Mask and Rotoscope in Blender 2.8

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[Music] so I want to look at another way we can do transitions which is masking so what I have here is I have a couple clips that I'm going to put together and I chose this first clip because I can scrub through it and someone walks right across here I have a couple clips you first one here the guy walks right across and if I just mute that clip there so I'm just gonna turn it off and in this one here I actually flipped it but we have the little pan to the right as well on to the next sort of scene if anybody's seen this clip before I actually flipped on the why because I wanted it to move it that way it's not the best solution but it's what I did so what I want to do is as the as this guy walks in front of your has my son walks in front I want to mask so that as he walks as he walks the next scene shows behind him and then by the time he's across we're gonna see the entire other scene so to do that we're gonna add a tab up here we haven't looked at this before but right up here you can add a tab it's a video effect and it's masking so we're adding a masking tab that's what we're doing here so we have all of this so I'm gonna load a sequence and what I'm going to do is find the exact same sequence I took in the other one trying to remember the exact name here believe it's that one yep that's it there's my clip that I was using before we're going around here and I can scrub this one here wherever this playhead is here is the exact same place that the playhead in the other window will be so it's right here on this one and if I go over to the other window it's right here as well so they're synced right now one of the reasons that works is because this clip starts this here and this clip is as well up if I had a different start frame so if I was using second clip I'd have to put the start frame for this clip at the same start frame so if I was masking out this second clip here it's I go to its time property and it starts at 293 so I would need to put my start frame it at 293 in this one we don't have to do that so what I can do is I can scrub back and forth through here and see what's happening and what I want to do is right when you entering I want to have my first masking for him so Adam asked here create a new mask name its name so now I have my mask here if I had multiple masks I could choose different ones through multiple masks but I'm only making one and then to start I hold ctrl and click that adds a point I'm gonna mask the entire frame because I want what's in the frame to be showing so what's inside my mask is gonna show up I'm gonna add a whole bunch of points down here because I'm gonna need to use these points later on to animate the moving of the mask so you might hear some terms masking and rotoscoping masking is the process of drawing the mask and you can do that on a single frame we do lots of masking in pictures I rotoscoping when you animate that mask so it moves through with an object so what we're really doing here is a mask Interscope uh when you're done when to close it off you hold alt and hit C and that closes off your mask so now I have a complete mask what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna turn on at automatic keyframing so here whatever I change anything on the mask or anything on the frame for that matter it's going to keyframe that it's gonna remember that new point and it's gonna move through as the animation goes this will help so that as I move points individually they're going to all be recorded I'm not going to have to add keyframes for every little move that I make it's going to record them as I go along bears on clicked it on I'm just gonna take a little more real estate here for what I'm doing you can see up here Levi the mast layers being tracked and I'm gonna move forward a few frames I'm just gonna actually move forward just leave just enters there and then I'm gonna start doing my mask someone knows who I'm in and I'm gonna mask right along [Music] I not going to be perfect about this for the purposes of the tutorial I'm trying to get it done relatively fast this can take as long as well as long as you want to be precise about it so the more precise you want to be the longer it's going to take you to do this I'm sort of guessing at the shape of this back here as I move things in because the less they have to move the better we have a keyframe here and there's my masking layer keyframe and skill zoom out a little bit here and I'm gonna move forward if you give it a little bit more and I'm gonna move my mask now the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna grab the whole thing so hit a to grab everything G and then I'm gonna move forward and do the best I can to match that up so the way it was that big move is a lot easier to be tracked so it usually works pretty good so then I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna tidy up any of the individual pixels that I wanted individual points that I want to deal with so I'm just hiding these up bits I'm gonna use a bit of a feather later so I'm going to blur the edge of this a bit later so some of these aren't gonna be as precise as the otherwise might be there so now I have another part then I'm just gonna zoom back just a bit go back in time and see how well the mask follows you so if I scrub forward up there it's following it nice I don't know why I didn't accept it the first time so is it going he comes in and it follows him and we got a good one and then I don't have any more keyframe so I'm gonna go forward a little bit farther and I'm gonna grab that move forward to match him as best I can and now I'm gonna go in and once again do this and I'm going to continue doing this as he moves right across the scene so I'll probably fast forward this part playback a little faster for you so you don't have to watch every little frame move forward a few frames move to fit and then I then I sort of scroll back to make sure that the mask follows him and I don't want to tidy get anything up I ran into a little problem here with his arm got to think about what I'm gonna do to I want to cut off his arm or I want to leave his arm for my purposes I definitely want to leave this arm and leaving this in here is all right - if I had to show the other scene through the bottom here I'd have to really fit all if I mask I actually might want to go back and add a whole new mask just to get this little bit in there as well but this one works fine just to work around the arm you I think I like the way that looks as far as it follows them well goes right across the screen all the way I'm ready to work with this now I want to apply this to my you my composition to my video so here I am in my video I have this video selected if I wanted the mask say I had just like a mass that was sitting here it wasn't applied to any video directly I can add the mask add mask and see it shows up there when I add the mask though it gives me this thing here which doesn't really help us at all it's not what I want it's definitely not the way I wanted to use that mask instead we're going to do is on this one goto modifiers and we're gonna add masks and we're gonna choose help there's the mask and choose the mask Levi so now as we move through we're gonna see that he moves across it's very rigid very hard it's a completely hard edge which doesn't help us that much a lot if we play it back it actually doesn't look horrible so now that now everything's in there so if I play it back we're gonna be able to see how it looks in real time or close to real time anyways and there he goes he moves across so it's alright especially for the short period of time that we've spent only only a few minutes on it what I want to do though is maybe I can soften this up a bit select the entire area then scale the feather and I can scale the feather on the entire image all right so I can go in or out and I think I want to go out just a bit so I'm gonna go out a few pixels here scaling the feather s2 at two you I'm just looking here and I realize I should have done the feathering at the start my first keyframe I should have feathered it and then it was held the feathering for everything as it sits now what I really need to do is go to each keyframe and then scale feather I imagine this is some sort of glitch but I'm having to go and do it two times for every keyframe my mistake was that I thought that blender kept track of the position and the feathering separately it keeps track of them together so if I change when I was changing one originally it was keeping track of both of them so now we have a little bit of a feather and I am keeping that feather no matter how much I like it or not whether or not I want actually to be a little bit less feathered or more feathered it's staying with two because I don't want to go back through with it what I should have done and what I could if I was redoing this I would have went to the middle and set my original keyframe here and worked with my feather right then and then went back and forward from there that way I could have done the feather separately I wouldn't had to worry about doing it afterwards so now if we go over the video editing and we scrub through we still have that it still looks harder than I want it to be but that's what we have with it right now that's how you do that's how you do a masking you can do this for anything the feathers gonna make it softer and softer on that edge you can already see it's a bit softer here and if I wanted to go through I could have really went and done a lot as far as um No with it I could have done a lot to try and match it up to as well I think I probably if I was doing this again I would fed I would actually start here then I would reverse the direction of the feather so that went in as opposed to out so I go right along the edge and then I'd feather I'd make sure I was always a little bit outside basically where this feather starts and then I might even feather feather in more like 10 as opposed to two so that the edge wasn't so hard but overall the result shows what we want here just as for a quick result here so we move in and then he walks across and as he walks across he wipes the scene to the next scene look for something you can add that into add that to your arsenal of tricks and as you're doing I just want you to do one scene honestly just get two clips link them together using a masking transition that should take long enough
Channel: Joshua Baker
Views: 30,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, rotoscope, mask, VFX, transition, VSE
Id: zmlPK1A_QmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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