Marvel's Midnight Suns Purge the Witch

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I still cannot believe I am letting you go through with this I cannot believe that smell oh that genuine Pine ran out of new car in vanilla Nella you're welcome are you ready someone is she has been all over me ever since I put this thing on yes there may be some familiarity between your hound and several of the components we procured to create your suit right shutting up stay there girl I will be home soon I will hold it open for as long as I can but you told me oneway trip something must be generating that barrier take it out and I swear we'll get you home anytime [Music] no Charlie no wa Charlie have you lost your mind you know better than to jump in a strange portal how did you get past all that demonic energy right of course demon dog demon energy well now that you're here just lead the way the suit must be working they cannot see us good girl exactly I believe that machine is the source of our demonic barrier problem now I will deactivate it and you will be incredibly quiet [Music] agreed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sorry the barrier is down I think it worked maybe too well any ideas girl [Music] Banner's device the key to so many doors such a brilliant mind now so Twisted you have no idea Hunter the others abandoned you didn't they sent you off on a Fool's errand and left you to die I know the feeling you don't have to answer I see it in your mind we both know mother will never leave you you will never have to be alone again again again they are not alone Wanda neither are you I know ready take this I'm on it to your friend your corruption will inra please we don't want to hurt you hurt me hurt me you will never hurt me again giving up again of course you are it's what you're best at Ilana I am not giving up on you w none of us have none of us ever will save your life lies for agath ven that passage you can't save her no one [Music] can do you have any idea what you have just done I'm not so sure [Music] [Music] anymore [Music] yes I knew you'd do [Music] it welcome home it is all right I would be scared too but I want to assure you I am not going to hurt you but what if I hurt you that is not going to happen but we were I was it is okay you're still just a little confused it will pass Wanda you are back at the Abbey with your friends W I know we have met before but they call me the hunter sorry I I don't feel like myself it might be a good long while before you do and there is nothing wrong with that but I feel wrong the things I did Lilith made you do do those things they were not your will but it felt like my will until you you were the one who absorbed the darkness from me weren't you you brought me back I did how are you still standing okay enough with a third degree I know what we should do celebrate celebrate what your return du I'm sorry Nico but I'm tired I should probably get some sleep it's been a long time since I've slept yes you should rest we will talk in the morning love you Wanda love you too you did well back there Hunter oh I wish I could see Banner's face when he realizes we swipe this thing back from him do you think I'll get a curse you Stark fist shaking in the air it's kind of cliche I know but I'd still love [Music] it I do not care for theatrics but I do hope you get your wish oh yeah can you picture it Banner standing there in the empty spot where this accelerator used to be realizing Tony Stark got him good I will leave you to enjoy your prize Tony thanks I just got to figure out the best way to get this thing into the forge going to be up all night with this baby HRA oh you freaking did it hunt you brought her back and you didn't totally screw it up I hope you know what you did tonight means a lot to me and the rest of the midnight Suns you uh reunited our Twisted little family of outcasts and um we're never going to forget it we are chosen family now Nico and I will always fight to protect family if you're trying to make me cry you're doing a bang up job look at me I'm making a mess of my mascara you okay more than okay Wanda's back everything is going to be better around here now just wait and see
Channel: TarnishedGamer
Views: 454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel's Midnight Suns, PS5Share
Id: 8iLhLL1Perg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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