Masha and the Bear 2024 🩰 Put on your dance shoes πŸ’ƒπŸͺ© Best episodes cartoon collection 🎬

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[Music] coming [Music] coming me too I also want to say hi new arrival new arrival it's our pan it's our friend oops [Music] oops let me I'll help you y but I'll help you anyway look at that it's so [Music] cool [Music] [Music] w [Music] a w [Music] you will never touch me you will never get [Music] it [Music] [Applause] the [Music] he [Music] wo wo [Music] wo [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh wow what's the special occasion [Music] bear ah I get it today is your birthday I'll go get your present I'll be right back [Music] ah bear that was a long time ago I've learned so many manners I what do you call it I'm well-mannered but I [Music] promise [Music] hooray [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] good morning oh my what a striking resemblance [Music] huh please excuse me [Music] everyone ooh oo I really have such good manners [Music] today hey bear hey bear i w i w i w i w i w i w i w i w i w I want to congratulate you for your birthday too happy birthday to you my dear bear [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh I am so pleased to see you [Music] again [Music] just so you know I have the very bestest manners here [Music] today allow me to give you a hand [Music] there you look like an adorable little cutie pie isn't that right [Music] bear [Music] [Applause] may I please have this dance my [Music] [Applause] [Music] friend oh oh pardon me I am so very sorry would you like to dance with me [Music] [Applause] it's okay don't worry I'll be sure to save the next dance for [Music] you I could eat that whole entire cake it looks so good happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday dear [Music] [Applause] [Music] bear oh my oh my oh my happiest Birthday my dear [Music] bear oh my mistake sorry about that here's yours and this one is for my little Rosie bone appe Petit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] he [Music] just as I figured I knew that I would be the one with the Best Manners [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here it's so boring did we really really play every game in the whole world there is something we can play we can stay to play like a theater why didn't you say it before Dasha let's do it right away and put on a play look let's start with a classic theater it's so boring the Opera is so much better the great costumes and singing too it's still boring I think that we should stay a great classic drama or maybe even a tragedy I think we should do an [Music] oper we should do an OP no a great drama only the oper would say St a great classic drama a great drama a great do an only a drama just a drama a drama a drama I say we should do a classic drama that we should do classic [Music] drama I say that we should do a drama I say we should do an [Music] oper that is a great idea the ballet Opera with elements of drama you can keep going on and show off your knowledge but I am riding El r [Music] [Music] [Music] out [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] it will be our utmost pleasure to start the show without delay we hope you'll cherish this great treasure as we present to you our play in Verona Italy la la la la la la we're the friendly family la la la la la [Laughter] [Music] you won't F somebody wor worthy of evil Crown even if you look around the entire universe to be Wicked is exciting it's the job that I enjoy tricking every girl and boy into NeverEnding fighting I shall start the [Music] and defeat my every it is i r the i r the show it is i r the show I run the show oh oh oh oh he's a cutie pie what's that you take it's mine no [Music] never no no I do not want this [Music] cracker this time our heroes were defeated the eagle villain got away but please continue to be seated and watch the rest of our great [Music] Play Ooh It's finally time to show off my evil wickedness [Music] [Applause] [Music] the darling sweetheart are united their enemy is finally gone and everybody is delighted but still The Show Must Go On do exactly as I say or find me if you dare but'll find you anywhere you shall never get away no we are not afraid of you it's time time to go so now [Music] us really what a [Applause] [Music] diva [Music] a [Music] me too me too I want to have some holidays here too woohoo we will throw a [Music] party that means dear bunny that everyone should wear a costume oh what's do I don't have a good costume a costume I need to get a [Music] costume but then who who should I be dressed as oh only a miracle can save me magic I need to use [Music] magic I am the fairest of the [Music] fairies oh oh yeah and what are all the others doing [Music] w [Music] no no no no no oh what [Music] oh [Music] hi everyone what's the problem that's what I'm for how great it is to be all [Music] powerful no that's not a problem I will fix it in no time see it is not a holiday without [Music] me well the midnight is still far [Music] away [Music] so now it's time to dress you [Music] up [Music] oh [Music] hey time why can't you be [Music] still [Music] [Applause] [Music] w okay the party wasn't great but look what a good harvest we have in here oops no I should not believe in miracles [Music] a [Music] oh no he will be sad again I was right he got [Music] sad and no wonder it's such an old thing yeah it's not a cool instrument at all and he's looking like he's not goodlooking nah the way he's going he's not going to go [Music] far [Music] but that's okay we'll tune it up in no time well let's do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] oh my I'm such a I'm [Music] speechless that's how you do it [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] St [Music] so now you know know what to [Music] [Music] do [Music] you can never Teach an old bear a new trick too [Music] bad [Music] oh [Music] h I [Music] [Applause] you know how to play the piano and you never taught me I must I must learn to play it oh baby this baby grand is really Grand so where's the key where's the board oh wow how did I ever live without a piano thees Sound of Music was missing from my [Music] life that's it teach [Music] me I can't wait to become really [Music] famous why do I need to practice scales I don't need them to play great let's have the in music the most important thing is to know how to take a [Music] bow oh I don't like these scales [Music] oh mhm [Music] hm [Music] mhm [Music] uhhuh [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I won't become famous anytime soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon [Music] oops pretty slippery H oh [Music] wow just like in the [Music] circus will you teach me how to do it eh whatever oh bear will teach [Music] me bear the Ice is very slippery and I can't [Music] SK he's sleeping again you always sleep wake up [Music] aha okay okay so where does he keep his skates oh [Music] [Applause] wow aha this will do just [Music] fine well it will [Music] do it's not a bear it's an [Music] elephant go sleep through the whole winter and not skate even [Music] once we will skate no matter [Music] what [Music] hey hey hey watch [Music] out [Music] H oh he's awake so let's [Music] [Music] wa hey where are you going what about [Music] skating who leaves kids on ice without supervision what if I slip and fall I'm falling falling falling oh I will fall ouch I fell we'll skate no matter [Music] what maybe we should skate already Maybe the ice rings on the river they glimmer and they Shimmer grownups stay home and Shimmer but the kids are run away they put on skates and go to dance under the snow then they transform as they perform the beautiful ball there flakes in the air like Superstars they wear go there if you dare if you care to join the Play Ty is on your new skates then go and meet your Playmates before you I can do it [Music] now [Music] let's have the F music and songs that are amusing for all of us to dance and sing and Cate this day the Ks are far and feel great they smile and laugh as they skate they way [Music] away um where can I get my [Music] medal I'm telling you that this is not a proper way to bring up the little baby and I'm telling you that this is my baby I'll bring my baby up the way I want this is not the proper way to feed the baby and I'm telling you that this is what my baby likes to eat the best oh where did my little baby run away to that's what I was saying little babies don't run away from others who treat them well [Music] he I'm telling you it's not enough to feed the baby you need to teach your baby to read to paint and to sing and I'm telling you that to feed the baby is the most important [Music] lesson aha you see my baby developed an appetite for reading okay then you got enough of reading we will feed the baby now then we'll go to bed then we'll feed the baby again what's this your mommy worked hard cooking you the food and you don't want it then what do you want oh wow yes we'll become [Music] Mosers bear can we do this woohoo yes we can we will become Musketeers right away [Music] Bo and gloves a hat with feather on the side we are dressed like Musketeers off we ride and enemies will disappear in a flash when see me in my pained black I am looking to impress all and and achieve a great success when the game [Music] is [Music] there look at us we are [Music] Musketeers bear we'll deliver everything right away Musketeers go [Music] forth hey come on come on do not delay everyone follow my lead and why do you think you are the one in charge because I am the most important one that's one and also because I am dartanian that's two who who are you again I am the hero and who are you again and you who are you oh that's who you are well that's not who you are you're not oh yeah I am the very best you are best at being nothing and who are you anyway so what that and who are you again that's not here [Music] [Music] you look at us who's dartanion Bears waiting and we can't agree on the name you're right we call ourselves the Musketeers where are the presents and where did our friend go probably fighting for all of us now let's all go and help out our [Music] friend hey you misters have you seen here a musketeer you've seen it so what happened then [Music] he [Music] yes this is the real dartanion you see no doubt that I raised a real hero and you said I did everything [Music] wrong hey mister keep your paws away from a musketeer Musketeers have a secret to confess courage is more important a PR dress so remember keep your hands and steady hold your stand div always one for hey you swords man come on [Music] in [Music] oh wow [Music] w oops today's bear's birthday and I forgot it and the gift where can I get a gift happy birthday [Music] there [Music] n my birthday's coming up very very soon please don't forget it will you not forget my presents if you forget no problem I'll remind [Music] you bear will you wake up in time for my birthday oh you woke up I see that you didn't forget my birthday and this is the list of all the gifts it's all the presents you want to give me so remember now not to [Music] forget time is moving very slowly seem so far away kids await as days are crawling toow candles on the cake catching hours hoping soon to be singing birthday too happy birthday to me happy birthday to me Happ birthday happy birthday happy birthday to me it is true these days are rare but it's better in the end it allows time to prepare for your ancient every friend he will make you lots of presents and we'll cheer in your Pres can't forget you remember it right tomorrow tomorrow is the day of my [Music] birthday it's time to get all happy it's time to get my [Music] presents where are [Music] they how could they forget about my birthday ah they must be at the bear's house waiting for me and here I am could it be that they really forgot it hey you boys you remembered not to forget how could they forget such an important day I cannot even believe this there's no one here who [Music] remembers oh no no no no this is my worst birthday happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to me would be fun to make the most of making everyone a friend then someone's always hosting celebrations to attend sing cheering and toasting year round happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to me happy birthday to my friends we are all family once again happy birthday to you happy birthday to me happy birthday to my friend we are all family happy birthday to my friends we are [Music] [Music] family [Music] Merry Christmas [Music] give me give me give me [Music] [Applause] that a [Music] h [Music] w hm oo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] woo [Music] bear me too I want to fly too [Applause] [Music] oops bear look the tree what about that tree hey beer the tree the tree jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way [Music] oh what's fun it is to ride in a one horse open Sligh jingle bell jingle bell [Music] that was Santa Claus oh [Music] yeah go left now hurry [Music] hurry woohoo Santa Claus is here woohoo Santa Claus inhale exhale inhale all right you need you need oh you need the bed [Music] rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait all this is not for me no way [Music] it's a favorite [Music] tradition to get gifts that Santa give me give me give me Santa did complete his mission and found who's nice who's not Merry Christmas we're expecting lots of presents cannot wait for Christmas Eve but it's better to be pleasant and to give and to receive Merry Christmas yes to give and to receive [Music] a we need to help this [Music] tree there you go one two three light the Christmas [Music] tree Merry Christmas come again bring [Music] presents [Music] woo woohoo woohoo woohoo woohoo [Music] woohoo so so so where could all of the cartoons be hiding H let's start an investigation ah 1 2 3 4 5 6 let's look for cartoons to pick I will press this microphone Masha and the Bear let's go that's how easy it is and now you try it
Channel: Masha and The Bear
Views: 499,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Masha And The Bear, Masha, Bear, Masha and Bear, new episodes, funny cartoon, animation, kids cartoons, маша и мСдвСдь, masha and the bear english episodes, masha and the bear in English, marsha, marsha full movie bahasa Indonesia, mawa kawa, cartoons for kids, funny videos, episode collection, masha and the bear 2024, masha and the bear new, Put on your dance shoes, International Dance Day
Id: 28gpm7Fg99s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 11sec (4091 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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