Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen on Their Full House Memories

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well first of all uh we we I don't know why we don't hang out more I adore them and and you're just like such an amazing story you're like just so successful and what a what an amazing career that y'all have had thank you and continue to have it's been a long one so far yeah I mean you started it like six months old or something right on Full House we were six months old and then from there it just kind of but don't they usually get rid of the babies and then just recast over kids always I mean that's just a flare that you stayed the kids yeah and do you do you remember like what's your earliest member memory of that there's quite a few I'm not sure if they're memories or old footage right right yeah but we remember small things like being in a shower with days was talking about the show so let's um I wish I had done a sitcom so I'd have footage of my childhood because I have no memory of my child and at least you have that you know and then and and then you end up being like very very successful fashion designers which I like I said I love your clothes I I wear them all the time on the show and when I was campaigning to be on the cover of uh of Oprah's magazine y'all got in touch with us and wanted to dress me for the cover of O which I was very flat that was amazing we have it framed in the office well I have it framed too uh that was what I was wearing on the cover of oh not the best way to show off your stuff we were so excited we're such big fans of you and it was just really exciting for us to make something for you well thanks so much yeah I loved I mean I loved everything I wore I think three different we did three different covers and every cover was was your outfits and and you have three different lines is that right you have the row which is what I'm wearing we have the row Elizabeth and James and Olsen boy because you started I mean your company is is you know a billion dollar company and you started at like age 10 being in these meetings did you know what was going on at that age we think we knew what was going on but I think it was just about listening and understanding and and learning the process and it's a completely different language you know learning about finances and branding and there's so many different elements to the process to creating something that it was our parents really just felt strongly about us being in those meetings whether we really understood it or not that we started to understand the language of right the business but most people wouldn't actually get involved you'd sit back and obviously you've done very well and you just kind of coast and but what made you get into fashion what was the the impetus for like I'm going to create a line um we've done it when we were 10 and it was um it was once again for mass and was for kids and that was extremely successful um and then we decided to go away go to school move to New York and take a step back and figure out what we really wanted to do and that was still something I think we were both extremely interested in but we wanted to do it with full control and we wanted to do it our way right also when we were younger we always took adult clothing and cut it down to to fit us right we sort of understood fit and quality and and you have different styles but when you were growing up you were dressed alike a lot because you had to be dressed alike right that they kind of or did you want to be dressed alike it was alike but different it was always a life but like the same dress but red or black or I was the girly one and she was the sporty one so it was you know it wasn't nothing it wasn't by choice I don't think I think right you know as when we sort of I don't know 6 15 16 probably 12 and 13 we were really doing it ourselves um all right we have to uh we have to take a break and we come back uh I I since y'all are so kind you got me things I I got you something as well we'll be back your mom was very stylish growing up right is that where you're sort of influenced by her definitely I think you know that's where our big glasses came from and definitely maybe some scars and the layering yeah you hang out all all the time together are you together as much as we think or we just see photos are y'all best friends yeah probably more than everyone thinks I know we're together every day probably from 9am till 12 at night sometimes but you don't live together no would you want to live together would that be too much you know we've started thinking about it again recently that's the first time maybe we thought our furniture would go really well together and we did buy clothing yeah two chairs just in case because you would you would have I mean you obviously I know you you say you're somewhat different but you have you you kind of not at the same time you're you're connected in such a way that you you think probably and and and think of the same thing at the same time and when you're apart do you have the thing that that twins talk about where you can you know if something's happening with her if somebody's hurt or not if something I think we just you get that feeling I don't I don't know what how to really explain it I definitely feel it and and also you know we're we're mirror twins so we also kind of go like this so one of us is you know is really good the other one's maybe not so good it's just this kind of this balancing is that good so you help the other person when they're down that's better yeah well you both have really great attitudes just what from what the things I've read that you've you've written about yourselves and just the kind of things you explore in life and your attitudes about everything and just amazing and positive and Scandal free and that's pretty rare in this business [Music] so you're known for like you know certain things right yeah so I had something made for both of you big bags all right [Applause] you're welcome thank you hello you two how are you good good I haven't seen you all in a long time but I know that you're coming to La a lot because every time I go to shop something's on hold for you that I wanted it's taken almost every item we have won really yes we will obviously you have a good eye too because every every time I go in there there's a store that that obviously we both shop at and I go in and there was a lamp I wanted and they were like oh that's for them and I said let me know if it's off hold and then and then you bought some other sometimes I just want to take the little red stickers off and just say that it's not for me yeah I said well that that's not fair that's cheating um and what are you doing in La a lot is it is it for the fragrance or what are you coming here for well this trip we were here for the fragrance but we're building a store here oh good so we're very excited do you know their clothing line the row it's fantastic when is it opening hopefully in a month in a month I hope so and where is it it's on Melrose Place on on a little strip on Miller's Place yeah oh that's a great area yeah we're excited it's um construction's very difficult yes it is it's very frustrating yes um slower than you think there yeah and the first this is our first store so a lot of surprises is it you don't have a store in New York no not yet this is our first store why wouldn't you open your store in New York first before La since you lived there this was a space that my sister and I grew up going to and there's a pool in the center it used to be an old hair salon oh where Sally hershberger's places yeah and so that's that's it's a great space we were looking in New York Los Angeles as well and this came up first so not only do you go buy really cool clothes but it's a cool environment yes oh that's great now when you see people wearing your clothing do you get excited and go hey that's mine I mean they must know if sometimes if they see you they must know what it is do you take photos of them I've chased a couple people down the street because I think that would be really cool to see people wearing something that you designed it is it's it's one of the best highest compliments yes and um yeah it's really amazing that y'all started out on Full House I mean to to start in a career and to be business women and to be successful because a lot of people start at this they try and it's not nearly as successful but so and full house is still on I know that people still watch the show to this day like you know my producer Mary's daughter watches every single day every time it's on and people love the show still no it's incredible yeah um I guess people who grew up with us are now having kids and now their kids are watching it and um it's it's still relevant yeah and it's amazing and everybody's still around because there was that Super Bowl commercial with Bob Saget and um and John Stamos and and so Bob Saget has a new book out saying that he did a lot of inappropriate uh jokes do you remember the jokes when you were on set they were very inappropriate we probably didn't even talk about it here they were but they were three comedians we grew up with three comedians that um just had fun together and you know normally you let an audience go if you're taping we used to film actually on the Warner Brothers lot as well so a couple doors down and um you would let them go by like 11 10 and they would you know film until three o'clock in the morning really yeah they'd have to let the audience go you would be there as as well okay fine mine yeah because that's when they'd be the most inappropriate right I would think um all right so when you look at when you do you ever watch the show if it's on if you stumble a sometimes and do you know who's who do you know if you're looking at you or Mary Kate I think when we got a little older um but I feel like photos are gonna pop up any second I want to know if you can tell the difference I'm going to show you a picture and you tell me if you know who it is if you guys know no so you can just make it up but do you know who that is maybe me okay we don't know we don't know do you know who that is do you have any memories at that age these pictures are ridiculous show me a picture from my first season and I have no idea so I can't I think this is too young for me to yeah it's not fair it's a ridiculous game okay okay you're on the left I'm on the left Mary Kate's on the right how do you know that because Mary Kate still makes that face too really we're back with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen and there's uh something on BuzzFeed that says uh that twins hate certain uh things that people say to you because people must say the same thing all the time which is what well for us I think it's more like are you Mary or Kate or are you Mary Kate and Ashley oh wait are you the Ashley twin are you the Ashley they'll say that to one of you yeah so you know I'm one of them yes exactly so is the the reason you did two fragrances is it because you each had a different thing in mind it kind of started with the packaging someone a part of Sephora they said you know why don't why don't we just do another fragrance and it made sense because our brand is about Duality and we wanted to be able to offer options so anybody could wear it really yes Sandalwood one thing vanilla I can't oh yeah that's very very feminine I haven't been on TV I was hoping when I looked at it that it was before I really didn't know all right so we're gonna play a game and I'm gonna give you uh paddles and you're gonna say if it's me or her and I don't know the questions either so we'll see if this is fun or not we'll decide um all right who is the messiest well someone has to be Messier I asked for a boat oh you're both all right who is uh who was the first to get kissed you must have discussed this me you've never discussed that I don't remember no do you remember your first kiss um no somebody asked me that the other day I was so embarrassed not to like have some fabulous story yeah it probably wasn't a good kiss I mean I would think who is the funniest who could survive in Naked and Afraid do you know that show naked and afraid they drop people off naked and then they get afraid in the middle of nowhere and they have to make it for 25 days and uh sign up for that people do sign up and people watch it too there is no reward there's no prize there's no money there's no nothing they're just on TV Naked and Afraid who can talk their way out of a parking ticket uh who's a better dancer who's the better singer I don't think we're very good I admire people who know they can't sing some people don't know and they sing foreign
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 1,032,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: zxWyXsZ2AH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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