Masha's Spooky Stories 😱 Bonfire spooky time 🔥👻 Best episodes 🎬Masha and the Bear

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[Music] um masha's spooky stories a boy named Pasha was afraid of every story fairy tale villain sometimes after reading fairy tales he would imagine different things then he was afraid and even scared other children with these scary characters and now I will tell you what a terrible story came out of this Once Upon a Time the class 4B went camping they chose the place set up 10. gathered around the campfire and Pasha said it's a bad idea to Camp here in this Forest Baba Yaga lives here for sure you'll see she'll show you she'll put someone in a spatula and shove them in the oven [Music] of course they didn't believe him and in the morning horrible who is this Pasha Was Bitten so badly by mosquitoes you couldn't recognize him look at me shouted Tasha it is Baba Yaga who ordered the mosquitoes to drink all of my blood of course everybody laughed at him and a girl is better give him some mosquito spray in the evening Pasha sprayed his tent for mosquitoes and said you'll see Baba Yaga will come tonight for sure she'll come and eat all of us and ride in our bones at night the horror will come how will wimbled and how it glittered and the next morning pasha's boots were full of water [Music] I'm positive that Baba young conjured up the rain screamed Pasha and poured the water out of his boots of course everybody laughed at him he shouldn't have left his boots outside a boy named Dima gave him his spare dry sneakers the girls gathered in the woods for raspberries and Pasha said I'm not going with you because in this Dark Forest lives Baba Yaga in a Hut on chicken legs around the Hut is a fence made of the skis from missing skiers and on the fence hanged baskets from Lost Mushroom Hunters once again everyone knocked at him a girl named Tanya gave him a pot and a bag of Oats then cut porridge she said well come back and have porridge with the raspberries for lunch the group came back from the woods with the raspberries and Pasha was sleeping the porch Burns in the pot and the Flames of the fires leaped out burning the dry grass and moving towards the tents [Music] fire and one boy woke Pasha and said why didn't you keep watch of the fire in the porridge it wasn't me it was Baba Yaga she put me to sleep so we wouldn't eat her raspberries here she comes flying in a mortar waving the pestle in the broom to sweep her tracks indeed there was the noise of Thunder Over The Forest the wind whistled the trees bent over and then a blue helicopter landed on the campsite a man in uniform came out of it Pusher ran and asked him are you baba Yaga no said the man Immortal Kashi we are firemen of the emergency service and we fly around the forest watching out for fires I saw your fire and someone lying near without moving we decided to check whether there was a fire oh a girl said I will sit by the fire is false and we were careful with fire good for you kids said the fireman for that you get ice cream and a free movie about important fire safety regulations in the forest and we'll take sleepyhead Pasha with us to the helicopter so he can see and confirm that there is no Baba Yaga in the woods you weren't afraid of heights right after that Pasha realized that it was not necessary to be afraid of Baba yoga only at the forest fire and don't you ever leave a campfire in the forest unattended [Music] my darlings have you ever been afraid of getting lost somewhere I've not always been afraid of getting lost but once [Music] got lost and then I heard the stir the cutest kitten and so once upon a time an ordinary kitten lived in a house [Music] he was not one of a kind or something special but the only thing was whenever he needed to leave his house he got lost in the moment she would jump out into the street to scratch the spur on the ground or have a little run and then he wouldn't have a clue as to where he was [Music] he would crawl under a bench or into a corner and stay sitting there scared to death I'm familiar and he had no idea where his house was and he wished he was by his owner's side back in his home again it was getting dark many buildings were surrounding him and arrogant dogs were being walked asking them something was so frightening so no matter if it was a cat or a dog passing by they didn't notice a kitten they were completely lost in their own thoughts and wishes and time was passing by it was late at night and Canton was hungry but there was nothing to eat needs must be met and the kitten had to risk his life there was not a crumb of bread inside and his heart aches with discovery it was about time to say goodbye to life when all of a sudden a bird came from somewhere in the sky oh it's okay the kitten said frightened and then he curled up like a hedgehog ball [Music] thought and the bird landed and said hello I'm a very diligent Postman pigeon why are you crying would you like a sandwich can't you find your way back home don't you have a compass with you I'm almost dead I'm really hungry the kitten shook his head then he put some bites into his mouth and he got a taste for life again it's a pigeon is not so frightening anymore and he asked do you remember your home address the kitten tried to recall but the numbers were all wrong have been better to have them written on my tail when you have an address it is easier to search I'm a Halloween pigeon birds like me or never lost and always come home wherever they are it's all very well but I'm not a homing kitten I don't usually need to make an effort to get home if you ever get lost anywhere don't let yourself get even more laws and don't be shy with others approach somebody who is older than you and describe to someone which you're trying to find ah the kitten perked up it's so it's so slow ly dots on her face and it turned up notes notes she loves candies and her pockets are always filled with candy wrappers her hair is straight red with bows on her head she responds to the name of Masha at this moment the pigeon disappeared at once and the kitten got scared again and he was lonely again thinking oh I'll die abandoned but suddenly that she screamed my mind someone grabs him and squeezes him and pushes his nose instead of Bull with milk here is some milk drink it all so happy I'm delighted his owner is cradling him in her arms like a baby and meanwhile she said all tussled up the tail is covered with Burdock you have address written not on your tail but on your collar s to the pigeon he came over and told me where you were and here's the candy to show you how grateful I am I made my way here as fast as I could Masha looks at the kitten who is already sleeping peacefully here we are again fellas my dear fellows if you get lost the most important thing is not to panic remember your home address telephone number and don't hesitate to ask adults for assistance and help conquer your fears if you get lost pull yourself together and get found [Music] I'm gonna tell you now a very scary and spooky tale listen this little girl was very afraid of animals of all kinds not all the time only when she was looking at them [Music] upon in time when the night was dark and cold abrupt the sun came out and the girl decided to go for a walk saw in front of her the biggest and fiercest animal of all a mouse I think I got frightened and so it's a scream loudly but of course it had zero effect on a fierce Beast the mouse what could she do nothing at all only to climb up the tree the mouse under the tree opened its tiny mouth with its huge teeth and started laughing viciously it is a rare thing to see a mouse laugh when people are scared the mice see them and start laughing and seeing this is really terrifying but then it got even scarier suddenly out of nowhere scary animal number two appeared a predatory kitty cat so then if that predatory kitty cat can't eat up the fierce bees the mouse to eat up a little girl would be a piece of cake for sure the fierce Beast the mouse started squeaking in horror so it climbed up the tree the girl climbed away from the mouse and the cat under the tree looked up at them laughing in a deep voice but a terrible thing happened the most scariest monster came up to them a dog of a vicious breed not a lap dog the cat climbed away from the dog the mouse climbed away from the cat and the girl climbed away from them all the lap dog life so frantically that everyone got goosebumps but the dog don't laugh for too long because the lion showed up actually the dogs did not know how to climb up trees but when the lion shows up they learn real fast that I've climbed away from the line the cat climbed away from the dog the mouse climbed away from the cat and the girl climbed away frightened then the line started laughing and horsing around the lion is the king of the jungle but there are bigger animals they're stronger and they're even scarier the elephant came and the Elephant started laughing and when laughter comes out of an elephant's trunk that's it you will get chills up your spine it's really so much scarier the line climbed up away from the elephant then up went the dog then the cat then The Mouse and the girl went up to the treetop the girl climbed up thinking why is the whole zoo following me just when she thought she would never see the end of her troubles she saw the end of the tree the girl would have fallen all the way down from the treetop if that day the animal rights activist did not launch balloons celebrating animal rights day the girls got lucky caught one of the balloons but the mouse did not it couldn't grab a balloon and fell down on the elephant but it turned out that elephants even though they're the big animals they fear other animals too turns out the big elephants are afraid of small mice just rolls and the circle of life started to go around and around and the Animals forgot all about the girl but she wasn't even there they were busy running in circles scared of each other the girl looked at all the animals and thought to herself I want to run away from them that's when the girl's father came home her father really loved animals so he put the whole Animal Kingdom back in order that's what I'm telling you you have to love animals and protect them don't be afraid of them and when you try if you're still afraid of them ask those who come to rescue you like your father because climbing up your father is more interesting and safer than climbing up trees [Music] today I'm going to tell you a terrible story about a boy who wanted to be kidnapped by aliens from outer space this boy loved two things most civil books and of course candy and the boy didn't like to read children's books about Baba Yaga a real serious books [Music] he'd prefer books about aliens from outer space extraterrestrial intelligence and other science fiction stories about humanoids he'd read them at night under a blanket because aliens are watching us from a far far away and they always want to steal someone who is out of place just a blanket can protect you from Aliens it's been never ever has a humanoid found a child that was hidden under a blanket but one night when it was very dark the boy felt an extraterrestrial was going to find him in the darkness just outside the blanket came a heart-wrenching crunch like the crunch of a shower curtain and then the boy heard ominous steps then he heard such a horrible wheezing his heart jumped out of his skin he hid under the pillow the boy became afraid of just being terrified he looked out from under the blanket and Bam anyone it was all pitch dark and then suddenly out of the darkness a terrible ray of light struck the boy wanted to scream but he couldn't because right in front of him a light of Rey appeared and then he saw a scary in human hog although how terrifying is that it's just another Hedgehog it smelled candy got into the house climbed at the nightstand and stepped on the left switch so when the light lit up the Hedgehog was so scared when the light lit up the Hedgehog forgot all about the candy the boy was very happy that the Hedgehog wasn't extraterrestrial but a local and they became friends [Music] the boy put the Hedgehog in a washing machine then we launched him in the rocket and their Hedgehog loved all of it a hedgehog enjoys any experiment especially if you give it some candy afterwards but then one dark dark knight the Hedgehog suddenly disappeared the boy knew what happened of of course those humor noise was just waiting to steal the Hedgehog and had already prepared the ship for an Interstellar travel and along with the Hedgehog the Extraterrestrial took all the candy in the house the boy overcame his fear and ran to save the Hedgehog and the candy from the aliens suddenly something right in front of the house in the sandbox on the playground was a flying saucer two green aliens the Hedgehog and a bag full of candy then even even he couldn't believe his eyes the Hedgehog took off its Hedgehog's suit and it turned out that he wasn't a hedgehog at all but a humanoid the others the boy cried out in surprise that something unexpected happened the aliens were so terrified they jumped into their saucer and flew away but then immediately returned they took the candy got frightened again and flew away now the boy realized it wasn't worth being afraid after all aliens are simply small green humanoids food love candy where could they get candy in space so the poor things fire to us for candies from then on the evening the boy always puts candy on the windowsill if by chance the aliens come while he's sleeping they have a treat [Music] so you think no one could ever be afraid of an innocent bike but certainly you could today you will hear an incredible an amazing heartbreaking story about a bicycle every child always has the birthday once a year and as you can imagine it doesn't scare anyone but gosh it was very worried because of what he had been promised to get for his birthday oh how terrible a bike gosh she was really afraid of bikes he once imagined himself rushing down the street spreading these huge e monster the wheels were spinning furiously shaking the metal frame the curved handlebars were breaking away from his hands unable to hang on to them he flies off the beach and lands hard on the ground totally embarrassed left with scuffed knees and a huge lump on his forehead there was no one to save poor little Gosha usually gosh's grandmother protects him from any accidents fall Head Over Heels [Music] land on the ladder you have a bad soul my dear don't touch the rake you'll hurt yourself his grandmother always stood guard making sure that Joshua was safe from any possible dangers that's something that no one not even the fastest granny in the world could be ready for the bike couldn't be stopped and Gosha couldn't be protected because of any accident that's truly terrible Kasha was already nervous about his birthday when a spooky bite started haunting him at night when the moon Rose in the sky bam the ghost bite started rolling Softly on its Phantom Wheels it's ghostly petals were creaking and it started moving by itself the Bell was ringing and the lights were blinking frightfully and imagine how horrified goshta was when the morning of his birthday finally arrived and when he opened his present there it was the scariest bike in the whole world there he was rolling the two-wheeled miracle out of the courtyard when suddenly what a cool bike slasher heard an unfamiliar voice he raised his eyes and saw a girl standing in front of him with a helmet on her head pads on her elbows and knees and a worn out skateboard at her feet can I go for a ride ask the girl and Bam well gasha blinked his eyes she was already riding it away friends gosh I cried out be careful little girl oh you'll fall be careful you'll break a leg the girl just kept it writing and laughing making figurines whoa gosh I washed it all feeling pretty jealous well she finally stopped breaking sharply near Gosha wow that was cool and aren't you afraid of falling and hurting yourself you have to look ahead not under the wheels that way you won't fall off well come on just give it a try don't worry I'll go beside you to keep you safe then they began writing together around the Courtyard at first they were going slow of course and then racing and to this day do you know who has suffered no not gasha grandma she was at the window watching everything inspiring but Goshen never hurt her size and it is not just the bike he is now learning how to ride the skateboard oh what a great birthday that was Unforgettable so my dear friends I'll tell you something your grandma doesn't worry in vain that's for sure but learn how to ride a bike anyway well or a skateboard or even roller skates then you'll finally realize that they're not scary at all but very fun and useful things [Music] I'm gonna tell you now a very scary and spooky Tale about a girl named leucia who believed in bad signs and superstitions [Music] once in a summertime this girl had the scariest nightmare she dreamed that a huge crocodile that walked for over a mile was hungry so hungry he ate everything in the country the crocodile took a bite of her in bank she thought we was here was a piece of ham Lucia woke up in a cold sweat she was biting her blanket with fear and horror she saw that she was scared Green in the mirror before her such a nightmare this dream horrible dream this is just a bad Superstition Lucia thought she was afraid to get out of the house what if there was really a crocodile out there she didn't want us to swallow her down so she sat at home all day long because she believed that the superstitions prophetic dreams and bad predictions and then the next morning Lucia got up on the wrong side of the bed as soon as she didn't she knew things would turn bad it was sunny and nice looking outside the window the birds were singing and there were children laughing outside in the yard but still she felt something was wrong [Music] the little girl looked at herself in the mirror oh of course I can't believe I had my shirt inside out this is such bad luck oh I could get bitten because of it I won't step out of the house not for a bit there might be a robber waiting in the playground and a one-legged pirate helping him they will definitely attack when they see her they'll hit her with her crutches both of them oh I think it's better to sit at home again I'm afraid to go for a walk or put in the yard today the next day on the news the weather lady said the forecast was good gets ready for a walk she fixes her hair to look beautiful but what a scare when she looks in the mirror all of a sudden the wizard astrologer appears on the TV and he says the maze were born in the year of the purple rabbit will have their share of trouble today avoid far away travels and stay away from the King of Diamonds and the Queen of Hearts Lucius sugar to the core and drop the mirror to the floor according to her horoscope she was born in the year of the Purple Rabbits the mirror landed hard on the floor and broke in a thousand pieces Lucia thought that was a bad sign a forecast for a storm of trouble whose Sons could be a prediction that she would fall from her bicycle or instead of volcano could erupt in the yard or that the park would be destroyed by a storming hurricane dangerous to go out anyhow I better just stay at home for now and day after day all kinds of signs and bad superstitions would make Leo see a shiver with horror the days were flying by and the summer was almost over and the superstitiously Lucia had been sitting in her airlift room the entire vacation hat was a waste when the first day of school came the UCL looked at her friends and noticed that they look rested relaxed so tanned and very happy she spent most of her summer being terrified with bad superstitious beliefs while the other kids were having fun playing in the park only UC accomplished was spoiling her entire holiday her superstitious beliefs weren't signs of nothing the holidays are trashed that's the real stress I hope you understood Lucy's sad condition that kid's on vacation can't waste time in Superstition [Music] there was a good boy who was scared to death of any infection [Music] if a cat sneeze nearby immediately after that the boy would be suffering from a heart attack I am going to tell you now what a horrible story it turned out to be all kids knew that the scary old pawn at the Wasteland was a death trap the pond itself was not big it was usually shallow but our girls were afraid to walk there everyone says that slippery fries live in the pond blood thirsty leeches and even a real size water monster so these boys decided to catch this water monster once and for all they packed their backpacks and got ready to start this new adventure [Music] brought over old wood boards and started to make a float boat so they could move around scary old ponds but the pounding sound of their hammers was so loud that siamushka got scared and started whimpering pounds so hard I feel like you're hammering my head [Music] skin geska didn't listen to him they hoisted the mass raised the sails and tried to catch the wind sat down afraid of the future while murmuring to himself oh how scary we're going into the scary Pond now and they can catch chickenpox and then they'll contaminate me [Music] held down to his medicine box which was put inside his backpack by his grandma just in case meanwhile keshken geska grabbed some leftover woods and they started to push off the shore to move the boat [Music] not shyamuska they will end up getting tetanus from the old piece of wood so Siam Muska decided to put on a mask to protect his runny nose and avoid getting tetanus luckily he had a mask which was placed inside his backpack by his grandma just in case [Music] Co were sweating but they kept on pushing until their faces got very red and siamushka thought the boys had cotton epidemic rosola [Music] he then took a bottle of green disinfectant and put it all over his body to avoid roses without contamination [Music] you him foreign to the water [Music] at that very moment siamushka started to panic he was scared and yelled now these stupid guys will contaminate me with a dropsy he pulled on a diving suit which was also placed in his medicine box by his grandma got out of the water and laughed like two babies and then they saw with their own eyes the water monster wearing a diving suit and a flumes question had no fears they caught the water monster and started to carry him to make the girl scared [Music] but the girls had no fear of him they realized right away that the water monster was siameshka after all he was snoring very loud so well have you ever met someone next time America they're coughing sneezing and know everything about all diseases and they scare All Children's around them with all kinds of illnesses they whimper and spread rumors and people get really scared and they run to the drugstore to buy all kinds of medicines it is better to stay away from rumors take good care of yourself exercise regularly and keep up your good hygiene eat more fruits that way no infection no illnesses no diseases and no bacteria will be strong enough to make you sick laughs [Music] tell me something sweethearts Are You Afraid of the Dark I used to be very afraid of it too once so afraid in fact that I kept a flashlight with me all night until one day someone told me a fairy tale about a tiny little bug that was also very afraid of the dark just like you Once Upon a Time in the dark dark woods there looked a tiny little bug a very common bug and the woods that he lived in were no different from other wooded places you might see but every evening one day it turned to night and the woods grew very very dark the tiny mean little bug started to become afraid one night was sitting under a leaf shivering with fear the bugs saw all kinds of horrible monsters there was one with long fangs and mouth open one like a suitcase and there was another with sharp claws reaching out for him as the night dragged on the woods grew scarier and scarier as the drive closed in he became more and more afraid finally the friend little bug could no longer stand it and he cried out scared scared mother please [Music] please turn on the light all the animals in the woods were terrified by the shouting half asleep and having no idea what was going on they scattered in every direction the bugs saw the animal's Shadows scurrying around in the woods he became frightened and cried out even louder help I think all this noise the bug was making was causing a poor little wood pixie to suffer she had to fly to the school in the morning to learn all kinds of magic but because she was so sleepy she would fall asleep during the lesson instead of listening carefully to her teacher everybody knows that when you fall asleep during class you can get bad grades the pixie made up her mind to put an end to these nighttime concerts she flew over to see the bug in the dark and she said good evening dear bug why are you always shouting so loudly look around all the animals ran away who did they run away from as the frightened bug from you you're such a monster I'm not a Monster who said the bug crying I'm a small parade then why am I not afraid as the pixie I'm also small yes but and the bug started to whimper but look you have a bright Lantern and that's why nothing scares you the wood pixie site yes that's tough I'll have to conjure the small Lantern for you waves Christian Hedgehog one brush fish sponge tube cheese tomatoes sugar cubes three Hocus Pocus Lantern turn on and Bam instead of having a lantern like the woodpixie the bug had a light of tail this is what happens when you don't listen carefully in class thought the pixie to herself the bug Giggles he looked around and noticed that the monster with the long face and the mouth wide open like a suitcase had turned into a rotten stump and in the light of his tail the monster with the sharp cloth looked like an ordinary juniper tree and suddenly the lighting bug realized something there's actually nothing at all to be afraid of foreign night he would switch on his taillight and fly around all night until the morning and then catch up on his sleep during the day and the woodpixie just before falling asleep would Smile as she gazed at a bright Little Star as it slowly flinted from Branch to branch in the Silence of the night okay sweethearts the time has come for me to say good night sometimes it seems like you might see something in the darkness but there is no reason to feel afraid take my advice and be happy it's easier to learn after a good night's rest the light of knowledge is best [Music] today I'm going to tell you a very scary story after I'm done you won't be able to fall asleep not in the day and not in the night and not even in the morning after you eat a nice plate of warm porridge you still you still able to sleep and it all happened at a children's summer camp when a very fun boy arrived all the children in the camp were having fun but this boy knew how to have a lot of fun he spent all day running and jumping around it was like he received an electric shock or maybe he had never any batteries and later that evening it was all dark outside the streets were very quiet and scary full of wolves howling on the other side of the fence and strangers well you should never talk to and yet this boy did not want to sleep [Music] hey said it's a passive time telling horrifying spooky stories stories about a black black hand and white white ghost how about a door to attention a coffin on Wheels and ghouls covered in hair the boy told everyone all the children these very scary tales then he calmly fell asleep and in no time he was dreaming all of a sudden he dreamed of a black pant get jumped scared in bed and looked all around and to his surprise coming out from under the bed was a real black hand the nails were long dirty and uncut ew disgusted the boy decided to run away from it but then he stumbled and fell because under the other bed a black leg was taken out the boy got up and right in front of him there was a ghost wearing glasses it was completely white and totally scary what should he do jumping he went from one bed to the other he opened the door and went screaming and running away from the body parts [Music] he had a set it it was better to take his chances with the wolves and strangers but we should never ever talk to he was running in the streets when he was spotted by the headlights of a coffin on Wheels he continued running towards an alley but the headlights were still chasing him the boy was tear fine he kept running and screaming suddenly he heard a loud voice coming from the coffin on Wheels stop what are you doing why aren't you asleep he's trapped the boy couldn't escape with his back against the canteen wall the boy closed his eyes thinking everything was over now a vampire would come out from the coffin to suck my blood but there was no blood sucking it was a camp counselor's vampire voice that said I'm wondering what are you doing Mr scary you're frightening all the campers with your silly Scary Tales look around you have scared them all Mr Black Hand climbed under his bed Mr ghost hit his head under the sheets and the Blackfoot locked himself in the bathroom and is so afraid that no one can make him come out you have even pulled a joke on me the director of the whole camp but I had to chase after you up and down the camp I ran out of gas well Mr scary aren't you ashamed of yourself without a doubt the boy was ashamed he was really embarrassed of his behavior so he apologized to the boys in his dorm with scary creepy things he had said before their bedtime he also promised to buy more guests at the camp director well he will do that when he gets his first job but I guess the director didn't believe him because he sighed heavily something in the morning he called the boy's parents to tell him that horrible story their son had told the others about a black Blackhand and a coffin on Wheels and the horrible trick he had played the night before for some reason only his mother was frightened his dad on the other hand was not afraid but instead he promised to handle the situation dear friends today I'm going to tell you a very cool tale about useful inventions once upon a time there was grinko I had seen enough horror stories on TV about Mega brains that conquered the Earth with the help of horrific mechanical monsters but in honest truth we've been surrounded by all this technology for a long time and now it's just scary to think what might happen what if the refrigerator starts to hum threateningly like if it wants to eat the smartest boy and one of the elevator instead of opening the doors automatically opened an iron shop what if my TV is not just broadcast no one will signals but also amidst zombie signals [Music] teams and even irons you and since then he began to feel really scared he saw the escalators in the subway station okay goes fine if the buses hissing doors even in the summer the rides of the amusement park had began to seem like terrible steel monsters with grabbing tentacles and sharp teeth crinkled panic and look at the amusement park from far away but the summer was over and it was time to go back to school at the beginning of the new school year all children set up for different clubs but there was one particular group but not even one child wanted to sign up for it was a very strange and very suspicious name for a school club skillful hands couldn't sign up for the club either decided he wouldn't sign up for anything well as if it wasn't enough the scariest thing began to happen [Music] homeroom teacher came and commanded Rico since you did not sign up for any of the school clubs you're going to join in the skillful hands [Music] nothing could be done so grinko went to skillful hands meeting and fear grabbed a hold of him immediately left in front there were huge and menacing looking machines they were all made of cold shining metal at any minute now they will start whistling rattling and howling [Music] here's a voice well finally at least someone changed me [Music] Pinnacle monsters Graco looked around and immediately grabbed a hammer that was close to him this is what he would use to protect himself just in case and mega brain said well aren't you clever before grabbing a tool you need to familiarize yourself with the safety instructions Gringo jumped in complete amazement with his eyes wide opened he asked is this equipment completely safe and all I know that sometimes equipment is very dangerous to operate [Music] Dear Boy now you'll need to be able to operate any machine you may find in the whole world the first and most important thing that you have to be aware of and follow is the manual of understanding the safety rules and now if you follow these very important rules you won't need to fear any machines at all and indeed crinkle began to study the rules and eventually learn all he needed to know about all the tools machines and equipment and most important he was so trusted that he spent all his free time working in the club yes we cannot imagine what a peaceful thing grinco invented while he was working in there [Music] it was so useful that everyone's Jaws were dropped friends listen carefully learn this stuff very well and aren't afraid of machines then you can invent very useful things for people to use in their daily routines don't be afraid to show your amazing ideas go out there and conquer the world obviously in a good way and don't forget to follow the safety rules manual [Music] listen carefully because I'm about to tell you one of the scariest stories I have ever heard in my entire life about a boy who thought everything was really good and then suddenly it all turned really bad once upon a time it was a very brave boy his name was tolik his parents would call and call for him but he would never answer they shouted and there was no answer because this boy would spend the whole day morning tonight sitting at his computer oh oh um what I mean is that he was playing shooting games at his computer at home he would plan a laptop where he would shoot monsters with all kinds of computer weapons when his mom and dad took him to visit someone he would play on a tablet where he would ride a virtual horse and Chase monsters while waving a virtual sword and shooting virtual arrows while he was riding a bus he would play on his phone smashing all the monsters he came across and if all of Tully's gadgets were taken away from him he could still pound his calculator it's certainly not as interesting as a computer but it could also be very scary and so he played all day long the day came to an end and the night had finally arrived it was bedtime for Tony he fell asleep and then he had a horrible nightmare terrible monsters from his gadgets visited him and they said we got you now you have tormented us chased us and shot US with guns and now Prodigy from the games we will have you for dinner something like that and they started chasing Toby anxiously but he just kept trying to dodge the weapons and that were thrown at him but the monsters were getting closer and closer shooting at tonique with whatever guns they had there was nowhere to hide because everything around him was destroyed just look at this it's all your fault you have destroyed the houses and ruined our home with your explosions Scream the monsters and now it is time to get back at you soleek wanted to hide in the bushes but you can't do that when out the bushes haven't burnt to the ground it's all your fault you ran after us with a flame torch burning it all down taliq wanted to climb a tree look at all the trees had been cut down it's all your fault you chase us with the chainsaw cutting all the trees it's not true I didn't do anything it was you you from morning to night scaring us and chasing us around because of your actions now we have to eat you actually was really scared he thought I need to end this game how can I get to the main menu actually actually you will be on the menu today and soon we're going to eat you the monster screamed hey wait a second totally shouted I'll wake up and turn off the power we're having dinner way before that the monsters cried we are cooking you and baking you and then we'll eat you until Luke had nowhere to monsters had him surrounded from [Music] it from bed sound and cried he probably sat down on the Escape key every game has one and finally he woke up from that day on until he had kept his distance from shooting computer games no he prefers different games the regular ones like hockey soccer and even curling after playing so many games out in the fresh air it's impossible to have nightmares [Music] theme he's so tired from running and playing all day that he can hardly crawl to bed [Music] that's after being barely awake for dinner and the computer monsters also had the chance to rebuild their home they repaired and painted their houses everything looked beautiful now they also have time to play soccer all day long but sometimes late late at night when the monsters are sleeping they dream of tonic horrible [Applause] see how terrible the lightning flashes are how about the awful Thunder Rumbles are you scared now it will be even scarier this story took place in early May for the first spring thunder sounds well maybe we should start from the beginning one day in the spring and an unusually hot sunset hour Vanya sat on a bench in the park he was drinking a refreshing apricot soda battling something under his breath it's so hot and muggy if only it would rain a few little drops I would give anything just to make the weather get a little bit cooler I would give up my smartphone oh my Gamepad I would even give up my whole computer as soon as he said that bam there was a lightning flash there was a thundercrack and an incredible Roar Was Heard now there were Thunders lightning pouring rain and hail but it was already sorry he asked for rain he couldn't hold him and started crying and whiming like a little baby oh I'm just so scared because Banya was afraid of thunderstorms when the lightning flashed it was immediately in tears poor Vineyard tried to close his eyes tight but he was still able to see the lightning light in horror he plucked his ears but he was still able to hear the thunder roar and then even more frightening than thunder a penetrating voice boomed right from above are you feeling scared now well it could get even worse I am the fairy tale King Koshi I love scaring children more than anything else you could say I command the loud thunder flashy lightning and all the gloomy clouds around find [Music] joking which makes it even more frightened is it the rain falling like a waterfall didn't you ask for it to be cool flashing lightning is striking but doesn't the air feel refreshing now make good on your promise it's time to hand over your computer your smartphone and your Gamepad or it'll make the thunder and lightning is even worse it's up to you to make that decision was trembling with fear like a rabbit's tail oh I have to give up all my electronic gadgets I won't have my favorite game at all because I'm afraid of the thunderstorm nowhere who is she who is she oh that's the use of the wise she looked at koshy at the lightning and all the gloomy clouds she listened to the Thunder and finally she said tevanya hey come on my friend let's go you don't need to be afraid this is exactly why the lightning rod was invented funny looks up and realizes that Koshi is still shooting lightning of them Hit the Floor they're all going to the lightning rod series isn't funny in front of her and then she told him remember they are simple rules to be followed name is electricity and electricity is subject to the laws of physics number one you cannot be out on the street using your mobile phone during the thunderstorms number two this is a well-known and widespread rule being near a pondering a storm would be very dangerous number three you must never walk in an open field especially under an umbrella the vet umbrella has its rod and framework made out of metal the metal is a good conductor of electricity lightning strides more often on elevated points so be careful you must never hide under a tree standing all alone in a field you could be hit by lightning if you are hiding under a tree like that plus you guys could knock down the tree right on top of you bang tree down certain people have been researching where lightning usually strikes so all we have to do is avoid these dangerous places fania wasn't afraid anymore he felt safe and even started to smile the rules are so simple there's nothing to be afraid of because she kept throwing lightning and rumbling Thunder but all he accomplished with that was getting soaked in cold under all that rain he growled fence into a royal tantrum but that got him nowhere he finally understood that all he could do was go back to his kingdom far far away with no Gamepad computer or smartphone to help pass the time if there's a thunderstorm with lightning just remember these Simple Rules Don't Panic please follow them and you'll have no reason to be afraid now if you decide not to follow them please don't forget to carry your own personal lightning rod so so where could all of the cartoons be hiding [Music] let's start an investigation ah one two three four five six let's look for cartoons to pick I will press this microphone Masha and the Bear let's go that's how easy it is and now you try it
Channel: Masha and The Bear
Views: 10,466,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cartoon, Masha And The Bear, Masha, Bear, Masha and Bear, new episodes, funny cartoon, animation, kids cartoons, маша и медведь, english episodes, masha and the bear english episodes, masha and the bear in English, marsha, marsha full movie bahasa Indonesia, mawa kawa, cartoons for kids, try not to laugh, funny videos, 30 min, cartoons 2020, episode collection, Bonfire spooky time, Masha's Spooky Stories, Best episodes, masha best episode, masha scary story
Id: lgRDjvyrsfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 22sec (3682 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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