MASSIVE LEGO STAR WARS HAUL! (501st Battle Packs, RARE Sets, & More!)

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this cycle hall was so big that i felt like i could not open it in my bedroom and thus we are out here in the dining room opening a lot of boxes from kohl's walmart target i know is that going right and a lot from ebay as well so this should put me over the hump for 100 file for his battle packs and a lot of other stuff plus i have another huge package that's going to be its own separate video it's one of my white whales and i cannot wait for it to show up so keep an eye out for that video but anyway guys if you enjoy the haul hit that like button and let's open up all these boxes i think it would only be right to start the hall off with the thing that you didn't see in the opening or the thumbnail and that is this little bag here from the lego store i bought these things when i went and got the bat wing i guess the batwing could technically be part of this haul but it's not really i went and picked up the other two 20 20 halloween sets i didn't have so frankenstein as well as the hayride so nice little sets i'll probably do a whole video on just like all three together and then i felt a little bit in the christmas mood so i picked up the reef which will look great one day uh in my own house probably you know somewhere as well as a nutcracker brickheadz love the seasonal brickheadz nice addition as always i got this promo mindstorms thing that i really don't care about i'll probably end up selling i also picked up or got for free this polybag that's another one that'll probably play on ebay or something and then i got another file first battle pack because they had one no they had more than one but the limit was one it was the only star wars set in which i think there was a limit of one so that sucked but i did pick up one more so i'm not gonna make the collection and then something i did not plan on getting when i went in was the hidden side ghost train express here and this is one that i had been like secretly wanting for a while now and you know i saw it on the lego clearance or sale or whatever and i was like i cannot pass it up for 64. so i went ahead and picked it up at that price i was like all right fine i'll get it so i'm actually working on a video for this but the video is going to be about how to stretch your lego budget to the max and get the most out of your budget and so part of that includes kohl's and kohl's cash and whatnot and kohl's has file first battle packs and stock at least as of now and so i took full advantage of that i'm going to be doing my core army soon and as such i decided i was obviously going to need a lot of file first battle packs and so here we go from kohl's we have one with the bend at the bottom they set some of them in these plastic bags and some of them in real boxes i don't like that they put them in plastic bags but it is what it is i'll probably just stack these because i can't lay them down to fall over that is three this should be probably four more but basically you get twenty percent kohl's cash back and that's a great start right because a lot of times like we'll put things on sale for 20 off anyway or you know other stores will target or walmart or whatever um and so with the 20 off coals cash or 20 back you basically are getting 20 off assuming you're already planning on buying more stuff or whatever so i got the 20 back and then there's like another program that gave me five percent back on top of that so i was getting 25 off basically on these which at this point in time at least in america is unheard of like you can't just get 25 percent off the five first battle packs they're going for full price anywhere and everywhere if not more depending on where but yeah a little bit disappointed the boxes aren't as pristine as i would want it's not really going to matter so i'm going to open them and throw them away or recycle them but they uh they're not going to stack up the exact way i'm hoping probably and so actually one of the funny things to come out of the whole uh kohl's haul i would say is in this particular bag and that is that i picked up another mandalorian battle pack and i knew this one was going to be crushed because i could feel it in there uh crushed but what i have to say about this is that uh basically i was at a point where if i had spent like five more dollars i would get ten dollars in kohl's cash so it made a lot of sense to to put in the 15 and get ten dollars back because it basically cost me five dollars for that battle pack so that was just a small work around that i saw and i was like ah screw it i'll get i'll get a little battle pack and uh throw that on there so a couple more first and then this is gonna be probably two or three more on top of that oh yeah they are piling up real quick i think my first kohl's order was like 960 dollars and that was insane but i decided that i needed to do it to get the the actual army ready for my army video so moving right along we have a couple packages from walmart here and these i had found on or and i was and this was before i had ordered all the ones from kohl's but i was like yeah screw it walmart has them in stock let me get a few more and so i did but you know the reason i stopped buying them from walmart was i realized that kohl's had them so i bought four from walmart and i'm like oh i'm gonna buy a lot of these let me use coals and get the kohl's cash back but walmart obviously shipped them in a box they look much nicer so there's two from walmart i'm trying to separate so i just make sure i got a everything from coals that i was supposed to and this should be another pair from walmart and then don't forget we got a lot of ebay stuff to get into that won't be filed for the battle packs but the 505 packs just happen to be kind of all the stuff that's on top i think these from target are a couple more uh 501st packs here or a few more i'm not sure how many i ordered from target um and remember this is all done kind of out of order so what's kind of funny is with my target orders they put what three in one box here so you get three in one box we got one two and three and then they put one in another box the same size just one and then let me see i'm gonna dig this box out because i think it's pertinent right now they sent me two more boxes one in there and then they sent me maybe the most overkill box for a single battle pack i have ever seen they sent one in this box so let's open the smaller ish one first it's not entirely small but relatively speaking it just feels like they wasted a huge amount of packaging material to ship one battle pack look at that in all those bubbles like jesus dude like that's a huge waste so one battle pack out of that from target that will go to the target pile as well as this box which is going to be even more appalling with just one battle in it it's comical i could i couldn't believe it when i saw this box show up and i was like wait i think i only was getting one more and then it literally showed up they put one battle pack in this huge box that probably could fit i don't know ten to a dozen so you get the point one battle pack in that giant box i have never seen uh such a waste of a box space there but there's six battle packs i got from target you know the red card gave me five percent off not as good as like 25 back i get from kohl's but it was a modest discount so i picked them up while they were available those would go with the store purchases how about this box let's see what's in this one i don't really remember you know what everything is so how do we even get into this aha so i got a steal on this this is one that i had almost bought for like 80 bucks and missed out on a few months ago and then i saw it on ebay the other day 45 total that's with shipping and everything absolute steel on the the phantom here one that i had previously owned sold and now and then i'm trying to get everything back again wanted to get so yeah 45 bucks i think total for this was an absolute steal i was really pumped to pick that one up from ebay for so cheap this box up next let's see what's in here this one is another ebay or mercari purchase i don't think i bought anything from atari but you know just lumping them in together online third-party seller purchases so we have oh right so this one was expensive it was something that you don't see a lot for sale and something you may not even know anything about um it was 500 bucks and it is a legoland california exclusive it was a i don't know it was a giveaway or what the deal was but you know it came in this little bag here but it was it's one of the rare lego star wars sets like i said 500 bucks um cracking that open i'll just show you the instructions because all the parts are in there um it's the han solo on his tauntaun so if you've never seen this that's what that looks like and it's it's pretty hard to come by i saw it on ebay and i was like yeah see there's the date july 30th 2011. you just don't see him often and as a collector i need to have it anyway eventually so i figured now is a good time that i saw it at what i thought was a pretty reasonable price it's not one of those things where you're ever going to just get lucky and find it for 50 bucks so i was like screw it i'll i'll pay the the piper on that one and i picked up han solo in his or with his tauntauns all right this one surprised me i was not planning on buying this or or like another one of these like at all like ever i didn't think i was gonna do it and um you know the cheapest they were going for was like 400 and i saw one posted on ebay for about 360 buy it now and uh look man when you see a good deal on a good old star wars set that's an absolute classic you have to buy it 360 bucks sealed in box the box got kind of dinged up but still that's a sealed and box gun chip you just don't see those so cheap anymore and i figured it wouldn't be bad to have i don't know if i'll open it or if i'll just resell it at some point but for the price i don't know this was an impulse buy that i probably should not have jumped on um yeah it was the cheapest one had gone for the last like three months on ebay like there just wasn't a cheaper one that i had seen at all so i was like damn that's the cheapest why not it's at least at the worst case a good investment um and so i picked it up but yeah i kind of have buyer's remorse now that i'm looking at it like i didn't need this but it's not bad under the gunship maybe i will open it for my clone army maybe i will have it for my culinary i don't know but probably not i didn't really think i was gonna open it when i was buying it but who knows now of course kohl's being the wonderful company they are shipped some more battle packs but this time they did it in boxes because that makes sense so i i'm hoping i have them all at this point i'm not sure because it was hard to like check all the separate shipments that they made but i basically ordered the 30 clone battle packs right and so with that purchase of 30 i got eighty 180 back in kohl's cash and i was able to order six more 501st battle packs for free from them so looks like these are gonna be six at a time at least with this first box of three and three that's quick and easy so this box got a little got a little crush there got a little crush but again let's see it's gonna be two or four yeah this box took a little beating here see that one took took a hit he's got hit this one's only going to be four in a box so so that one's got the whole front pushed in these ones appear to be a little bit better off so one two three and four move a few out of the way just for now and get the lat oh i just locked my knife off the table and i just had to move my foot out of the way because i'm not getting stabbed today only three in here so let's count up i think that's all my kohl's boxes i want to count up how many i got from kohl's because i should have 36. so from kohl's right now it looks like we only have 33 so i think i should be getting three more from kohl's because we have four stacks of eight which is 32 and then one more so 33 those were all from kohl's unless one of these other boxes is kohl's but i don't think so let's get a couple of these smaller ebay ones out of the way damn that looks darling 33 from kohl's not bad but yeah we should be getting three more in from them probably today like i said i i will probably be getting more mail today i'm certainly uh waiting on my new iphone show up that's exciting anyway this one what is this this one's a small little box this must not be anything big uh what the heck is this oh right so this is a set that i bought used way way way way back in the day maybe like 2009 2010 i actually think i traded for it from polybag pack but for the first time ever i actually have it in a sealed box and it's actually the same size box i think is the normal lego battle packs that's actually going over the uh mandalorian when you see kind of the same size box i actually think it is slightly bigger though because the 2007-2008 battle packs were bigger boxes and this must have just been that same box from from then but uh yeah very cool to see this set uh sealed in box this is one that i'll be reviewing i want to say i paid like 70 bucks for it um it was you know fair price on the lower end of market value uh not everything i buy has to be a screaming deal like the phantom that's the way i look at things like sometimes you just got to pay what it costs and it is what it is but moving right along into this box this one is from timmy ah so this one is from timmy let's see what timmy sent me i know timmy was sending me a couple of uh builds uh to do so you guys will see some videos on it this soon and you'll also see them in the clone army i want to say this one is the att um i think he sent me the 501st atp so you can see some of the colors for the parts in there i'm pretty sure that's an att but yeah you'll see that on the channel later i'm actually going to move this so i don't forget it oh we do have another box from kohl's all right so maybe we do have the 36 i don't know why i didn't realize i had another kohl's box i was looking right at it i guess i was just blind or the the logo was not facing me so maybe this is the last three this feels kind of stuff but it's probably just two because my oh one two three yes we have them all from kohl's oh i'm so excited awesome so i don't have to worry about that for the next three hours or however long until the mail would have showed up okay sweet so we do have all 36 from michael's orders that was actually rather fast from them so huge shout out to kohl's for hooking it up with the battle packs real quick there so all 36 from kohl's got all the ones from target six four from walmart and one from the lego store so that is what 47 right there holy crap okay so this was an ebay lot that i thought was an excellent deal i could not pass up on so first off it was seventy dollars total i want to say and it includes sauce tins uh jedi starfighter which alone goes for like 70 bucks sealed so i was like sweet that's a that's a fair price for this set right and then on top of that had extra things and that's why i thought it was an exceptionally good deal and i couldn't pass on it even though i wasn't really planning on getting one of these sealed anytime soon um like i said when i do reviews on this stuff i want to have it sealed so when i eventually get to this even though i already own one i want to have a new one to make my video up so i'll sell the older one at some point but yeah it had a couple other things that i thought made it more than worth the 70 bucks that they were asking for and i bought it real quick on that uh newly listed twin pond clock card this one might only be worth like 10 to 15 bucks um but it's a nice one for me and i don't mind having an extra if i don't end up selling it and then the one that i think i was gonna gonna get rid of was this sealed uh luke's landspeeder i mean this loan pretty much pays almost for the entire lot um sealed and boxed there so it's a classic luke's land speeder it's crazy how small this box is it fits right in my hands but yeah luke's landspeeder also in that lot sealed the box and i like i'll pick that up for for the 50 bucks they want to ask for it for the 70 bucks they're asking for it i just thought it was too good a deal and we have another one here from i assume ebay aha that's right so this one it's just another one that i had been meaning to buy sealed and box for a while and i saw it for like 40 or 45 i want to say and i got swamp sweeter sealed box this is honestly probably the most overpriced set ever um so this one in 2009 or 10 i think it was 2010. yeah 2010 that was 30 u.s for comparison this is 30 now um so you can see the difference in in value that you got there with these sets i mean the box for how big it is is so light you think they sell like 80 sets in boxes of size now it's just the the overpriced box size right so yeah that one was just not worth the 30 it's actually insane to me that they just way over killed it on that set it should have been like a 20 maybe 25 set but 30 was actually insane so yeah pretty expensive set here with the swamp speeder but still one that i i needed and there's a reason it hasn't gone up in value too much and that's because it was uh really one of the most overpriced that's ever i think it goes under the radar uh is one of the most overpriced sets ever i think people forget about it as a toys r us exclusive and whatnot but this last box here should probably be from ebay as well what the hell is this what did i buy oh boy it's like christmas bro what did i buy did i i did what i paid for this i think this was another one um this is another one like the gun ship or the yeah this might have been like a gunship where it was cheaper than any i had seen sell at any point like on ebay like when you go and look at the sold listings um i want to say this was 160 and it's one that i certainly need a new version of mine is pretty trashed from having uh been around for so long but that was 60 bucks back in the day and you think about this that was 60 and this was 30. i mean this box is so light you're just not getting anything in that set but yeah that'll be all done in on the review but yeah that set is uh the republican attack shovel amazing set and uh basically cats off the hall i got more clone stuff than i realized here with the gun ship and the shuttle and the swamp speeder let's take a whole look at it so overall a pretty crazy haul 47 501st battle packs which should put me well over a hundred if not 100 sealed in box as well i'm gonna bring out all my battle packs uh now here soon uh for a separate thing but got swamp speed you know a lot of really cool sets i'm not even going to go back through it but yeah pretty pumped about this haul guys if you enjoyed hit the like button if you're excited for the clone army coming in a couple weeks make sure you keep your eye out for that and subscribe turn on notifications you know all that jazz and i'll see you all in the next one peace out
Channel: MandRproductions
Views: 188,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Haul, LEGO Star Wars Haul, LEGO Star Wars Unboxing, MandRproductions, Toy Unboxing, Huge LEGO Haul, Big Lego haul, MandR, $2000 LEGO Haul, LEGO Star Wars 501st battle Pack, LEGO 501st, LEGO 75280, LEGO Star Wars 75280, LEGO 2020 Sets, LEGO Holiday 2020, LEGO Kohls, LEGO Target, LEGO Walmart, LEGO 75280 501st Legion Troopers, LEGO Clone Troopers, Biggest LEGO Haul, LEGO, star Wars, 75280, 501st battle Pack, Unboxing, 2020, LEGOs
Id: SHjD9y6Mv68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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