MASSIVE ROSTER! - 10 Behemoth Character owner Mr.Max Mana Interview

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okay so today's interview is a little bit different with this week we had Behemoth and after Behemoth I met some new friends and then this particular user that I got familiar with uh he has a very very large roster so we're going to start the interview his name is Max Mana yeah his his nickname is Max Mana he is recognized in invent multiple times whenever new content comes out uh we're going to spend time with him we're going to start with his intro and then going to ask a couple of questions about his roster and then we're going to go from there oh so he posted the clear on Friday like officially getting the title the 10 clear title uh and that's when a bunch of people were commenting on it saying like oh it's this guy again kind of stuff so the second topic is going to be going over his roster okay you guys are going to be so surprised how many characters he has so if you look at here he has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uh and 10 1640s so he can run Behemoth uh 10 times in one week uh and this is including him doing the raid lead I cleared a bunch of uh with him uh this week and they got friendly there too and also he has one uh 1630 this is uh I'm I'm assuming I'll ask later but this probably full Transcendence and his 1620s are 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 and nine 16 20s and these are all 40 Elixir uh so this is a this is an insane size roster uh so the next question is going to be I'm going to ask him like uh explain about his roster in general question I asked him after was since there's so many classes that he plays I asked him like can you go over like the classes you enjoy playing slash like what kind of classes like what have you built with them and this is going to be going through most of his roster which is uh going to be spent most of the time on so for a Summoner he plays communic ation overflow overlow uh and he has three level 10 gems on this particular class and uh he has plus 21 on the weapon so he has plus 21 on the Aon gear uh that yields him to 1630 uh and then he added plus 10 on all advanced honing to reach 1640 this is on item level reach uh to clear Behemoth and since Behemoth is not as uh a difficult raid I think he he matched it into a minimum so that he can play the class okay so we have a gun Lancer so recently the reason why you stabilized stat is cuz this is uh decreas increase in damage this spot is curll but curto's efficiency got a little bit lower so when he rebuilt it be assume this was better because this is multiplicative increase in damage so it it does make sense uh because curto's efficiency gets super low uh during the my gate four and stuff because you get buff you get attack power buff this is a good example for you guys how you push uh the character to have a minimum requirement for Behemoth it's plus 20 on all and then he adds it on Van honing on top of it uh for for like for old characters that he wants to get it in there so he has the important skills as level 10 he really likes the drops of ether engraving the vph engraving is on a he has it on his board he really values drops with ether a lot he uses that accordingly and if he thinks that this this rap this particular raid is lacking a lot of stagger he switches to Bard his solution is switching the character uh that actually switched in engraving he he doesn't have a setup for a vph for Paladin because this is how exactly how he wants to play and then this is one thing that you guys should learn is everything is down to preference uh and if this and if this preference and it works and you can clear raid there's no reason to switch uh one thing he wanted to mention was when he goes to like lower level rates uh he swaps a Gosset law to a holy area and then he has gems for that one too uh because of a lot more identity gains as well I see this Destroyer tonkatsu with big cheese ah he's plus 22 on the weapon so it seems like he is equally leveling him up but for characters like this Destroyer particularly he has uh Advanced honing on plus 20 so it can be 1655 on the weapon so apparently he had leftover gold so he he he honed a little bit more from plus 21 after try to reach the other characters to 1640 so for distribution of a St stats he has 1504 on the crit but he has less on spec right the reason why he puts it on Swift is uh he wanted to be more comfortable he wants to have higher accuracy on Landing the perfect swings and the um the other purple skills as well so he values Comfort a lot you can tell by his other buils on his uh characters too so he really hates cursed D engraving but uh this particular class destroyer doesn't have really have anything else to put in so he has csto over here and then he has ether Predator one so he does go gate four with every single one of his classes uh that that is that is allowed to uh be on so good question so the reason why he doesn't have Master brother is when he plays gate 4 uh head attack on gate four is actually extremely difficult so since so it seems like the seismic which I didn't know seismic and the perfect swing has a back attack as well take away the bastard brother and just brought in a flat damage engraving even though he hates csto he uses it so he raised the floor instead of raising the ceiling because again his goal is clearing the raid uh not doing like top damage uh because he has so many characters to clear with nice jams level 10 three level 10 so is he so for level sevens uh he puts it on uh skills that are like unnecessary like you don't even need gems there in the first place for the your the cycles that you require that's nice he also have uh so you also have a stagger setting for Destroyer yeah so for gate four theide if if uh if it feels that like no one knows how to stagger so he yeah so he replaced like since it since it uh swaps one accessory he took away Grudge and then it put a was it vital point on it oh plus 24 weapon ah okay so in his roster His Highest weapon is plus 24 and a on a scrapper nice he's supposed to be parked at 1620 but since she was so lucky on the homes he pushed it further up to 1640 yep that's what happens to some people correct so he plays thae and it feels that these days the meta's kind of like there's more thae players than shock it's very easy to play and it's very strong true and the gems looked about the same these are this is his average gem amounts that he has on uh all the characters that he ran behem with then we have his Bard he has that vph and then he has a set he has a set that doesn't have a vph which is drops of ether so this is this is that minimum push that most people do uh for their SS which is plus 21 with level uh 10 times on the advance home that's exactly 1640 yep so if he swaps one accessory that vph can be uh drops at ether he has two level 10 gems on his supports so he really likes using he really likes using stigma uh with the for the high identity recovery so apparently this character supposed to be 1640 I guess this character was unlucky unlucky character so the Scrapper name is card pack card pack storage uh that was before the balance patch on Q on cards so he had a character to store cards on but it became High eye level oh so the Scrapper was made because the storage of this character was full wow what yeah he has 30 a con 15 theine four Varin 51 car pack random he has 105 leg cack okay oh he can't raise any more cards and he has 17 million card experience wow and he leveled up everything and he's just waiting he's just waiting for the cards to f up uh the AK kidna and the Behemoth cuz those are new he's already Awakening three on AK kidna and since uh and I think and he also said that uh he no one might have more akinaa cards than he is because he has the highest amount of clears for akinaa because he has too many characters so right now his plan is he's going to raise 10 characters that he plays right now for Behemoth on the we weapon Transcendence and then he's going to bring up his other characters up so he has like Steps we'll probably talk about his steps later uh so no one really plays FP so the characters that he doesn't send to Behemoth they're all level N9 gems oh so he goes to theine gate 4 with this character oh yeah yeah he has full Transcendence that's why Wow and then that's when he got really popular because he he got the 10 clear title on the first week and when when when I say that chat is the first week as he got death in the first week cuz most people don't do that so that's why he got popular on CU he had a lot of characters on and he wanted to mentioned that this is the character that he got death list on uh for VES and the normal deathless is got by uh Sharpshooter I see some good questions chat make sure you ask that later so we can uh we can we can ask them I did play with this Sharpshooter the on item level Sharpshooter and you plays loyal companion all nice yeah we weren't even we Wen lacking DPS at all we were all going with all item levels yeah Behemoth is like super low DPS requirement it's just that people don't have uptime at the moment so he feels that uh this particular build that he is has uh the crit spec build for the lower companion it's not as bad as pretty decent as he said when he says not bad um it's probably at least higher than the ones that he doesn't play because he played everything oh now we see some artists we are looking at the characters that he actually plays so he actually plays all the characters that we're looking into so here here's that artist 40 set elixir on the 1620 characters at least cuz the this is the most efficient so this guy is a king of efficiency because he he uses the gold as as efficient as you can to make the character as strong as you can so that you can just clear the rates I asked him about um the Spec R cuz like I I I put it on full Swift so his style is the attack buff if you put it there what happens is the sun sketch and sunwell as long as Suns sketch is 16 and since well last 4 seconds you have 100% up time anyway that's how he just matches it on but I usually uh but most people just put it on full Full Swift so he has also another good point is if you have the um uh the the luminary I think it's the luminary one where it gives you the buff uh the cool down buff so if you have that the cooldown even goes down further so it's like in terms of efficiency he does he kind of feels that like maybe it's a little bit better if you put uh one ring on spec and stuff I think they're both fine at the end of the day support is is uh how well you play it's not the build and stuff so next character he plays up to 6040 is uh sh two two gems only 10 10 he has good good bracelet ah P the flip oh the flip bracelet yeah so the flip bracelet no one really use it cuz like let's say you let's say you're about to get flipped and then you heal you you go back to your flip HP but let's say gate forward a black hole uh on theme mine your HP goes down and the flip actually pops up and you get to heal your HP back so there's that too he has really good bracelet like he has the overwhelm and then um uh he has the crit damage but that last line he has the flip on it so and also has scouter nice the scouter also has a plus 21 upgrade them all yeah he equally levels them up a bare amount that you need y that's the that's the standard engraving you need and two gems nice so the artillerist is supposed to get raised to 60401 but he really but the scouter and the shadow Hunter only needs two gems since he equally had uh mats for all the characters he raised it up uh so this is the breaker that I play with uh very often yeah plus 20 and then he raised this breaker up to 1640 really quickly uh to play Behemoth and then uh he really likes playing breaker it's really fun class and then his bracelet is really good too he has a head attack and then he has circulate wow so the other 1620 characters that he has these are all 40 set Elixir and he does play them he does play weekly content with them and uh for example this he wanted to mention that his glaver he plays control and he plays so uh was it sist and he plays EO sist this is a good question so his his the character that he doesn't play in this roster the only character is Reaper and um there's two reasons to this the other characters were uh created by jumping uh but this Reaper was created during uh story Express so he she actually doesn't have any materials he doesn't buy materials he used bound items and he pushed with minum gold uh to a certain amount he doesn't like SW he doesn't like s extensively all these things he plays very efficienc he played for a very long time and he has a very large roster so because he doesn't have any materials on the reaper he decided to not push it uh like far also at the same time when he was practicing Reaper the reaper switched the nightmare switched to Identity so he was like okay I'm not going to learn this right and then so he just decided to not play him ah okay he never logged out to his Reaper for two months it got left out also I wanted to ask a question what characters he actually don't have cuz I can't tell he doesn't have four classes he doesn't have sew eater uh he doesn't have uh Gunslinger uh he doesn't have dead eyee and he also doesn't have he doesn't have Sorcerers either wow he has a thousand day trophy what I okay that's why his glaver control other people asked him how what about the what about handgunner Dei because he he played handgunner doesn't exist back then so he's thinking about making a A handgunner deedi in the future maybe he might increase one more character in the roster cuz he he has he has a lot he has a lot now it's time for QA Chad I want to see some good qu I saw some good questions but I have a memory of a goldfish so but I saw one question which is the sideral I'm actually curious how many siderial he actually got he had two Esters because everyone knew that he played so many m uh and then afterwards he does har and harina based upon who whoever wants to go in chat and then like whoever uh wants to go on Discord and things because he's he's part of like obviously he he knows us as well so if he just messages us and if I join him I can just join him since he has so many characters he can just join any parties so when everything is complete it's around 2 a.m. in Korea time and that's around when I uh usually Stream So Okay that day it feels he says uh normalna he clears nine of them that's when he does it really quickly uh and then he clears three to four theine hearts and uh three to four Kenna Hearts so that's like that's like 18 rates I thought I would I thought I was Hardcore I wanted to ask this dailies wait oh yeah oh he does dailies every day on every character uh so apparently this said this week was the Behemoth weeks there's a new there's new content so he had no time uh but he still did the dailies on all 10 of his characters that he run Behemoth with so yeah yeah so he has 150 mil s uh silver right he needs to run all the chaoses to fill up all the silver that he needs 5 hours and 30 minutes he he plays chaos engine and da only so I asked him do you do guardians every day too and then he said yeah and the reason why is because basically raid gold I generate the same amount as he does because it's limited to six characters right so in order for him to push additional characters on top of that he needs to run Guardians every day and then keep selling Leaf Stones cuz Leaf stones are pretty expensive at the moment so with all the golds and the mats that he sells keep selling selling selling and he uses the bound items because he has he has bonus loot a character that is beyond six right so he uses bound items he hone with the gold bound items hone with the gold extra bound items he sells it all off because all his characters are really high level you get decent amount of leaf stones and all all that stuff right so he needs to do that in order for you to raise the additional characters so the next question I as so some of you guys did ask like how come you don't have two rosters instead right so before the update for the six character limit gold thing uh he already had like 17 to 20 characters and okay so for his so his thought so he doesn't really bust and uh what he thinks is like if there's like even one reset it kind of feels like an accident uh so oh all his characters can technically do it and then the thing is you have to find people to do it with you and if you trust pugs to do it and and when let's say himself or the puug resets the bus that's a that's a big risk and uh since he has all this time doing like dieses and stuff he hasn't really thought about doing it I mean he has the skills to do it but uh it's more of a preference thing because some of you guys don't like buses either uh because sometimes you get a lot of anxiety from it it's kind of Str it's kind of like double stressful some people are born to not be as stressful for it but in his case he just doesn't want to do it because it's a a lot of extra stress on top of whatever that he wants to do and then he has to wait for a lot of different assets too he got surprised when I told him that na lar takes like 5 minutes to load and it's double the loading time M so he doesn't like life skills uh and he also other side content he likes doing it but he doesn't like life skills like you know like fishing or whatever so he doesn't touch it and the reason why this uh World CH Leaf exists here is because he needed to touch Excavating and some other life skills to create Fusion materials right to hone their characters uh and music bosses are technically aligned up with uh World TR leavs as well so um he he he just increased it but he's he's not thinking of doing it because he doesn't uh like life skills as much so I asked him this question so uh whenever new content comes out and then you have a very very large roster uh what is like the top three character that you really like passion on uh and then is and then I wanted to him to talk about more characters that he plays uh that he really likes because that that's what you guys are really interested in like what what character makes your most fun Etc because he played he played so many characters he played like 20 of them so the answer to that was first he clicked gun Lancer right gun ler the first thought apparently he was a gun laner main like me right a gigachad mayor since he played gun ler from the very start um he has a lot of passion on gun Lasser so he's he's actually he's definitely um one of the list that he really like playing and the second one he has Summoner the Summoner that's his nickname uh Max MP right that people know him as Max MP and since Summoner he really enjoys playing that as well the co Summoner the uh the high APM Summoner uh he put that on the list as well he also mentioned artillerist he really likes playing artillerist as well but unfortunately like he just couldn't get pushed further but he feels that artillerist the FP artillerist that he plays it's it's super uh it's super fun for him he has good stagger good utility good good utility on top of that uh so he uh he he would feel that artilleries is one of his big three too so the next three characters that he hasn't uh he kind of wanted to put in mind was he mentioned Paladin uh and then he also mentioned breaker and then he also mentioned uh someone like a a Mayhem zerker so before that the reason why he thinks that way is he usually raid leads like I do uh and when you raid lead you really want to play a class that is like super simple and and chill uh and Paladin obviously most people think that Paladin is boring right I mean it's technically true it's a very simple class Gess are very simple class and fpr tillers he said he thinks it's a very simple class as well uh you want to play like he wants to play a simple class so that he can call for uh patterns he can call for dark bombs he can uh call for other Tails Etc and communicate with the teammate that's why he prefers to play something simple so it's very close to me I prefer to play easy classes like let's say a gun Lancer when I'm like raid leading with like Esters and things within that point of view he really prefers to play easy classes prefers to play easy classes comfortable easy to play that is his number one priority and again preference is best because at the end of the day you just need to have fun right and then this is is how he has fun with it as for breaker obviously he says this breaker breaker is pretty popular right now and breaker is a really fun class so he has that on this list too and same reason for like let's say mayhem's Berserker and he likes playing control glaver as well but the issue is he couldn't push as much because he ran out of like uh gold uh because he needs to generate more gold like later on if he actually puts him up push him up a little further uh to put him in the list like the characters that he likes playing it's the Mayhem zerker and control glaver too oh another another good question so apparently he so he made a mistake where he was on his Paladin and then he uh he opened 200 at fins by accident so he was like Oh shoot what do I do with this and then this kind of update did fix it 200 atrin so I asked the question what about any other things that could be roster wise right roster wide and it feels like he want the books to like maybe the books to be roster cuz like rock upgrades like whatever right it's not it doesn't really break the balance like let's say for example the dark fire and like all these uh key attribute things could break the balance a little bit by pushing the character a little too fast you know some of the things that um it'd be pretty nice to get roster wide okay so he has pets he named it crit uh spec Swift expertise expertise sorry uh he has no his his skin game his skin game is mid chat he us he's he's all about efficiency no time for looks so he has a 97 Stone on his Bard but his seven is Awakening uh no pale you're right he yeah he has cuz he's busy making new characters ah the tripods right cuz he work on the tripods too he he doesn't have that many pay on this is the question that I ask because some of these questions are very sensitive I know some of you guys are saying how much you spend how much not I mean obviously he's not f2p chat he's not f2p okay so these days he doesn't use as much because he already has a big roster like a a factory of gold making things people did have ask him like how much he has spent on the game and stuff and the answer to that is this here is equivalent to a 1675 1675 character that's what he uh that's what he replies to everyone who asked the question because 16 1675 is Esther 8 with plus Ella and uh and a full in a full upgrade mats and uh things that you need that Esther weapon Esther plus 8 plus Ella is actually a lot of money uh so that's the stuff that he answers to uh so if you guys wanted to have like a reference point what you can actually achieve on is that would be the answer plus he has played the game for a very long time so if he technically calculates his uh gold amount for his character since he has about two like he has 200 plus level 9 gems on his count right that's like 30 million gold worth of gems plus right plus Alpha and then he has full Transcendence on 10 characters and he has full elixir on all of these characters that means if you add up all that gold that's actually a lot of money um okay so let's ask the Fate Ember and then uh finish the uh interview [Music] I think his luck is similar to me oh so you may feel that his his account is blacklisted so all of his characters are are eligible for getting uh 10K to 100K gold on the fade Embers and uh 1640 uh you can get up to 20 uh uh 200k gold 200k that's the highest one you can ever get um and I know some other streamers have it I have I have eaten it once 50k gold I have never seen 100K gold so apparently uh the 10k gold fade Ember he's not really happy about it it kind of feels like maybe I should get it every day cuz he has so many chaing characters yeah since said spends about 5 and a half hours every day on chaos dungeon right he makes level seven gem every day and and addition the Fate Ember if he gets like 10K from uh the gold bar stuff that'd be like 20K plus yeah he doesn't get it every day apparently he should get it every day wow yeah that was it Chad so okay um that is going to wrap up the interview I I did see some uh other questions but but I think we did a really good intro uh interview with the new new friend uh he has a really amazing roster uh we asked uh some of the questions that um what he prefers as a a player and it do gave me a lot of insight and yes that's a good question okay he does cubes he has he has over 500 cub and then he saves it up and he runs 100 at a time if he if he thinks he needs to sober holy okay and now continuing the wrap up uh so he has the greatest roster I've ever seen out of all players and and he's the only player in Korea that cleared Behemoth 10 times in one week um so he's he's he's actually a popular guy because he plays with a lot of people uh on the raids because he has a lot of characters to play with he's he's a good and he's a raid leader type uh that's what he does and then I wanted to spend the time to talk to him and then do a really short interview so that you guys can see us roster and then ask questions accordingly okay so with that uh I'm going to ask him to wrap up and then uh we will end the interview here okay so that wraps up Mr Max Mana I hope you guys enjoyed the interview uh and then we will finish here
Channel: ATK
Views: 12,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LOSTARK, lost ark, MMO, MMORPG, arkesia, online game, smilegate, amazongames, warrior, martial artist, gunner, mage, assassin, beserker, paladin, gunlancer, twitch, stiker, wardancer, scrapper, soufist, gunslinger, artillerist, deadeye, sharpshooter, bard, summoner, shadowhunter, deathblade, free to play, p2w, pay to win, raids, raidboss
Id: v3eE8qDZhrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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