MASH World Node - Map Based Clusters

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hi everyone so in this video we'll take a quick look at some map based distribution and with it you can create some really interesting and varied distributions you based on textures or shaders in this case and what we're gonna do is we're going to just distribute some textures which distribute some mushrooms over a plane here and then we're gonna use the same shader to deform the plane as well actually so the because we're using the world mode our clusters are using the collisions here so the distribution should be non-overlapping and yeah so we've got three different up some mushrooms and where we don't want any mushrooms to go so the path here and there should be them and then as we go from and the way that map brace shade is map based placement works is as a map goes from black to white it increases the probability of a point being able to grow there so and that's yeah that's the the we and method behind it so let's set it up so here's our play and here are our mushrooms so let's grab these and we'll create a mash Network like so we're just on the worldö straightaway and we will change the cluster mode to map based we get an error saying please conduct a mesh because my based distribution requires a mesh so let's drag our ground onto the impressions slot here and then just increase the number of points and what we can do to just get rid of our original points so we can go into previous point mode could change that to kill that will get rid of those and what we can do is we just put a number in here say like 500 or we can up this to say 5,000 and but that will take a second to calculate because we have all these clues in iterations on who can actually do and you know we can set the collision iterations 0 that's what we'd end up with normally and then basically what's happening is I just reduce this number down slightly what's happening is as we had a collision iterations we just move these objects away from each other so there's one and now two source self out a bit further and three the results even further so you end up with something like that and of course we can randomize the ID so we've got a maximum ID of - the way that I know we have a maximum ID of two is by just checking in sir we have three objects on there 0 1 & 2 the IDS down the side here so our ID maximum is 2 so we can just change the ID mo to random and then we have our random mushrooms so again if I was to reduce system it down slightly just for the interaction purposes and then what we can do is we can add some random radius variance and just to get some different signs on the stream so if we look at it from the side they're all did but a few different slices going on there and yeah ok so let's send I mean nothing we've done there is nice to eat mat base so I'll show you quickly if I just grab a let's crop the material for this plane here and let's just add a noise shader to begin with there it is so the noise shader and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ramp up camp eschewed no I'm not going to actually yesterday I'm good what are we gonna do yeah that's right I'm gonna change it the noise dr. Pearle annoys run up number two so I've got black arrows and white areas like that and then this texture I'm going to bring up in the node editor I will well it's here anyway but if you if it's not there just um if it's not fair just select the ground mesh and go right click graph materials on the port selection and that will give you V I'll give you the material so that's in the mash Network go to the world node again and then you can middle Mouse drag the noise shade onto the placement map like so and then when we look at that you see we have objects where the white is but none where the black is and actually objects could appear where there is black if the collisions put them there so if you have objects of what there you go so there's yellow objects here there's actually in a black area and that's because the collision is put it there so if I set the collision story to zero now it's not it's actually starting on where where it's non black there so that's what happens with that and so yeah and okay so let's get our and the texture that we used before is a ramp so I'm gonna just break connection on that and then create a ramp and then on the mash Network I'm going to drag this ramp onto our placement map and as you can see we've gone from where the black is we don't have any objects and then gradually gets busier and busier over to the where it's white and so let's not play with the rump and we'll do something like this and make it like a black area in the center change the interpolation to smooth and we will a little bit of noise like that maybe and then I'm going to add a texture deformer so slip the mesh here and go to form texture and then with this ramp I'm going to drag it onto the texture here and I'll increase the strength of that like so so that's rain there and I will just just some of the things in here slightly maybe just bring that in like that like that cool so I mean that's just a very quick simple dirty little trick and for doing this kind of thing and hopefully find it useful but that's kind of map based distribution so allows you to populate areas with kind of non overlapping objects worth watching the cluster tutorial for more information on the non-overlapping I remember you can play with the curtain in the middle of separation here if your object scale is not quite right and you've always got the quality sitting here which is the first iteration so can increase that and resolves a few more collisions but then yeah so that's kind of how it works and I hope you find that useful
Channel: Ian Waters
Views: 21,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya, mash, motion graphics, mograph, world node, maps, clusters, collision, separate
Id: wg5QOutXBgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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