and we love others that circle of love whenever we engage in that we reflect the image of god wow we are created to connect this is how we fulfill our purpose and as we do i was reading about geese when they fly in formation how when they're together it's really amazing that together in this v formation they can fly 71 further than they can when they're on their own they help each other with wind resistance and so they can fly faster and farther when they are together and i was thinking it's true when you and i fly in formation there are experiences and knowledge that you have that i don't have and there's knowledge and experience that i have that you don't have there are gifts and expertise that you have that i don't have and there are gifts and expertise that i have that you don't have there are personality traits that you have that i don't have there are personality traits that i have that you don't have now flying together we can go further and go faster than we could on our own the power of formation we're created to connect boy this is what it means to live out our purpose loving god and loving each other and yet there's so much there's so much disconnect in our society i mean there's so many forces that work intentionally and unintentionally to create a disconnect i mean the pandemic talk about creating a disconnect among us you know social social isolation and its impact i was reading one article and part of the article said this about the pandemic the experience of social isolation is associated with poor life satisfaction across domains work-related stress lower trust of institutions such as central government and business perceived personal risk for coven 19 and higher levels of use of substances as a coping strategy stress and social isolation can impact health and immune function i need my immunity to be strong but social isolation works against that immunity why because we're created to connect but even before the pandemic there were other forces at work let me put on my sociology hat for a moment and talk about some of those forces first of all there's the velocity of our culture the velocity of our culture a couple years ago i was over ministering in italy and i saw something that i'd never seen before we were having lunch before i was supposed to speak that evening and it was a long lunch over two hours we were at the table we ate and we ate some more and then we ate some more and i was watching this other couple that was seated at a table near us they had been there a long time too and they got up from their table they walked outside and they took a smoking break and then they came back inside and continued the meal i'd never seen that nobody there was in a rush talk about a culture shock because here in the valley when i eat it looks a little bit like this [Music] well i'm chowing down as fast as i can coming up for air every once in a while because there's some where i've got to go something i've got to do and i wonder why here in the valley we can be economically rich but relationally poor because connection takes time love takes time it can't be rushed i saw before the pandemic one study that that said we have friends over for dinner 45 less than we did 20 years ago and so i want to challenge you i want to challenge you this week to create space to have a meal it may not last two hours but have a meal where you're not rushed create space for grace to meet you in this moment it's amazing what god can do around a table one of the greatest gifts we have as a church the holy eucharist that we celebrate all the time it came from to us around a table from around a table that jesus was at what kind of gift does god want to give to you around the table you're at this week so there is the velocity of our culture and let's talk next about the mobility of our society the average person will move 11 times during their lifetime and we move we move to different neighborhoods we move to different school districts we move to different communities we move to different jobs we there's a lot of mobility in our culture and mobility can be a very good thing uh it can be a great new adventure that you're beginning but sometimes our paradigm for thinking about mobility is that well it's like moving a t-shirt from one drawer to the next i'd like to suggest that it's more like taking a plant and uprooting the plant and moving that plant to another location that that plant can still grow and thrive in that location but it takes a lot of care and a lot of nurturing for that to happen and if not if it doesn't if it's not given the attention that it needs we get disconnected from where we were and we don't get connected with where we are that is how we end up withering and dying and this is why the local church is so important because wherever you go the local church is there and if i get rooted into the local church the bible has all kinds of things to talk about getting re-rooted let your roots go deeply into the local church in first peter chapter three we read love your spiritual family in romans chapter 12 be devoted to each other like a loving family in john chapter 13 by this all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love one for another so in this mobile society let's make sure we're setting down our roots in a local church plant those roots deeply so we don't wither and die now there's another force at work and let's talk next about the technology of our world do you recognize this right here this is a automatic garage door opener now when we got our first home i had to get out of the car and manually walk up to the garage and open the door even if it was cold and raining i mean sunny it was such a hassle the hassle of that and now they have a automatic garage door i drive up to my garage it's magical it's mystical i hit a button and look what happens the door goes up i drive in i hit the button and the door goes back down i love living in the day that we do the amazing technological advances and yet and yet sociologists point out that it used to be when you got out of the car to open the garage it was a natural moment for you to connect with your neighbors it was built into your lifestyle but now you drive up you open the door you drive in you close the door and that natural connection well the door comes down on that there are all kinds of little ways unintended but little ways that our technology can well end up disconnecting us from one another so let's turn that on its head and i want to challenge you this week use the technology to advance those connections pick up your phone and text somebody in fact better yet give them a call listen to that human voice get on your computer and email somebody better yet get on zoom and see a human face and then every once in a while just take your technology and turn it off turn it off i can't live yes you can turn off that technology be fully present fully engaged with the people you're with and watch what can happen this video captures it [Music] so [Music] well what a powerful video you know there are all kinds of forces that we have to overcome in order to live out our purpose of course the the biggest force that's at work to separate us is the power of sin let's circle back to the story of creation and there we find eve in the garden all by herself you could call this the fall before the fall because when the enemy can isolate you he can defeat you and that's why here at cathedral of faith we have a saying that nobody stands alone that when we stand together we can win together and overcome the power of the enemy can somebody say man to that so here's eve she's by herself tempted by the serpent and she sins and then the man sends and it disrupts the connection they have with god we read in genesis chapter 3 they hid from the lord god among the trees of the garden but the lord god called to the man where are you where are you and maybe that's where you're at this week and you're hiding from god there's something you don't want god to see and god is seeking after you and saying where are you you know in every other religion in the world you'll find men and women who are seeking after god but only in the god of the bible do we see a god who loves us so much he's seeking after us grace takes the initiative he wants to forgive us and to restore us where are you not only does it disrupt the connection they have with god but it disrupts the connection they have with each other but once away they were living in harmony and now there's this power struggle that emerges between them in genesis 3 it's described this way you will desire to control your husband eve but he will rule over you wow i saw this one lady and man who were going back and forth the lady said if you were my husband i poisoned your coffee and the guy said if you were my wife i'd drink it back and forth back and forth at one time a woman was man taken from man's side to walk beside him as a companion from beneath his arm that she was be protected by his strength or from near his heart that she would be cherished by his love but now there's disunity disharmony tension battles and maybe that's where you're at this weekend at home or school or at work in the neighborhood where there is disruption in your relationships the good news today is that sin does not have to have the last word in our lives and in our relationships jesus can have the last word because when jesus came to this earth and he lived the perfect life we could not live and he died the death that we deserve to die and he came back from the dead proving that he is who he says he is and can do what he says he will do jesus came to reverse the curse so that we can live out our purpose we're created to connect ephesians chapter 2 puts it this way it says christ is the reason we are now at peace we were separated by a wall of hate that stood between us but christ broke down that wall jesus christ broke down that wall when jesus went to the cross the cross became a bridge so that we could live out our purpose once again and armed with the love that we find on the cross what would that look like for you every time every time you forgive someone who is wronged you who do you need to forgive every time you reach out to someone who's lonely who can you reach out to every time you encourage someone who's down who could you encourage every time you love someone who's left out who could you love every time you are civil to someone who disagrees with you why can we use a little more civility in our world during the pandemic it seems to me that the enemy has tried to do every single thing he can't to use this last year and a half to divide us he's tried to use race to divide us he's tried to use politics to divide us he's tried to use the virus to divide us he's even tried to use the vaccine to divide us it's divided friends is divided family is divided people of faith and as a pastor today i say enough is enough enough is enough we know what the enemy strategy is in the middle of all of this and so today we stand together armed with the love of jesus christ that we find on the cross and we live out our purpose we know why we're here we won't get distracted mark chapter 12 puts it this way it says love the lord your god with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind and with all of your strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself there's an old story about two monks who were walking along a river and in the mud one of the monks saw a scorpion that was stuck he picked up a stick and was trying to help the scorpion to get out of the mud but every time he extended the stick toward the scorpion the scorpion would strike at that stick and strike at it and strike at it again finally his friend said you know why are you continuing to do that the scorpion it's his nature to sting and the monk said well it may be his nature to sting but it's my nature to save and i'm not going to let his nature change my nature you and i have been created to connect created to love and whatever else happens around us we know why we're here we know what life is all about love the lord your god with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as you love yourself let's pray heavenly father thank you for the love of christ that we find at the cross lord i pray that even now you would give us that love help us to be able to love you and help us to be able to love one another to walk in love and live out our purpose in jesus name for jesus glory we pray this amen well here's pastor vaughn and our team to share it a great song that's going to encourage your spirit [Music] do you see this mountain can't be moved they say these chains will never break but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name we've heard that there is no way through [Music] there is power in your name [Music] so much [Music] [Music] we'll see a miracle god we believe that we believe [Music] we know that hope is for there is [Music] so much [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe for it from the impossible god we believe yes [Music] [Music] [Music] i hope that song was a blessing to you and and i want to thank you again for joining us today i love our online community and i would encourage you to stay connected there's lots of ways digitally to stay connected as we make our way through the pandemic i'd love to hear prayer requests that you have please let us know so we could stand with you in prayer don't forget right after this is the wrap it's a way to take the message deeper and further let me speak god's blessing over you as you go may the lord bless you and keep you may his faith shine brightly upon you may the lord be gracious to you and give you his peace and this week may you know how much you are loved by god and loved by your church family and i pray this in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen [Music] [Music] [Music] hello cathedral faith come on in come on in guys we have a great message to unpack just know that you are not meant to be alone so stay locked in stay connected we're gonna have a great conversation we want you to join us go in the chat and say hello to your friends there because we're meant to connect and we have some very special friends here dan and carol connecting oh my gosh love these guys so let's unpack carol do you want to start it connection my goodness yeah there were two things i think that stood out to me one there was two places where he talked about it but if i were to choose one of the two was really at the end when he said that we have to arm ourselves with the love of the cross which what totally came out was that jesus in that moment said father forgive them they don't know what they do like that love goes beyond the easy love goes beyond that i can love my friends and my family to loving those who were stabbing him with a sword in the side that were spitting on him he was saying in his love that love that he had god just forgive them for what they do so for me that's powerful that um we're not just supposed to connect to what's easy but we're supposed to be ready to love with the love of the cross be armed with that kind of love that was just yeah a few different places where that came up for me the other thing actually that stood out to me and probably because dan and i are moving is the planting and the idea that you know uh when when change comes it's not just that shirt moving from here to there and you just are in that same closet or in that same shelf but that you get replanted and it you have to be intentional to give that nurturance and to give it um you know to commune with it you might even have to talk to your little plant but that it can grow like what we can grow in even though we've been moved from one pot to another that and sometimes i think what happens is i think my mom did plants and there were times where it was perfect pot here but once you moved it to that next one it could actually flourish more because it was now in the right size it was needed for that season and so um understanding though that you don't just throw it in that pot and go okay grow but that there's nurturance we have to have those relationships we have to be um communicating and have that community in order to thrive in that new spot in that new place kind of how he said make a place create space for grace to meet you yeah and i think that's a beautiful illustration of that is um especially like at a table such a simple analogy of that that when you come to the table not only are you fed but you get to stand and i think sometimes we take for granted the people that are already in our life but if we could just pause and stay and say okay spend time with those people we would be able to be like wow god has deposited grace in them sometimes these people know us better than most people do and just realizing there is a grace and a table for each of us so put that technology down yeah i'm too focused on the food i'm just chowing away yeah what about you dad well i'll tell you from the very beginning um when he went to genesis and talked about god formed man uh one of the first things that sticks out to me is he said because the chapter before that god creates all this stuff and says it's good it's good it's good and then then he says after god formed man he said it is not good but that man should be alone and i myself am so thankful that god went there and and creo created all y'all but especially because he created a specific woman for adam yeah and god has created a specific woman for me and um you know i don't know my life would not be the same with without that so i'm so glad that and i'm not trying to make points i i'm just saying the truth so yeah i'm very thankful for that no that's beautiful yeah the analogy of the crab where he was where she was poking at the crab and the crab was saying you know the scorpion sorry and this is what i do i love that statement that said um i will not let your nature or his nature change my nature and to be in that aspect is so powerful because it sets you free from anybody else's um actions because when we stand before god we can't be like yeah god but so and so no it's gonna be what have i done and so i want that for my life to be able to walk forth and it's kind of like that anchor and that compass that if you put that before you then it always shows you the right thing to do because it's it's dependent on truth that's never changing it doesn't depend on the other person or even what i feel or what i think is right or fair it depends on what's right and it's absolute and it doesn't change which is awesome amen i totally get that's like your compass but also i love the part where he said we are economically rich but relationally poor and wow that hit me because of course as like a young adult um trying to find her way in this silicon valley it's so easy to look at the dollar signs and be like oh my gosh to be successful i must buy that million dollar house and then put my kids in the best million two oh my goodness don't get me started dan so it's so easy to get lost in the dollar signs and and like throw like i can't meet you for lunch are you kidding me i gotta work i gotta make this money so we're missing the whole connection about life and i even know when i am not connecting with people i could feel it in my spirit because i start to get really anxious or really angry and that like i'm i'm i'm too focused on the things in front of me and i'm not even looking up to my friends or reaching out to my family and those times you're you're spiritually feeding yourself as well just connecting with your family and friends so at that point hit it on the nail for me yeah definitely it kind of goes along with the isolated thing where when we're isolated is where we get in trouble yeah and where we start looking inward and stuff and and um and we have to be very intentional to not be isolated exactly but you know and in this day and age isolated but with this technology that is not necessarily sending us the right message so we see those things and we think that we aren't like we look for our purpose out of things that are not really what god has said is where we need to look for it and so then you start thinking i i must not be success i must not be doing the right thing i'm not i don't have those things i said that wednesday you know like i don't want to be rich in that way and lose out on what god where the joy where i can sit in the joy and the peace which is not necessarily coming from that piece of technology but when i look in god's word and see what he says you know that if i reflect him if i'm loving god loving others i'm reflecting him in that moment it's even easy to get lost in like oh yeah i'm friends with him on facebook or instagram and like i know their life like they posted they're doing good i said oh you look great you know like it's easy to say like oh yeah we have a friendship but like to make a true phone call and say hey let's meet up for lunch and then really unpack the deeper things like that's a whole nother level of connection or just even to make that space available right for it to go deeper if it's going to be more than a couple sentences i'm just like um i should call yeah no because then you do you open the door for there to be a deeper opportunity yeah absolutely and then he asked the question where are you and i think that's a great way for us to look at like not only in all our relationships but all our relationships but also just where are you with god so the scripture is love the lord your god with all your heart mind and soul and love your neighbor so i was like where am i at with god am i making space with god am i connecting with god or am i just taking him along with me everywhere i go and kind of checking in with him um so i feel like that that's kind of a starting point to that relationship and also to be like god created all of us individually with a fingerprint right so i get to see a piece of god through megan and i learn things through megan getting to work with her that that i don't that are not i don't normally get that on my own or through carol or through dan and to be like god what is it that you want me to know about you through this friendship through this relationship through this co-worker through this friend that you've put in my life what is it that you have and it's funny that you say that because god kind of gave me an illustration i'm not going to share that but i mean of how we prioritize everything and allowing yourself to when you put jesus first when you put him first in everything that you do he'll help you work with her and her and her and him and he'll help you work with your work and help you work with but if you try to you know in a sense balance that all yourself then it tends to be too much and absolutely definitely well you guys we are honored to have you guys here and i just wanted to say i know everybody at cathedral of faith you can put in there in your chat all your love and thanks for dan and carol and their ministry here if you've been part of the easter production then you know how much they love and they serve with passion 30 years amazing i've only been able to witness it for for several years not all those years but you guys not only love what you do you're not you're not a ministry of just on stage but you are always been a ministry of community and that has been evident and everybody knows that and so we are honored to have you thank you for taking the time to be here with us thank you for loving our community here at cathedral of faith absolutely i'm sure so i want you please go on and share the love with that we want to say thank you we also just want to say thank you for being that example of the image of christ of the one who loves god with all their heart but also loves their neighbor as their selves i can think of countless stories of funny hilarious tears good moments where both of you guys have come in with arms open wide with big hearts or with a hand towel and some soap okay let's work this out and you have done that for so many of us here at cathedral of faith and you are a beautiful example of a ministry of community just like it says right here you have you have impacted my life my husband's life i know the people on staff here megan's life yes and and we are we see them behind the scenes too so we are so grateful we love you guys and cathedral of faith this is our scripture here love the lord your god with all your heart your mind your soul and then love your neighbor as yourself and when we do that we get to find that freedom and that purpose and not only that but that power that sets us free from the things that are not important that keeps us focused to the end to be able to know and believe that he who began that great work in us is going to be faithful to bring it to completion according to that great work that is already within us so come on cathedral of faith connect pick up the phone do whatever it is look eye to eye get on zoom if that's if that's the only way or just give that big elbow or hug yeah so cathedral faith we love you until next time everybody it's a wrap [Applause] what a powerful day [Music] you
Channel: Cathedral Of Faith San Jose
Views: 749
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Keywords: Cathedral of Faith, Pastor Ken Foreman, Master Class, San Jose
Id: xyJ62Fmt4vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 25sec (3565 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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