MASKED Magician Give Ant & Dec The SHOCK Of Their Lives! | Magicians Got Talent
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Channel: Top Talent
Views: 2,955,600
Rating: 4.8351421 out of 5
Keywords: got talent, Magician's Got Talent, Magicians, best of magic, magician x, magician x revealed, magician x britain's got talent, magician x bgt, magician x semi final, magician x final, simon cowell, simon cowell magic, ant and dec, ant and dec magic, masked magician, best magic, best illusions, illusions, shocking bgt, shocking audition, magic, marc spelmann, marc spelmann bgt, marc spelmann revealed, bgt, bgt magic, bgt auditions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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