Mary Trump describes family as 'malignantly dysfunctional' l GMA

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more now for my exclusive interview with president Trump's niece author of the new memoir too much and never enough how my family created the world's most dangerous man marry Trump had to fight in court for the right to publish her portrait of what she calls a malignantly dysfunctional family the patriarch president Trump's extremely wealthy father Fred it all begins with your grandfather oh absolutely absolutely say he's a sociopath yes what do you mean by that he had no empathy he was incredibly driven in a way that turned other people including his children his wife into pawns to be used to his own ends if somebody could be of service to him then he would use them if they couldn't be he excised them and in my father's case tragically but he was not abuse you right Donald fine the lead of my grandfather and went the complicity silence and inaction of his siblings destroyed my father yeah that was hard to write much harder to witness you say that was a horror sentence to ride I left out the next sentence okay I can't let him destroy my country ah yes that sounds pretty arrogant so let me explain what I mean I feel as I write in the book that there are so many parallels between the circumstances in which my family operated and in which this country is now operating I saw firsthand what focusing on the wrong things elevating the wrong people can do the collateral damage that can be created by allowing somebody to to live their lives without accountability if I can do anything to change the narrative and to tell the truth I need to do that because I don't believe the American people had the entire truth four years ago why don't you write the book four years ago I thought long and hard about saying something I knew that if I had said anything I would have been painted as a disgruntled disinherited niece who just wanted her 15 minutes which obviously is still being said about me now that's exactly what the White House says they say it's a book of falsehoods that you're writing out of financial self-interest basically you're lying for money if I had wanted money or revenge I would have done this ten years ago when it was infinitely safer but neither one of those things interested me you do right that he he once had a spark of kindness yeah I think he did one of the unforgivable things my grandfather did to Donald was he severely restricted the range of human emotion that was accessible to him which makes it incredibly it means that certain feelings were not allowed like sadness the impulse to be kind the impulse to be generous those things that my grandfather found superfluous unmanly your father got very ill deathly ill and you get a phone call from your grandfather I remember that conversation verbatim my grandfather got on the phone he said your dad's sick is it serious he's in the hospital but it's not serious okay but you know why am i calling you at 10 o'clock on a Saturday night if it's not serious I was thinking to myself so I said well is it his heart because he had had open-heart surgery three years earlier at the age of 39 and he said yes it's it's hard and I said well then it is serious yes it's serious but don't worry about it call your mother in the morning and as I found out two minutes later when I called my mother to find out what was going on my father had died two hours earlier more or less alone completely alone obviously with strangers surrounding him but no family you write that his brother went to the movies yes yeah that shocked even me when I heard about it you know it was bad enough it was probably worse honestly that my dad's parents just sat in the the library in the house waiting for a phone call I will never know why they didn't go to the hospital to be with their son who was clearly dying so maybe it isn't surprising that Donald didn't think he needed to be there maybe that would have looked bad to his father and maybe sitting around waiting for the phone call was too burdensome I don't know but you know I've often wondered what movie did he go to see that seemed more compelling than sitting with his dying brother but I'll never know for many years after your father died you were taken care of by the gentle family hmm then Fred Trump dies and you have the impasse yeah I just want to clarify something you say taking care of the sense in which that's true is no different from the sense in which it's true for anybody else in my family when it was all settled when the lawsuit was done did you think was a fair settlement no but I didn't have enough information to understand in what way it wasn't and at the time again it's a very long time ago and I was very close with my grandmother so a lot of it for me was wrapped up in the quite obviously devastation I felt when she let us go so easily because of money so that was much more important to me than the other side of it and it certainly made the the dealing with the you know the money issues harder because but it was all about the money wasn't it I'm a trump you know I everything's about money in this family but I'm also different from them and for me what I understood and one of the reasons it was so devastating was that money stood in for everything else it was literally the only currency the family traffic did your brother's not happy with the book I believe that my brother is entitled to his privacy and his opinion and I am completely supportive of whatever relationship he has with my family and whatever choices he makes this is a hard question but I'm gonna ask it anyway is is is writing the book an extension of the dysfunction of the family probably you know I didn't write it as a form of therapy or anything like that in fact I would have preferred not to write it it was quite difficult and I sometimes feel I would have been better off not knowing some of the things I now know she packed a lot into the book and we're gonna have a lot more tomorrow with Mary Trump all right she certainly has a lot to say George well hey there GMA fans Robin Roberts here thanks for checking out are you channel lots of great stuff here so go on click the subscribe button right over right over here to get more of awesome videos and content from GMA every day any time we thank you for watching and we'll see you in the morning on GMA
Channel: Good Morning America
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Keywords: Mary, Trump, book, George, Stephanopoulos, interview, politics, White, House, niece, GMA, ABC, News, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-71793100, trump niece, trump book, mary trump book, too much and never enough, mary trump book highlights, mary trump book revelations, mary trump book release, mary trump interview, trump niece new book, too much and never enough mary trump, trump grandfather, trump family, us news, good morning america, 메리 트럼프, 트럼프 조카, 트럼프 대통령
Id: ZCN_jn58PY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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