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[Music] [Music] hey guys this is e with scrapbooking with me and i've got my natural light coming in the window today so hopefully that's not too bright but i'm having to keep my window open because i'm checking on my kiddos out there at the pool so and i am going to start making some travelers notebooks out of some of this extra paper that i have around here so i would pull try to find some things that were kind of stiff not i didn't want to use chipboard i just wanted to use something that was kind of stiff and betty sent me these i believe i think it was betty these are just like some old file folders those great will be huge ones that everybody used to use to write down you know they're received and like this one's got received and secretary and i don't know all kinds of stuff on there but it wasn't a full sheet so i saved the top of it and then i am going to use this and i have just folded it in the middle so a normal size i believe her regular size is four and a quarter by uh eight and a quarter now that's what i saw on the internet anyway i you can make them whatever size you want and there's tons of different sizes there's the the mini and the maxi and whatever whatever else but just make them what size that you want but i was going to make these the regular standard size and i wanted to use this paper and i want this to be on the front but i wanted to catch my butterflies in there so i'm going to try to put it up this way maybe and glue it down like that right there so and i went ahead and rounded my corners i don't think they're the corners on those are actually rounded but right now i'm locking the rounded corners on different notebooks i just think it makes it look good so that's what we're going to do i'm going to grab a page out here to keep from getting blue on the front of that and this is just one of those sticker backings that i save when we print labels we have these left and i just save them and use them for this kind of thing and i'm not going to use just glue stick alone that would probably not work i'm gonna put glue stick down but then i'm also gonna put my art glitter glue the glue stick is just gonna help hold it in those little places that i might have missed for my art glitter glue so don't depend on your glue stick alone it might hold it but i wouldn't guarantee it so just try to do both all right now what we're going to do is put some our glitter glue on this especially around the edges and i'm going to stitch the edges anyway but this will just help hold it in place until i get some stitching done all right now let me make sure that i've got my the side that i want to use yep that's over here and i'm going to put it down and then trim it off that just seems most of the time to work better for me now you could have wrapped this if you wanted to i didn't care anything about wrapping the paper around it because this is kind of thin and i think it would have just been a waste of time on my part anyway you might want to do that but i'm just going to cover both sides of it and let it go at that and i'm just using my bone folder to make sure everything all that glue is squished out there real well there we go yeah okay now i'm going to trim this you could also use your pva glue any of that glue would be fine i have to keep an eye on my little daredevil out there she's she's the one that i have to watch most often because she knows no fear and she will just go and do whatever her little heart tells her to do so i definitely have to keep an eye on her and i'm sitting right i mean don't be don't be afraid i am sitting right here by a door that i can pop out of and be to the pool in like one second so plus i have my 17 year old out there as well so she's she can and she can swim like a fish so she can get to her quicker than i can probably but you know i just like to watch them i like to i enjoy watching them but then i like to just keep that eye on them to make sure that they're doing what they're supposed to do and not trying to dive in the shallow end and all that kind of stuff and this is what our summer is like around here so you will probably hear me many times say that i've got my shades open and i'm watching out the window from little kiddos hopefully that doesn't bother anybody too bad it's either that or not get to do a video until very very late at night and i i'm trying to get away from doing my videos late i don't like to post them late because that means i have to do dinner and then i have to sit down and edit videos and all that when i could be spending my time with my family and i'd rather spend my time with my family look at that that's going to be perfect didn't it that came out just exactly like i wanted and then on the back side we got our butterflies now i know some of you are going to ask what this paper collection is and la vie rose i don't know if that's the name of it no that's probably not um if i can find the name of this i don't think it's still on here and i don't have the cover any longer but if i can find the name i will put it down below it doesn't have a barcode or anything on the sheet so i don't know but if i can find it i'll put it down below i've used everything out of it but just a few sheets so i thought when i started to do the traveler's notebook i thought that would be absolutely gorgeous to use and i'm going to use my victorian velvet to ink around it so i think that'll be pretty too now i'm going to cover the inside before i do anything else and let's see i think i want to reinforce this the spine part because that's where my signature will stitch in at so i'm thinking i want to reinforce that with something just to make sure that when i do stitch in my signature that you know everything is still nice and secure and i can just add another sheet of piece of paper there i can put some material there i could put masking tape there because every anything's that i put there's going to be covered so you can put many many different things but i think i'm just going to put another little extra piece of paper there i think that will work fine and i'm gonna put some of my favorite glue stick down there we do still have plenty of these glue sticks if anybody's interested these are the pioneer photo glue sticks they are acid free and all that kind of stuff they're good for scrapbooking good for your photos they do not have any acid in them that's gonna damage your photos that kind of thing and that's about the only one that i use anymore i just particularly like that one okay i'm gonna put that right down through there i had um someone this morning and it was cara brandon akira if you're watching she asked me the question and i had thought about it most of the morning and i thought i would just respond to her on here because i could type the response out but i think the response coming off of my video might be a little bit better because some of you might be wondering the same thing it might be trying to start your own youtube channel up and get views and that kind of thing and i'm going to link kara's channel down below i want you guys to go over and subscribe to her channel she's trying to build her channel up so i i would gladly help anybody who is trying to build up their channel because like i have told you before when i started my store i had no help and when i started my youtube channel i i did not have help for a long time for probably three years i struggled and just couldn't get anybody to kind of help me and then i started getting you know started doing a few little collabs with different people and things like that and that picked up and that helped so and then i had people starting to recommend my channel that helps tremendously word of mouth helps more than anything but i will be happy to help anyone who's trying to build their channel up because i know how hard it is now that being said cara had asked me number one how did i grow my channel and number two how did i come up with all of the ideas to put a video up every day well my brain never runs out of ideas i don't know what it is i don't you know i don't particularly understand it 100 all i know is i'm constantly thinking if i had enough time in a day if i didn't have to do the store and all the other things that i take care of i do all of our accounting all of that if i didn't have to do all of that and i could just sit here and craft oh my word i could put out three or four videos a day probably because that's just how many ideas that followed float around in my head now as far as coming up with ideas like i said mine just are kind of never ending i come up with ideas in the middle of the night it's like boom one hits me and i'm like oh i need to do that but i've been doing it a long time too so that makes a difference the longer you do this the more you're gonna think of things that you can do the more you're gonna come up with ideas and you know i mean it's just gonna eventually kind of come natural to you okay i'm trying to use this paper as you can see because i didn't want to cut up one of my other ones this is betty's from betty's collection and i um i can use it but it's a little short right there i think i must have could it cut it a little crooked but i'm just gonna put another piece of paper there probably in just a piece of this laura i was looking out there because my little granddaughter she has now pulled her top off so she's out there almost skinny dipping of course we have fence and everything around and it's just me here so there's no man around nobody can see her but she's nine and she just you know things like that just don't even she don't even think about things like that so she just ripped that top off i may have to go tell her to put it back on she will get fried out there today because it's about 90 degrees but anyway back to what i was saying so cara the the main thing that i could tell you it's number one and it's just like i told molina elena's trying to grow hers as as you guys know um being consistent with putting up videos now i'm not saying you have to put one up every day like i do um you know there's some days that i don't put one up it all depends on what i have going on but be consistent with whatever you do if you you know if you don't get but one up every other day or if you don't get but one up three times a week but whatever you do just kind of be consistent with it look at that do you see what i just did see there's no way that i need to be crafting and talking and all that at the same time okay we're going to leave this i put it upside down isn't that pretty i can print that again thank the good lord above now i'm going to cover this with another sheet okay i'm gonna quit talking and craft but anyway just be consistent with whatever you do you know that's that's in life too be consistent in life whatever you do and whatever you start uh don't start something that you're gonna quit in a month or two when you start something then keep going so that would be my advice to anyone okay let's see if that one would go with that yep that'll go all right this is out of the collection the bow bunny botanical journal i don't know that we have any more of those if we do i'll link them below and betty i'm sorry but i'm going to be covering that up but i'm going to print it again and i'm going to use it on another collection that's just me and my trying to do 15 things at once which is not a good idea for me what a good idea now both of them's got their shirts off oh my word my kids what am i gonna do with them my grandkids they do have a little bra on so it's not like they're totally topless but it's uh you know if there was any visitors here anything it would be a little bit embarrassing to uh for them to walk out there and see my children with their bra on and no bathing suit top maybe i'll get a laugh out of that one oh me what am i gonna do with my children um our shirts will be here tomorrow tomorrow so we will be able to put the shirts up as soon as they get here and we will have mediums so i know a lot of people had asked for medium we will have medium so that should be good for everybody my gracious this is taking me a lot longer than it should to do a cover okay so i finished the cover on this one uh and i went ahead and stitched around it so this one uh i guess we'll call this one rose this is going to be our rose cover and then i want to do more i'm going to do quite a few covers and then we'll do some inserts so this is what i made that out of this is what betty had sent me and i'm pretty sure it was betty if it wasn't you guys let me know so i'm going to cut this piece down to make another that makes a really good thickness it's not too thick so it wouldn't have been too thick if i hadn't messed up i had to put two insides on there sure i think i cut that at eight and a half i think i told you eight and a quarter but let's look again no it is eight and a quarter that way and then i need to cut it eight and a half the other way so that would be so eight and a quarter tall let's cut it at eight and a half and do it like this maybe i can waste the least amount of this paper so i still have that and i can use that on something else and then we're gonna cut it this way at let me think okay this way we're going to cut it at eight and a quarter get this little top piece off okay now that should be just the right size hopefully let's go ahead and fold it in the middle these are like they seem like those files that a lot of doctors offices used to keep before everything went to digital and all of that that's what they look like to me so there's another cover right there now i'm gonna round the corners so let me get my corner rounder sorry if this video seems a little scattered i'm a little scattered right this minute but i wanted to get this video i wanted to get these covers done and i thought i'd go ahead and do a video while i was doing it because a lot of you guys like to see my process so i wanted to get these done because behind these i have got some fabric fabric covered journals that i need to make all right now let's choose really pretty paper to do the cover on that one um let's see i could do it with this that's cute that is really pretty let's see if i did it that way did it that way we could get the little bird house on there and part of the roses because it comes to right there and the bird i think we'll do that we use that for the front cover on this one we'll just call this one the birdhouse journal so let's put some glue on this i'm just gonna get another one of those sheets that i use then i'm gonna go around it with art glitter glue okay now let's make sure i need to put this one down so hopefully i won't put this upside down which at this point i'm i'm okay but once once i get this foot down and start on the inside i might not be okay all right again make sure that you use that bone folder and press all of that down really well it's going to mean the difference in having wrinkles in it and not okay so there we go with that i'm just going to wipe a little bit of that excess glue off so i don't get quite so much on my scissors now i'm going to stitch around this one too so it's not really important that the glue is all the way out to the edge and every little speck is glued down because i am going to do some stitching around it to kind of help hold everything in place oh that's gonna be pretty isn't it i love that very very pretty okay now let's decide what we want to do on the inside okay this is pretty and it kind of goes along with it so i think i'm going to use this for the inside and i don't really i'm not too fond of all of that on the back so i think i'm going to use this i mean it's pretty but it's just not my thing now but please tell me to make sure that i put it on the right side and not upside down and i'm gonna try not to get too distracted this time and you might say well you need to wait until your kiddos are out of the pool before you do a video well they'll probably be in there all day and that's good if i was young didn't have anything else to do i'd be in there all day too they've just got out of school so they're celebrating that would be exactly what i would be doing now on your inside piece you need to make sure that you glue it down really really well put a lot of glue on there because you don't want when you fold it you don't want to have some wrinkles which if i have wrinkles i fix them and i can show you how i fix them so but if you don't want to have wrinkles then just make sure that you get it down really well all right right side up right side up not upside down so we're gonna put that right there okay i think they're getting out now so then i won't be distracted anymore their papa is here anyway so he can kind of keep an eye on them now so we're gonna press that down that way and then i'm gonna flip it over and i'm gonna make sure that i press that glue down really well this way now this piece you need to let dry before you try to fold it because if you don't then that's when you're going to get plenty of wrinkles so don't don't be like me i'm very impatient and i want to fold right away just lay it aside and let it let all the glue dry this one hmm i may do this one in the same ink that victorian velvet not sure and i didn't reinforce the center part on this one because after i did that other one while ago and then i put all that paper on there i realized that i probably didn't even need to reinforce that this is really strong what i've got put together here so i don't think it's going to need it all right i am going to let that dry do i have it right side up yes my bird is flying this way my butterflies are flying that way so it's my way up i'm gonna let this dry and while it's drying i'll probably go ahead and just stitch around it because i can do that with it flat and then we'll lay this one aside and we'll put together another now i'm also going to use some packaging this is just some backing off of tim holtz paper and i have cut it to the size that i need and i'm just going to score and i usually just score on both sides and i'm scoring on the eight and a half inch side that way i have it scored to where i don't have to try to fold it and make sure that it folds even i didn't that other one but and you don't have to score you can just fold it up if you want to it doesn't matter either way but that's going to be two more covers and then these pieces i saved to make tags out of so these are just the covers that come on your paper pads and i saved these to make tags out of these make great tags they're just the right thickness so all of that this will make good tags we'll go over there to make tags with now one of these i thought i would use this paper on this is gorgeous the only thing is i would like to have at least part of that table on there but i don't think it will happen if i put it on there like that it's going to get part of that flower and part of the table but i don't want to lose my gate either so so so that's the problem but this would also fold around to the back so it's not that big of a deal i think i am going to use this one on one so let's go ahead and sorry about that loud noise let's go ahead and put our glue on this okay we need to put it down toward the bottom and i'm just going to put it even with the edge all kinds of little towels here go ahead and burnish everything down real well okay and then we'll trim this let's make sure i had to make sure i was i might have had it on the wrong side okay i'll trim on the edges here just a little bit i just have a tiny tiny bit just a little sliver that i need to take off there we go and then another little sliver down here let's see right there's only sliver it is very very muggy and hot here today the humidity is outrageous now i'm gonna go ahead and fold it again in that spot that just keeps my paper from breaking and you know you can wait until it dries completely like i told you i'm so impatient i shouldn't be but i am now i am going to go ahead and round the corners you can wait until you put that inside on if you want but i'm just going to round them now and then i can just cut around that okay trim that one a little bit right there okay guys i'm gonna have my new camera up tomorrow so you guys will have to let me know what you think about it and if it's you know if it's working if it looks good now please give me a little bit of time to get everything adjusted because that's going to be the main thing is getting all of the you know things adjusted it's got lots of bells and whistles on it that i don't know anything about so i've been reading up on them and i'm trying my best to learn them so that i can get it all adjusted but so be patient with me i will do my very very best to bring you the best video that i can i'm going to just hunt around and find a paper that i want to put on the inside of that i don't want to use one of these scraps over here oops i don't want to use these because i'm using going to use those for journaling cards and i don't want to use that one because that was so pretty uh i want to use those for journaling cards i think so let's see what we have let me i'm gonna look and then i'll come back and we will put something on the inside all right i have this piece so i think i'm just going to use this piece for the inside it kind of matches kind of goes together so i'm going to put this one let me make sure that it's going to be tall enough though i think so i'm going to trim this off just to make sure 100 before i start gluing it's hard to see it with that barcode on there oh yeah it's going to be tall enough it should be just about right here again make sure that you get plenty of glue right down the middle and right beside the middle that's where you're more out to get your little wrinkles than anywhere and this glue is a little bit shiny when it's wet so you can kind of see it if you turn it you know if you turn your head sideways you can see where you got the glue and where you have it i know you can't probably can't see it in the camera but i can see it here i'll make sure that i put lots of this down through there and then i'm also going to make sure that i put lots of my art glitter glue there as well because i know that's going to hold driving crooked driving crooked so i'm going to go all down that middle and right on the side okay and you may think that's overkill with glue but i don't want anything to fall apart i'd rather have too much glue as not enough because these will be going on the website so i want lots of glue on there i don't want anybody to get their journal or traveler's notebook and it fall apart i think we'll call this one what will we call this one garden so it looks like they're going into a garden garden rose let's call this one garden rose because i think there's some roses there looks like some lilacs there different kinds of flowers our rose garden why don't we call it rose garden instead of garden rose and we will have pockets and tags and all kinds of ephemera and embellishments to go with these some tags will be already in them and then other tags will be in your package just so that you can put them where you want because everybody doesn't like their tags in the same place i do probably okay i'm just gonna go over that one more time and then i'll lay this aside and put something heavy on it and that one's gonna be garden rose all right let's do another let's see what what we want to call this one we get the cover on i think this one we might actually put tim holtz on there since i have a tim holtz cover here our temple's peace so let's do one out of the tim holtz paper collection this is memorandum if you're looking for this collection that's what it's called this is the paper that i said i could eat and somebody laughed at me because it smells so good um i like that one which i like all of them but i'm trying to see the one that might have the best impact for the front i'm thinking this one i like the little the way it's already collaged it's got that ephemera already in different places on there so like that so that would go down like that you would see all of this on the front and on the back you'll see that so i like that it's already collaged all we would have to do is add a little bit of items here and there okay i think this page had it's enough so let's grab another we don't use these labels anymore so i'm going to miss i am going to miss these little backing sheets i got so used to saving them and now we use a label maker which our label printer which it doesn't really have it has some little sheets but they're not very wide they're not wide like this so i'm going to miss them and yeah i'm i am putting glue on the what i would say the inside part but that's okay i can fold this either way so it doesn't matter folding it the other way just helps it anyway okay so let's lay this down like this go ahead and press that glue down oil when the glue comes out the edges you know you got plenty of glue that's my motto anyway you know my mother always said to water the flowers until you saw the water coming out the bottom so that's the way i feel about the glue if you put enough glue on there then you'll see the glue squirt out when you press on it and you'll know you've got plenty of glue there we go i know you thought i'd put it on wrong didn't you there for a minute i did too i didn't cut that too straight that's gonna be pretty and what shall we call this one hmm i don't know i might let you guys name this one so let me know in the comments below what you want me to call this one when i put it up on the website memoranda that's what the paper collection is i don't know so let me know give me a name for this one i think it's pretty and we're not going to have to do a lot to it on the outside because it's got all that collaging already done on it i am going to stitch it and i don't know why i can't get that little there we go i'm going to stitch around it and then um i think that's going to be really pretty we'll add some different things on here but i don't want to cover everything i'm probably just add some different flowers and some labels and things like that all right let's go ahead and put something on the inside probably just need a solid for the inside don't you think i think we've got a solid in here that we can use i don't think there's a solid there might be one that doesn't have quite as much on it as some of the others then again we might have to look somewhere else well we could probably put that inside this has got this on this side which i like a lot and that on that side which i like a lot as well but we could put hmm a lot i'd like to have that up top and i did tear it a little crooked but that's not a biggie i think i can put it that way let's see that be the right way up yes yeah i think i want to do that i'll just bring it down a little bit toward the bottom and i guess we can call this video mass making travelers notebooks or at least the covers because that's probably all i'm gonna get done in this video and then we'll come back in the next one maybe not tomorrow but in the next video we'll come back and we'll put all the inserts in them and then make some pockets for them and tags and things like that and then we'll have these ready to go up and travelers notebooks can be used just the same as your journals they you know melina does a lot of travelers notebooks they can be used for just that travelers notebooks so you take it with you when you travel and keep your memorabilia and tags and tickets and all of that kind of stuff in it right down where you gone where you stopped or you can use it just for your family things and write down your different things in there as far as what you're doing or what your family is doing photos of special events and things like that so you can use it many different ways it's just a smaller version of a journal and they just call them travelers notebooks or tns if you've heard the the abbreviation tn that's what this talking about travelers notebooks okay let me let me make sure y'all don't let me put this upside down do not let me because you know if it can be done this girl will do it there we go put that right there i'll make sure okay double check oh and i printed out some beautiful tags and things from betty betty's custom designs betty's custom creations etsy i will put her link below i try to keep it linked down there all the time and she has a discount code for all of my subscribers but um i will try to remember to put it there she sent over a file that has beautiful labels that she's just created in them i love labels all right there we go we've got that one on there i'm going to go ahead and press that center part down a little bit more it's it doesn't sound like it's stuck real well but i'm going to put it under something heavy for tonight anyway and then it'll be nice and dry tomorrow and it'll be ready to go so there's the inside there's the outside i didn't put it upside down hallelujah so we'll stitch around this one as well that one let me know what we'll call this one i'm gonna leave it in the links below um all right this is another cover this is off of that bo bunny collection and i just cut it down take that piece of tape off of there so you can make these the covers out of just about anything if you have a paper that's nice and thick just use the paper but i like to put a little bit of something inside them just so it makes it a little bit sturdier all right put it on the eight and a half inch side and squirt one uh four and a quarter there we go everything's sticking to my hands now there we go that's pretty by itself isn't it looks like a little quilt i like that it's really pretty oh well we're going to cover it i hate to but we're going to cover it looks like i got this one off just a little bit so we're just going to trim it and go ahead and round our corners all right i think i'm going to use this paper for the cover of this one i like that i like all those flowers so we shall glue that down just like that and i was looking around for my glue stick and it was right in front of me i'm just gonna go ahead and put it down like this and not put my little paper under it real quick maybe i can keep from going all off of it make sure i got my paper turned the right way there we go okay now we'll trim that off that's going to be a pretty one too there's that cover isn't that pretty oops stuck it to it that is pretty we might call this one botanical it's got all of those pieces on there i love that okay let's cover the inside and i may just cover it with this pink right here this is come from that same collection and i wouldn't use it by itself but i will use it on here like that i like that little stamp it's got down here on the bottom i don't know if you can see that on the camera isn't that pretty so let's put that down there so let's go ahead and apply our glue i've just about used this glue stick all right flip that over and put this down there we go and we'll go ahead and i'm going to wipe some excess glue up around the edges so i don't get so much on my scissors i want to get some on there but it'll wipe off with some alcohol wipes okay there is that one ready to be stitched around and i'm gonna lay this one under something heavy and i think that's all i'm gonna do on camera i'll probably do a few more later on tonight but i need to go fix the kiddos some lunch so i'm going to stop right now and then i'll come back when i get that done and i'll finish up a few more but this one we're probably just going to call rose this one bird house uh this one you guys are gonna name it this one garden rose garden and then this one botanical so i'll get these stitched up in the morning after they're tri-folded and then we will put the signatures in and make tags and pockets and things like that for them so i'm excited that's going to be you know that's five that we've got so far and i'll put probably i'll put uh i'm going to try to put five more together so i'll have 10 and all to go up in the shop i don't know if i'll get that done tonight since i do have the kiddos but i will try my best and i have some more beautiful paper over here to use on the outside of them all right guys that is it for the tutorial today i hope you enjoyed that i hope you'll give it a try to do some mass making on travelers notebooks i guess that's what we'll call it and we will talk to you later we'll come back and do the inserts pockets ephemera all of that in another video just so it won't be so long for you guys all right well we'll talk to you later thanks so much for watching don't forget to give us a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button bye
Channel: Scrapbooking With ME Crafts
Views: 21,833
Rating: 4.9513593 out of 5
Keywords: craft, our, daily, bread, iMovie, Cricut, clear, trays, Paper, boutique, scrapbookingwithme, mixedmedia, crafts, shopping, deals, bobunny, timholtz, classes, diy, tutorials, upcycle, homedecor, kits, magnets, mats, pins, artglitterglue, videos, stamping, stamps, inks, distressinks, fireplace, planners, scoretape, scoreboards, wood, cricutmaker, vinyl, HTV, CRAFTBOARD, easypress, chalk, couture, paper, piecing, cards, boxes, 3D, cricut, dollartree, minialbums, JUNKMAIL, MICAPOWDER, ephemera, storage, journal, junkjournal, journals, pockets, PAPERNAPKINS
Id: rgISZSzvI6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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