Massive Can Meltdown - 8,000+ Cans Melted For Pure Aluminum - Trash 2 Treasure - The Growing Stack
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Channel: TheGrowingStack
Views: 1,304,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGrowingStack, melting aluminum, melting pop cans, melting beer cans, melting aluminum cans, melting cans, melting, massive can meltdown, how to melt aluminum, pop cans melting, aluminum melting, aluminum cans, melting pure aluminum, how to melt pop cans, how to melt beer cans, how to melt aluminum cans, recycling aluminum, recycling aluminum cans, pop cans, massive can melt down, melting soda cans, pure aluminum, aluminum ingots, ingots, devil forge, recycling, aluminum, cans
Id: Ca2rnvKsg4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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